Thursday, March 29, 2012

Random Thursday musings and a few updates and a giveaway!

Thank you Jennifer over at The Pink Pagoda for featuring me and her purchase from my store today! She bought my monogrammed linens and features them in her post. Pop over if you want to here.


Hi there......hope you are having a smooth week. Over here things are going well, busy but manageable. Definitely under control and not nearly as frantic as last week. Could not have handled a week like last week, would have put me over!  So first a few things happening with the house and then some news with my online store, a giveaway for one of my new scrumptious crystal hurricane candles  and then some odds and ends. Would love to hear whats happening over in your world.............

Over at the house.....since we decided to keep the dining rug which I have to say I absolutely love now, I have just started working on choosing fabrics for the dining chairs. We decided to go for an EJ Victor Newport Collection dining chair which is part of the same grouping as the table. It was hard to find a table as wide as we needed so we are keeping this EJ Victor table which looks good in the room. I am just about ready to start working on the chinoiserie and choosing the colors and the patterns. It was a gloomy and much cooler day on Sunday and a few of my planters were in need of fresh flowers and I decided to do some replanting with fresh spring flowers, want to share with you how pretty they came out!

Started making them outside........

And added them to my island......

Got the antique mirror done in my bathroom! I love it, haven't put in the rosettes yet because I am still deciding which ones I want and what I will do in the side panels, waiting till my sconces come, in, yes those sconces as in the ones I have been waiting on only for oh about 5 months and counting! I know they will be worth the wait and have yet to see anything that I know will work as perfectly as those will. Also ordered the linen fabric for the window treatments. It worked and I just wanted to do it, and be done with it. So hopefully within a few weeks I will have window treatments....yippee!

The fabric now am on the prowl for a pretty blue tassel fringe to dress it up a bit. 

So got in this enormous dough bowl for a customer. The dough bowls I sell are not replicas but the real McCoy which makes them so two are alike! This customer requested a very large one, this I swear could double as a mini canoe! It measures about 19" wide and nearly 42" long..but its spectacular!!!!! I swear I wanted to kidnap it.

Then I decided to play for how my Easter breakfast table might look .......and you know it had to be blue and white..take a look! It is so unlike me to do this ahead of time but I was just having fun, and was home for the day it gave me a few fun ideas and when it comes to blue and white I get very inspired!

 Then repotted a planter in the family room that needed a little TLC...........

Thanks to you all for your wonderful and invaluable feedback on some of the more colorful pieces of porcelain and whether or not I should start carrying them. You spoke, I listened and as of this morning I have added a number of those pieces! I agree they are beautiful and are a great compliment to what is already offered.  And for those who asked about the birds, they are being added later today!

In addition, I will be adding another much requested item...... Chandelier/sconce lampshades! I know the frustration firsthand of finding great looking lampshades, they will be listed in the next day or two.

Also, really excited about a  line of candles I am over the moon to introduce, was hoping to get this line!!  I first discovered them while staying at the Ritz Carlton in New Orleans...if you have ever had the pleasure of visiting there, you were no doubt hit by the most delicious gardenia scent to hit mankind and its the scent of these heavenly candles, triple scented in the most beautiful crystal hurricanes. Well I tracked them down and here they are!! I am delighted to be carrying them. For any serious candle connoisseur I personally guarantee these candles, a single candle permeates several rooms and they smell as beautiful as they look! They are poured into GORGEOUS crystal hurricanes that are alone just beautiful pieces so you have a stunning piece even when the candle is gone. This company even offers to refill the candle for a nominal fee. A very very special line that I cannot recommend highly enough! Will be listed online in the next day.....Click here to visit my store.

The first one is huge sure to last many many months and this single one can permeate an entire house, 60 ounces poured into this huge 12' crystal hurricane perfect for any large room....

These smaller ones stand about 5-6" and are 10 ounces are perfect for a bedroom, guest room, powder room or bathroom.......

Now that giveaway I mentioned! To celebrate the launch of these candles...I am offering a giveaway for one of the smaller ones to one lucky winner. Just leave a comment here after visiting my store (click here) and tell  me your favorite item. If you want a second chance you can leave a a comment on The Enchanted Homes' Facebook page. That's it! I will announce a winner Sat. morning. The contest closes Friday night. Be sure to check back Saturday morning.

Got so many emails from happy customers this past week, it left a permanent smile on my face, I swear! It made even those hairy days worth it:) I even got a few pictures which was fun and satisfying for me to see people enjoying and loving their new purchases!! I got this picture in from one of my customers and she said it was fine if I shared it thought it came out so pretty! She took one of my beautiful silver bowls and planted an orchid in it....beautiful don't you think? Thanks for sharing and keep those pictures coming!

I have to share a special and moving story with you. We are inundated with stories of sadness, violence and doom. I cling onto stories of hope, redemption and second chances. We need to spread those as much as any other. A fellow blogger, someone who I have met through blogging, Sharon, a fashion blogger is one of those people who is just incredibly warm,vivacious and gregarious, her personality shines through loud and clear. Though I have never met her in real life, I feel like I know her personality through her blog and it translates well in how she writes. She made an announcement about a week ago that she was about to embark on something really big and would be out of commission for a bit. Admittedly the first thought that crossed my mind was cosmetic surgery (call me vain). Not that she needs it, she is really beautiful, but lets face it when a woman takes a "hiatus" that's as logical reason as any:) Well... a few days later we found out she had donated a kidney to someone who was in very dire condition. What a beautiful thing! She saved someones life and therefore that woman's family too! It is a beautiful and touching story to read. Because Sharon didn't even know this person and happened to read about this story on Facebook. She is truly a beautiful person inside and out and our world needs more people like Sharon. I was moved to tears reading her account of this experience and felt compelled to share it with you. If you care to pop on over just to say a quick hello and maybe drop a line of support or a well wish, I know she would be thrilled. Click here to visit. (This is part 1 of 2 and why she chose to donate her kidney)

Sharon post op.......can you believe she looks so glamorous!!!!!!! Hope you are feeling great Sharon!

Thanks for stopping in and letting me ramble.........wishing everyone a fabulous day!
Thanks to the two Barbara's for my fun guest posts the last two days, I was honored to have been included in both of your lovely blogs!!



  1. Your Easter table is gorgeous! So pretty. Still trying to decide about ordering a planter. With the weather improving, my thoughts are turning to outside. There are too many wonderful items in your store to have to pick just one favorite! I'm always in the market for a nice smelling candle. Thanks for the opportunity! Enjoy the rest of the week.

  2. As always such lovely photos. Your house is gorgeous. I love blue and white, it is always so beautiful and classic. I collect Wedgewood Jasperware in the blue and white colour scheme, its very elegant. My favorite item would have to be the Decorative box with brass accents, but it is a hard choice as the other porcelain is stunning also.

    And thank you for sharing that story. Its inspiring to hear a positive story amoungst all the negativity around these days. There is still good in the world.

  3. I especially loved the hydrangea in the beautiful blue and white vases. Hope to see them in your store. And thank you for sharing the story of the gift of life. As a nephrology social worker I know what this means to the recipient. What a beautiful and inspirational story.

  4. Hi Tina,
    Thank you so much for sharing Sharon's story. I will definitely be visiting her blog and leaving her grateful comments. In my earlier nursing days I specialized in dialysis (people who's kidneys did not function) and ironically my own father was in need of a kidney and was lucky enough to receive one. So Sharon's courage and generousity has a special place in my heart.
    On a lighter note, as I read in bed last night, I lit my new Seda France candle and was so happy and content with such a nice aroma surrounding me!!
    Have a great day!

  5. Tina you have put my favorite flowers into your gorgeous blue and white cachepots! Your new candle collection is wonderful I would love , love this (one day my granddaughter Isabella was over and said to me " Mimi Karena you must LOVE candles!!"

    I am still wanting your artichoke garden statuary! Adore.
    Tina every time I see you home I notice something that I hadn't on my last visit!

    Off to visit Sharon!

    Art by Karena
    The 2012 Artist Series

  6. Oh, the mirror in your bathroom....and the fabric. LOVE! Congrats on doing so well with the online venture....I knew it would be a success. I am sure I will be visiting as soon as I can get all of the furniture and soft goods nailed down over here. Have a great day!

  7. The mirror looks beautiful, Tina, as do your blue and white planters with hydrangeas. I was excited to see my/your orchid-planted silver bowl. It is a beautiful addition to my breakfast table...and no polishing! How great is that? I am a candle freak and love the look of your new hurricanes. I am off to your shop to check them out. Last, but certainly not least, Sharon is a hero! What a wonderful gift she gave.
    XO Victoria

  8. Wow you have covered so much in this post. Your future Easter breakfast table could so easily be on a magazine cover, absolutely breathtaking! Love your island with all that blue and white and spring flowers. Beautiful.
    The ant. mirror in your bathroom was a great choice too. Gives me a good idea for my own, thank you.
    Sharons story is so inspirational, I am going to go visit her. Please count me in for your exquisite candle giveaway, those are so beautiful. I would love to win and I just ordered two of your beautiful porcelains and one of your silver trays for my vanity, cannot wait to get them. I would eventually love a dough bowl, they are really beautiful.
    Thanks for all you share Tina, hope you have a great day. I love your customers orchid too in that silver dish. Have a great day.

  9. That dough bowl is amazing! So are all the porcelains, so is everything! I love all your potted blue and whites too, that table is so beautiful Tina, I think I would leave it like that all the time, Easter or no Easter!!
    Thanks for sharing the story about Easter, we had a very kind person donate a kidney for my brother many years ago so we know how its the goodness of strangers that make miracles happen and Sharon is one of these "angels" I will stop by her blog to send her a cyber hug.
    Thanks for all you do too, spreading a lot of beauty and joy everytime you post. I love coming here, always so many beautiful things to see! You sprinkle the world with beauty!

  10. Sorry meant thanks for sharing the story about Sharon!

  11. I love everything in your store but especially the porcelain and the cutting boards. What lovely choices! The story about the blogger giving her kidney almost brought me to tears.


  12. I love all the new additions to your shop Tina and those candles are simply stunning. Of course the story about your blogger friend is simply wonderful--so glad I read it at the start of my day!

  13. Sticking with the candle theme, I would have to say the candle in Viennese Blooms.

  14. Hi Tina- Not sure what happened before- I typed in a LONG comment and I couldn't get it to post- Not YOUR fault- my own, I think...

    Anyway-What a wonderful, full of fun and information, blog today. I love the planters you did for the island..and used on the table top,too (?) They are just gorgeous. I have to say that even though you have a large house with a commanding presence-when you enter the door is is homey and warm. You have done an admirable job choosing fixtures and accessories that make it feel that way.

    I am so tickled your shop has been such a success for you. It is just a wonderful place and your items would add grace and charm to anyone's home. I hope it settles down soon so that you don't burn out. You have had a LOT going on in the last few months and even those of us with "high energy" finds that things take their toll.

    Blessings to your friend that gave so much life to another soul. There are those out there that give so unselfishly that it humbles me. I don't know that I could be that generous unless it was a family member.

    Have a great day, Tina. We are coming down home row with clearing out our friend's home. It is so sad to see that he had so little and even that was given to makes me feel blessed for what I have and guilty somehow, if that makes sense. Take good care- xo Diana

    ps. Thanks for popping in and visiting my little blog when you have time- you are something else, girl!

  15. Wow tina, the hydrangeas, tulips and azaleas look fab in the blue and white containers! Really beautiful in your kitchen and on the breakfast table.. I just love getting plants organized in planters throughout my house.. It adds so much! I feel like my home is naked without them!
    Thanks for sharing.. I love each and every photo!

  16. As always, an enjoyable post with lots of pictures. Love how your bathroom is shaping up. How do you keep the two blue and white jars from falling off the tub? Envious of your planters. I am about to get on a plane (26 hours to my destination, including 2 stop overs) and be away for 3 weeks - otherwise, I would be copying them right now! In fact, I am eyeing that stunning green planter with the birds on it. Sharon is an amazing and inspiring woman!!!! bebettcruz(at)yahoo(dot)com

  17. Wow...I am truly honored and touched to have been featured here and also by all the lovely comments. I truly want to stop by each and every one to thank them. Tina, your warm personality shines through on your blog as well, and I consider you also a wonderful blog friend! Your taste is impeccable and looking at your photos is a dreamy escape for me. I know I've said this before but I also LOVE the blue and white transferware and what you did on your kitchen island is a dream!
    Thankfully I am feeling so much better today but I'm sure all of your support has been a huge part of my recovery! Have a wonderful day and thank you again!

  18. I'm very excited about those little shades, I really need some! For now though the pretty guest towels are still my favourite thing in the shop. Dough bowls are a close second.

  19. Hi Tina,
    I would love one of the dough bowls and am really wanting to purchase one. I also am loving the new candle line you are going to carry. The candles look beautiful.

  20. I LOVE Candles, and the ones in your store are beautiful. I would love to win! I love everything in your store, but one thing that caught my eye were the leopard and zebra print needlepoint pillows. I love the zebra one that has the green border... LOVE IT!!

    Leslie Carrigan

  21. Hello Tina,
    I'm glad you decided to add some more of the porcelain items. I am still LOVING the aqua and brown toile little plate/platter/tray. And I'm thrilled you are going to carry these darling chandy shades. I love the pleated taupe one. Beautiful. Crossing my fingers to win the darling little hurricane candle. What fun.

  22. Faith - Interiors UniqueMarch 29, 2012 at 9:47 AM

    Good Morning Tina,

    I am just loving your new online store. I love the new porcelain items, but I would like to see more ginger jars in different sizes. So cute, I hope I win the little hurricane candle.

  23. I love the wood kitchen items especially the dou bowls. Thank you for a very generous giveaway.

  24. Love the candles and gardenia is my favorite scent!!! Think I will order the tall one as soon as you have them up on the site! This just gets better and better!! Now I am off to your FB page to leave a comment!!!

  25. The news about Sharon made my morning, what a wonderful story. It is lovely to see that news shared alongside the 'more standard' fare regarding design and style, like you, I enjoy seeing both topics discussed. The hydrangeas are *gorgeous*, wow! (Besides, I don't think I can ever see too much blue/white!) Love the fabric you selected, so, so pretty!

    Sending you a smile,

  26. Hello! I love to see your beautiful home as you add new things here and there. I love love LOVE the mirror. Such a nice addition to that room. I can't wait for the full "tour" of everything. Wish I could just hop on a plan, fly up to NY and spend the day rambling through your home. As to your shop, it is so hard to narrow it down, but I love the guest towels,and the silver, and I really want a dough bowl. See, I told you I couldn't narrow it down :0! Thanks so much for the giveaway. And thanks for sharing such an inspiration story. What a reminder that there are still lots of good people in this world. Have a blessed day!

  27. I love the FOOTED BAMBINI ORNAMENT planter

  28. What treasures you carry in yor online store. Hard to choose a favorite. Today's foavorite would have to be the large heavily detailed planter! Beautiful!! So many stunning choices!

  29. Everything is looking gorgeous Tina... I love the sound of those candles.... gardenia is one of my favourite fragrances... xv

  30. I love everything in your store, Tina, but especially all of your canvas prints. I would purchase the two dogs and frame them out as well. Can't wait until the gardenia candles are available - I can smell them already!
    Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway!

  31. Hi Tina, I recently found your blog (apparently I have been under a rock) and love the story you posted about Sharon. I just went and left her a comment, how inspiring. Your new house is beautiful and I look forward to reading more. Love your blue and white Easter table.

  32. Thanks for sharing such a lovely, uplifting story. Sharon is a hero! My brother had a kidney transplant 12 years ago and will probably need another before to long. None of our immediate family was a candidate to donate, so he was fortunate to receive the gift from someone else. That kind of generosity is unparalleled and I am forever grateful for it. Glad to see Sharon recovering and looking so well.

    On a less serious, but also happy note, your blue and white makes me smile! So lovely. Have a beautiful day, Tina! XO

  33. Tina, your online store is amazing... so many unique items and ALL are so elegant and hard to find in the local stores. I am a pillow NUT and every one of the AUBUSSON PILLOWs.. (especially the Pheasant ones) are gorgeous!
    BTW, I can tell you the fragrance coming from my computer when I saw the fabulous crystal candles was breath taking!!!... no joking!!!! I am so enjoying your journey in the new home... you have such amazing talents, thx for sharing...

  34. Wow... you have me intrigued with these candles. Just beautiful!! Been a fan for a while. Love your blog and store. Thanks for sharing Sharon's story.

  35. love, love all the pretty:)

  36. Everything in your store is just lovely, and so tasteful. It is so nice to see someone following their heart, and showing pieces that stand the test of time. Your items will not be "out of style" in a year or two. ONE of my favorites is the large blue and white planter. I can see all sorts of things stationed in it. Your blog is like a refreshing little spot, away from my hum-drum life. Thanks!

  37. I am loving your store so much,a weekly stop isn't enough! So Dailey I sigh over the ornate silver trays! I am also in love with the Beautiful ornate Gold French mirror!

  38. The candles are lovely and very, "Steel Magnolias", take me away to the sweet smell of a summer evening! Your selection of items are beautiful.... I love that you take the time to add one of a kind items.

    This site will definitely become one of my go to sites for unique gift items! Thanks for the gorgeous store!


  39. Tina,

    Everything was beautiful in this post, your store items are always in my mind and I can't stop thinking about the lanterns. I want one for above my island and that's on my wish-list. But what really mattered to me here was Sharon's story. I will not forget that.

    Have a wonderful day, my friend.


    Luciane at

  40. Good morning. Tina!
    Wow! A story of such amazing generosity sure puts everything into perspective, doesn't it? Sharon is a saint! And your store is heavenly! (quite a transition, eh?!)

  41. Although I am in the middle of a major move, I take the time each day to enjoy your postings and pictures, Tina! It is the highlight of my day, as I sit and admire the beautiful furnishings, colors and the calm they inspire in me. Kudos to all your effort, time and are an amazing woman (with tons of energy, I would have to think!!) Our homes are the way we create the perfect environment for our families and you help inspire us daily! Thanks! Always look forward to our "visit" each day!

  42. I love Sharon. I got to know her a bit when I did her blog design for her and she is just the sweetest girl out there. The more I find out about her the more I admire her. Honestly, who would look so glamorous after surgery? The girl is a babe.

    Love your blue hydrangeas... they are my fave! Can't wait for mine to bloom. So glad you went for the pug chairs, they add so much fun and personality to the room! xoxo

  43. Sharon's story is amazing. Thanks for sharing - she's an amazing woman.

    Tina, I love the way you are grouping all your blue and whites together and the new plants look so pretty. Your table setting is perfect with the linens and plate settings.

    Great new additions to your store and those candles sound wonderful!!


  44. I'm always in a search for nice candles ... gardenia is one of my favorite!

    Thank you for sharing Sharon's story. She is a beautiful person both inside and out.

  45. Tina, I just wanted to add that I see an uptick in blue & white in decor all over the blog. And I think YOU are personally responsible. ha ha.
    I can attest to that fact in my own life anyway. You have helped me to rediscover my LOVE for blue and white. Thank you.

  46. could live in that bathroom. the mirror is amazing, and your eye for fabric choices--oy yoy yoy--divine.

    i am about to bake some pain du chocolat with my 12 y.o. niece. there are few things that smell better than that wafting through these halls. she likes cooking/baking, and last night i was explaining to her half jokingly that it makes people love you and feel truly indebted to you (my 17 yr old son rolled his eyes and told her to plug her ears).

    and i'm off!


  47. What a truly moving and inspirational story about Sharon. Can you imagine looking as beautiful as her right after surgery?! What a woman!!

    I have stayed at the Ritz Carlton in New Orleans countless times and have had several of those candles so I can honestly say that are FABULOUS! The scent is so heavenly and it does permeate the house. Everyone always wanted to know where I got them. They are beautiful even when you don't have them lit. The last time I was there they were out of them, so I'm thrilled to know you will be carrying them in your store. My favorite item in your store right now is the silver tray (the one you said you have in your bathroom) I bought the smaller oval shaped one and it is amazing!

    Your planters looks so gorgeous with the blue hydrangeas, and so perfect for an Easter table. Do you ever sleep?!! I'm amazed by all that you are able to accomplish. Have a wonderful day Tina!

  48. what a beautiful post! A moving story - what an amazing woman - to be so selfless and so generous to a stranger. It gladdens my heart to read stories like this! and your beautiful planters and hydrangeas are beautiful too!


  49. You are such a dear to share that beautiful, inspiring story. Thank you. My favorite items in your gorgeous shop are the small paintings on boad of children, specifically the four little ones. I'm so in love with it and hope I receive it for my birthday (6/25) from my sweet husband. Though these lovely little candles will do the trick for now. Gardenia is my favorite scent and yes, I had noticed the lingering smell at the Ritz Carlton in New Orleans. Happy to know their secret!!! Mine now too! :) Thanks, Tina. Have a blessed day.

  50. I love everything in your shop! I love the gold handpainted tole planter. Your house is looking beautiful and I am looking forward to seeing more as you decorate it.

  51. GM Tina, I am in love with all the blue and white on your Easter table, so beautiful, I did a post on blue and white for Easter today full of inspiration, Your images would have fit right in the post beautifully.
    The dough bowl is amazing, need to think about getting one, seriously, thinking.
    The story of Sharon is so touching, Wow! is the word that came out of my mouth when I read it, Thanks for sharing pretties, and heart warming stories,
    xo kathysue

  52. Your pillows AND your silver are my absolute faves! Thanks for the chance to win something beautiful!

  53. love Love LOVE the candles - they are gorgeous in those hurricanes. I also loved the silver dish your customer potted the orchid in - it's gorgeous. I also am in love with the bulldog fabric on your dining chairs - very clever choice! And thank you for the inspiring story on the kidney donation - I'm off to read her blog now...

  54. Tina, it's finally beginning to look like your home with all your wonderful touches. And many thanks for the inspirational story of Sharon and her selfless gift to another--what a wonderful story for Easter season!
    The shop is looking wonderful; my favorites ars still the topiaries, but the SW16 cachepot has caught my eye every time.

  55. I so love your collection of blue & white in your kitchen!! It's just perfection! I'm so coming to your house for easter! I haven't even thought about Easter, except for Edward's outfits. Yes, there will be wardrobe changes. I will send you a pic of him all dressed up. I know you will appreciate it ;) It's so amazing to me that you're finally in your house! I'm so happy you get to spend Easter in your beautiful home. I Thank you for sharing that beautiful story. My Monkle (my uncle who's a monk, I know) donated a kidney many years ago. I think he got more out of it than the little girl did. My husband's grandmother also donated a kidney to her husband. She likes to threaten to take it back ;) He's celebrating his 90th birthday in April! It is a truly beautiful and selfless thing to do for someone. Finally, I'm really loving those candles. How can I pick one favorite thing from your store? I guess, the one thing I have my eye on and will probably buy soon are those pink staffordshire dogs. I love them! First, I need to damage control since I went on a spring wardrobe buying spree for Edward. He's going to be wearing lots of pink this summer. I love a boy in pink :) This is the longest comment ever, but I feel like I've been absent for so long so I have to make up for it:)

  56. Oh my word! The blue and white is so gorgeous--you have inspired my Easter table! Thank you!

  57. Thank you for taking the time to blog. It is such a delight to see your beautiful home take shape. I just love the blue and white--since my family comes from Holland, it holds a special meaning--I inherited some lovely delft pieces.
    Your easter decoration has inspired me....

  58. Joy (Comfort and Joy)March 29, 2012 at 12:48 PM

    You have a knack for combining hard/soft. The The pots, planters, dishes are uniquely beautiful but when combined with living breathing plant life, each beautiful and fragrant, the visual impact becomes a work of art. Thanks for the inspiration.

  59. Hi Tina, I relish the appearance of your blog each morning. I know I'm not alone when I say I 'live vicariously' with the ins and outs of the developments of your new and gorgeous home! Your newest venture in your shop is also exciting. If I was forced to choose ONE item, it would have to be the darling little girl with her geese. It must have a story to it! Keep up the excitement.....


  60. The story about Sharon is the most beautiful story I have heard in a while! How generous.
    Your table and the kitchen just have me drooling! SO beautiful, and the mirror... gorgeous.
    I love your blue and while collection and the mustard porcelain. I am seriously in love with the linens.
    Have a great day, friend.

  61. Oh now, your kitchen looks sooo pretty with the potted blooms! Gotta love hydrangeas~and then they looked so fantastic in the breakfast room. I have to say everytime I see the dog fabric I smile. I just love that it is a whimsical notion in such a grand space, sure to put anyone at ease. Oh you are one busy lady!!! Doing a great job as always and sharing the joys and generosities of others is so nice of you! Bravo Sharon!!

  62. It is very difficult to choose, so many lovely items. I am very partial to blue & white & love the large planter with the pretty handles. As far as selecting a "profile" to publush my comment, my only option (I am not too tech savvy) is anonymous but, I am jlmor.

  63. Hello Tina:

    Love all if the items in your shop especially the silver!

  64. Hi Tina- What a magnificent post. You have covered it all, flowers, beauty in the home, gorgeous porcelains,gardening, human interest,!
    Love the antique mirror in your bathroom, just beautiful.
    And that Easter table, it could not be any prettier, you really have the magic touch.
    How wonderful of you to share the story of Sharon, and what a wonderful human being she is to have done such a kind act. I love hearing stories like this.
    Those new candles you will soon carry are devine, I will definitely be indulging in those, I have a weakness for great candles. Love your store, my favorite things are the silver and European kitchen items but truth be told, I love it all. I got my canvas art of the dogs yesterday and LOVE IT! I am getting it framed tomorrow. It is really beautiful and will go in my husbands study. Thank you for offering such beautiful things at such affordable prices. Have a lovely afternoon.

  65. The candles are gorgeous!! I would love to win. My absolute favorite item in your store is the lemon & artichoke topiaries. LOVE!!!

  66. love love love your home, taste and all your gorgeous blue and white, the flowers, the ant. mirror and of course that stunning kitchen. I can't wait to see all those rooms done!

    Gorgeous new porcelains and great score on the candles! I love that they are in reusable hurricanes, when will they up and for sale? I want one!

    Great story on Sharon. I just went over and read up on the background and left a message, I was moved to tears, having known someone who went through this. She is a saint. Thanks for sharing her story, Tina.

  67. Tina,
    I am so excited for you, Your things are just beautiful. I am still trying to decide what I NEED vs what I WANT.. seems they are the same:) ha ha and where to put them all:)
    Have a wonderful day

  68. Enjoy seeing your home take such beautiful candles and all your items are just beautiful.

  69. I ordered a silver pitcher, it is gorgeous.... I love the canvas prints, the topiaries and the statuary/planters!

  70. Your home is so beautiful...wishing you many happy healthy years living in it! Thanks for sharing Sharon's story! She is a wonderful example of generosity and compassion! Heartwarming and inspiring!
    The garden angels make me smile--they remind me of my children! Bet my Mom would enjoy them for Mother's Day,too!
    Thanks for sharing!!!

  71. Tina- I want one of everything in your store. love the new candles too! All your beautiful new plantings in the blues and whites are just so beautiful in your kitchen and breakfast room. I say keep it that way beyond Easter morning.
    I so want a dough bowl! I got my trivet and love it. I am using it for a cheese and cracker display for when we have some friends over this weekend. Dough bowl next on list.
    Sharons' story is so touching, it is people like her that make me have renewed faith in our world. Thank you for sharing it. I will stop by and tell her so.
    Have a nice night!

  72. Tina, I live everything in your shop and I don't know how you find it all but so glad you put it all together in one place! Makes it really simple to shop!

    H. Dale

  73. I love everything-but particularly the needle point pheasant pillows. I can't wait to order the new candles!


  74. I absolutely love the bell jar lanterns from your store, the one that you have in your kitchen!

    Gardenia candles in crystal jars? Awesome!

  75. Tina, there is SOOOO much to say about this post! But most importantly, what a wonderful thing Sharon did. She sounds like an amazing woman, and she truly did save a whole family. On a superficial note, I love your new items and flowers in your gorgeous blue and whites!

  76. Tina- You are one special gal and I admire you on so many fronts- Your blog is my very FAVORITE for so many reasons! You are a gorgeous person, with incredible taste and a Fabulous home! Loved this post and loved seeing the updates on your home. Your breakfast table is so pretty! As for my favorite thing from your store- guess it would have to be your bell jar lanterns (especially love the ones you have over your island)

  77. I lOVE the silver tropy/flower bowl. Hard decision because you have so many wonderful things!! Looking forward to experiencing these divine candles!! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  78. Lovely post, Tina! I love your Easter tablescape pictures, fabulous!

    As for my favourite item in your store, there are quite a few things I adore, but I think I'm most partial to the dough bowls. I've been wanting one for a while now. Hmmm, my birthday is coming...

    And you finished on such a nice note with Sharon's story! She's at the polar opposite of the plastic surgery, actually doing something so selfless!

  79. I love the blog and following the decoration of your lovely home...I have a mirror in my bathroom that is very similar to yours...where are you purchasing your rosettes? I've been searching for them myself!

    Blessings to you Sharon on your awesome gift. I will pray for your quick recovery as well as the health of your lifelong sister whom you so unselfishly gave a second chance at life. I'm in awe of the Lords plan in our lives. Hugs & kisses to you from NJ. Lillian

  80. Tina, that was an amazing story. I love when people put others ahead of them self. She is an incredible person and a role model to many!

  81. Thanks so much for sharing your Easter table ideas. I'm hosting a family event this year at our new home in Tennessee - we recently moved from Rye, NY. I know - what a change!! I will tell you the southern ladies here make hospitality an art form. I've followed your blog as I built my home here and you have inspired me in so many ways. Thank you so much for sharing your home.

    Love all your silver pieces. I have a few on my "must have" list. Expect an order from me soon!

  82. I really like the vintage grain measure! Very beautiful.

  83. Love to drop in and peruse your lovely items in the shop! I can honestly
    say there is not one thing in there that I have not already found a place for in my home. Keep going back to the linen guest towels. What wonderful
    hostess gifts they would make. Plan to order them soon for upcoming parties! glenda

  84. Hello Tina,
    I lovd the bell chandeliers, they are so nice, and truly look like they are great quality. THe hurricanes look nice as well, however. Thanks for a great giveaway chance!

  85. I love the tole painted cache pot! Your Easter table is beautiful as is the customer's dough bowl. I like how your customer's orchid looks in the beautiful pot. Her sideboard with what looks like all the wonderful white ironstone china is wonderful! I'd love to see more of her room as it looks quite interesting and well put together. What a moving story about Sharon's donation of one of her kidneys! I'm so happy that your online shop is doing so well right out of the gate!

  86. Beautiful article. Great to see such a brilliant interiors items which really makes me to give you full appreciation. Great to find and read about your social cause. Salute your dignity.

  87. What a beautiful story about Sharon. I love your shop. The silver pieces are amazing. How fabulous that they are non tarnish!!! Thanks for the giveaway. Keep up the amazing blogging!!

  88. WOW. First of all, your wares and home are always a treat to see in the early morning, but now is see what was going on with Shannon. She came by yesterday with her bubbly and wonderful personality and left a comment that had me wondering if she was OK....and here it is. WOW.

    To give such a sacrifice to a stranger....that is divinely inspired. Thank you for sharing this with us DEAR I know and can respond to her.

    HAVE A FUN DAY at the manor! Anita

  89. Tina thank you for sharing this beautiful human interest story. Its such fun to see all the beautiful things in your home and talk about all the great things out there but its so kind of you to share a special story like too and I really appreciate that you did that.

    Now can I tell you how much I want that dough bowl? omg I love it! And all your flowers and arrangments, are just so pretty. Your Easter table could easily be on a magazine cover. Love all the great new finds for your online shop too. I used my monogrammed napkins on Sat. and they looked beautiful. Next purchase is silver and one of those trivets then the dough bowl. Love it!

    Hope you have a great weekend and now I am brainstorming about where I can use antique mirror, it is so very pretty.

  90. What a FABULOUS post - SO much to comment on - but I'll keep it short! I absolutely adore the hurricane candles - do your ship to the UK? (I will look on the store website in a min to check). LOVING your planters - you've inspired me to get planting in the house this weekend - so far I've been concentrating on organising the garden. Your Easter dining table will be spectacular - love the doggie print on the chairs, it made me smile. Lastly, what an amazing person Sharon must be - thank you for sharing that story and introducing us to her. All done! xxx

  91. Tina, how did I not know about your new shop?!?! Blonde moment, for sure. Congrats! Of course it is fabulous, just like you. Your home blows me away, not to mention your heart and overall kindness. You are truly an inspiration.

  92. Good morning Tina,

    I have had difficulties leaving you a comment this morning... Now it works - better type fast...!

    LOVE your antique mirror! And your Easter table and all your new goods! Look at you going!

    Was very touched reading Sharon's story. What an amazing human being. Sending her tons of extra good energy and warm thoughts.

    Love to you and happy weekend my friend.


  93. Hi Tina,
    I love those candles too! How fabulous is the Ritz in New Orleans! One of my favorite places ever...we stayed on the club floor in the Maison Orleans side and it was wonderful. I love the Jean Baptiste candles..are these the same?
    Your flowers are really lovely! I think blue and white might be your signature colors!
    Antique mirror is fab..just got done doing two of them for clients. There are a lot of rosettes to choose me if you need a link to look at some online.
    I need to get over to your shop..
    Hugs my friend,

  94. Forgot to add...thank you for sharing Sharon's story. A true angel and an example to us all to remember that graciousness and generosity of spirit is most important in this life.

  95. Your Easter dining table setting is fresh and lovely. Enjoyed seeing the items you carry in your store. The porcelain cache pots and the planters are especially appealing; and the candles are a perfect addition to your selections. Well done!

  96. Can I just say...when you announced you were opening a store I was a bit, well, cautious. But then when I looked at what you were offering, I was shocked. (Shouldn't have been, your house is incredible.) I literally wouldn't mind having ANYTHING you are selling, but I really am stalking the cut glass bell jar lights. I need two of them for over my island after seeing yours. Seriously gorgeous.

    I would love to have one of those amazing candles to go in my living room, just right for spring.


  97. Hi Tina, I have tried several times this morning to leave a comment but I keep getting rejected when I hit publish, so if this is a duplicate feel free to delete! I love your blog and come over to browse and get inspired often. I am thinking of using the same counters in my kitchen. Your shop is also lovely and of all the wonderful things I could take home with me I must say that the hand painted tole planter would work very well in my home! And the new lampshades are beautiful with the lining. Thanks for the chance to win a candle! Linda

  98. Jan from WashingtonMarch 30, 2012 at 10:35 AM

    Love your new candles(I am kind of a hoarder when it comes to candles) We were just in New Orleans in February and stayed at La Pavillon which is also a very beautiful old European boutique style hotel(their chandeliers are to die for). I found this little flower shop in the French Quarters off the beaten path, I think it was called Tom's that had fabulous candles in beautiful old looking pottery urns. Very Heavy-and quite fun getting them home carrying them on the plane! Keep up the good work- You inspire me!

  99. Reading about Sharon is so inspirational. You're so right. It's great to hear about selfless acts like hers!

    Your Easter table is AMAZING!!! LOVE!

  100. Tina,
    I love everything you shared today! The Easter table (just add floral designer to your list of many talents), those sconce shades (you're hard to find and I will be ordering a pair!), those crystal candles (reminds me of Lady Primrose and yes, will be ordering those, too).

    Finally, I agree Sharon's story is so incredible, encouraging and selfless. Those are the stories we need on the news. Not the ones that I usually have to mute b/c the content is so unacceptable to the young ears in my home.

    So much goodness going on at The Enchanted Home right now. Thrilled to feel a part of it!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  101. Beautiful Tina, nothing like fresh flowers inside the house. Your blue and white looks great.Just a bit longer and your long-awaited sconces will be in.
    Sharon is incredible, that is what the face of love looks like.
    Bonne week-end,

  102. Love everything about the post, especially the mirror! Did you antique the mirror itself and are they attached directly to the wall? I'd love to do the same in my little house, which is no where near the glorious home you have!


  103. Also commented on your facebook page!! Love, Christy Johnston christyejohnston at

  104. My first time reading our fantastic blog and pictures. Got it off the magnificent Sharon, isn't she something else, wonderful person. I know I will spend many hours readding your blog. Happy Easter

  105. Completely with you on the blue and white scheme!

  106. these candles sound wonderful!! I love your store-hard to pick a favorite, but I think it would have to be the pheasant pillows-beautiful!!

  107. Heavens, your store is beautiful I love your logo/banner, not to mention porcelain, lamp shades et. al. I am sending you a photograph of a stunning dough board that was planted up for the New York Gift Show. You will not sell it after this.

  108. love your gorgeous store, everything is just perfect. The gardenia candle is just tops!!! old world, elegant and sophicated. Wishing you all the best with the progress of the decor in your beautiful home.

  109. I simply can not pick one favorite. Love the dough bowls, bread bowls, hand painted tole container and of course the candles!! Thank you for sharing such an inspiring story, her selflessness is truly inspiring!! Your blog is my favorite, I look forward to every one of your posts. Would love a candle....I am such a candle lover!!!

  110. Tina,

    Talk about adding to our prayer list daily this takes the cake. Love all the e-store goddies especially the linens! Your Easter table preview is perfect and very festive for Spring. Thank you for sharing Sharon's story with us...does make you think about what others may be doing at the same time as you. Love all your new adventures and the candles will be a great hit. I can smell them already!

    Happy Weekend to you.


  111. I read Sharon's post too and was astounded by her selflessness. What a great person.

    What kind of vitamins do you take to get all you do done??? I am worried you will knock over those pretty urns while you are splashing about in the about putting them on some stands under the sconces?

    Your Easter table is gorgeous.

  112. Thank you for sharing that story. Just about every morning, as I listen to the news, I shake my head wondering why so much garbage is even on the news. I wish we heard more stories about the courageous things that people like Sharon do!

    Those candles sound wonderful- I can only imagine how beautiful the scent is!

    Your island looks so pretty :)

  113. Goodness but you do have such a gorgeous home! and those porcelain pretties are well, just so darn pretty! That bathroom...glamorous to the hilt! Loves. So happy I found your's a pure delight as well as your shop...loving that large Trivet...I can just imagine putting delicious cheeses and grapes and yummy bread all displayed for gobbling up! lol..


    I will come back later to respond to you wonderful comment you left me, for I suspect you will post something new. You Tina, are just so warm and beautiful. OH HAPPY DAY! Anita

  115. Such gorgeous flowers and amsoinspired by your online shop endeavor! Thanks for posting such an inspirational story!

  116. Gorgeous home photos as always! What a great inspiration Sharon is indeed! What a wonderful story and shows that there is good people in the world out there. So nice to be aware of that. Have a great Sunday!!

  117. The house looks beautiful and your displays of blue and white are stunning. What a courageous and generous woman Sharon is - such a huge gift to give someone and such a selfless and remarkable thing.

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  119. Woah what's with the mirror?


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!