Sunday, January 1, 2012

By Invitation only.....join us in Paris!

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Wow its 2012, well being a lover of even numbers, I am confident this is going to be one great year! I am happy to open the door to a new year, full of new possibilities, new connections and opportunities.....bring it on!

I just realized late last night, today is MY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY FOR BLOGGING!! I can't believe it!! I didnt' have enough time to prepare a full celebratory post but will talk more about it tomorrow and announce a few giveaways to celebrate!! This is some milestone, and I am over the moon that I made it this far!! And I owe it all to my fellow bloggers and readers, so THANK YOU!!

As part of the fun group, "By Invitation only" that I am lucky to be a part of, we decided to, after the success of the Christmas party, all meet up in Paris for a "New Years lunch" to usher in the new year and celebrate the gift of friendship. This was a lot of fun, and when dreaming why not dream we are heading over to the fabulous and famous Parisian restaurant, Pre Catalan for a fabulous "last all afternoon" Champagne luncheon!  It is here where we will spend hours and hours talking, chatting, gossiping, reveling over our holiday highlights and of course talking about what lies ahead in the new year and going forward.
When I think of going forward, I think of ways I can become a better person, a more giving person who gives to the best of my ability. Someone who will be the mother, wife and friend that  I can be proud to be. I truly believe no matter your age, you are always evolving and if you open your mind and heart to constantly learning and improving then you are destined to continue to become a better, stronger, kinder, more intelligent and wiser woman! So in going forward I focus on positive changes, and being conscious of ways to constantly improve myself! And not just talking about them but putting them into action! Cheers girls!

In addition to having lots to talk about, It was decided that we would feature what we are going to wear to this chic soiree and as I am grateful to have these women as my friends, I also am bringing a small gift as a token of our friendship to each one, a celebration of a new year. So below is what I plan on wearing..I wanted it to feel chic, elegant, timeless and above all else very classic!

So here is the setting of this fabulous get together, the beautiful and sophisticated Pre Catalan..
Think this will pass muster? Yes!
Beautiful and elegant dining room, hope they are giving us a big corner table.....there will be lots of laughter and it could get loud and boisterous!
Certainly whets my appetite!

And then  what I plan on wearing....wanted it to be sophisticated, comfortable, elegant and classic......

This chic little mink stroller will be perfect to brave the cold Parisian streets
A close up of my pretty feminine ivory silk blouse by Dolce and Gabanna
And these classic wool Ralph Lauren slacks  in winter white

A classic pair of snakeskin shoes by Jimmy Choo

Here was my basic this classic look, works in any country!

Gotta have my chic super buttery brown driving gloves

And of course have to sport this classic French timepiece, the Cartier roadster watch!

This stunner of a necklace courtesy of Chanel

These pretty little sparklers!

Of course have to have some Hermes why not go all the way! A gorgeous birkin and a fabulous enameled cuff.....

Might as well throw in this chic little beret... I will channel my inner Catherine Deneuve!

And a little keepsake for my special friends to commemorate our special day together.....hummm, wonder what it could be! No peeking!

And a little something for my special group of friends!! 2012 only comes along once after all! You know it has to be from Frances best!

To commemorate my 1 year anniversary,I am going to be offering you readers a few fun giveaways. I am going to announce them in tomorrows post, so please stay tuned! Thank you for joining us in the one and only Paris.....what a delightful afternoon! 

I hope you got a chance to see my "Reflections on 2011" post yesterday. It really speaks to my whole Going forward as much as it does what I have learned this past year. Click here to visit! 

Wishing everyone a truly stupendous 2012! Au Revoir!



  1. Love to start off the New Year with a special jaunt to Paris in style.
    Happy 2012 and felicitations to you on your blogging one annee!

  2. Congrats on your first year WOW!
    Your posts are fun and amazing...your talents are enjoyed by us all.
    Can not wait to see what you show us all next!

    All the best....Heather

  3. Tina congrats on one year. You have achieved astounding success in one year ( no surprise to me at all)
    Love your elegant outfit, its so "Enchanted Home" and thank you for taking us along to this wonderful luncheon in my favorite city of all, Paris.
    Happy 2012!

  4. year, you are an inspiration, my friend!!
    Paris, so lovely, and you looked divine, I am sure in the elegant yet understated outfit.
    Enjoy your day!

  5. Congratulations! That is certainly not the Paris I visited. I adore the one I ventured but your version is vey Luxiourios , I am in for sure. To tell you the truth I would even be thrilled with just the keepsake;)) looking forward to 2012 and your big move.

  6. Congrats Tina! That is a lovely milestone and I think you know I simply adore your writings and blog! Meeting in Paris today was a great bonus! Thanks for that little box of H! Sure it will be fab!!! Cheers and so happy to seyour lovely post and that outfit! To die for girl! Adore the cuff to bits, my kinda colour and design!



    Dearest, to think that it only took you ONE YEAR of blogging to gain this many followers!!!!! I have been blogging FOUR YEARS TODAY and just recently have I seen my numbers increase! BLESS YOU DEAREST for your sense of fun and elegance...what a stroll into a world of beauty!

    NOW to carry on into this new and exciting year! HAVE FUN PACKING!! Anita

  8. Happy New Year to you! Thank you for all the beautiful inspiration and fun you provide on your blog. Your "which would you choose" days are so fun, but also have helped me define my style. Can't wait to see the move into the new house.

  9. Congrats to one year of blogging! It's always such a treat to see the world from your perspective. Hope you enjoy Paris, sounds like you are going to have a grand old time!

  10. The outfit you chose is so fabulous. I would wear everything except the shoes, but I suppose in a fantasy world I would not have a problem foot.
    Congrats on year 1, wishing you many more.

  11. Mon amie ~ you are our exquisite gift to the blogging community! Congratulations and thank you for including us in your little Parisan dream!

  12. The first year of many. Congrats Tina.

  13. Cute post, Tina! Love the outfit. Happy New Year. M.

  14. Congrats Tina!! See you at lunch in Paris. You'll recognize me right off. I'll be wearing one of those beautiful outfits, especially the beret. I will be raising a glass of champagne to your wonderful blog and looking forward to following it in 2012. Here's to a smooth move!!!

  15. Precious friend,

    LET'S GO OUT ON THAT LIMB and DO IT!!!! Thank you for your encouraging words, Tina. You are just a LOVE !!!!

    Can't wait to see the castle in full swing. We MUST have a huge party in blogland for you. I will bring the French desserts and we can part on your veranda. OHHH THE FUN!


  16. Thank you so much for all the inspiration you provide. It's helping me to stop procrastinating and finally take action to build our dream homestead on our Australian farm.

    Have a magical 2012!

  17. Tina I adore your outfit! Fabulous. I just love winter white! Plus, I would be thrilled to meet you for lunch in Paris1

    Happy New Years & All the best in 2012!

    I hope you will enter my Giveaway From Serena & Lily!

    Art by Karena

  18. Ooooooo....I LOVE YOUR THOUGHTS! I am excited; a dear blogger pal out in your neck of the woods enjoys my work and it is possible I will be working with her with my designs. Hmmmm....a New York storefront would be a FABULOUS PLACE TO LAND!

    Yes dearest, I tell you, we must through a FÊTE when you get settled in. You just let me know and I will post on you. Oh how we need some enchanted home in our day!

    BISOUS, Anita

  19. Dear Tina,looks like your friend above is back. Hope you will click that delete button,do us all a favor and mostly yourself. Sad that even on the first day of a new year, some have to spew their jealousy and hatred.
    On a light note, wishing you a wonderful and happy 2012. I just adore that outfit, it is so chic and the beret is the perfect finishing touch.
    Thank you for the gift of your fabulous blog. It is always a real joy to hear/see what you have to say.
    Happy Day.

  20. Congratulations!!! Your party looks amazing! I'm almost at my one year anniversary too...I'm just so curious how you got over 1,000 followers in that time! It's super impressive.

    Wishing you the best of luck for the coming year! Here's to another 1,000 +


  21. Lovely outfit! I love the blouse and that watch. Certainly fit for Paris! Congrats on your one year and best to you in 2012!

  22. Tina I see your exquisiste taste not only applies to decorating but to fashion as well, what a beautiful outfit, love the cuff, the blouse and of course the birkin and mink jacket.
    Nicely done, wishing you a happy 2012 and thank you for all you put into your fantastic blog, congrats on one year!

  23. LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog..gee anonymous..really you write should have GUTS to sign it!!!! Happy New Year..and God Bless you all even anonymous!! Really love the outfit..I want it!!!Love to all Lisa

  24. Congrats Tina!
    Happy New Year and have so much fun at your Parisian luncheon with friends.
    Love the outfit, especially the cuff.

  25. Happy One Year Anniversary!!! Congratulations! I am so glad that you found me way back when! What would blogging be without you in our lives!

  26. Well Tina, you didn't leave anything out! Chic to say the least!
    A Happy New Year to you! I can't wait to see what happens here in 2012. You are such talented, genuine, and gifted person, and I love visiting your blog each day.
    Cheers to 2012!

  27. Happy new Year Tina! Only one year?! Is that are an inspiration. Love your entire outfit and very much "enchanted home" style...elegant! Always enjoy your posts...the energy you put into them shows and look forward to seeing your next house updates.

  28. Lovely choices, especially the vintage milk stroller. I have a similar one in my closet and I haven't dared wear it in a long time. It's perfect for Paris in the wintertime.

    Congratulations on your blog anniversary Tina. I'm a relatively new email subscriber and I want to tell you how much I enjoy your blog.

    Bonne année et bonne santé,

  29. What a stunning blog! It is lovely and carries a beautiful energy, which is rare to convey over the internet. I look forward to your offerings in 2012. All the best, Brenda.

  30. Happy anniversery..Im so impressed you only have blog for 1 year..good work :))
    and this post..woaw..I LOVE it..every little piece..the cloth, the dining room..the hole package..happy

  31. Tina, congratulations on your anniversary! You have achieved SO much in such a short time, and your blog is truly a gem. I'm SO glad to have "met" you in 2011 and look forward to following your journey into the new home in 2012!

  32. I love the outfit you chose so chic yet effortless...

    And the cheeses...oh my word.....they look divine. But most of all I adore that Chanel necklace. It is to die for.

    Happy New Year!!!

  33. Happy Blogversary, Tina! I've been with you the whole year - it's definitely been a fun ride, and I can't wait to see what you have to offer us this year!

    I have just re-vamped my own blog, and just re-opened it this morning, as my own celebration of the new year. I hope you will take a moment to visit, and let me know what you think of my new look!

  34. Oh Tina, I love your little gathering and your outfit is classically Tina, classic with just the right amount of sparkle and fur!! Happy new Year and happy one year Blogaversary!! I for one am so glad you decided to join blogland. It has been such a joy to follow along with you and the building of your gorgeous home, xo Kathysue

  35. Ohhh, I want to wear the exact same thing as you!! Incredibly chic~what a fun place to go to lunch. I will sit on the other end of the table so no one will notice I am wearing the same outfit, ok??

  36. Happy New Year and Congrats on "All Things Enchanted."
    Thank you for sharing your inspiring journey of savoir-vivre as our bon vivant of all things élégant!
    Making New Year’s Resolutions for 2012 ? - There’s an App for that!

  37. Sounds so fun! You have fantastic taste! Congratulations on all of your success in just one year! You are such a delight and I look forward to seeing what happens in 2012!

  38. I would wear it all but the jacket. The only fur I wear is shed! LOL!
    Happy New Year!
    Here is to your continued health and success!


  39. HAPPY ONE YEAR BLOG-AVERSARY TINA! That outfit you've picked out is fabulous how fun a lunch like this would be.

    Happy New Year to you Tina and your family!


  40. Happy blogiversary Tina! It goes so fast doesn't it?! You'll look smashing at lunch - so sorry I'm going to miss it - especially with such a special gift! Wishing you all the best for 2012!

  41. happy new year, tina!

    love the 'tude and the positive vibe i always find here along with gorgeouslovely images. if you like the chanel choker necklace you featured, man o man do i have vintage jewelry to share with you (mostly unmarked). i will hook you up with some goodies (no strings, no publicity, and def no charge!) in 2012, beautiful blogger.


  42. When you dream, you go all out! 3-D Techicolor! I'm there! Better go shopping...but I haven't found Hermes at T J Max these days! Surprise, surprise!
    Best wishes,

  43. Happy New Year Tina!
    You have put together quite an outfit~perfect for this Parisian get-together!
    I look forward to the New year and have decided to live in the moment this year. I never seem to actually take time to breathe let alone enjoy it!
    Blessings to you and yours

  44. I get your beautiful blog by e-mail now and I forget to come over and comment. I want to say on celebration of your successful first year of blogging that you are an inspiration to me and that you have beautiful taste. You are in my top five favorite blogs. You keep me in suspense with the building and documenting of your beautiful home!

  45. congrats on your first blogversary!! I love the outfit out put together-so elegant and classic. Have a wonderful New Year!

  46. Happy New Year, Tina! I love your outfit selections-- so chic!

    I read your 2011 Reflections post. I enjoyed all of your words of wisdom, reflection and humor; they're priceless! Just one of the reasons I'm so enjoying your blog. I'm looking forward to continuing the adventure with you in the New Year!

    All the best,

  47. Love love your outfit, so gorgeous!

    Wish we could lunch for real in wonderful Paris. Here's to a fabulous DJ

  48. Love this post! Happy 1st Year Anniversary!
    Wish you all the best for 2012!

  49. Luxe, classic, and even cuddly! What else could we want:)? Happy Blogiversary, and many more.

  50. Love the inspiration outfit so stylish :)

  51. the reason I love this blog so much. I'm there w/you and enjoying every luscious morsel. I breathe in the air along the Seine and Left Bank and remember why The City of Lights is breathtaking. I also wish to become more intuitive to the needs of others.. I am truly blessed and need to share that love. thank you for the lovely afternoon in my favorite city.. many blessings to you and you family.

  52. Happy New Year's, Tina!! I'm finally coming out of my late winter blog slumber. I have really needed to unplug and curl up for a while. But, so happy to be back and check out your Paris party!! Love your outfit selection - I want it all from head, to bag, to toe!

    Here's to a wonderful year ahead...I agree...I like even numbers, too. Cheers, my friend!

    xoxo Elizabeth

  53. I lovely everything you have chosen to wear for the luncheon in Paris ,and the restaurant is beyond stunning. Happy New year.
    All the best...Victoria

  54. I so love that mink! I cracked up about the chicken vs. the turkey. How funny?! I'd also like to mention that I once made a banana pudding, was so happy to be finished making it when I turned around to see bananas staring back at me on the counter...I forgot to put the bananas in the banana pudding! Sigh...Happy New Year! xo

  55. What fun...and you are soooo chic. A wonderful luncheon. Congratulations on your one year anniversary. You have added so much to the blog world. We can't wait to see what you have in store for 2012. XO, Mona

  56. Congratulations, Tina! And Happy New Year too!
    I absolutely LOVE that outfit. Sophisticated and chic. Just perfect :)

  57. Oooh... I am SO there! Have a Happy New Year in your gorgeous new estate!! And keep bringing us the beautiful interiors (along with the fab outfits to where on our "trips").

  58. Tina,

    Congrats on your one year anniversary in blogland. Your selected location and outfit are perfect as always. We wear it well in 2012 and find a way to live in God's grace for whatever comes before us. Positive breeds positive and mountains are taken down with great sharing and caring through creative efforts. We live in the most amazing times both bitter and sweet all are blessings. Happy 2012!


  59. Happy New Year Tina! You amaze me with your awesome numbers after one year of blogging! (So funny that I too am a freak about even numbers.. my kids bdays are 4-90, 8-92, 12-96.. thank goodness, all even months and years!)
    Anyway, you truly amaze me with your continued longer than I can imagine posts, and your loyal and devoted followers/subscribers/commenters/etc.
    I wish you the very best in 2012 - I bet we meet this year, and won't we have fun!

  60. Happy, Happy New Year from a fellow lover of even numbers!
    I hope your year brings you much peace and joy and happiness.

  61. ~Happy New Year~ & congratulations on your anniversary.
    LOVE your outfit. If I were you, Id sit with the the RL *white* slacks, right smack on that cheese table. With a tumbler of PORT, jumping those tiny cordial glasses. & ask for fruit:) Im evil, love Port & cheese & Paris & clothing etc & your blog!
    Thank you!
    BTW "“Haters only hate the things that they can’t get and the people they can’t be.”~Unknown.....(that "unknown" makes perfect sense. Sizzle:)

  62. Happy 1 year!! So grateful for your lovely blog...and I would just LOOOVE to meet you in Paris! How divine!!

  63. Happy very special 1st year Anniversary Tina...and A Very Happy New Year as well!! Both such wonderful reasons for a Parisian celebration! The venue and your ensemble are very fun & elegant...just like you!
    Here's to an Enchanting 2012!!!
    xo J~

  64. Trés chic...Paris is always a good idea. Happy anniversary.

  65. Happy one year anniversary! I can hardly wait until tomorrow!

  66. Congratulations on a fabulous year of blogging! Love the outfit you picked - classic and chic - and you're right it really does work in any country - great accessories especially. :)

  67. Congratulations on your one year blogging anniversary.

    l love your choice of outfit, particularly the classic winter white pants and gorgeous silk shirt.

    You will look very elegant !

  68. Ahhh... yes... Paris... You don't have to ask me twice!!! LOVE this as you know Paris has my heart. Dream outfit!! Funny you should say you like even numbers my Mom and I both have a thing about even numbers too... ha ha. I'm blaming a bit of OCD! xoxo

  69. Dear Tina,

    First, happy, happy, happy new year. Thank you for your truly beautiful and moving post on the new year.

    How I regret missing today's luncheon. You look divine of course. We all knew you would.

    It has been a wonderful year. Thank you for that. How happy I am to know you.

    Warmest regards,

  70. Tina you so nailed it with that outfit, would LOVE that, everything from the fur to the winter white, the shoes, the bag and all the fabulous jewels. You have fabulous taste! That restaurant is gorgeous, we are going to Paris in June to visit a friend who just moved there, will have to jot down the name and perhaps pay a visit.
    Enjoyed this post and wish you well in the new year.

  71. Tina, my love, you didn't link up on my post!
    And, I didn't do it for you because I've been in the countryside again. Now, it's done. What a lovely bunch of comments you've received, darling.
    And, what a fab outfit. Love the blouse and the winter white most of all. Fits in perfectly with the restaurant's decor doesn't it? February will be Valentine's, of course. Who knows what we'll do then. Thank you for emailing me today.
    Sending love...

  72. What a wonderful post! I'm sure it was absolutely lovely! Congratulations on your anniversary! Looking forward to many more inspiring posts from you. Happy New Year! Hope you're having a grand evening. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!