Saturday, December 31, 2011

Reflections of 2011

Good morning, can you believe its New Years Eve? Woo hoo! We are invited to a small party and will likely go by for a part the evening. We always have an early dinner with my kids first in a restaurant we can all agree on,  then they are free to go on with whatever plans they have.  This holiday has been somewhat of a big blur.....between trying to start packing up, so much to do for our new house, prepping for the holidays,  this has been a  serious whirlwind of a holiday season. But it all got done as I knew it would. 

As much fun as it was and as enjoyable as being with my family was....I must admit I am glad/relieved its over. I am also glad to close the door to 2011, and am confident 2012 is going to be a fabulous year (and besides I love even numbers)! So when I think back about this last year, I reflect on things that I have learned and I always try to take a few things away with me from the old year into the new, that I learned being one year older and one year wiser. Here are my reflections of 2011........

2011......gotta admit, I am glad its over

It really does pay to wait for what you really love and want, all good things come to those who wait, right? (I am talking to you, oversized subway marble tiles, reclaimed limestone floors and wire from the UK)

Trust your instincts, they rarely fail you (I so believe in this and more as I get older)

That it pays to try everything at least once (within reason), hey how else will you know!

A few great friends can make even the worst day bearable

If you have a health issue, dont' think by wishing it away, it will go away...instead confront it, and seek to beat it at its own game by treating it properly

Laughter really can be the best medicine

The real meaning of Christmas will be unchanged whether you have 1000 twinkling lights and hundreds of perfect shiny ornaments or no lights and a few cheesy bulbs on a makeshift two foot plastic tree...its  about the spirit and magic of the holiday as shared with family and friends above all else.....

That its not the end of the world and I will not be judged by having ordered my Christmas cards (at least I got to this step) but never got around to getting pictures of the boys and therefore never sent them out......On the bright side, I have my cards already for next year and will be way ahead of the game! One less thing off my list for Christmas 2012...woo hoo!

That sometimes the best gifts are really free.....forgiveness, understanding, lending your ear to someone who needs it,  a message of support to someone in need, a helping hand

No one will love you more for proving you can do it all, all of the time, be yourself and remember you are human not a machine (guilty as charged)

It is vital to take at least a sliver out of your day every day to do something for you, it could be deep breathing, yoga, a walk, shopping, eating a box of chocolates, grabbing a coffee with a friend...the world will not stop just because you stop "doing" sometimes its more important to just 'be" instead of "do"

Tell those you love, that you love them and appreciate them and do it often, how good does it feel when someone tell you that? A M A Z I N G!!!!!

To stop stressing over micro managing every last little detail (guilty as charged) for the most part, things really do have a way of working out as they are meant to be. All the stressing over Christmas, decorating, gift buying, my party, etc.....and it all worked out even better than I could have imagined, when you just "let it go".

Sometimes, eating something really indulgent like a small box of chocolates (preferably with oodles of caramel and nuts) or a little retail therapy (like buying something you really want or love) really can cure the blues or just a crappy day!

That there is nothing wrong with going to a movie by yourself, in fact its actually quite relaxing!

That the joy for me is so much more in giving than receiving....

That making lists rock! (and checking things off said list is even better)!

That the world is full of need and that there is no amount of  money that is too small to give, if we all realized that and everyone did a small part, I truly believe that gesture right there has the power to change things.....there is no amount to small, just give.

That the older I get the more I see the beauty and magic in the simplest of things like nature, a furry animal as a best friend, a picture perfect sky, the first flakes of sparkling pristine snow blanketing the ground, the laughter from someone you love, a smile or kind gesture from a stranger or a beautiful and elegant bird perfectly still.

That I truly have the most amazing blogging friends and followers. Your emails, messages, comments truly send me over the moon. You have no idea the joy I get in reading over each of them and how much happiness it brings me to hear about how you enjoy reading my blog, or have helped to inspire you in some way, that is the ultimate validation and for this I thank you!

Time to start checking things off of my bucket list..not adding to it! There are no more vacancies, its time to spring into action! Can anyone relate to this?

That it is way better to look at the glass half full than half empty.....power of positive thinking!

That age really is a number, its so much more about how you feel

That if you are blessed to still have little ones, with the blink of an eye they are growing up way too fast, and before you know it, their little play phones are replaced with real cell phones, their fisher price "keys" are soon real keys to the car and those little footsteps you used to hear when they got hungry late at night soon become big footsteps just heading out for the night at 11pm....I used to think it was such a cliche, to enjoy them and not wish their childhood away, and now finally I "get it". What I would give for a time machine right this minute, I would trade all the beautiful things I have in a heartbeat to enjoy a few hours again with my kids when they were little, cherish every smile, tear, frown, tantrum and especially those priceless hugs!

That life can change on a dime, so its best to really enjoy the moment and think often in a day of what your blessings are and to truly look at each day as a gift.

That health is wealth, you can only fully enjoy life when you are feeling great

That the simplest things like watching a movie with your entire family and getting to watch their expressions during the movie is like a priceless gift.

That walking into a super organized closet is akin to winning the that feeling when everything has its own little place!

That life without great food is like the most outrageous closet without an amazing wardrobe, a killer handbag collection, drool worthy battalions of shoes and a jewelry drawer to rival Van Cleefs!! Life is short, enjoy good food! There...that's my quote!

That reading a great book is still one of the all time best bargains out there...whats better than getting lost in a truly great book! (except reading a book and a cup of Peets)!

That you don't get time back, so take a few minutes to spend with an elderly relative, or make a phone call to someone you know who is elderly and doesn't get  lot of company or who might be lonely...your call might be the best part of their day!

That with all my complaining and nagging, of course I know I am extremely blessed to have my health, and have been able to build my dream house. Its been so much fun sharing it with thousands of people! Its been a long sometimes very frustrating road but believe me, I reflect often on how lucky I am to have even walked this road.

That you can put the same amount of energy into being positive and nice or being nasty and negative, why not make it something good if you are going to expend that same energy

That everyone is fighting some kind of battle, some very small and some monster sized, never assume anyone has it made in the shade, so best bet is to assume every ones got something they are dealing proceed with care, tolerance and patience

That when you look good, you generally feel good.  I definitely have a little pep in  my step when I walk out of the house dolled up, even it its a more casual outfit as opposed to the boring yoga pants getup. 

Sometimes, saying no to kids is the best gift you can give them at that particular moment. Your heart wants to say yes but your mind tells you to say no and to trust your instincts. Always listen to them, chances are you are onto something.

That there is no such thing as too many pictures or home movies. You never get today back, so capture it on film and cherish it forever.

That no day is complete without a beloved cup of medicine!

That texting should not be used for important messages like wishing someone a happy birthday or thanking them for a gift of kindness, making a major announcement, wishing them a happy holiday, or inviting them for a visit......some things absolutely must be said with the inflections and warmth of a human voice. Do you agree?
But sometimes, you gotta admit, they are funny (especially when iPhone translates for you)!

I have realized that with all the wonderful things I get to do, all the amazing places I get to go, at the end of the day, I am honestly truly my happiest when I am home with my family (all of us) Knowing my kids are home for the night.....priceless!

And my final reflection is reflecting on how incredibly fortunate I have been to have thought to start up a blog almost a year ago, and to have stuck with it, even at times when I was worried "the well would run dry" and I would run out of things to say.....your motivation, support, beyond kind words and constant source of inspiration have given me a voice to feel free to express and has given me the motivation to continue doing what I do here. And incidentally blogging has become a big part of my life and part of who I am today. Never did I think it would take hold of me like this but it has opened the doors to many exciting future opportunities, treasured friendships and wonderful connections that I didn't see coming. So.....thank you for the gift of helping me to find my voice. (And I didn't even begin to tell you how much I have learned here)

Any of these reflections resonate with you? What do you reflect on when you think of this year that is coming to a close?  I cannot thank you enough for your friendship and support and would love to hear some of your own reflections.Thanks to each and every one of you for your support, guiding light and friendship.

Wishing everyone a happy, merry and safe New Years Eve! Cheers to a spectacular 2012!



  1. Tina this is just beautiful. I felt so on board with you on so many of these, that I lost count but really could relate to the family and quality time part, taking lots of pictures, good food part and of course that good health is vital to leading a happy life.
    I couldn't have said it better. I really love your blog, because besides your impeccable taste which is a big inspiration to me, you are also a good and real person and I am as impressed by that alone as I am your incredible talents in decorating.
    Wishing you a happy new year with all good things and many happy memories in that beautiful new home.

  2. Dear Tina,

    Such a beautiful read this morning. I will be working on so many of these as 2012 begins.
    Your thoughtful response to my post yesterday touched my heart. I do understand what your grandmother was telling you, and it feels so true.
    I appreciate that you shared it with me. It is one of the pearls that I will carry with me during this strange and new life I am living.
    Love to you, my friend,

  3. Tina, I am always amazed at the amount of time and effort you put into your posts. They are so heartfelt and I think that is why you have such a strong loyal following. All of these resonated with me. I am thinking I should start every day in 2012 by reading this post just to make sure I have my head on straight. You hit a nerve when you said that you wish you could go back just one day when your kids were little and spend some time with them.... I've often found myself wishing for that same exact thing! What I wouldn't give just even for an hour!!

    p.s. If you go to the antique show in Vermont in 2012 and you go through MA then come and visit!!! xoxo

  4. Dearest Tina. It has been a wonderful to blog with you and I enjoyed every moment. I relate to soooo many of the above and bless you for a wonderful post!



  5. Happy New year, this is some beautiful post. I hope I will see you next year. I have enjoyed you so much, Wishing you and family all the best, Also a blessing on the new home.


  6. Dear Tina, So many lovely well expressed...we are the lucky ones to have found you and we are so grateful that you decided to begin blogging (only a year ago, amazing).
    I need no other picture but the little happy Mongolian girl and her camel to make my day.
    Happy New Year to you and yours. Gina

  7. Lovely quotes and images for the last day of this year!

    My best wishes for you, Tina, for a very good year 2012!



  8. That was beautiful Tina! You really have a gift of writing! I loved what you said about the kids wishing they were young again! Time does really fly and I wish I could get a few moments back when they were little....and when I look at their pictures I just can't stand how cute they were! Those little smiling faces! Ahhhhh! Well we have our grandkids to look forward to! Happy New year to you my dear friend! God bless you!

  9. Tina your gift of the written word is gift enough for me, this year. Your blog is fantastic and has honestly just about replaced all my magazine reading, haha. You cover it all and in addition to inspiring with your increidbly beautiful new home and all kinds of wonderful design pictures your inspire with who you are as person and with what you have to say. I love that you do more than just post pretty pictures, you give us a peek into who you are and what you believe in and stand for, and I greatly admire you for that.
    All of these meant something to me, particularly about foregiveness, knowing everyones fighting a battle big and small and about how great it is to walk into an organized closet (a big one for me and one of my many resolutions)! Wishing you a very good 2012-

  10. There are so many great points here, Tina, that I don't even know where to begin! But one thing that caught my attention was how you said giving "free" things like support can do so much for have done that for me on several occasions this year and it has meant so much to me! You also mentioned watching a movie with your kids - we now have "Sunday Night Snuggles" in our house where one member of the family gets to pick dinner and the movie...I LOVE this tradition already! It get the week off to a good start and we ensure we connect every Sunday night, no matter what. So I totally agree on cherishing family time too! So glad we met and I'm VERY excited for you to finally move into your new home! :) Happy New Year Tina!

  11. Hi,Tina! It just fascinates me how you can find an image and the time for every little thought you have. I just love it!!! Wish you the Best!

  12. LOVE this post! I actually think it's the best you've ever written. Your kindness, love and inner beauty comes through loud and clear!
    Thanks for stopping by again today, Tina. I love your comments... but, who's Debbie? LOL.
    Have a happy, happy New Year!
    ~ Wendi ~

  13. Wonderful blog Tina! You covered everything so beautifully. One thing I have learned with age is...Choose your battles! We cannot change everything, but we can make small changes that with impact greater things.

    Love to you and thank you for your friendship! I have grown to think of you as a friend more than a blogger! I am so excited to read about your adventures in 2012! It is going to be YOUR year! xoxo

  14. Happy New Year's eve Tina,
    your list of thoughts and ideas are an inspiration..
    so wonderful to hear in your list that family rates highest to you as it does to most of us..
    no matter what we've accomplished or acquired, at the end of the day, we would trade them all for our kids if need be...
    blessings to you in the coming year..

  15. Thank you Tina for writing a spectacular blog. The pleasure has been all mine to visit you daily.

    Happy New Year..!!!

  16. Thank you Tina for being just you!

  17. Hello Tina

    An excellent post.

    Thank you for your delightful blog. I am glad to have found you and you have brightened many days. May your light of wisdom and goodness continue to shine in the coming year

    Helen xx

  18. Post of ~PURE PERFECTION~ oh & ugh, Ive been closet organizing for weeks. Please come to VA & help a Sister!!!!!
    Happy New Year *****T.I.N.A.***** aka Superfly blogging lady!........With banging taste, whew:)

  19. Adrianne from CaliforniaDecember 31, 2011 at 9:27 AM

    Loved your post. What great reflections and reminders as we close the door on 2011 and look forward to a new year. Your blog is one of my favorites and I love checking in throughout the week. Best wishes to you and your family in 2012 as you prepare to move into your new home!!

  20. Loved the "let it go" thought. That will carry me through this vacation that we are taking with extended family! Thanks.

  21. Lots of food for thought!
    I always love how a bright shiny New Year stretches out before us with untold possibilities. May 2012 be one of great years we look back upon in our old age. Ahhh, yes, I remember 2012...........THAT was a great year.
    Blessings to you and your loved ones. And may we recognize the blessings all around us each and every day.

  22. Jane in Stratford, OntarioDecember 31, 2011 at 10:11 AM

    Tina, What a fabulous post to end the year!!! The post you have written probably covers everything each of us is searching for as we take time to search for what can make us a better person - in fact, I believe your post could be a lovely little book!!!

    For my first granddaughter's baby shower, I asked my friends to write a piece of sage advice in a little book - you know, the kind of thing that as you were growing up, you wished someone had told you...I wrote.. "Trust your intuitions"...women need to do this more often because 99.9% of the time, they are right, they just need to trust it!!! (Of course, I also wrote "Wear lipstick - you will always look alive and people will want to talk with you!!") :) Your post could be a little book for even that kind of occasion!!!

    You have a wonderful talent for blogging and you will never have the full understanding about how you have touched so many lives in so many ways. Today's post was just a beautiful example of how wonderful you are! Happy New Year - wishing you and all your blog followers a Healthy and Happy New Year!!!

  23. Wow, you said it all my friend!!!!
    Ditto what everyone says and feels about you:)
    You really have found your voice in Blogland and it has resonated with so many of us. It has been a delight getting to know you this past year.
    2012 is going to be great!!!!!
    Much love,

  24. And a Very Happy and Blessed New Year to you my Blogging Friend,
    A post very well done! Thank you. I am a very unscheduled Blogger but a full time interior designer, Mother, Sister, Grand mother, and daughter that can relate to the entire post.
    Each of your post this year have been very well thought out and enjoyable. Keep up the good work and best of luck with the move! No matter how much professional help you have it is a huge undertaking that I am sure you will handle beautifully All the best to you from your friend in Dallas.

    Pam Kelley

  25. While our lives may not be exactly the same, I do share the same sentiment! Lovely! Thank you!

  26. Beautiful post! I hope all your dreams come true in the new year. Here's to crossing some exciting things off your bucket list :)

  27. Happy Happy New Year Tina!! I love love this post and I so agree to all points, especially the one about getting our little boys back for a few minutes, just thinking of the possibility makes me cry, Oh how I miss my three son's!! If only we could. Time with loved ones is where it is all at, without them all of , "THIS" stuff is worth nothing. I am so glad you started blogging and I am looking forward to the new year and getting to know you better in cyber space, xo Kathysue

  28. What a beautiful post. I too would love a time machine to go back even for a day or an hour to when my kids were young. I am so grateful we had a video camera and I can watch them and hear their voices. Now they are grown men and don't sound at all the same. I love your blog, and especially this post. So many things we need to remind ourselves of. Have a Happy New Year and all the best in 2012.

  29. Thank you for this post - so many truths. I did not get into decorating that much for Christmas this year, as we are going through applications for my middle child (to junior high - her current school ends at 6th grade), and all of the Christmas whirlwind, plus a week long trip to Colorado before Christmas. I particularly liked the sentiment that Christmas is not about how many lights or decorations you put up, but the time spent together as a family, and for me personally the religious meaning of the season is most important.

    I hope you have a wonderful New Years, and best wishes for an absolutely fantastic 2012!

    - Holly

  30. Tina- what an incredible post.It brought tears and smiles. The part about reaching out to someone elderly, so well said and such a good reminder to us all, I will be calling my grandmother TODAY thanks to your post.
    I will taking more pictures of my kids, and even cherishing those frowns and tantrums thanks to this post.
    I will be cleaning out my closet and not feeling guilty taking refuge out on a small box of chocolates thanks to this post and finally I will tell my family members more often how much I love and apprecaite them thanks to this post.
    You are amazing in so many ways, but besides admiring your incredible style I am most amazed by your humility and giving heart, you have it all but dont' act it or flaunt it and that is a most amazing trait. I can say I know you "when"...haha, you are destined for big things!
    Happy and healthy new year to you and your family. (tell them from me, how lucky they are to have you)

  31. Tina- I am always delighted to come here and see a bit of the world through your eyes. You are such a good soul and it just seeps into every word you write. Happy New Year to you and your family.

    You know the part you wrote about giving it all to go back in time and spend a moment with your kids as children again? Guess what? When you get grandkids you get to do that all over again---and it is even BETTER! Love to you- Diana

  32. ALL of these reflections really resonated with me...and I will definitely think about them in the coming year! Happy New Years Tina...thank you so much for your support on my blog! Look forward to following along in the exciting things to come in 2012!

  33. All wonderful thoughts. I hope to take the time today to do some self reflection. I'm looking forward to 2012 myself. I'm thinking about you a lot these days and all that you have on your plate.
    Good luck! XO, Mona

  34. Tina I was nodding my head yes to each one of these! What a wonderful thing to read on New Year's Eve. I feel so inspired and happier and healthier already :)

    Wishing you much love, health and happiness in the new year! I know that 2012 will be an amazing one for you. You have so much to look forward to! xoxo


    Dearest, you have said it all here. What a wonderful life and to share it with each other in family and friends, both near and far through the wireless waves is what life should be. THANK YOU for your kindness towards me dear one. We are so happy to KNOW YOU, THE BEAUTIFUL AND KIND TINA!!!!

    Happy counting down! Anita

  36. I was a little disappointed myself with this past Christmas Season as I found many people did not take the time to even acknowledge gifts that had been sent or delivered. Not too many Christmas cards as well this year. It makes me sad that too many people are losing the art of handwriting a letter, a thank you card or just simply being thoughtful. Everything is becoming a text, email or facebook.

    Well, you made me cry just thinking of my children growing up too fast (they are only 5..twins) I love how they call me Mommy and their wonderful, heartfelt hugs!!

    You really are fortunate to have the limestone, wire, marble, etc. I know many people who do not even have a home let alone 2 sinks to clean up in. I wish everyone could have what you do.

    I do look forward to seeing you decorate this beautful home, as I love anything to do with homes & gardens. It's going to be truly breathtaking in time. Happy New Year!

  37. Tina-
    Such a wonderful post! I hope that you and your family have a fabulous New Year! Your friendship mean so much to me, and it has been great getting to know you!
    Can't wait to see what is in store for us in 2012.

  38. *** My dear Tina~~~ Sending you warmest wishes for a most wonderful, happy and healthy 2012. (It can't help but have alot of FUNNNNNN, EXCITING & NEW things in store for you, as you FINALLY get to move into your long-awaited-for DREAM HOME!!!).

    I've enjoyed all the fun leading up to your move-in day, and send blessings for an incredibly SMOOTH & WONDERFUL (albeit alot of WORK!) move-in day!!! (NOTE: We moved 26 times in 38 years... "Aargh"... BUUUT, at least I had a chance to constantly "clear out closets"!!! ~~~ And that's what I call seeing "the glass 1/2 full"~~~~!!!!!)...

    Blessings to you all,

    Linda in AZ *

  39. You are the hardest working, best intentioned, most positive, kindest blogging friend out there.
    I am telling the people I love them more often and strive for a better closet!
    I know my glass is half full but I really want to lose those last five lbs.

    My 2011 was better with you in it, Tina. Happy New Year!

  40. Beautiful, Tina! Just beautiful. I have loved coming to your blog in 2011 and cannot wait to see what you have planned for us in the new year! I'm not sure if I'm going to spring Market, but will let you know either way. Would love to finally meet you in perosn! Wishing to you a very Happy New year! xo

  41. I love this post. It is something I plan to read over and over again. I wish you and your family a blessed New Year!

  42. Tina what an amazing post you put together. You are so talented in so many ways. I am really impressed with this post. What beautiful reflections, so many I agree with and yet you gave me things to think about with others, things like taking a little time to do something for yourself everyday, the whole texting thing ( HATE texting period) and its made communication so impersonal in general. And how adorable is that little Mongolian girl laughing next to the camel!! So true laughter and the company of friends can be such a natural cure all.
    This was something I know I will refer back to again and again. Just beautiful. Wishing you a bright and happiness filled New Year.

  43. Tina,

    My heartfelt thoughts exactly. I often share these wise words/thoughts with others, some love it others don't.

    Time gives us what we need and it forces us to accept people and the things we can and cannot change AND accept the rest as it is for our best selves...truly it is.

    One of the most profound things we can do is ACCEPT OURSELVES and the rest we learn CAN be a walk on the WISE side and watch the world change before our eyes...magically.

    I raise a glass to you my new friend and toast this new year ahead because when we humble ourselves we really see that a toast is made for all of us.

    Happy Happy New Year!

    XOXO Bette

  44. Beautiful post and says what most of us thing. I have so enjoyed your blog and look forward to more in 2012. God Bless and Happy New Year. Hugs, Marty

  45. What a beautiful post Tina! You are truly a gift to us all, so inspiring and so full of life...beautiful from the inside out. You are so right about the time with our kids vanishing in the blink of an eye. Oh how I wish I could go back to those toddler days and bottle their sweet innocence! May the new year be filled with blessings as you start anew in your beautiful new home!!

  46. THis was such a tremendous post~great way to close out a stunning debut year in blogland!! A blog is what one makes of it~and I have to say again, I love your blog!! It is a highlight for me every day~and am happy to count you now as one of my BFs in blogland. Hub's little guy, 9 yrs, came into the room while I was reading this post, and he sat on his dad's lap and gave him a long tender hug....that is when I was reading the part of cherishing all the hugs when the kids are little. I told hubs to read that part, and it made him all choked up. My baby, 20 yrs, is off to a wedding and will be staying overnight in a Boston hotel~so true how we feel more comfortable when our kids are under the roof at this age....Your blog keeps it real, and this post points out the things we might overlook, but are so important in the biggest schemes of life. I am excited to ring in 2012 and hope our friendship continues to grow, as well as the excitement that continues in this precious sphere~blogland.

  47. So very many gems here, little nuggets of wisdom that make a big difference! I went back to re-read the post, that's how fabulous it is. Thank you for making me smile and think.

    This has been one amazing year, I can't wait to see what 2012 brings you! May it be more-than-amazing, and filled with love.

  48. All of them resonated with me...they are words of wisdom. Here is wishing you a beautiful, laughter and joy filled (and migraine free) 2012 in your new home.


  49. Such lovely thoughts, Tina. We all too often take things for granted, but it is important to try to remember to be grateful. Life goes so fast. I wish you and those you love a beautiful 2012. I know it will be a very exciting one for you and, consequently, for those of us who enjoy reading your blog.
    XOXO Victoria

  50. Ah, Tina, what a beautiful post! Your true hEART shines through. With all the material possessions that you have and the fabulous house, it is YOU and your beautiful spirit that are your most treasured gifts. I have loved following you on this INCREDIBLE journey and have learned alot too. I wish nothing but the very BEST for you in 2012!!!!! So looking forward to a new year of posts! If I am on pins and needles for move in day, I can't imagine how you are feeling!!!! XO, Pinky

  51. Happy New Year Tina! Reading your blog this year has been one of the greatest joys of 2011. Congratulations on a job well done! Best wishes to you, Bob

  52. Such a thoughtful blog, I enjoyed every minute of it. I to wish for the time everyone was happy to be at home. I also have 3 boys, ( 17, 12, 12).....

    Happy Healthy New Year

  53. I love the optimism! Thank you for sharing your beautiful home with all of us. i look forward to more blogging about your moving in.

    Hope you have a very Happy New Year!
    xoxo, Lissy

  54. Happy New Year Tina - it's been a great year watching you build something wonderful ..literally and figuratively!

  55. Hi Tina, before we head out to my sisters annual big bash, just wanted to wish you a happy new year and say thank you for all you have done. I have learned so much for you and from you blog. Thanks to you I ended up with my dream master bath (got so many great ideas on paint, marble and hardware from you). I owe you as much credit as the designer who helped me put it together!
    This post was incredible, seriously fantastic. I even showed it to my husband who said the same. Hope you blog forever, my mornings are so enhanced knowing I get to visit the Enchanted Home! Happy 2012.

  56. Sending you the Happiest New Year Wishes Ever my friend. I look forward to many more wonderful visits with you in 2012 xo

    Always Wendy

  57. To this beautiful post, Tina, that makes tears well in my eyes is "DITTO!"

  58. Tina thank you for you wonderful words, images and reminders!! Especially for your friendship!

    All the best in 2012!

    I hope you will enter my Giveaway From Serena & Lily!

    Art by Karena

  59. The adopted/accepted text is a hoot! But the one about the best things come to those who wait has been a favorite of mine since I was young. Here's to 2012...the best is yet to come! HNY! xoxo

  60. SooOOOoo many fabulous thoughts and ideas to comment on! I agree with everything you said and love to reflect on the past year as it slips away on New Year's Eve too, Tina.
    Such lovely sentiments!
    Glad you reminded me to call someone who is elderly... I need to do that RIGHT now!


  61. This was definitely the best blog post I ever read! You have such an amazing outlook and attitude on life and I related to so many of the things you wrote. It's just amazing how fabulous meeting blog friends like you is!
    Happy New Year!

  62. Happy New Year! Tina, my friend, I wish you happiness, and success in the coming year, with your new home and your future endevors.

    I have loved reading and getting to know about you and your fabulous dream home!

    All of your comments were wonderful, so much to think about, and so many that I agree with whole 100% Time is so very precious, cherish it and all of your loved one. Things literally change in the blink of an eye!

    Take care, have a woderful happy new year!


  63. Can't wait for move in day!
    Your blog continues to blow me away...
    All the best for 2012!

  64. Tina,

    Thank you!! What an inspirational post. I just finished my resolution list for 2012 and many of the items you mentioned are on my list as well. You are so right...when we have our health, we do have it all.

    Your blog is one of my first stops of the day. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.

    Wishing you a wonderful 2012!!


  65. Tina,

    Thank you for your post!! I feel very inspired to make 2012 one of the best years yet. I never forget to tell those who are special to me that I Love Them. To listen to them when they need help. To love them no matter what the problems. And to forgive those who have hurt me in the past. I vow to work hard on my health in 2012 and always be available if someone needs a big.

    Wishing you all the best in 2012.

  66. The best gifts really are free and your blog is one of my favorites - a gift that keeps on giving. Thank you for a year full of wit & wisdom, honesty & integrity, food for thought & thoughts on food, drop dead decor & endless eye-candy. Thank you for sharing your creative vision and most of all your infectious enthusiasm! (infections spread you know - ha!)

  67. LOVED reading as
    you unpacked your
    beautiful thoughts
    for the New Year!
    {We own those
    optimistic wine
    glass, btw!} I am
    putting up my New
    Year's post this evening
    and would love to have
    you pop over and
    link up this lovely post.
    {The link will be
    open for a week....}
    Hope your year is filled
    with all that makes
    your dear heart sing!

    xx Suzanne

  68. What an Inspiring post & I agree with so many isn't the picture of the little girl laughing heart wrenching, wishing you a wonderful 2012. :)

  69. Wow this is one of the best posts I have EVER read. I think i am going to print it out so I can remember each reflection, so many of them are my own reflections. I love how you think and how your giving and generous spirit comes through so clearly in everything you write. Its not just about pretty pictures and fluff, you are the real deal and thats what keeps so many coming back, including me.

  70. This was so beautifully written..really brought a tear to my eye. Happy New Year to you and your family!

  71. Tina,
    Thank you for this post. What a wonderful way to start the new year! I loved reading (and being reminded) of all the wisdom in your words. So glad I found your blog. Best wishes to you in the new year!


  72. Tina, this was such a wonderful post. Since signing on for your blog posts early last year I have looked forward to each and every one. This is a lovely, positive and upbeat blog and I adore coming here. Thank you for all you shared today and for "keeping it real" in general. Happy New Year, sweet blog 'friend'!!!

  73. Nicely done! Awesome post- ditto on so many!

  74. Tina...great post! As usual....Hope your 2012 is a fabulous year for you. Love the part about texting...that was funny. You are a fabulous blogger.

  75. so many stock photos in this post.


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!