Friday, December 30, 2011

Things I am loving Fridays and house updates!

Hi there, well due to the holiday week my posting/blogging has been a little lighter than usual. We are getting close to moving. Very close. And its very exciting, I know we have a lot of work ahead..... long days, achy muscles, tired bodies and such ahead of us...but that's fine, at least we are finally going to be home sweet home! Today is just a house update post because I haven't done a whole heck of a lot since my family left on Tuesday, other than stay home and do some packing, reading, movie watching, cleaning up after the holiday frenzy,etc......eating tons of leftovers.
We are hoping to start moving things in to the new house sometime over the weekend, as long as a few loose ends are tied up by Saturday, because its been a holiday week, its a little tricky, but fingers crossed we will be moving/doing a soft move sometime over the weekend/early next week!!! And we hope to actually be living there by the end of next week!!  Can you believe it.....after four loooooong years, the time is finally just about here!
 I recognize that there will be lots of work to do for many months to come but at last we will be there and I really do believe there are many things that get overlooked and that you don't realize until you are actually living in the space, don't you agree?  So this is a condensed post and I will be having my bevy of super talented blogging friends filling in here and there with some amazing guest posts and I will be popping in as well.....I promise everything will get right back to normal as soon as I am in and settled! 

Before I begin, a few answers to your questions.....

1. Many of you asked where I got the wire for my kitchen cabinets? I must preface this by saying they are rather expensive and take a long time to receive, but if you are patient, they are beautiful! They are from Heathcast of the UK. My pattern was the Diamond Regency grill in the bronze finish. Here is the website:

2. The pale blue/green color I had originally painted my closet/dressing area Benjamin Moore Silver crest.

3. Where did I get the hardware for my bathroom? Anthropologie..what a surprise!

4. Many want to know the "manufacturer/make" of my kitchen. It was built by an independent cabinet maker. He is a three man operation but very good at what he does (but obviously it took much  longer as they are a small operation)

5. What kind of marble is on my countertops? Calacutta gold select

6. Is the island and butlers painted black or stained? Actually both. The island is painted black(matte) and the butlers pantry is a very very dark stain so that when you have sunlight coming through you are still able to pick up on the graining of the wood.

7. Do we have a good source for the beams? Again these were done by our outstanding cabinet makers and then we had a talented local finisher "antique and finish them". Sorry!

If I have left out any of your questions...feel free to email me!

HOUSE UPDATES. I will let the pictures do the talking. At this point its all about the finishing of many of the spaces, final touches on paint, the front limestone entrance is totally done except for the wrought iron that goes above front door in front of window, absolutely love it! One thing that we were able to do that had special meaning was to use the original planters (at least for now) from the original house that goes back to the 1920's and the orbs that were planted in them! I think they look great and "very French"! I love being able to find spots for these treasured relics of the past! More of that to come.....

Ahhh, so nice to rip off the paper in the front entrance, glass for door comes next week!
Because this was taken at night, we dont' really get a great take on the color, but I love this color, its a pale putty color.

Front entrance getting final touches
Voila! The planters and finished limestone entrance

Laundry room faucet installed...only waiting on knobs then we are done in here!

Hardware put on mahogany doors downstairs
Faucets put in kitchen sinks
Hardware on breakfast room patio doors
Butlers pantry faucet

Door to powder room

Covered porch is done except floor!

Patio with fireplace done

Wire on island doors

Backsplash! Say goodbye to the stove, this is the last time you will see it...I know you are heartbroken:)

Entrance completed...yippee!!
Planters and orbs from original home!!

And last the winners from this weeks Which would you choose...though there are no "losers" as they were each gorgeous and special!

1st place with 42 votes

2nd place with 33 votes

3rd place with 21 votes

And tied for 4th place with 15 votes each


All my favorites made it.....what can I say you all have superb taste!! Wishing you a wonderful Friday leading up to this special weekend......hard to believe we are about to close the door to 2011 and say hello to 2012...I say bring it on! I am ready.Wishing you a fabulous Friday!



  1. Bonjour Tina,
    I am so happy for your and your family that you will soon be home sweet home - what a nice ring that has! What an incredible job you have done in creating your lovely home. Thank you for sharing the journey with us.
    Wishing you a marvelous New Year!

  2. Tina I have been a big big fan of your blog since I discovered it a few months ago and have so enjoyed watching your house take shape. It is just so amazing and beautiful, it is really breathtaking. I love the limestone entrance, looks like it belongs to an old Parisian chateau somewhere and the planters are very fitting.
    Your kitchen, butlers and all the wood work is really something to behold. I hope you will continue to post often once you move, I cannot wait to see how you start to fill this incredible space. All the best to you in the new year.
    A real fan

  3. I can imagine your excitement and anticipation! What a beautiful start to the New Year!


  4. What a stunning castle you have. Have an amazing New Year :)


  5. Congratulations on building a stunning "grand house"! You must be beyond exited to finally be moving in your new spectacular home! best possible way to celebrate the new year!

  6. Oh this is so exciting to think you are packing and moving this weekend! Wow, I can hardly wait for the moving part...the house entrance is so stunning~I love the original planters too, amazing that they fit so well. A little nod to the past greets you each time you enter through the doors!

  7. Tina, I'm dying. It just keeps getting more gorgeous. Seriously, this should be a decor book. Don't you think? I would buy it! I'm thinking it would sell like hotcakes. I love the bronze fixtures and the entry!! xo



    NEXT WEEK? FINALLY? You have got to be beside yourself...and no matter how tired you may be, I know that the adrenalin will kick in and you will be dancing about as you pack! That front entrance is a masterpiece.....just PERFECT! And my favorite? That covered patio....just to have the option to go outside and have a mantel are going to have the time of your life decorating this castle! MANY CLAPS OF APPLAUSE to all of the staff and workers, YOUR FAMILY and to YOU for being so patient and sharing your gracious home with us dearest! 2012, HERE WE COME!!!! LOVE TO YOU, Anita

  10. Tina,

    Your house is FABULOUS!!!! Your attention to detail has resulted in one of the most beautiful homes I have seen. Wishing you and your family a New Year filled with joy!!


  11. Tina- I am so excited for you! I can't believe that MDay (Moving Day) is almost upon you~ You are going to feel like you are at Heaven's Door. And, don't feel like you have to rush to make everything perfect right away. This is going to be your "forever" home- no've got a lifetime to finish all the wonderful little details.

    I do have ONE question for you...WHEN will the guest room be set up for my first visit? Just wondering~ I'll bring my own Starbucks! xo Diana

  12. It's all absolutely STUNNING. I especially love your amazing kitchen, with that stone chimney, marble tiles and superb cabinetry. I also love the outside space. Can't wait to see how you style everything.
    Best wishes for all the packing and moving - I feel super excited for you, even though I've only been blogging and following since October.
    Happy New Year to you and yours, and GOOD LUCK !

  13. That is the first time I have seen two sinks in a kitchen and that is DREAMY to me!! I gotta write that down on my list of things I want in my dream house!

    I'm so excited about your move! Happy New Year!

    P.S. I LOVE your comments. They make me smile!

  14. I have a couple of questions about the kitchen. Why did you install a temporary oven and what made you decide to add the wire to the kitchen cabinets (which btw I totally love).

    The wood ceiling in the "patio" is outstandingly beautiful.

  15. your homes facade is exquisite Tina,..
    love seeing the updates on your home...
    beautiful covered porch too...I know that will be a place that will get used a lot!!
    sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas..

  16. Tina,
    What a fabulous way to celebrate the new year - in a new house!! good luck, friend. I'll be thinking about you - get lots of advil and wine!!! M.

  17. I'm beyond excited for you, Tina! Enjoy moving in to your Enchanted Home!

  18. You must be so excited about your move and I can't believe you'll be moving in one short week! Congratulations! Thank you so much for sharing your sources too especially the wire from your cabinets it's so fabulous so I'm heading over for a look. You're very welcome on the award but trust me it's well deserved!

  19. Love the house!! Can you post pictures of the original house? Good luck with moving day, can't wait to see how it will be furnished!!

  20. So exciting and such a beautiful and magnificent home. What a wonderful way to start 2012. God Bless Hugs, Marty

  21. Tina, it looks gorgeous!! Every bit! The limestone entrance is stunning. I'm so excited that you finally get to start moving! What a wonderful way to start the new year!

  22. Your house is just beautiful and I know you can not wait to move in. I can' wait to see you home once you have all your furnishings in it.
    Hope your New Year is Blessed!

  23. Tina,
    You should be so pleased with your home, it is exquisite. I love the cabinetry, the hardware, the outdoor porch, I could go on and on. As I read your post it took me back. We moved into our new home a year ago and you are so right when you say things get overlooked. Actually, it is more about not knowing your traffic patterns and where you want to reach in the kitchen and bathrooms than anything. I am still switching cupboards and rearranging! In addition, I am now changing a wall color because you never know until you live with the changing light. But to me, this is all part of the process of making a home. Best of luck with your move. My advice, keep lots of wine on hand!

  24. Everything looks fabulous, Tina. I love the front entry, both outside and in, and I am very excited for you that you are moving in a matter of days. A very Happy New Year, indeed.
    XOXO Victoria

  25. So,so close...every detail is exquisite, and I know you can hardly wait to call it home sweet home. Enjoy the process and can hardly wait to see the first box unpacked!!

  26. Anticipation for the finished product is killing all of us!!! So exciting!!! Happy New Year--Happy New Home!!!!

  27. What a beautiful house. I sure it will be worth the 4 year wait. Happy moving.

  28. So excited for you Tina. I can't believe that you are even near this computer and moving this weekend. I absolutely can't wait to see the progression of furnishing this incredible home. Good luck and I pray that you stay healthy and well through the moving process. Happy New Year. Mona

  29. Tina, I am so excited for the upcoming move.
    2012 Is going to be a great year. All the pictures look great and I'm loving all the finishes thus far. Good luck on the move.

  30. One can tell there has been a lot of love and dedication put into this beautiful home. May 2012 bring you many happy days in and around it. take care

  31. For a fake person with a fake house it sure is 'purdy' & you sure do have Fabulous taste!
    Congrats! Happy New Year & new Home!!!

  32. Tina, I am so happy for you!! Moving IS stressful, but the destination is well worth it. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!

  33. Jane in Stratford, OntarioDecember 30, 2011 at 10:48 AM

    Tina, Happy New Year!! It will be an even more exciting year for you than 2011!! We will look forward to it and to seeing you in your new home!!

  34. Tina, when we moved to our new build almost 5 years ago i remember that just when I thought incredible elation you feel about moving had left me, I sure enough got it right back the day of our move, Yes it was a lot of work but it was the best hard work I had ever enjoyed. Every day was a total joy to wake up and wonder what I would work on, we finally finished the last project, our pool house and part of me is sad that its all over!
    So even though its hectic and lots of work, what I am trying to say is enjoy it. You have built a true work of art, a spectacular home (if you can call it that) and you, your husband and building/architectural team are to be commended. Every single inch is jaw droppingingly beautiful. I am so excited for you and hope you take time to enjoy and savor this experience which is once in a lifetime. I know I have so enjoyed watching it happen, all the best to you and yours in the new year.

  35. Tina, In your kitchen backsplash there is a outlet and to the left is another plate with what looks like some sort of "hood" on the plate, what is it? Is it the switch to the garbage disposal or maybe some sort of down light for the counter? It is killing me.

  36. Tina, So exciting to remove all the paper to see all your hard work! I love the entrance to your home and the two sinks in the kitchen.. great idea! Lots of work ahead but so much to look forward to. Have fun!

  37. Hi Tina,
    Your house is hysterical! In a very, very good way. I am giddy with every photo. The stained doors are so lovely, the outside patio/covered porch will be so inviting on cool fall evenings and so invigorating on a crisp spring morning while sipping hot coffee. Kudos to the brave little stove standing proud and hard working amidst such grandeur!!
    Your blog is my secret get away from the doldrums of day to day life.
    Thanks and Happy New Year!

  38. The progress is phenomenal! You know things are nearing the end when the faucets are going in....can't wait to see your real stove! Good luck with the least it is easier than most moves knowing you are moving into your dream home!

  39. How exciting that it's coming to completion! Everything looks just gorgeous. You really did it right and you will be so satisfied for years to come. Love that wire in the cabinetry. Your artisans have all done such a wonderful job. Congrats on a project well done!

  40. The house is looking great--so many finishing touches are coming together!

  41. That entrance/foyer is breathtaking. I really just sit in awe viewing the images of your new home~chateau. I cannot even imagine living in such a place. I don't know if movie stars even have such a gorgeous dwelling as you! You are blessed indeed. ox

  42. Tina, I am so happy for you that moving day is so close. I will wish for good weather and many helping hands for your move! I promise to be patient and await your return to blogging! Good Luck

  43. Oh Tina-
    I know that you are so excited! Everything looks fabulous, and so close!
    Can't wait to see everything.

  44. So thrilling to see the developments, you must be beside yourself with anticipation!

  45. Oh Tina, what is there to say? It is beyond spectacular. It was SO much fun to see with some of the papers removed...I can not wait to see more. Everything is absolutely perfect! You are just incredibly, unbelievably talented!

  46. Your house is looking SO SO SO beautiful. I will say some prayers this week that all the moving goes well for you. I know how stressful moves can be even with all the excitement that has built up in these 4 long years of building.

    Blessings to you and your family for a healthy and joyful 2012:) You will make lots of happy memories in your new home.


  47. New Year, New Home! And it looks fabulous. Happy New Year, Tina. I hope that 2012 is absolutely magical with lots of wonderful first memories in your gorgeous house. Hope your son is feeling better and best of luck with the move! Cheers! XO

  48. Just beautiful! Congratulations on the move..bring on 2012 + Happy new year to you and yours.

  49. Absolutely beautiful!
    Have a Happy New Year!

  50. One of my favorite posts of the week-- your house updates! You know the first thing I looked for: the entrance, & what a treat! It's looking so fabulous-- love the floor. I'm smiling for you!


  51. hi tina.

    i soooo enjoyed seeing the beautiful progress on the house and your upbeat energy to take us into 2012. i'm so ready for a fresh slate, fresh opportunities, and all the promise the new year will yield.

    best to you during this busy transition!


  52. Tina, Hello!Happy New Year!!! This is so exciting, I think that we all are as excited as you! The house looks spectacular! I cannot think of enough adjetives for how beautiful it looks. I wish you the best in your move, I hope it all goes as you wish!

    Take care, be safe,


    Congratulations on your award! Welll deserved my friend.

  53. Hello and happy house to you for 2012
    Dare I ask how much this all cost? Even a ball park figure?

  54. Wow Tina the front entrance looks stunning & once the glass is on it will be the icing on the cake :))
    I love the out side patio, ooh your going to have so much fun unpacking everything, enjoy your new year living in the gorgeous home you have created. :)

  55. That entrance is something else, just stunning. It is always a delight to see the updates, especially when we get to this stage of things! I can only imagine how it felt to start ripping off the protective paper!

    Thank you for making the year so lovely, I send you a smile and hopes 2012 is all you dream... and then some.

  56. Tina, thank you for sharing all you do, including answering the questions, I was one who was also interested in the wire mesh source, so will be checking them out. And love the color of your pantry and island, black is so dramatic!
    House is looking stupendous! So excited for you, and wish you minimal sore muscles, and achy fingers, trust me it will be worth it every step of the way. Hope you will disregard the "anonymous" poster above asking what you paid to build your home, that is so obnoxious! Some people never cease to amaze me.
    Anyway, we are leaving for a ski trip tomorrow so will check back when we return and hope you are happily settled into your new home by then. Happy new year.

  57. Gorgeous updates! Love the wire! it makes the kitchen look so warm! I've been away since Monday and need to catch up on all of your posts that I missed! My laptop took a dive so I had no internet while on vacation...which was actually kinda nice!

  58. Hi! Love seeing the house updates every week! I hope you will be posting pictures after you move in of the finished home with all of your beautiful new furniture! Also,would you mind posting the color of the cabinets in your laundry room? Thanks so much! Pam

  59. Tina,

    How wonderful to ring in the New Year with a bright new home.

    House Blessing:
    May love and laughter light your days,
    and warm your heart and home.
    May good and faithful friends be yours,
    wherever you may roam.
    May peace and plenty bless your world
    with joy that long endures.
    May all life's passing seasons
    bring the best to you and yours.

    Happy Happy New Year and Thanks so much for sharing so much of you with us in 2011. Of course, I'm loking forward to so much more in 2012 with the adventures IN the Enchanted Home with Tina.

    All the best, Cheers, hugs, and lots of bubbles!


  60. You are soooo close to moving in! I can just imagine your excitement! Woo hoo!

    Happy New Year, Tina!

  61. Good luck in your new home! Have fun, Pearl

  62. It has been so fun to see the transformation of your home! I know you are looking forward to starting all the wonderful decorating once you move in.

    Happy New Year

  63. Congratulations on your upcoming move! I can only imagine how excited you all must be. I hope everything goes smoothly for you. Happy New Year!

  64. Tina, could we be any more excited for you!!! Wihooo!!!!

    And your stunning patio looks like a fantastic ball room!

    I have done zero, zip, nada blog hopping since before Christmas. But I can't end the year without a visit here.

    It is an honor to visit your blog. You are so inspirational (I learn a ton) and you have the best attitude Ms. Tina.

    Wishing you and yours a most wonderful new year I can't wait to see you beaming in your new home. Beaming with you!

    ox, Mon

  65. Your home is awesome! I could just live out on the covered porch. I believe all my favorites from "Which Would You Choose?" made the cut. Can't wait to go on the journey with you when you furnish this magnificent home!

  66. Happy New Year, Tina! Congrats on finally moving, it looks magnificent. So, so thrilled for you. (I'm living vicariously through you, lol!)

  67. I love the detail on the cabinet fronts of the uppers in the laundry room. Be sure to keep us all in the loop with your move in. Love reading your blog.

  68. Holy Smokes...I am glad I kept going to see the house updates!!! Smashing. I literally can not wait to see it finished! I know you are with me on that :)

  69. I'm speechless. Every detail is incredible, exquisite, gorgeous and so on. Thank you so much for sharing. Happy New Year and good luck with your move!

  70. Porcelain tiles are yet another excellent choice for kitchen countertops are also extremely durable, they also come in a wide variety of colours and styles and gone are the days when house owners stick to the usual rule of white tiles.


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!