Monday, January 2, 2012

My one year blogging celebration and a special award!

Good morning to all my enchanting I announced yesterday it dawned on me that yesterday was a major one year blogging anniversary!! To celebrate, and this is so celebration worthy...a few giveaways are in order! I want to first thank you, my many loyal readers and followers and my fellow bloggers for coming abroad, staying with me even as I was trying to figure this whole blog business out and being a constant source of encouragement, support and inspiration! I look forward to whats ahead and hoping for many more years!

 I am offering a few giveaways of some of my favorite things to celebrate. One major prize and I DO mean major and a bunch of fun little things! To enter all you need to do is leave a comment, and if you want a second chance, you can like me on Facebook.You heard right, Facebook!  Can you believe it.....I finally figured it out and set up a Facebook page for The Enchanted Home (still figuring that out) but in due time! Click here to visit me on Facebook.  I will announce the winner(s) on Wednesday morning.  The giveaways are a few of my favorite things that I use often and enjoy....

MAJOR PRIZE....courtesy of  Safavieh Home! This is an amazing prize, so good luck! (If you want to be eligible for the rug, you must also leave a comment on Safaviehs Facebook) Click here to do so.

This gorgeous hand tufted 100% wool rug in beautiful washed colors is inspired by an old Persian antique design, the elegant and timeless Tabriz. This is 6x9 and waiting for its new home to some lucky winner!!

Prize 1....My favorite Candle from Seda France, scented with peonies, its amazing!!

Prize 2.....Another Seda France favorite, the container alone is so gorgeous and the scent, Asian Pear is decadently fabulous!

Prize 3....These adorable his and her or "king" and "queen" coat/towel hooks, feel like a royal!

Prize 4....This adorable French inspired Apron, have one and love it, its pretty enough to leave on!

Prize 5..... I love Trish McEvoy cosmetics and love this little bag! This wonderful little kit is a great travel bag. It includes little compartments and separate removable zippered cosmetic bag filled with some cosmetics and skin care. 

Good luck everyone!

Now onto this wonderful award bestowed upon me.....The blog on fire award!

I was so happy and honored to receive this wonderful blog award from not one but TWO   friends, Debra from Acquired Objects and Teresa of the lovely Splendid Sass. A little about these two fabulous blogs....Acquired Objects, a beautiful blog showcasing Debra's fabulous taste, elegant Vermont abode, mouth watering antique textiles and her penchant for all things beautiful and then there is \ Splendid Sass, which features the most beautiful heavenly interiors, uber talented designers and their work, and she always sprinkles her blog with a devine recipe! Of course their infectious, warm personalities shine through loud and clear! Thank you Teresa and Debra. I am so lucky to count you both as friends. Part of accepting this award is telling five things about myself and then passing along to five other here we go!

1. I am SEVERELY claustrophobic, even looking at an elevator makes me shake, I kid you not. Happened 20 something years ago when I was 8 months pregnant living in NYC, and went to visit someone and rode the elevator from hell. Alone, no phone, with a totally possessed elevator which resulted in a permanent condition of severe claustrophobia! The good news I always take the stairs no exceptions wherever we are.....including having walked up to the Rainbow Room at the top of Rockefeller center!!

2. I am such a kid at heart, I love seeing the world through kids eyes.....still have to admit I get excited over visiting Disney, walking through magical Epcot and the Magic Kingdom, unlike most who get exhausted, being there in that magical venue just revs me up and gives me a new dose of youthful energy!!  I think at this point in the game, my kids are way over Disney so I guess I will likely have to wait for grandkids....argh!

3. I cry over Johnsons baby commercials, Disney, Hallmark and even over some of the diaper commercials. Think its a combination of looking back, quite fondly on a time that will never be again (when my kids were really young) and just thinking back to that precious innocent time when the mere mention of Disney world or a new toy would mean wide eager eyes, a smile a mile wide and the biggest bear hug one could hope for! Now I get grunts from my Chinese rapping son who makes an occasional appearance from his "crib" upstairs. (actually hes a beyond polite boy but the Chinese speaking rapper still

4. That I really think I will want to move out to the country one day and fulfill a lifelong dream to plant a mega garden, herbs, vegetable, fruit, floral you name it! Grow my own olives and bottle my own olive oil, a few fig trees, a tomato garden to rival all tomato gardens. You get the picture! And have a few horses, cows and chickens. Maybe even open a small restaurant on the property, always dreamt of building a small quaint but charmingly elegant restaurant that only seats 12 or 14 right in the middle of the crop fields! Wouldnt' that be neat? Will you come and be my guest? I promise I will also have one heck of a gorgeous guest room waiting!

5. I know I am mildly OCD, and have many obsesssions!  You now know my penchant for even numbers, to the point where when I get gas I must like to stop on an even number! One other such obsession is my obsession with apres ski wear.  I LOVE Gorsuch. Do you know of them? I seriously NEVER throw one of their catalogs away...they have the most beautiful things! One look a their amazing offerings online or their catalog, and you will "get it". And those "other things", well when I discovered a BLT sandwich I ate them every day for a month, current obsessions are with coffee, Hermes anything (those two have been long time) , cozy pj's, anything equestrian(not a new obsession always loved it), velvet chairs,sofas and ottomans, the colors gray and camel together, white marble anywhere, copper pots, urns of all sizes preferably a little aged, moving into my house, anything old and French, the palest blue/gray color palette in a room, chunky gold charm bracelets, and taking an amazing vacation sometime soon!

There...that's a bunch of random facts about me, don't you think! Now for the second part...passing it along. I have SO many blogging friends who are SO deserving of this award, but this time around I am handing it out to someone who A. I have never awarded before and B. someone who is a little newer (at least to me) and C. someone whose blog I really love and anticipate visiting!  So (in no particular order) congratulations to........(Please click on each one to visit, they are all wonderful treats and I promise if you don't know of them already you will be happy you do now)!


And thank you Debra and Teresa for the gift of your fabulous blogs and of your friendship! I cannot  wait to really meet one day and know Teddy and Dylan will be fast friends!

Before I go, ever see a commercial that you just want to share because it is so darn cute, well here is one that I think is one of the best I have seen in a long time. Have you seen it? That baby is SO cute, I can't stand it! And what a personality!!

Cheers to everyone for following along, I just know the best is yet to come!
Enjoy your day and happy 2012!

To recap, by leaving a comment here you are eligible for all giveaways (and a second entry will be given to those who like The Enchanted Home on Facebook)  BUT to be eligible for the rug you must also visit Safavieh's facebook page and leave a comment, make sure you mention you are from The Enchanted Home! Good luck!



  1. Congratulations on your blogoversery!! I have really enjoyed discovering your blog and reading these last couple of months. I would love to be entered in your contest...lovely prizes!! I will visit your Face Book Page! Also, congratulations on your award...much deserved!!

  2. I have liked you all over facebook and like you I'm just figuring it out. Congratulations on all your awards that are well deserved. Now I must go get something to eat and wishing it was a burger, that baby was to darn cute!


  3. Oh wow some awesome gifts here Tina! I was stunned to see the candle in the chinoiserie container as I had googled it and studied it to create you know what!! What a coincidence!! Would love the chance to win!

  4. Tina I understand why you got this award twice, your blog is hands down my favorite! I LOVE it, so congratulations to you and wishing you many more years of blogging.
    I loved learning more about you, so funny, love your humor.
    Funny about the OCD, and I am also VERY claustrophobic as well.
    I will go viist you and Safaveh on Facebook and please count me in for all these prizes, they are wonderful!
    Wow you do know how to do it up to celebrate! Wishing you a great new year in 2012.

  5. Congrats on your one year anniversary! Loving the updates on the house, looking forward to your move you are too! You have some awesome giveaways, count me in. Diane

  6. Congratulations on your anniversary! I'm relatively new to your blog but it's a source of inspiration. I'm excited for you to move into your gorgeous new home. Thanks for the opportunity with all the wonderful give-aways! Happy New Year.

  7. Dear Tina, I'm in for the giveaway. I also commented on Facebook, what a lovely rug!!! And I'll be sure to visit you in that restaurant in the country!!! Have a lovely day and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

    Kristin ♥

  8. What lovely giveaways! They've nudged me to finally tell you how very much I've enjoyed your blog. My house is tiny but the magic you share translates well. Thank you so very much and a joyful new year to you and yours.

  9. What a fabulous giveaway! I "liked" your FB page and also commented on Safavieh's FB page.

  10. Ooooh, la la,

    I'm mad about your giveaways, particularly the rug. My daughter and son-in-law bought their first house (in Chicago) this summer and they are slowly decorating and renovating -- and loving every second of the adventure. It's fascinating in the sense I showed her a rug almost exactly like the one pictured here and she literally swooned. So, please do count me in.

    Your exquisite taste shows through with everything you do. The boxes are divine as well.

    I know, I know, Facebook, I just started myself a month ago and all I do is make mistakes and flubs. I shall visit you and try to figure out what to do once I get there (the other side of the coin I may not understand. . .)

    Will also comment on Savavieh's FB page.

    Again, chere, Tina, Bonne Année and happy anniversary. You bring joy.

    Warmest regards,

  11. OMG where to begin. Ok first congrats on 1 year, you have grown to be a big time blogger in such a short time, so kudos to you for that. More than anything I think its your warm, generous, smart as a whip, humorous and lively personality that shines through. And then the icing on the cake is of course all the beauty, serious beauty and eye candy that you provide while educating us mere mortals who have lots to learn about design:-)
    I loved your 5 things, so funny about the OCD and how you cry over Disney commercials, funny they kind of affect me too that way but since I still have 3 kiddos under 10 at home, I LIVE with that, but can imagine when I older it will really get to me!
    I will so visit you at your country/farm restaurant and will take you up on that guest room too.
    Last I dont' have facebook but will see if my sister is willing to enter on my behalf, truth be told facebook scares the fat off of me, and I stay away but I am sure one day like 9 million others I will join it, just need to get over all my fears.
    Well now that I have rambled and rambled, I last want to wish you the happiest new year and may it be filled with all the things that make you happy, Tina.

  12. Love your blog! Congrats on 1 year and also on your upcoming move!

  13. Congrats on ONE YEAR- You made it through the learning curve AND a troll, or two! Way to go! It is fun reading about all your little bents. I hate elevators, too, but will ride in them when there is not much choice.

    I, too, tear up over some commercials. The Hallmark ones always get me going...and I LOVE Disney World. Do you know I was about #10 in line the day they opened? I still love it and we are going with all the kids AGAIN in February and I can't wait.

    Don't feel bad that I don't befriend you on FB. My dil's job as a federal agent keeps us from being part of that network (for her safety).

    What a great post, Tina- I can see you are off and running for a wonderful New Year- xo Diana

  14. Live outside the U.S. so assume I am not eligible. But congratualtions on one year, your blog is my favorite blog to read every morning, I love that you cover a wide variety of things.
    These prizes are quite beautiful., love the rug, those darling royal hooks, do you know who makes them? That Provence looking apron is also charming.
    Enjoyed learning more about you, my mother in law also does not elevators ever. I know Gorsuch, they have beautiful things even though I am not a skiier.
    Anyway, just wanted to say congratulations on this big achievement and wishing you another successful year of blogging and happiness.

  15. Congrats! Adore your blog! It is so inspiring!

  16. Would love to win any of these!! Keeping fingers crossed. Left a comment on Safavieh's FB page. Happy New Year, Tina!

  17. PS SO funny about the "Chinese rapping son" that made me laugh.

  18. Happy Birthday, Tina! It certainly didn't take you long to become one of the top blogs out here in blogland! You have made all of our morning more beautiful with your posts of perfection.
    This is some giveaway! I had already friended Safavieh Home on Facebook.
    You are welcome for the award. You certainly deserve it!
    Have a wonderful day, and try to relax some.

  19. Good morning and Happy New Year, Tina!!! Since today is an "even number" day...all the better, right?!

    Love learning more about you-adore Gorsuch and am excited to hit the slopes in Feb and pop into the one in Vail. Even if it is just to browse.

    Big hugs and congratulations on 1 incredible year!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  20. Good luck in 2012 and keep the fabulous blog coming! Thanks for the daily inspiration!

  21. Good morning my sweet Tina!

    I feel so happy for you! 1 year!!!! Wow! Congratulations! I remember when you first started, you stopped by my blog asking me to visit you . I came here and fell in love with your blog! Actually, I feel so glad I came here because I didn't only fell in love with your blog, but also gained a true friend. You really inspire me, Tina, not only as a blogger, but as a human being.

    Now, these giveaways are rocking!!! :-) I have the right spot for that rug. I'm here... praying and dreaming with it!!!! :-) By the way, any of these gifts would make me soooo happy!

    Have a wonderful and blessed New Year!!!


    Luciane at

  22. Happy New Year and Blogaversary! I have so enjoyed reading your wonderful posts over the years! You are such a talent!

    And YAY! You are on Facebook now! I LOVE it!!!

  23. Happy New Year and congrats on the anniversary!

  24. Whip it with the giveaways! You rock & congrats on the year of blogging!!!

  25. You certainly do deserve the "Blog on Fire" award because your blog IS on fire, and especially only after a year! Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary, keep on blogging so the rest of us can keep on dreaming!

  26. Keep up the amazing job you are doing. Your blog rocks and is my all time favorite. I loved learning more about you Tina. You have a funny side which I adore.
    Thanks for the gift that your blog is to so many. I have learned so much, I can't even tell you. And thanks to you I did white marble in my kitchen and am LOVING it to no end.
    I do not have facebook but count me in for the giveaways please! So many wonderful items, what a celebration! Thank you.

  27. Congratulations on your one year anniversary! Keep up all the great work - we all really enjoy seeing your homes progress.

  28. I've been following your blog for about 6 months now and this is actually the first time I am entering your giveaway contest. Your blog has been so helpful in more ways than you can imagine!! (We've actually traded a few emails a few months ago) Happy 1 year!!! FYI...I look forward to your blogs everyday!!! Tina O.

  29. I'm entering the giveaway contest even though I never win lol.

    The baby in the commerical always makes me smile.

  30. Love all the items in the giveaway! So generous!

  31. Happy Blog Anniversary! And thank you for taking us along on your home-building journey. It's turned out gorgeous. I hope you and your family have many happy times there for many years to come.

    Anne at

  32. Happy New Year! Love your blog. HD

  33. Tina.....what a treat your blog has been obviously to so many. Its not surprise your blog has grown to "major player" status! I love all the giveaways, so many good ones I would be delighted to win any one of them and will attempt to go on facebook with my hubby's account.
    Your 5 things were fantastic and humorous and entertaining. I have to check out Gorsuch, we are big skiiers so I would love to see what they are all about.
    Thank for providing such a great source of inspiration and beauty with your blog. Its been a really fun ride and I look foward to what is ahead for you in 2012, I am sure the best is yet to come.
    Enjoy it all and happy new year.

  34. Love your blog, love the giveaways

    Happy New Year

  35. Tina,

    Congratulations on the first anniversary of your blog.

    Happy New Year!!


  36. Congrats on your 1 year blogging anniversary. I have enjoyed watching your progress. Hope you have an awesome 2012!

  37. Congrats on the anniversary- love your blog! Would love to win a prize if only to say I finally won something!

  38. Congratulations on your one year blog-a-versary! Looking forward to more of your lovely posting this year..

  39. Thank you for your wonderful blog. You help make it possible for others to "dream" and who knows maybe someday our dreams will come true, also.

  40. Congratulations on your 1 yr anniversary. Amazing what you've accomplished in one year. Your blog is definitely a joy and source of inspiration to many people. As always looking forward to more amazing posts in 2012!

  41. Congratulations on your blogversary! The rug is to die for, and would go perfectly in my living room :)

    I would love to be included in the drawing. Please include me twice! (as I just "liked" you on FB; I also "liked" Safavieh Home.)

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I finally win something!

  42. first blog I read each day, happy new year

  43. Happy blog anniversary. What great giveaways! I don't have a facebook account, so no chance at the rug for me, but just love all the other ones!

  44. Being a little OCD myself, I sympathize with can be a real pain, if also a little comical! I wouldn't want to share the elevator fear, though. That walk up to the Rainbow Room must hav been tough! Congrats on the first year, and good luck with the move!!
    Sta y

  45. I know exactly what you mean about Gorsuch, I stop in when we're in Vail and could browse forever! I wish I looked that chic when I'm skiing!
    Congrats on the award, I always love finding new blogs, heading to check them out!

    Thank you for the beautiful giveaway, too!

  46. I have been enjoying your blog so much, Tina! Thank you for the giveaways.

  47. Congrats on making it through a whole year blogging! I look forward to your daily post. I can't wait for you to move into your new home! Keep up the great work.

  48. What a post - it must have taken you ages to compile, - here is my participation - don't know if I'm eligible as I live in Europe but trying my luck anyways. lots of good things to you this year!

  49. Wow, congratulations on your one year blogging anniversary! Such an exciting time for you moving into your home. I love, love, love your blog, it is such an inspiration and full of ideas. Your warmth as a person certainly is felt through your blog. Such wonderful giveaways! Thank you and much happiness and adventures in 2012!

  50. And congratulations on your FB page which I "liked"!

  51. Hi,
    I am working on starting my own blog. Congratulations on 1 year. I have also liked you on Facebook and Safaviehs Facebook page left a comment. I really enjoy your blog posts you are an inspiration. Wonerful giveaway.

  52. One more...I left a comment and "liked" Safavieh Home. Their rugs are so beautiful....wonderful giveaway! Thank you.

  53. Congratulations on your Anniversary!!!! That is definitely a milestone. Love your blog and have loved seeing your new home come together. Congrats that it will soon be finished also. Your giveaway is unreal. I would love to be entered. I liked you on Facebook and Safaveihs Facebook page also. Thanks for the chance. Hugs, marty

  54. Congrats on your first year. Such a lovely blog.

  55. I just "liked" you on glad you have a page now! :)

  56. Congrtulations on one year! I LoVe your blog, you have been an inspiration!

  57. I "liked" Safavieh's FB page and left a comment for them.

  58. Congratus to one the the best bloggers I know! I loved all of your random things about you! Learn more every day! and you are so sweet to offer all of those giveaways! How nice! I hope I win! lol! I love boys are getting older too but we had the best time riding all of the roller coasters and the Tower of Terrorrrrr! Love that ride! And strolling through Disney with my daily cup of coffee was nice too! Kisses and hugs!

  59. Congrats on your first year! I have just recently discovered your blog and absolutely love it.Would love to win one of the great prizes. Happy New Year and much success for the new year.


  60. Congrats on your first year of blogging!

  61. What a fabulous giveaway! Congratulations and a very Happy New Year full of wonderful moments in your new house!

  62. It's been a joy to follow your blog and watch your home go up! I am looking forward to seeing what you do with the interior once you are settled into your home! You are about to embark on a new adventure as you and your family build beautiful memories in your new home! Congrats on both the home and blog! :)

  63. Congratulations! Your blog is definitely my favorite, your home is breathtaking! I've never been to Paris, London, or out of this country, but your pictures take me there and for that I am grateful! Here's to another year of blogging and your adventures!

  64. Congratulations on creating a wonderful blog experience for an entire year, Tina! I have been watching the "growth" of your fabulous home for about 6 months now...and loving every minute.
    Here's to another fabulous year!
    Congrats on having a facebook page now.
    I too have "liked" you there and visited Safavieh's page in hopes of winning any one of the fantastic "give-aways"!
    Thanks so much for the inspirations :-)

  65. What a great way to celebrate your first year and congratulations are in order! Your posts are always something to look forward to and you brighten the blogosphere. Happy 2012, Tina!

  66. Congratulations on the anniversary, the beautiful new home, and a spectacular end-of-year piece. Happy 2012!

  67. Tina, Congratulations on your first year! Great giveaways - I have the Seda candles and love them. BTW, I too am claustrophobic - had a dreadful experience on the finding Nemo at Disneyland (stay away from submarines!)

  68. I can't believe it's been nearly I year that I've been following your wonderful blog. It's one of the first things I check in the morning! Following your house construction is exciting, and I love knowing how many fine craftsmen (women?) you have employed. Bravo!

  69. Congratulations on creating a wonderful blog experience for an entire year, Tina! I have been watching the "growth" of your fabulous home for about 6 months now...and loving every minute.
    Here's to another fabulous year!
    Congrats on having a facebook page now.
    I too have "liked" you there and visited Safavieh's page in hopes of winning any one of the fantastic "give-aways"!
    Thanks so much for the inspirations :-)
    [re-posting as Patricia Williams...because I couldn't get a picture to upload with my school account as Professor Williams..above]

  70. Tina if there was an academy awards, you my dear would be getting it! Love your blog, you incredible style, your attitude about life in general and getting to see the world and life in general through your eyes.
    Its a pleasure, and I love all these giveaways too, wow! I wish I had facebook as I would love the rug, will check with my son to see if he will let me use his acct. to enter for the rug, but please count me in for everything else.
    Fun! Thank you and best to you in the new year.

  71. Happy one year! Love, love reading your blog!

  72. A beautiful start to the morning---a cup of coffee and a visit to The Enchanted Home! Thank you!

  73. What an amazing journey you are on and I am so thankful to be a part of it! I appreciate the opportunity to win some of your favorite things! They all seem so lovely! My prayer for this new year for you is that it is your best year yet! It's more amazing and more wonderful than all your expectations! May your life truly be blessed!!


  74. posted a comment on Safaviehs Facebook page. congrats on your one-year anniversary. love your blog!

  75. look forward to reading your blog every day!!! its great! and love your new home! can't wait to see it finished!

  76. Congrats on your anniversary, Tina. This is a fabulous giveaway you are offering. Love Safavieh rugs; Seda candles and diffusers are my favorite; and who wouldn't love those hooks and apron and the bag filled with Chanel goodies? When you open that farmhouse restaurant, put me on the list. I'll be there.
    All the best...Victoria

  77. Great to see you on Facebook! I am entered, and let me just tell ya that rug would be PERFECT in my morning room!(Which will be transformed this year from a never-used casual dining room into a hopefully often used reading room)

  78. WOWSERS, what awesome prizes. Keep blogging!

    thanks for my morning read with my coffee.

  79. Congrats to you. You have an outstanding blog! This is an amazing giveaway. Talk about Christmas after Christmas. I will keep my fingers crossed for a lucky start in 2012. All the best to you.

  80. Oops; I meant the the Chanel-styled bag with Bobbi Brown cosmetic. My apologies to Bobbi.

  81. What a lovely surprise!! Congratulations on your anniversary and your moving in!! Thank you for sharing with us....!!!

  82. HaPpY AnNiVeRsArY!
    I 'liked' you on Facebook.
    I left my comment on Safaviehs Facebook page.
    Crossing my fingers to win one of your prizes!
    Thanks for doing this....have a terrific day!

  83. so loving the blog and would LOVE to win anything~!!!!!

    xo Sue

  84. Congratulations on your first anniversry! I am stunned and beyond flattered that you awarded me with an award!!! Thank you so much :o)
    Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year!!!!!

  85. Tina,

    Thank you for being you. Arms open wide, warm smile to greet us all, pure generous heart, and love of life pounding loudly enough to hear and feel in California. Great post and giveaway goodies too feels like Christmas all over again.

    Congrats: On reaching for the sky and riding the stars into adventures
    Congrats: New home coming to completion
    Congrats: Setting up a Facebook page and continuing to grow

    Happy 2012 have a great day!


  86. Congratulations to you on your first year; congratulations to us for finding you! I look forward to your move in and to watch how you set up your new home. How exciting!

  87. When I travel, sometimes I delete other blogs I follow so I won't have a million emails when I get home BUT NEVER YOURS!! Congratulations on your one year anniversary! Thanks for the generous giveaways! a Happy & Peaceful New Year to you and your family!

  88. Congratulations on winning your award & on your 1st year anniversary! It's only been a couple of months since I was recommended to you, but I have really enjoyed your posts! Your blog is fabulous - from watching your house being built to learning all about some of the finer things in life. I truly learn something new every time I visit, so THANK YOU!! Your taste is impeccable!! :O)

  89. You have become one of the nicest parts of my day. Thank you for taking us along with you on your day. Happy Anniversary.

  90. Like many others, I am a huge fan of your blog. I just can't wait to see the progress on your new home! Thanks for the chance to win!

  91. It is us that should be thanking you. I'm a relatively new email subscriber and your ideas are very inspiring. Happy blog anniversary and here's to next year.
    Sam Hoffer

  92. Fantastic! Please enter me.

  93. I found your blog not too long ago. Love! Your style is right up my alley! Happy New Year. I look forward to your posts this year.

  94. Congratulations on your anniversary!

    I enjoy reading.. and love the king/queen hooks!

  95. Congratulations on one year of postings! I was quite honored to have one of my designs included in your post on favorite dressing rooms (photo 17). All the best to you.

  96. I SO ENJOY your blog---you have style, wit and exquisite taste! Keep blogging!

  97. Tina, congratulations on your one year anniversary! I love to read about your gift ideas. Happy and Healthy New Year's blessings to you!

  98. Tina,
    I can't say enough about your amazing blog! Congratulations on your one year anniversary! I have said it before and will say it again, I truly look forward to each and every post. With my hot coco in hand, my computer on my lap, and my favorite throw around me, I click onto your blog and....serenity! I wish you all the best in 2012. Please enter me in the giveaway. All the items are amazing!

  99. Happy Anniversary!

  100. Congratulations! Your blog is a 'must-see' every day!

  101. Tina, I think you have got this blogging stuff all figured out! I'm your student! And, yes, I'll come to your farm, stay at you B&B and dine at your restaurant! Sounds wonderful!, best to you!

  102. Amazing that you can keep coming up with ways to delight on your blog! ALways a great energy, including these 5 things to know about you! (Do understand about the claustrophobia - poor daughter was traumatized at a young age, getting stuck in one of the World trade Center elevators - at least she had her Dad along.)
    The rug is lovely but I do not have one single space for it - I will just admire and wish another blogger luck!

  103. Congratulations on your anniversary! I LOVE your blog. Liked Safavieh"s on Facebook.

  104. Liked you on Facebook.

  105. Congrats on your 1 year anniversary. Love your blog. Happy New Year!

  106. Congratulations!! Love your blog.

  107. I love your blog. Please enter my name.

  108. Congratulations! authentic voice on your blog--so appreciate that. I liked you on your FB and on Safavieh's FB. here's hoping . . . .

  109. Tina, congratulations on your award, that is so neat. I also cry at daft things. Love the apron in the giveaway, you really have some wonderful things to giveaway. It's so nice to read a little about you, sometimes the internet feels distant. Regards Mandy Currie (

  110. I love Gorsuch and am obsessed with Bogner Ski jackets. I just recently found their one and only store in the dowtown NYC. It's amazing. I have way too much ski wear & boots and I live in South Florida. Can't imagine what it would be like if I lived in the cold weather. LOL.

  111. Jane In Stratford, Ontario (but you can ship to my sister in Ohio!!;-)January 2, 2012 at 12:40 PM

    Tina, Wow - everybody is up early this morning!!.. oh, I guess it is afternoon! Congratulations on your first year!! I have only been following you for the last 6 months but when I found you, I went back to all of the posts the 6 months before!!!

    Thanks for having the giveaway!! The carpet looks fabulous!! And we all have our little OCD's!! I will look at your facebook!!

    Oh, I have all my catalog things shipped to my sister in Ohio since I am now in Canada ;-) - have a great second year!!

  112. Love reading your blog....cannot wait until you are moved in and show us all the BIG reveal of your new home.
    Donna in Alabama

  113. Tina, congrats on your amazing, amazing first year of blogging and on your award!

    Love the Wendy commercial! I too still long for the baby days, my two lanky teenage daughters now gang up on me to make fun of me (which I tolerate goodheartedly, because at least they now get along, lol!).

    Those giveaways are beautiful!! You didn't specify if they were open to U.S. residents only, soooo this Canuck is hoping it isn't, haha!

    Now going to FB and Safavieh's FB...that rug is gorgeous!!!

  114. Happy one year anniversary! And thank you so much for the give-away chances. They all look amazing and I'm dusting off my four-leaf clover.

  115. Happy new year and congrats on your first year of blogging. I've enjoyed every blog!! Thanks for the fun giveaways !! Going to fb. now to check out your page. Beth

  116. Congratulations on your awards Tina! I just love following your blog, and I can't wait to see your dream house finished. Also, love the great prizes your giving away.

  117. Congratulations on your one year anniversary! I absolutely love Seda candles try the Japanese Quince frangrance, it is one my favorites.

    Ashley P.

  118. so fabulous that your have blogged for a year! I love the giveaways... how wonderful to have a scented candle to begin a new year.... I will also friend you on facebook!

  119. Hi Tina,

    I also don't do elevators. I've been stuck in one too many. Talk about PANIC!

    What lovely & wonderful giveaways. Hope I win any one of them. Thank you.

    Going over to facebook. Will visit your page first, then I go on and see what's up with my grandchildren.

  120. Cngratulations on your one year blogging anniversary! LOVE your site and all the beautiful photos. Come south and visit sometime! Candace T. Turner :-)

  121. Reading your blog is a great way to start my New Year! Congrats on one year...looking forward to more Enchanted Home in 2012!

  122. Hi Tina, I'm enjoying your blog, your observations and your beautiful home. Blessings to you and your family in the new year.
    Cheryl R.

  123. Congratulations on an excellent and entertaining blog! All the prizes are worth winning. Thank you for the daily read.

  124. One year has passed so fast!! Thank you for a year of fun and style, and wishes for many years of happiness in your new home.
    I share your love for the Asian Pear scent!!

  125. Congrats on your 1st year of blogging. I truly enjoy your blog...and I wouldn't mind to win the rug too!!!!!


  126. I LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog..I Friend you both on Facebook..Lisa

  127. Love your inspiring!

  128. Love your blog! Visit every day. Can hardly wait to see what you do with the inside. I know it's going to be gorgeous!

    Would love to win the rug, of course! It would go in my bedroom. All of the prizes are wonderful, but that apron would be well worn.

    Thanks for sharing your home and yourself!


  129. Tina, enjoying "building" your house with you. What I am waiting on is the decorating. How wonderful to have so many rooms to dress!! I would be happy with any of the prizes.

    Janis Stufflebean

  130. Oh what a amazing give away! Your blog is pleasure enough....but those prizes are a close secound!
    Can not wait for you to move in to your beautiful new home!

  131. Cheers to you Tina, and happy blogiversary! Thanks for the inspiration and cheer that you spread every day! Love learning more about you - and that I'm not the only one with a phobia. I'm OK in elevators, but can't deal with heights.

    Sending Happy New Year wishes. Good luck with your move! XO

  132. Love the blog, congrats on one year and super prizes.....I could really use that rug!

  133. Happy New Year and Happy Birthday! Loved learning more about you, we have a number of things in common, including Gorsuch crushes, seekers of pale blue~grey shades and passion for all things French. Have you visited a Gorsuch store yet? Bring your cozy pj's because you will want to settle into one of their bedrooms and never leave.

    Please count me in twice..I would love to win any one of your gifts! I have already liked you on Facebook. Congratulation on your award too, well deserved.

  134. Thanks again for the award Tina! I am so excited and thankful! I am slightly OCD, too! We share some of the same obsessions.

    Lovely giveaway, too! Sign me up. I'm off to find you on FB!

  135. Just started reading your blog the last couple of weeks and I like what I'm seeing! Thanks.


  136. Congrats on one blogging year!!! I love your blog and can't wait till you move in to the new house! I would be soo blessed to win any of the items let alone all, omgoodness!! Count me twice, I did the FB thing too! Happy New Year!

  137. Oh dearest YOU ARE SOMETHING!!! I LOVE LEARNING MORE ABOUT YOU! I really love the idea as well of you opening up a restaurant on your property! Well my dear, put me in for a prize; anyone! And thank you Tina for all your kindness. I think the world of you!

    Happy day! Anita

  138. Happy one year blogaversary, I am so glad you jumped into blogland. If you were not here I would truly miss you and your blog. Love your random facts and so many of them I was nodding my head in agreement, especially about crying during commercials and I love love that little baby, her little eyes just light up. We save commercials like that and record them so we can watch them over and over, just brightens my day!! What a fabulous giveaway, thank you!!! Sign me up,
    Fingers crossed,

  139. love your blog and love the giveaway-thanks!

  140. I also liked your blog on facebook!

  141. Congratulations on one year!! So exciting. I definitely am entering especially that amazing rug!!

    Keep up your fabulous blog and stay real!!

    Going to like you on facebook now too!!

  142. I also left comment on Safavieh home facebook-congradulations and thanks for such an amazing giveaway!

  143. Love your blog..happy new year to you.

  144. Happy 1st Anniversary! It's been a fun ride (think Bugatti) and I look forward to another year of high-style inspiration.

    I LOVE Seda's Japanese Quince and would be happy to own anything by them. Great give-aways!

  145. I absolutely love and NEED that rug! What a fab give away! Congrats on the First Anniversary. Looking forward to seeing what you do with all that wonderful new space!

  146. Fabulous giveaway Tina! I still can't believe you've only been blogging for ONE year! Amazing! I liked your page on FB and left a comment on Safaeviah. Happy New Year!

  147. My word Tina ... what amazing giveaways! That rug is beyond words...all the perfect colours that I love. Congrats again on both the One Year and the award! I see we share yeat another thing and that is mowing to the country and wanting to open a very small restuarant! Well done on the facebook took me a while girl!


  148. Just discovered this site. Totally love it!!!!

  149. Congratulations on 1 year! I enjoy following as you build your dream home. You have exquisite taste and I have learned so much from you. Thank you for letting us follow along.

  150. Congratulations Tina on one year blogging! And what a great blog you have created!!

  151. Wow what great giveaways there will be some lucky people in Blogland hope you have another great year with your blog. :)

  152. Love your blog. Also "liked"you on Facebook.

  153. From: Carol Winckler (
    I LOVE your blog! Congratulations on one year of blogging. I look forward to reading your blog first thing every day. You have impeccable taste and style. You inspire me! Keep up the good work. I would love to win something in your fabulous giveaway, especially that beautiful rug! Thanks.

  154. Love your blog and your new house!
    Lynn Ogburn

  155. Tina, I love all the giveaways especially the Seda candles. Thanks for the chance to win one of them. Happy Anniversary. I look forward to following you in the new year.


  156. Happy Bloggy-versary, Tina. Has it really only been a year? I feel like I've been following you forever.
    I loved your random facts. As you know, we share the desire to move to the country. I also have a secret dream to open a little breakfast place/home furnishing shop. Leila wants to be a chef, and I'm hoping to convince her to go into business with me when she grows up.
    Wishing you many more happy blogging years. I look forward to sharing them with you.
    xo xo

  157. Oh my gosh, scrolling, scrolling down to 5000 comments later. Here I am !!
    Congrats Tina, on your one year anniversary. 2012 is going to be a banner year for you. I adore your blog and you certainly deserve your recent 'awards'. Way to go.
    I left my comment on facebook, and also commmented at Safaveih's facebook page. So I think I'm covered. LOL. Fingers, toes crossed here. Oh, and if this is difficult to read it's because I also have my eyes crossed too. Woohoo.

  158. Congratulations on one year. Fantastic giveaways. Look forward to reading your upcoming posts.

  159. I have truly enjoyed reading your blogs. I just love your sense of style and grace! Thanks for making my life more enjoyable by sharing your life with me!

  160. I thoroughly enjoy your wonderful blog and I am always excited when I see you have written a new post! You put so much effort into making each post entertaining and beautiful, and your personality shines through so clearly. I am in Melbourne Australia, so I don't know if I am eligible for your give away bonanza - but I hope so!

  161. Congratulations on your One Year Anniversary! How exciting... with being a new blogger - one year sounds like a long way off - but I can't wait to be there too!
    Here is to your second year... may it be more beautiful and more successful than the first.
    I am so glad that I have found you and your blog!
    Best Wishes

  162. Congratulations! Have enjoyed your blog. The giveaways are amazing! Thanks for all the helpful tips.

  163. what a giveaway, tina!

    i don't have a facebook account so i can't like you or the maker of the gorgeous rug, but please know i'm sending my best wishes for 2012.

    i love learning more about you!


  164. Wow-such lovely gifts you are giving away. I would be happy to win any of them!

    Elaine R

  165. Congratulations on your 1st year of blogging! What some wonderful giveaways that you are offering! Please include me in these giveaways....

    I enjoy reading your blog and looking forward to reading more in 2012.

    Happy New Year!

  166. Congrats on 1 year of blogging! I really enjoy your blog and your energy is amazing!
    I hope I win something!
    Happy New Year!

  167. I also liked you on facebook

  168. Congratulations on your blogging anniversary and great contest! Thanks!

  169. Hi, I visit your blog weekly and I'm always inspired! Thank you for all your hard work - I do enjoy it! Cindy - Oh, by the way, I went to like the rug on Facebook - I liked it under my son's account - He is in the Army - I am sure he will wonder...what is mom doing - Ha!

  170. Hi - Congratulations on your blogging anniversary! I love to follow the progress of your beautiful home.

  171. Woaw..your contes are jus amazing..good luck..

  172. Just recently found your blog and love following you on your journey!

  173. Wow...that's a lot of giveaways and an award too!! What a great way to start the new year. Count me in on your line of those available to stay in your guest room, eat at your restaurant, and I'll even help tend to the garden. Isn't Gorsuch amazing? We've skied in Vail for years and I never miss an opportunity to peruse their gorgeous store. What a year you've had - thrilled to have followed all the excitement and look forward to the years to come!!

  174. Congratulations on your 1 year anniversary Tina! I'm right there with you on the claustrophobic thing, unfortunately! Love the giveaways!

  175. Tina, congratulations not only on your anniversary but on your spectacular home as well!
    May 2012 bring all the happiness you deserve!


  176. Congrats on your one year of blogging! Have a great year. Pearl

  177. Your beautiful blog is prize enough, but I would really be thrilled to win any of the prizes that you are giving away.

    Thank you for bringing so much beauty into my world.


  178. Your beautiful blog is prize enough, but I would really be thrilled to win any of the prizes that you are giving away.

    Thank you for bringing so much beauty into my world.


  179. Congratulations on your 1 year of blogging anniversary! Beautiful giveaways, I would be thrilled to win any of them!

    Wishing you many blessings in 2012!

  180. Wow,what wonderful gifts for your giveaways! I am going to be liking you on facebook too because then I am sure I will keep up w/your progress on your new home even more. LOL! I spend way to much time checking in of FB. Also will be going over to like the rug page also. Thanks so much for hosting such a wonderful giveaway and for 1 year of fabulous blogging!

  181. Your blog is beautiful and inspiring. I've "lurked" here for many months!

    Katherine R

  182. Love your blog, and look forward to reading it daily. What a great giveaway! Have a happy new year!

  183. Congratulations on your one year anniversary for your blog and also on your blog on fire award! How exciting. I love you blog and all of the updates to your beautiful home! I liked you on Facebook and posted on Safaviehs Facebook page also! Your giveaways are all amazing and I would be thrilled to win one:-)

  184. Congrats on your one year anniversary! I'm a new-ish reader of your blog and I love it! Here's to many more great blogging years!

  185. I just found you on Love of the Sea...In fact, when Debbie and I met for lunch, she mentioned your blog as one of her of course I had to check you out. LOVE what I see and read...

    I'll be stopping by again...
    Jane (artfully graced)

  186. Congratulations Tina...I can't believe it's only been One year. You have accomplished so much. It's always fun to learn more about my blogging friends. I'm inspired by your passions and have no doubt that you have many great new adventures in your future. What fabulous giveaways...You are very generous to your readers as well. Thanks so much for passing the award on to me...I feel blessed to be in the group of bloggers that you have chosen. Happy New Year...I hope that you are at least half in your beautiful new home by now. XO, Mona

  187. Hi Tina,
    Congratulations on your anniversary! Wow, doesn't a year fly by?
    I loved some of your revelations and can relate!

  188. I'm new to your blog, but I am so loving it. I found you on Pinterest. I have loved going back and reading all the older posts and watching how your home has progressed. Looking forward to what this year has instore at The Enchanted Home.

  189. Happy New Year and congrats Tina! May it be a productive 2012 for you :)

  190. Congratulations! Love following your house plans. Best wishes on your move. suzy

  191. Love your blog and your beautiful home!
    God bless,

  192. I just found your blog in the past few weeks, but I have enjoyed reading about your house adventure! I love the Country French design and have found many points of inspiration! Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway...I absolutely adore the rug with its muted colors and Persian influence. Happy New Year!


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!