Thursday, June 27, 2013

The charm of Charlottesville!

About a week and a half ago,  I had the good fortune to take a short sidetrip to Charlottesville while visiting family and  to visit my niece in the area taking summer courses with my sister and mom. Think girls trip.....such fun! I love Charlottesville. It's a truly beautiful part of the country....rolling hills, green fields that seem endless, a charming Southern downtown with a truly traditional flair (my favorite kind) and of course we paid a visit to beautiful UVA where we got to tour a special family exhibit/hall from an ancestor who helped find the university (it was  a thrill)!

So between the fun company, tired but happy feet, endless laughter, non stop energy, great  shopping and beautiful backdrop that is made for a perfect little side trip. Without further are some of the highlights! You know I believe in a lot of pictures so take a seat.......

First here are some highlights from the gorgeous Caspari shop, my sister said she felt like she was in my home (a big compliment as I loooove the style)! It was a "must stop"......

They had so many different lines from food to china to paper goods to clothing, my senses were on overdrive!

Lots of great books! Can never have too many...right?
I have a definite "thing" for beautiful paper goods and Caspari reigns surpreme in this field!
Ditto as pretty as the next!
This pattern alone was enough to inspire me to throw another party....on second thought, no thanks:)

Gorgeous table settings....all soooo my taste!
The vivid oranges were stunning here!
And the gorgeous Juliska china that is such a hit this year on full display!

How pretty is this! The colors just beautiful!
Anything with a trellis pattern always gets my attention......
And of course you know I was drawn to this charming vignette......

Gorgeous urns were in abundance!
Love this green tole sconce/lantern.....
And fell in love with these beautiful french blue painted side chairs...would go perfect in my bedroom!

Monogram? Yes please!

The blue and white was in abundance.....thanks Caspari for the gorgeous tour!

Even on a rainy day the pedestrian mall is charming and wonderful and oozes Southern elegance.....

Another darling shop full of beautiful home accessories.....

Spotted this adorable balcony with this charming setup......

And the tour of UVA is Cabell Hall (the old one, a new one is being built)

The countryside is just breathtaking, I couldn't stop taking pictures!

I looooove taking pictures of farms, give me a silo, blue skies and I just go click happy!

See...I told you I love silos and farms:)

Monticello...first stop, gift shop! How cute and appropriate are these mini blue and white dinner plate ornaments!

Thomas Jefferson himself....

The magnificent gardens, I just couldn't get over how amazing they were...I would spend all day there!

Walking up to Monticello......

Fell in love with all the beautiful potted topiaries, I have a one track mind.....


The grounds are just specatacular with a seemingly endless array of beautiful specimens of every kind

The beautiful garden pavillion he built in his retirement years to be alone, read, write, it is breathtaking in that its perched very high and has the most magnificent views.....

Entrance to his gravesite and private family burial ground, still in use today.....

The charming restaurant, Michie Tavern where we stopped in for lunch.......

Do I spy a gift shop?
Just a pretty entryway, the red door got me!

Back to UVA.....

Dorms today that are highly sought after.....

At every turn UVA is one beautiful place!

Guess who?

The Rotunda and great lawn.....gorgeous!

Makes me proud:)

Steps up to Cabll Hall......
The beautiful unique for a college campus!

Entrance to one of the professors apartments...not too shabby!
And this darling house is where yours truly would want to reside if I were teaching there:)
How can I show you pictures of Charlottesville and not include a saucer sized magnolia!
Missed going to And George which was a bummer,  as they were closed but took a few pics of the charming topiaries!

The idyllic countryside..just couldn't get enough!

An entrance to one of the many horse farms.......

Beautiful Keswick Hall.....the place to stay in Charlottesville!

What is it about a small red barn against a darkening rainy sky in the country? Beautiful!

So there is my little recap of beautiful Charlottesville, it was a whirlwind tour but such fun and I most definitely will be back. I have friends to see and things to do and cannot wait. Perhaps later summer or early fall and this definitely has me revisiting my idea for a southern road trip with my mom! My visit there has whet my appetite for my insatiable thirst for more southern charm (We had talked about a while back) would love to visit all the great cities in the south, put my diet "on hiatus" so I could indulge in all the great foods that that South is known for! How about you, been to Charlottesville? Any southern cities on your agenda? Thanks as always for stopping in!

On a sidenote....if you missed my post on hurricanes yesterday, click here. In addition I scored some beautiful new small hurricanes that came in (sample pieces) , but only got in one or two pair of each style so these will not make it to my online shop but are available to purchase now. Check them here to email me if you see something that you absolutely have to have!

Sorry for the grainy pics...blame it on my iPhone. Camera is out of commission, may need a new one:(

 1. etched beauty, about 7" tall

 2. Greek key about 6" tall
 3. etched cylinder about 7" tall by 6" round
 4. cut crystal about 6" tall
 5. floral etched about 6" tall
 6. Elegant etched about 10" tall

 7. Only two pair (I kept the third pair) of these beautiful etched bird hurricanes about 16.5" tall

And for many who asked about the beautiful china plates I am selling, I do have some left but they have gone fast! If you are interested contact me, they come in sets of four and feature four beautiful floral patterns all on our beloved blue and white. Makes any table just beautiful....replicated after one of the services for the Vanderbilt family and made for a preservation soceity. Email me here.

And last but not not forget to swing by Art by Karena, where Karen has featured my shop and is offering a wonderful giveaway! Thanks as always for stopping in...wishing you a fabulous day!


  1. Making me miss my alma mater so much!!!! C'Ville really is a little slice of heaven. And had to chuckle at the picture of Mincer's...I worked there for a semester! Popular store, but TERRIBLE people to work for.

  2. Tina so much to love here. We were in Charlottesville years ago for a wedding of a distant relative. We had such fun, and you are right the countryside is spectacular, what I took away was the friendliness and warmth of the people. They showed me that the southern hospitality notion is alive and well. Looks and sounds like a perfect trip and an all girls trip is always the best.

  3. Beautiful, beautiful place. I emailed a pic of the "dorm hall" to my daughter., I think she actually wanted to go there for grad school, but if I'm not mistaken, they didn't have a public history major, which seemed odd to me. Gorgeous pictures!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. C'ville really is amazing! My two years there for business school were incredible. And you captured some of the best parts! Loved seeing your pictures. One side note about those highly sought after dorms. . . they don't have their own bathrooms! In the winter {and summer} students have to go outside and around the corner to get there. Yikes!

  6. Good morning Tina!! I can't begin to tell you how much I adored this post! I graduated from the University of Virginia so I spent four incredible years in that gorgeous town. I haven't been back much over the years, but every time I go it amazes me with its beauty. Your pictures certainly did it justice and it looks like you hit all the hot spots!

    Have a lovely day!!! xoxo

  7. Tina,
    Thank you for all the lovely photos!

  8. Hi Tina, my son attended school at UVA so we were there often and I was really fond of my visits there. I love the flavor of the town and the people are so friendly and sophisticated. It was always a breath of fresh air and the gals at Caspari got to know me as I always stocked up on beautiful paper goods when I was there. Seeing all these beautiful pictures makes me miss it- maybe my daughter will apply in 3 years!

  9. Wow….thanks for the virtual tour! Everything was truly picture perfect! I would love to visit Charlottesville! There truly is no prettier countryside than there…LOVE the pictures of Thomas Jefferson's home and gardens…wish mine looked like that! The barn pictures are phenomenal! I am a sucker for barns and silos….prettiest sight on earth! The campus is breathtaking! We have a friend whose son is in school there and he truly loves it! Glad you had such a great trip!

  10. Beautiful trip! I loved seeing all the fab places in Charlottesville! I have never been there so it was fun visiting vicarously through you!

  11. Never been but sure would love to go. I agree about Southern cities, there is something very special about them. I went to Savannah and by the third day was ready to move there, also Atlanta though its a big city, its amazing.
    Loved all your pictures, how neat about the UVA connection. Its a great school, my daughter visited but felt it was too big, and ended up at a smaller top liberal arts school. The shopping looks fantastic, Tina. Glad you had fun.

  12. Dear Lisa, a wonderful trip, as I have not been to Charlottesville or Montecito!
    The fabulous shop...did you bring home that chair? The new Bird Hurricanes are delightful!!

    Giveaway from The Enchanted Home

  13. We live nearby Charlottesville and love to take visiting family and friends to Monticello and UVA. You showed some wonderful stores I'll have to check out ... never heard of And George and had no idea Caspari had its own store. As a transplanted Texan I love my adopted home state of Virginia and so happy to be raising a family here! Thanks for a great post!

  14. Tina,
    You have done a beautiful job on the tour of Charlottesville. My daughter went to UVA and after law school moved their. I love visiting and I always have to go to Caspari and to Ivy Nursery which is wonderful. They have so many beautiful boxwoods and ivy topiaries plus a wonderful gift shop. UVA is so beautiful all seasons and love Keswick. Mr.Jefferson was truly a renaissance man.

  15. Don't miss Savannah and my favorite, Charleston.

  16. Tina, thank you for showcasing our quaint Charlottesville! It is bucolic here, and besides Monticello and UVA being our most well known attractions, we also have over 20 plus vineyards that would rival the best Napa or Sonoma has to offer. In particular, Pippin Hill Vineyards in North Garden and King Family Vineyards in Crozet- both have stunning views & wine; King Family has polo matches on Sundays between Memorial Day and Labor Day, which are fun. If beer is your thing, Route 151 in Nelson County has great breweries, and is known as the "brew trail" (on the way to Wintergreen). It's hot but quiet around here in the summer when the students are gone, but when the weather turns cooler in the fall, it's hard to beat. Please come back soon!

  17. tina-
    this post is not only stunning and fun but rich with history!
    I am with you on he orange. Gorgeous!

  18. WHAT a place! Your photos tell a wonderful story. xo Z

  19. I so enjoyed visiting Charlottesville, Monticello and UVA again (albeit vicariously). I would have loved to see the gardens at Monticello this time of year!

  20. Such nice photos - makes me want to hop in my car and drive up to Charlottesville for a long weekend! It's one of my favorite trips from home (Norfolk) and your pictures just make me want to go back. How far South are you wanting to go with your southern road trip? You should definitely stop off in Richmond. And perhaps a stop in Smithfield? If you're dipping even further South I would have to say that Charleston and Savannah are MUST SEES! So much charm and architecture and design and beauty. Oh my! :)

  21. Thank you for sharing such a marvelous view of Charlottesville, I have never been there. The Caspari store looks fabulous, for some reason I fixated on the gift wrap! I couldn't agree more with the sentiment about the special charm and atmosphere of southern towns, we love visiting. The new treasures in your shop are wonderful, I bet they fly out the door.

    Have a splendid afternoon!

  22. Gorgeous trip Tina, thank you for taking us all along. I have been but its been years and I love southern towns like no other. Have you been to Savannah and Charleston? Classic southern cities. I bet your southern road trip would be such fun and I bet you have many friends and fans that would be willing to welcome you with open arms! If you ever head to Chicago hope you will let your readers know...I would love to meet you and give you all the great spots to hit!

  23. I have family that lives in the area and we have yet to visit .. so I'll be bookmarking this post for future reference. Caspari is amazing and I can see why you and your sister enjoyed it! The countryside and barn photos are so pretty Tina and so much history. There is something about the South.. so picturesque. Enjoy your day!

  24. The next time you are in C'ville, please drive over the mountain to the
    pretty town of Staunton, we have a street full of beautiful shops,a Shakespeare Theater,
    Mary Baldwin College and the birthplace of Woodroe Wilson, all in walking distance.

  25. The Caspari Shop is like my dream come true. I can't believe Joe Nye's book Flair is in one of the pictures. I have been so sad this week learning of his dealth. I blogged a tribute to him today and seeing the book in the picture made me teary eyed...his memory is living on!

  26. Beautiful post ... I'm back in Virginia now after 12 years in CT/NYC .... Your post made me want to go back, in the fall when it's cooler ... BTW, Keswick Hall was made into a B&B by Laura Ashley & husband. It was sold after she died.

    Karen in CT .... now Virginia

  27. Tina, so glad you love my hometown. We Wahoos are justifiably proud of it, and of Mr. Jefferson's University. Those dorm rooms are on "The Lawn" and are reserved for students of special academic achievement. We have one of the strongest Boards of Architectural Review, which has mandated that no modern or "Big Box" structure may be visible from Monticello, and the mountains have a corresponding elevation limit beyond which no structure may be built.
    We are still struggling with explosive growth as more people have discovered our corner of heaven. Come back anytime!

  28. Good morning Tina!

    I just came in from gardening on a most BEAUTIFUL DAY! We have had so much rain that everything is super lush, as gorgeous as these photos you share. Oh how I love Virginia and all the areas you showed. When we were going to school in Boston, we often drove down to see friends and we had the best of times. GREAT SHOPS, GARDENS and homes....I'm glad you could spend time with your family! Anita

  29. I'm so happy for you that you take these frequent little trips! I'm sure I will be happy to do that when my kids are a little older, but I don't want it to happen TOO soon....

  30. And on what exactly does one make a comment? The only thing I can think of is "Oh my goodness!" There were so many things that capture and hold the eye and thought. I think I will just stay with "Oh my goodness!" Thanks for sharing so much.

  31. My son moved to C'ville to work a year ago, so I have been there 3 times. Such a beautiful place. I bought two bios of T Jefferson after visiting the beautiful Monticello. I haven't seen the Caspari shop, but will look for it next time. There is a fun open market, on Sat mornings this time of year in a parking lot just off the open mall. Fun. Thanks for sharing.

  32. My son lives in C'ville, too and I am sooooooo enjoying exploring the town. It is so charming.
    xo Nancy

  33. It just oozes aristocratic Jeffersonian charm...your house is comparable to the Kluge estate there, which has it's own chapel...

  34. I've been to the Caspari shop in Charlottesville and it is just a feast for the eyes!

  35. Tina the Caspari store alone looks like its worth the trip. I have always wanted to go. Someone my family knows retired there and bought a large horse farm, great excuse to go visit. Looks and sounds like it was a lot of fun. Its so much fun to go away and discover and explore a new area. We are driving up to the Cape in August. and spending almost two weeks in the entire Northeast and I cannot wait. Thank you for sharing your trip with us. Looks very memorable.

  36. Tina, this really took
    me back, as my husband
    got his MBA from the Darden
    School at UVA. We moved
    there when my daughter
    was two and my son was
    born at UVA Hospital! With
    little ones in tow I didn't
    shop in any of the fancy stores,
    but I have been to Monticello
    and of course UVA. I really
    miss the Blue Ridge Mtns! We
    just rec'd a notice in the mail
    yesterday that next year will
    be my hubby's 15th MBA class
    reunion....hmmm....maybe a
    trip is in order!

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful
    trip and indulging my walk down
    memory lane : )

    xo Suzanne

  37. Thanks for the mini vacation. This is a gorgeous part of our country. I haven't been to Monticello since I was a teenager. I think I need a return visit. '-) Beautiful shop. I could have spent an afternoon in this one. Thanks for sharing. ~ Sarah

  38. I feel like I've been there - that was such a lovely little trip. Thanks you for sharing your beautiful photos. You just do everything so well in the US, shops area amazing, gardens are amazing, buildings are amazing, everything is wonderful.

  39. Tina,

    Charlottesville is one of my favorite places to visit! We go twice a year, once in the Spring and once in the Fall. If you go again with your mom, I recommend going in Fall. Monticello is breath taking then, in a different way than Spring. The Fall colors from outside the front door of Monticello go on for miles.

    Monticello is quite a place to visit, the house, the inventions the history oozing from every corner. The gift shop is indeed filled with beautiful books, garden accessories, and so much more.

    Did you visit Montpellier? Another beautiful piece of property with the interesting history of James Madison, and the DuPonts to accompany.

    I love your photos! My favorite are the farms. I too love looking at the beautiful horse farms and the miles and miles of beautiful mountains and rolling hills.

    The dorms are fabulous and so cute in the inside. What a wonderful piece of history. How wonderful to have family ties.

    And you are right, Keswick Hall is the place to stay, it is a special place.

    Have a wonderful week and thanks for sharing.

  40. Oh so jealous! I love Charlottesville, Monticello, and especially Michie's Tavern!! Thanks for the visit!

  41. I really enjoyed looking at your pictures. I felt like I was along for the ride! Beautiful countryside.

  42. If I didn't know better, I would think that shop was yours - everything is so you! What beautiful architecture and countryside. I am such a sucker for beauty in all its forms so really loved this post! X Sharon

  43. Hello! I just would like to give enormous thumbs up for the outstanding information you have here on this post. I will be coming back to your weblog for a lot more soon.

  44. Thank you for this!!!!! We lived in Charlottesville for 5 years just before we moved back here so this was a big walk down memory lane for me. It was actually a little bittersweet because you showed all the things I miss (and some dear friends). We actually lived in Keswisk right by Monticello. As I was reading and looking at your photos all I kept thinking was I hope she went to And George (I bought several things for my home there) and The boar's Head Inn which is so lovely. Oh and tea at the Keswick In is something else too.

    I think you will have to go back to seed the things you missed someday. It is a great place.


  45. I needed to come back after revisiting the post...I lived just a stone's throw from Keswick Hall which I am sure you know was owned by Laura Ashley and the the Orient Express. I used to go there for meals, the spa and I photographed my kids there a lot int he early days of my blog. Did you stay there? If not, next time at least have afternoon tea there.. It is divine.

    Also the Clifton Inn is quite something too. It is more private (a lot of celebs stay there). They have a fabulous restaurant for dinner.

    I am feeling so nostalgic from this post...thank you. I did not realize how much I missed c'ville.


  46. Hi Tina,
    My goodness, you sure did cover a lot of ground while in Charlottesville for such a short time, and you managed to capture lots of the vistas here I get to enjoy everyday. It is a delightful place to live, and I have enjoyed it for 10 years now. When you come back check out Ivy Nursery and hopefully George will be open next time as well. Enjoy all your activities this weekend.

  47. What a gorgeous place to visit! Thanks for sharing all of the great photos.

  48. i loved this post tina as i so adore charlottesville. i have had the pleasure of designing many gardens there. your photo's captured it's lovely spirit. a cabll? how proud indeed!!!

  49. I just graduated from UVA so this post was very near and dear to my heart! Makes me miss it! and caspari is my favorite store!


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!