Friday, June 28, 2013

End of the week musings....

Boy this week flew! Hard to believe its the weekend, we have a busy one ahead, having friends over for drinks tonight, a dinner tomorrow night and a graduation party on Sunday and in between a two day lacrosse tournament and a heck of a lot of driving back and forth. Better get my coffee maker cranked up and ready to do battle.  No rest for the weary....our summer has been full of parties, more than usual,  we had 5 within 4 weeks...kind of glad that "string of events" is over for now, I am looking forward to a slower pace (call me an old lady but I love a chunk of time with nothing on the agenda).  We are planning on going away for a few days for a  little rest and relaxation and I am looking forward.

Part of the fun of summer to me, is not having to adhere to any kind of schedule and just "winging it". I see lobster rolls, coastal shorelines and lazy afternoons in my future:)
When we near July 4th, that is when I realize just how fast summer is flying! I saw my first "back to school" item in a pharmacy the other day and nearly fainted. No no and no. We need to stop and savor summer for a bit before we can digest anything having to do with fall and back to school!

Finally so happy you enjoyed my recap on The charm of Charlottesville, oh yes...I will be back and will be including several other southern cities in the next tour!  Click here if you missed it.

Ironically this was originally going to be one of my shorter random musings post...but as I always do I start it in the beginning of the week then add on as I am inspired to do so....and it ended up being a long one afterall (surprise surprise). So take a seat and an extra five or ten minutes........let's get started!

My house projects. Yea, yea, yea...I know I say it all the time how I am getting back, really I am this time! Two rooms, actually three I really really want to complete are my dining room, living room and bedroom. Actually make it four, we finally finished the tiny powder rooms floor off of the library and I am finalizing the wallpaper for that room to be done once and for all with it! My bedroom is held up because of wall to wall carpet, I will not budge and nothing is happening until the carpet is there. Period. The dining room..finally our chairs are almost here, another two weeks! Once they come then I think I will feel motivated to work on window treatments and go back to the chinoiserie drawing board and the room will be complete. Seems doable. Living room.....we are all over the place, so I think I will stop now with the bedroom and dining room. Here are some of the latest samples for my bedroom (I have not swayed) and living room pillow ideas.......

Funny my master bedroom ideas have not changed one iota since we moved here over a year ago! Here is a mood board I had created, still loving it.....

And these handpainted tole lamps just have to be incorporated somehow.......

Some of the pretty fabrics up for consideration.......

I cannot wait to use my gorgeous monogrammed bedding...and look at these scrumptious trims!

 And for small powder room,  still love this wallpaper, so that is what I have decided on!
 And up to my ears in trims for pillows for living room

A gorgeous tablescape. By now you know this totally "floats my boat". Almost makes me want to have another party. Almost :) But boy is this pretty......

Carolyne Roehm working her magic...again!

White jeans. Thought this post on white jeans and the psychology behind it was right on the mark and so interesting, I have always thought white pants or white clothing for that matter to be so chic...

Click here to read the article on Tory Burch's blog......

Pretty crudite idea. Went to an event at the Safavieh store last night and loved this crudite idea. It was in a wicker "trunk" cute and fun! Reminds me to stay creative when thinking of ways to display even something as mundane as a crudite platter!

Best flank steak. You know I like to share recipes when I love something. Have been making this flank recipe forever but its soooo good, easy and worth sharing. If you like to BBQ and have flank steak lovers in your household. This is a must try. The key is marinating for at least 8 hours preferably overnight and the ginger is a big part of the tenderizing process.

Here it is "doing its thing".....


1 flank steak
1 ziplock bag
about 1/2 cup soy sauce
1 bunch scallions
about 4 Tbsp sesame seeds (toasted)
1 heaping Tbsp sugar
about 1/4 cup oil
about 1 Tbsp grated fresh ginger (if you don't have ginger spice is OK but fresh is preferred)

Simply place all ingredients in bag, shake well. Then season your steak with sea salt and pepper generously. Put in bag, seal well and "massage' it so the marinade has covered the entire steak. Lay flat in your fridge, and turn over at some point mid way. That's it! When you are ready to grill, remove and throw on hot grill. It is DELISH! The ginger helps to soften/marinate the meat and its absolutely wonderful! 

Flower power. Went to my local Italian specialty shop and they had the most spectacular hydrangeas in bloom! Looks like a late summer show of flowers to me.....(snapped these with my iPhone)

And my own white flowers are really lasting and standing the test of white on green!

A favorite jewelry line. Are you familiar with Jose and Maria Barerra? Their line is sold at Neiman Marcus and other sites..and their things are exquisite. I splurged on a gorgeous turquoise necklace (first one) and have been hooked on their line ever since. Total statement va voom kind of pieces! I wore the turquoise necklace with a gorgeous red chiffon gown to a wedding held at a yacht club two years ago and have to say I looooooved my outfi, it ranks right up there as one of my all time faves. Turquoise and red together...oh yes! Here's a sampling of the beautiful pieces they create.....

 Pretty amazing huh? Granted you aren't wearing this bling to the market or a school meeting but for a special occasion or night out..these pieces are soooo gorgeous. Love their style...Jose and Maria, if you are reading this, and need someone to "test out" your pieces...I am willing able and will do it for free:)

My outdoor pillows. Several of you asked about the pattern. I am going to do a post on my pillows and the selection process. But for the record the gorgeous fabric is Chiang Mai by Schumacher...its a stunning pattern!

And here they are, this is still being "tweaked" but I am officially in love with these pillows!!

Dough bowls! A new batch of dough bowls after a long dry spell. I am getting in some rounds (about 18" round) a hard to get size, and a handful of 20-24" and then one really big one, about 34". As usual if you have been waiting on one, just email me, they go really fast and are exceptionally beautiful! Due here next week....woo hoo.

A great new movie...The Wolf of Wall Street.  I am itching for a great movie..haven't seen one in ages. Come on are slacking! So The Wolf of Wall Street is coming out soon and this is particularly fun for me because both of the main houses in the movie incidentally belong to two of my friends! I got to see the filming at one of them but was sworn to secrecy at the time. It was so exciting to "be on set" and see Leo who was totally in character and adorable cute little Martin Scorsese. It was quite a production and the movie looks like its going be one heck of an  entertaining story........then you factor in  that its based on a true story and it really makes it one to watch! Here is the trailer.......

White love. Remember my post on my love of all things white? Well take a look at this stunning dinner table that a reader sent me. How beautiful!! Thank you Nancy for sharing......

A new favorite nail polish. I am obsessed with this color, Go Ginza by good ol Essie. Its on my toes and fingernails (and I don't usually wear polish on my fingers because its such maintenance)! But I am seriously in love with this gorgeous Essie color..its so perfect for summer. It is the perfect blend of a pale lilac, light pink and white.......hello Ginza:)

A great new book! Calling all readers! I need a great book pronto. I am talking one I just cannot put down. I am itching to read a great book. Last two I read was The Burgess boys and Rules of Civility, both I loved. Please leave your suggestions in the comment box!!

Bill Gates for President. It is likely that most if not all of you have seen this circulated but boy is it ever true. And so good that it warrants getting passed around some more...Bill Gates, I would vote for you for President in a heartbeat!! Common sense goes a long long way:) It really is worth reading the entire way through.....

~ Bill Gates ~
This should be posted in every school or kid's bedroom.
Love him or hate him, he sure hits the nail on the head with this.!!!

Bill Gates recently gave a speech at a High School about
eleven (11) things they did not and will not learn in school.
He talks about how feel-good, politically correct teachings
created a generation of kids with no concept of reality and
how this concept set them up for failure in the real world.

Rule 1 : Life is not fair - get used to it!
Rule 2 : The world doesn't care about your self-esteem.
The world will expect you to accomplish something
BEFORE you feel good about yourself.
Rule 3 : You will NOT make $60,000 a year right out of high school.
You won't be a vice-president with a car phone until you earn both.
Rule 4 : If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss
Rule 5 : Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity.
Your Grandparents had a different word for burger flipping:
They called it opportunity.
Rule 6 : If you mess up, it's not your parents' fault,
so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.
Rule 7 : Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring
as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills,
cleaning your clothes and listening to you
talk about how cool you thought you were:
So before you save the rain forest
from the parasites of your parent's generation,
try delousing the closet in your own room..
Rule 8 : Your school may have done away with winners and losers,
but life HAS NOT. In some schools, they have abolished failing grades
and they'll give you as MANY TIMES as you want to get the right answer.
*This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.
Rule 9 : Life is not divided into semesters.
You don't get summers off and very few employers
are interested in helping you FIND YOURSELF.
*Do that on your own time.
Rule 10 : Television is NOT real life.
In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.
Rule 11 : Be nice to nerds.
Chances are you'll end up working for one..

Shop news. Some exciting new additions this week. Finally scored the gorgeous line of hand etched hurricanes. They are exquisite and the perfect crowning touch to any vignette, whether it be a console, coffee table or dining table. Just gorgeous! They are now officially on my online shop, click here to see them. Limited quantities of each style. (scroll to bottom of page on new additions)

And these beautiful new porcelain pieces and my top two selling ginger jars are officially back in stock!

Last these stunning new trays are back and getting put up in the online shop. Super heavy, magnificent heirloom quality NO POLISH REQUIRED trays! That in itself is worth its weight in gold!! Comes in silver and ant. brass....truly exquisite and possibly my favorite tray ever! Email me if you are interested, otherwise they will be up under silver in the next day or two. Measures 23 x 19.5 x 2.5.

And equally gorgeous in antique brass..

Calling all Enchanted customers!!!! I love getting pictures from you of your homes with my products! Please send me your pictures...take it with your phone and send it over. Such fun for all of us to see your stunning homes and how you are using the products purchased from my me here. Pretty please????

Well that wraps things up over here. Thank you so  much for stopping in, I love to hear what you are up to, whats new in your world and if there is anything you have discovered, that you love, are enjoying, cooking or reading!! Do tell......hope you have a fabulous Friday and wonderful weekend. Crazy that it's July 4th next week, isn"t it? This summer is flying by...take time to watch the fireflies, smell the ocean and breath in that unmistakable summer air....I know I am:)

Two days left for the giveaway!! Click here to enter over at Art by Karena!


  1. Good morning TINA! have such a wonderful way of sharing your world with us. I think one of those hand-painted blue and white lamps is a must for any room in your house. And I love that advice from Bill Gates, especially the one about "You think your teachers are tough? Wait until you have a boss!" I always reminded my students about that when they thought I was being too hard on them to complete an assignment!

    My white flowers are also doing so well against my lush, green backdrop of boxwood hedges, and I'm enjoying it all.

    Have a magnificent day dearest Tina, and may your summer slow down enough for you to enjoy a cool drink on that LOGGIA of yours!! Anita

  2. Tina- you know how to pack a lot of beautiful punch in one wonderful post that I must save, so much great information here. Let me see if I can remember all I loved
    the crudite trunk is too cute!
    Love all your white flowers.
    Yes Bill Gates would get my vote for president too, what a smart and sensible man.
    Love all the new products and would like to add to my dough bowl collection:-)
    live in white jeans so am going to read all about it
    the jewelry line is amazing, new name for me so going check them out.

    Thanks for sharing so much, so generously and so beautifully!

  3. I am on sensory overload! How do you pack so much in one blog post! Phew! All great! White jeans, a new nail color, jewelery - I am reeling and dont know where to start! But it is Friday, so I may just relax into the week end, and wait until Monday to click on your great ideas!

  4. Rules for life (wonderful as they are) is incorrectly attributed over the years to Bill Gates. It is actually written by Charles Sykes in a book authored by him in 1996.

  5. There is so much in this post that by the time I get to the comments, I forget all I wanted to say...I need to read the article on white jeans. I love white pants but whit jeans are not flattering on me. I think you need to be tall to look really stunning in them.

    AS for books...I really liked...the Language of FLowers. The promise of Stardust and The musings of an Imaginary friend. I read them all this summer so far and all were page turners.
    I read a lot:)

  6. Good morning Tina, as usual so much to take in and comment on. I am sure I am going to forget something. I have pinned several pictures here. First off- for books I just finished And the Mountains echoed and I loved it, highly recommend it. Also read The fault in our stars, another excellent read.
    Your new items are heavenly. Those ginger jars are some of the prettiest I have seen.
    My family is filled with serious carnivores so I will be trying your flank steak, sounds easy and I bet its delicious!
    I wish hydrangeas grew down here the way they do up north...too hot and humid here I think and lord knows I have tried.
    The jewelry is just gorgeous. I think I need to take a look and perhaps treat myself to an early birthday present:-)
    Your "party month" sounds like fun but hectic, we have a July like that so I am bracing myself. Non stop parties, 2 weddings, and traveling. Fun but exhausting. Enjoy your weekend.

  7. What a wonderful morning read with this post! One day I will have a room wallpapered in chinoiserie paper:-)
    Regardless of who came up with these quotes, they are spot on. Our children's sense of entitlement is astonishing to me.
    Have a wonderful weekend Tina!

  8. Good Morning Tina,

    I do not leave comments very often but must tell you as a professional designer for almost 35 years You have beautiful style! I always enjoy your post and photos. Of course your home is a treasure and we all thank you for sharing.

    Love the Bill Gates "rules" Thank you for including them.

    Have a wonderful weekend

    All the best,

    Pam Kelley

  9. How do you find time to read a book!! Wow!
    It is no secret that blue and white runs in your veins {in a good way} - just wondering how your husband and family feel about the blue and white in their lives.

  10. Tina,
    What a wonderful start to the week-end. I drool over your home pictures and when I revisit them later, I always see something I missed the first time. I love the blues and whites in your home, and unfortunately, I have nothing that color. I never was drawn to that look until I saw your gorgeous estate and now I am just amazed at the look.
    I would vote for Bill Gates, most definitely !!! How fortunate you were to meet Leonardo and I can't wait to see the movie. He is most definitely on the road to Fame and Fortune with his roles.
    It is sad to see summer being rushed because it just began a few days ago, but soon, there will be Christmas trees in the stores :(
    Enjoy your week-end and we always enjoy your party pics /table settings etc.

  11. I'm a designer in Chattanooga, Tn and LOVE your gorgeous home and blog! I've been watching you choose your outdoor pillows for your furniture and its just my "humble opinion" but you REALLY need some solid navy or another great colored SOLID pillows to balance all that busy pattern. You have several GORGEOUS prints, but a good rule of thumb (as we designers say) is to give some solids for the eye to "rest". It would look so "pulled together" if you did! Good luck! But I still LOVE that home of yours and all your beautiful photos!

    1. Yes this is a wonderful selection of prints, and love the mix of geometric and floral. I feel the backdrop of the solid white cushioning sets them off nicely.

  12. Soooo much goodness here, Tina. I'll need a few trips through to take it all in! Your pillows look so pretty and I think that I am now obsessed with that Essie polish, too.
    Hope you have a happy weekend and that your coffee maker gets you through all of the busy-ness! XOXO

  13. I love all you're sharing with us as usual Tina, but I HAVE to tell you how much I appreciate your sharing this Bill Gates text. I absolutely LOVE it. I'm going to print it and give it to my daughter today. Thank you!

  14. Tina, Love...the bedroom picks and the powder room paper is GORGEOUS! Your Schumacher pillows outside are the perfect match with your blue and white pieces. I'll be looking forward to the post regarding your selection process. Your life sounds hectic but fun and I'm sure you wouldn't want it any other way. I'm hosting a luncheon today and they we are heading out of town next week for a few days.. looking forward to that! The Gates family lives near by and they are all that you would imagine them to be. Melinda is kind, generous, and very down-to-earth:) Their home is lakeside and it is gorgeous! I'll check out the new ESSIE color! Looks so pretty. I'm heading over the read the D. Schoeneman article!

  15. Hi Tina...where do I begin? Your posts are all so much fun that I smile when I see it pop up on my screen. First off, the Bill Gates advice is so very true - I am copying it and send it to my kids today. I love you new bling! The recipe looks delish...and I love all the new things in your shop. How cool about the Scorcese movie! We were just talking about looking forward to his new must have been fun to watch the filming. Now I really can't wait to see it!

    Book suggestions - The Engagements, A Dual Inheritance and The Yonahlossee Riding Camp for Girls were all books I have enjoyed recently.

    Enjoy your weekend!! xoxo

  16. Tina, I enjoyed your Charlottesville post immensely; beautiful photos of a beautiful college town. Also, you ought to visit Middleburg, Virginia. It, too, is in Virginia horse country, and is a bucolic, small town (which is a plus to me), and has fabulous shops and antique stores. It's common to see the townspeople going about their errands in their mud-crusted riding boots. Marilyn in Mt. Vernon, VA.

  17. Tina, I love all your choices, you really have great style and design sense. I am currently reading Inferno by Dan Brown and I can't put it down.

  18. I love your pillows. The pattern is beautiful. My book suggestion is: Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese. It's been out for a while, but if you haven't read it yet it's a beautiful, richly layered story. Maria in Brookfield, CT

  19. Your terrace looks so lovely! The etched hurricanes are GREAT...Have to use them for someone and will keep them in mind.
    Love your luxurious!!!

  20. Your proposed trimmings are delicious. I see you are considering some of what Samuel & Sons offers...and I am a real fan of the Lori Weitzner trims they carry, many of which, as a custom workroom, I had the opportunity to use to detail 192 pillows and bolsters for the new Palmer Johnson Yachts - "Lady M". The loopy Clarence House is so elegant, and my thoughts are that it might require catching each loop with a hidden stitch, knotted at each stitch on the reverse side...along with a minute machine stitch on each inner band. How would you specify trims such as these be applied?

  21. So much to love here! That movie looks incredible and I can't wait to see it! I love your new pillows and the dough bowls and those great ideas for using different kids of ways to serve finger foods! I'm reading a great trilogy but it's written for teens! I know I know I love books written for young adults like Twilight and The Hunger Games! I finished the Shatter Me books and another is coming out soon and now I'm reading The Selection series. I'm on The Prince A Selection Novella then I'll read the Elite. Great love story which is why I love reading these books so much. This author has a third book coming out in May 2014 called The One to finish off this trilogy. Simple easy summer reads! Hope you have a great weekend! XO

  22. Tina I don't know how you do it. This post is amazing! I LOVE your bedroom moodboard and can't wait to see it come to life!

  23. Tina!!
    You have me much goodness in one post! I am in love with the trims for the bedroom and living room! I would be a happy girl with white curtains and a fabulous trim almost any time!

    Your outdoor patio is picture perfect. Love the blue and white with the furniture. So crisp and welcoming!

    We love flank steak at our house, and have the grill most weekends, so will give this yummy recipe a try!!!
    Enjoy all the fun this weekend and some downtime, too!!!

    xoxo Elizabeth

  24. Tina- what a post! I am going to need to go back up and review it again. Love the polish, all your shop goods, the article on white pants was great too.
    I love glimpses of your beautiful home and your patio is a total dream. Hope you get to enjoy it often. I know I would.
    I will try your flank steak this weekend. We bbq all the time and this seems so easy, love that you marinate it in a ziploc, clever.
    Last my niece worked on Wolf of Wall Street so she told us all kinds of interesting tidbits. Looks and sounds like its going to be a great movie and I cannot wait. Have a nice weekend.

    PS Love and adore all your swatches and trims, you have such a knack for putting them together!

  25. OMG Tina I am dying for a turquoise necklace like that one - chunky and bold is perfect with a crisp white shirt - LOVE it! And Chang Mai in the blue color way is perfect for your home - great choice. :)

  26. Tina all I can say is you make me save money. I canceled my magazine subscriptions now that I have The Enchanted Home. Seriously thank you for so much beautiful inspiration and so many beautiful ideas and ways for me to spend my money! Thanks to you I just treated myself to a Jose Barerra necklace, cannot wait to get it. Absolutely love the line.

    I love your etched hurricanes too, so classic. You really have the best taste and seriously you need a book. I promise it will be a best seller just incorporate all you love and it will come so naturally. Love and adore your blog.
    Hugs, Caroline

  27. I have a great new book idea for new novel. :) Just released. 'Back to Austen'
    It's available in paperback or on Kindle on Amazon. Give it a looks see, and if YOU like, then I'm looking at big sales........ha ha.

  28. I got so excited leaving my book info that I forgot to tell you a little bit about it.
    It's a love story in the spirit of Jane Austen. A good summer read.
    'Back to Austen' by Terri Lee.
    Thanks Tina

  29. Good evening Tina!

    Wow! I cannot believe how much there is to talk about. I LOVE your pillows! I think the fabric is fabulous.

    The Essie nail polish looks like a great color, I normally do not wear polish on my nails but if you say this looks great I am going to try it.

    I cannot wait to see all of your new house projects, I remember the inspiration photo from long ago and am looking forward to seeing how it comes together. Your bedding still is so beautiful and will look beautiful in your room.

    The flank steak marinade looks scrumptious and new to me, my husband will love it. I think it would be a great recipe to try this weekend.

    I hope you enjoy your busy weekend! There are so many great books put there, Jeanne at Collage of Life has a list as does Sunday at Ciao Dominico.

    Take care! Enjoy your parties and running around.


  30. Hi

    Great posting.
    I love everything you posted here.
    I copied the Bill Gates Quote for my little one.
    Thank you.


  31. Your bedroom is going to be gorgeous - the colors I love and just my style. I can't live without my white jeans - my staple for sure. Bravo to Bill Gates - saving the 11 for anytime I need...such great "rules" and wonderful advice for high school and life!!

  32. THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS by Vanessa Diffenbaugh is disturbing and moving. Another book that is beautifully written and that will linger in your mind long after the final page drifts closed is HEARTBREAK HILL by Thoms H. Cook. For a different style of investigator try Fred Vargas (Fredericka) mysteries. L.R. Wright's The Suspect is stunning, invoking much thought.
    Frances W. in MD

  33. It’s exactly what I was looking nice job for posting this.Thanks lot for this useful article, nice post

  34. Hi Tina... Did you know that comments in your blog have to be under 300 characters? Every time I get going and try to publish it, I am way over so from now on I may leave my comments in two boxes. I think I already used 200 characters! Love the idea for the crudité in the wicker trunk. I took your suggestion and did individ ones in shot glasses.

  35. Cannot WAIT for that movie to open!! I could watch that trailer over and over. Love the fabric for the pillows! I'm reading ROSES which if very long but good. Just bought Beautiful Day by Ellen Hildebrand. Have a great weekend!!!

  36. PS...Melinda Gates is an alum of my girls' school. She came and made a speech a couple of years ago and she was not only warm and friendly, but gave a wonderful, relatable speech. Gotta go - can't talk to you all day altho I wish I could!!

  37. wow tina, so much goodness here!
    my favorite is your outdoor pillows and the serene setting on your patio, stunning!!

    bill gates.....what a wise man, a perfect speech worth repeating and becoming a classic
    happy weekend

  38. Just gorgeous. The jewely, your white flower planters, the crudite basket, the movie trailer, the Bill Gates speech, so much to love here. I always leave learning something and wanting to buy something, haha. Now I must have that tray, just beautiful Tina. Have a wonderful weekend.

  39. Hi Tina, got such a chuckle out of Bill Gate's advice. So true. I bet he would say about the same thing for college grads. Loved all your hurricanes. I so and elegant. I don't know where you find such treasures but I'm glad you do. Have a relaxing weekend between all your activities.

  40. Tina love the jewelry line, all your new goodies especially those divine ginger jars, the Bill Gates speech, the beautiful crudite idea and of course all the flowers. I always enjoy stopping by to see what you are up to and always leave knowing something I didn't before and always and I do mean always leave being incredibly inspired to make something beautiful. Lovely post.

  41. " Reconstructing Amelia"
    SO So good. A little bit "gone girl" but better.
    Reader from Birmingham

  42. Holy smokes Tina...this post had white! My head is spinning and I need to go back and read it again to absorb!

  43. Ummm, where to begin......Bedroom moodboard - stunningly perfect. White jeans - I wear them all the time,summer and winter, adore them. Bill Gates - brilliant. Blue/white ceramica- what can I say!

  44. I love all your choices, you really have great style and design sense.Internet based furniture company


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!