Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sensational Segreto and a wonderful giveaway!!

Good morning! Hope everyone is well. Before you read this post, a warning..... you might never look at white walls the same!! Segreto is the name to know when it comes to beautiful finishes for walls, cabinets, ceilings and such. Leslie Sinclair and her staff of 25 artisans bring life and beauty to bare walls and cabinets like no one else! When I was asked to review the brand new book, "Segreto: Secrets to Finishing Beautiful Interiors",  I was so incredibly excited. Why? Well, because I knew of Segreto's work and was a definite admirer. I just knew this was going to be good!  I recently found out that they had a book but hadn't gotten around to getting it yet, so I was thrilled when they sent me one! I have been asked about reviewing other books and don't always connect with them as much as I would like to,  and cannot in good faith go out and gush about it if I don't really really love it. Well, suffice to say this book is very deserving of the gushing and warrants its very own post on their exquisite body of work. Segreto, a full service company who does the most beautiful finishing of all kinds including faux painting and murals, is  based in Texas but they travel across the U.S.

Their visions are truly spectacular. I had a ball pouring through every luscious page, something for everyone. You know those books that feature a few amazing pictures then the rest is a let down? Well this just keeps on giving with every turn of the page. Its that good. So today, I am doing two things. Introducing you to their work, and some of these pictures are brand new so even for those of you who are already fans, you possibly haven't seen them. Leslie was generous enough to answer some of my questions about their work and share her insight which is information worth remembering!  And second, Leslie Sinclair who owns Segreto has  generously offered a signed book as a giveaway!! How fun is that!!!! This is a book every single design enthusiast should have gracing their bookshelves.  All details on bottom of this post. Here is a sampling of their uber gorgeous work as well as Leslie's answers to my questions for inquiring minds that want to know......

The beautiful coffee table book chock full of beautiful inspiration.....

 What is the most requested finish that you are asked to do? Why do you think this is so popular?  Plaster finishes and cabinet finishes are the current most popular techniques. I think the trend in home interiors are to soften the spaces so your eye goes seamlessly between the different elements in a home.  Plaster achieves a warmth and depth while still maintaining a softness which complements the surrounding rather than overpowering them.  Sometimes the starkness of plain paint on cabinetry can detract from a home’s overall look.  By putting a series of soft glazes on them you can bring out the details in the pieces and create a furniture feel as if the piece had been acquired and built in to the space.

What trends have you seen in the last few years with finishing? A softening of techniques.  The 80’s and 90’s had heavy faux finishes which were drastic and dramatic—I love the turn of events where the current finishes enhance rather than overpower a space.

For someone on a strict budget, what can you suggest to enhance blank walls? I think to pick and choose.  Every surface in your home does not need to be treated with a finish!!  Stay soft between your basecoat and your top coat. Tone on tone always looks great and pick finishes with little variation.  A beautiful color wash can give your walls depth and is applied in a one-step application keeping the cost down.

Which finish is the most timeless? Will stand the test of time? Plaster has been around since 9000 B.C. and has definitely withstood trends and time.  In the faux world if the finishes are soft with subtle movement they also stay strong.  Allover stencil designs done in a soft hand also hold up while giving one a wallpaper seamless look. 

Do you have a favorite or a few favorite paint colors? For the French blue grays I love SW’s new deck—Some of my favorites are Silverpointe and Mineral Deposit. In their old deck Silver Strand For an all-around trim color I love BM Creamy white and many of the selections in the front of their newest deck—It has the best choices of white!! For wall colors I like their historical colors and the colors from the classic color deck better. For gray greens try SW Jogging path,  Techno Gray, and Svelte Sage. For kakis SW Canvas tan and BM Manchester Tan.   Goodness I love color and have so many!!

Do you work just in Texas or throughout the country? Most of our work is in Texas but we have done work in Sarasota, San Francisco, Charleston and are going to Los Angeles for a big job in the fall!!

Tell me about a dream job either that you have had or would like to have!  I really love all my jobs big or small!!  To change an environment in a good way in something so personal as someone’s home is my favorite thing I do.  Would be so cool, however to be able to do a job on the other side of the globe!!

Thank you Leslie! Information that we can all benefit from and its always interesting for us design obsessed mavens out there, as we are a unique breed to know whats new and exciting in the world of paint and finishing. Pretty spectacular, don't you think? I think after seeing their work and book, you may never look at white walls the same! 

And finally the wonderful signed book giveaway details. All you need to do is leave a comment here. In addition, if you would like extra chances, you can "like" Segetro on Facebook by clicking here.  I will announce the winner on Friday morning!  Trust me its a book that you will enjoy for many years to come! Thank you for stopping by and thank you Segreto for this wonderful post, your always sensational work and inspiring interiors! Click here to visit their beautiful website. Wishing you an enchanted day!

To purchase “Segreto: Secrets to Finishing Beautiful Interiors” from the website click here or to purchase through Amazon click here


  1. Oh my God Tina I can't believe I am the first this morning to post a comment! I would love to add that book to my collection. As I have stated prior I am a nurse but in fact have always wanted a decorating new career. I would love to use some of the techniques described. What drew me to your blog in the first place was your post Under The Tuscan Sun. Thanks for all you share and Happy Wednesday

  2. These rooms are spectacular Tina! Thank you for this introduction, I have to tell my brother in law who just closed on a house in Houston (they are moving in May) about this company. I would love to win the book and if I don't then will have to buy it. I am always stumped when it comes to paint and what to do with walls and they seem to have it all figured out. Thanks for the tips too, including the paint colors, going to check them out.
    Please put my name in the hat for the drawing! Thank you.

  3. Hello Tina and a big thank you for featuring Segreto's Secrets. I love Venetian plaster and their work is spectacular.

    I shall return and re-read this post, rusing off to paint today, en plein air.

    I would love the book.

    Helen xx

  4. Such an interesting post. I am totally swooning over the bathroom walls!! xo

  5. This book is on my "wish list"...would love to have it

  6. Wow! I just woke up and feel so inspired already! Also, thank you for this amazing giveaway! I'm crossing my fingers! :-)

    Wishing a wonderful day, my dear friend.


    Luciane at

  7. Dear Tina, Thank you for brining this beautiful book to our attention. The room with the aged blue wall and large portrait is too wonderful. What artistry!

  8. Great inspiration to look around at my walls and finishes and start planning some redecoration!

  9. Good morning Tina,

    What a feast for the eyes! Truly inspirational!

  10. I can see why you love the work so much. Some of the images remind me very much of your new home. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Such lovely interiors. Thank you for such a fabulous giveaway.

  12. I opened a finishing studio in the mid 80s and while I was successful, the trend became so heavy and craftsy that I walked away from it after about 10 years. I'm so encouraged by this new clean approach that puts the artist back in control. Thanks for a wonderful post!

  13. was SO hard to FORCE me to go Like Segretto on FB!! How could I not! How gorgeous is ALL their work...thanks so much for sharing! What a great giveaway opportunity! Thanks for that too...

  14. Tina-I own the book (no need to include me in contest) and can tell you that I agree, its a wonderful book and filled with so many great ideas! Those rooms make me smile with delight, they are all so beautiful. You are so right, looking at plain white walls is suddenly so boring! So happy to have the tips too, looking for a blue gray for my daughters room so will check the colors she suggested out. Thank you.

  15. Oh my goodness this is awesome..Thanks so much Lisa

  16. Tina I would be thrilled to have this book; so much inspiration. I love the glimpse of gorgeous images you have shown us!

    Art by Karena

  17. Good Morning!
    I have to tell you are now a part of my morning ritual. Thank you for sharing such helpful information and wonderful inspiration to my day.
    Enjoy your beautiful day!

  18. I was not aware of Segretto, once again, thank you for enlightening me! What a beautiful, peaceful style this is! Love it and would love the book!

  19. These photos are just beautiful! I would love to win this book! Thank you so much for all of your beautiful post!

  20. Tina thanks you so much for such a beautiful post on the work we have done and on the book. Gosh it looks so beautiful on your blog!! Best to you, xo Leslie

  21. What a beautiful post...would love to see the book!

  22. Beautiful picutres. I loved all the kitchens and bathrooms. Beautiful details.

  23. Their finishes are beautiful. I would love to have the book. So many great ideas.

  24. Tina,
    So happy you introduced us to this talented artisan!!! I noticed that the ceilings, in particular, were really reflective and textured!

    And, of course, I love it even more that he's based in Texas!!!
    xo Elizabeth

  25. Love their finishes. I'll probably spend hours and hours and hours with the book and keep it forever for reference. Thanks for the opportunity.

  26. oooohhhh. emmmmmmm. gggeeeee. I have to have that book.
    Tina, you have done it again, girl! How many hours are in your day, anyway? Obviously twice as many as mine!
    Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful Wednesday

  27. Love this post. What great information. I would love to win the book! Judy Morano

  28. Absolutely beautiful! I would love to have a copy of that book!

  29. Book bought(amazon), game on:) ~Thanks~

  30. I know Leslie with Segreto Finishes; she does fabulous work!! Great photos of her work too!

  31. purchasing.SAL@gmail.comFebruary 22, 2012 at 9:49 AM

    I have been waiting for this book! Love these looks and the depth of texture these surfaces give. Many thanks for such a wonderful giveaway.
    Tina, I hope you are getting some time to savor your new home before you begin the heavy-duty decorating!

  32. I would love, love to win this book.... I am trying to create a little library and this would fit perfectly into my very modest collection. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win!


  33. Her finishes are just breathtaking!!! Enjoyed this interview! Thank you for hosting this giveaway, Tina!

  34. I would love the book. I love Leslie's work and follow her on every social media. There are no words to describe how beautiful her interiors are. Love her!

  35. I "LIKED" Segreto Finishes on FB!!!

  36. Stunning! Seattle isn't that far from Texas, is it? No surprise, I think the blue and white is my favorite - but every surfaced they've touched is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for the introduction!

    Thanks also for your sweet comment today -- yes, that is my illustration. A watercolor thank you note for a blue-and-white-loving friend. I so appreciate you encouragement. What a wonderful way to start the day! Hope yours is beautiful, Tina.

  37. Beautiful beyond words. Thanks for sharing this!

  38. Hi Tina, I have the book~I won it from the Skirted Round Table contest after Leslie spoke with those ladies! I love it and highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to see big glossy pages filled with sophisticated finishes! Its very inspiring~

  39. Segreto's work is beautiful, unique and inspiring. I really enjoyed reading this post and seeing their pictures.

  40. So lovely to see! I would be thrilled to win a copy! Thanks!

  41. I am such a huge fan of Segreto Finishes. Love this post!


  42. I have been following the blog for some time and love looking at these beautiful rooms with exquisite finishes. I would love a copy of this book.

  43. I LOVE this book! Every picture is fantastic!

  44. Beautiful book, I would love to own a copy!

  45. Beautiful work! Would love to see the book on my coffee table!

  46. Segreto Finishes is truly amazing!! Beautiful!! Thanks for featuring her!!

  47. Gorgeous!! I'd love to have this book.


  48. oooooh, thanks for this delicious post, tina. i would love to own this fabulous book.


  49. This is a book I think I could stay in bed for a full week with! Please put my name in the hat for it! I wish I could have her do my home.

    BTW---I love your blog!

  50. Hi, what beautiful work. I am dying to get my hands on this book, please consider my name for the drawing, if I dont' win I will definitely buy it. I love your blog, always something beautiful and inspirational to take away with me.
    Vicky Bianco

  51. Beautiful! I would love to have this book in my home and dream about those amazing finishes! Thanks - Missi Smith

  52. Wow what spectacular work! What a gift to be so talented! I would love to win this book so I can study each photo!

  53. Can't wait to try some of these beautiful finishes in our new home!

    Donna H.

  54. There are many ways to decorate. One element is a constant and that's the walls we live within. Learning new ways to interpret wall design with paint is a art. Looks like a designer library must have with lots of ideas to think about. Wonderful!

  55. So lovely! I'm especially fond of the wallpaper-like finishes. Amazing!

  56. Would love to add this fabulous book to my library. What wonderful finishes! Thanks for sharing!
    Christy (

  57. great post Tina! I'm running to check on the SW colors mentioned--always looking for a stunning hue! Sounds like the perfect book to add to my design library--have a great day, Barbara

  58. Amazing! I would love to win a copy of the book!

  59. Wow, now I'm really intrigued to read the book. Thanks again for bringing it to our attentions. :)

  60. Their work is so well known in Houston & environs. Joni Webb @ Cote de Texas (she's a designer in Houston) did a wonderful piece on them a few weeks ago. Just beautiful, Tina. As usual. xx's

  61. Gorgeous images, love them all! I would love to have their book!

  62. I love the work of Segreto! Absolutely stunning.
    Put my name in the hat, Tina!
    Happy Wednesday.

  63. Nice introduction Tina! Some rooms look like they were jobs done on the other side of the globe. LOVE the Girl in Grey portrait room.

  64. Beautiful photos and finishes, Tina! Love the kitchens. hugs, Sherry

  65. I enjoy your blog and thank you for the opportunity for a chance to win this book.
    wenda scott,

  66. I love this book!! What amazing photos!! I Would love to win it!!

  67. I hope that I win! I am decorating our dream home, and your blog has been like a special treat everyday. Now to find something on a fabulous powder room.

  68. Tina- your questions are always SO good. You have a future in many things, a journalistic career being one of them. How great for you to ask about if ones on a budge what to do and for paint colors. I know where I am stopping on my way home from work (the paint store) to check out her colors that gives a thumbs up to!
    Would to win this book, all the interiors are so beautiful. If not will have to buy it, looks like a keeper.

  69. So beautiful! I would love to have it!

  70. I love their work! Would love to win this beautiful book.

  71. Liked Segreto on Facebook.

  72. Beautiful book. Would love to have it for color inspiration!!

  73. A fabulous interview - I'd love this book to guide me with the wall finishes in my 18th century home in France.
    Thank you for the introduction. Sorry I'm not on Facebook to increase my chances.
    Warm wishes.

  74. I've worked with Leslie before, and she is super talented! And a pleasure to work with. I will definitely purchase a book!

  75. Stunning images, Tina. I love the work Leslie Sinclair and her firm do. I would, of course, love to win her book.

  76. Breathtakingly beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing, Tina.

    Eucerin -- one for day, one for night. It's magic.


  77. Love all these finishes. Will the house in Charleston be in the book? I am from Charleston. Also love your new house.

  78. Simply gorgeous! Thanks for sharing with all of us and letting us in on your favorite paint colors!

  79. Please sign me up for this book give away. I thoroughly enjoy your blog and the vast exposure you have provided to so many others who enjoy beautiful decorating. Keep the pictures and ideas flowing, they help crystallize my own visions and decorating style.

  80. Just beautiful! I am currently redorating my family room. I had no trouble picking fabrics and wood stains and carpets. But the walls! I am struggling with all of the choices and the small differences in tonality. Paint has a life of it's own that frustrates me to no end. Congratulations on making so many interiors warm and inviting.

  81. I am blown away by their beautiful work. My gosh you arent' kidding, white walls just look so boring all of a sudden. What a wonderful interview, enjoyed hearing what Leslie had to say as much as I did seeing all the beautiful pictures.
    Impressive to say the least. Please include my name for the giveaway and if i should not win I will be sure to purchase the book. If you say its good, Tina...I know its good!

    Thank you and have a great evening.

  82. Beautiful images! I am particularly inspired by the plastered hood with the blue and white design. Thank you for the post.

  83. SO SO lovely, I can hardly stand it!!

  84. What a gorgeous book
    and LOVED the interview!
    I was really draw to the
    first room and also the
    room with the blue wall
    that seemed to have aged
    over the years ~ wonderful!

    xx Suzanne

  85. I was hanging on every word of the interview. I'm pulling the cards from all of my paint decks that she mentioned- some I'm very familiar with but others not so much- yet! You know I loved hearing her ideas about painted kitchen cabinets :)

  86. Tina: I am glad you reviewed this book!! Beautiful!! I would love an opportunity to win!!

  87. I would love to have this book displayed on my coffee table. What a beautiful book.

  88. I would lve this book, so beautiful. This looks like a must for the collection.

    Thank you so very much for the fabulous recommecodation, the art is spectacular! I loved so many of the paintings. Unfortunately, my favorites were sold.

    I hope you are having a great week.


  89. Segreto finishes are always the ones that I pin, etc...Since I'm looking at re-doing my kitchen finally and having a few pieces painted for the shop I'm constantly reviewing the people that I think do the best job! This was a wonderful post and very useful! thanks for sharing! And thanks for your kind comments today! I always look forward to hearing from you and reading your posts!

  90. Good Evening Tina! What a beautiful and breathtaking post featuring an interview with Leslie Sinclair and pictures from Segreto. Being an ardent follower of your blog has been an education from a kindred spirit. Thank you for introducing me to the artistry of Leslie Sinclair and Segreto. Hopefully I will be able to meet her at Marburger Farms. Please enter me in the give away.
    French Heart,

  91. Segreto does such amazing work. I so love the name, "secret". I quickly clicked over to their website and had fun browsing all her pictures.

  92. Segreto does such amazing work. I so love the name, "secret". I quickly clicked over to their website and had fun browsing all her pictures.

  93. A friend of mine has an autographed copy of this book and it is absolutely stunning! Page after page of spectacular rooms and finishes. I would love to have this treasure for my coffee table.

  94. Love the feeling of Segreto lovely work, makes
    me feel like living in a castle, or an old building.. Lovely, Jill

  95. I agree, the faux finishes of the 80's and 90's have thankfully trended softer.

  96. I am speechless. My favorite post ever, no exaggerating, and judging by the number of comments, I think others agree! Going to buy the book now!

  97. Liked on FB too...guess I'll wait to buy until the giveaway is over, but either way I must get this book!

  98. Oh, what a great giveaway....I just clicked over to her website and her home is beautiful. I just did a subtle glaze on our white cabinetry....I felt vindicated when I read her comments above b/c I always find myself 2nd guessing the decisions I make. Thanks for the review, I must check this book out.

  99. I admire Segreto! What a great giveaway, hope I win ;)

  100. What a generous giveaway, Tina and Segreto! How I'd love to have a copy of this book (and a signed copy at that!) to enjoy and for inspiration! Also, I liked on Facebook.

  101. Ooh... please count me in for this fantastic giveaway! What beautiful finishes!!

  102. I love these interview blogs - they're always helpful and educational in a practical way. And I love all of the work Segreto does. Amazing...

  103. Love all Segreto finishes, those gorgeous touches that really makes a room come together!
    Thanks for a great giveaway!
    -mary Casey

  104. Thank you for this excellent, informative post and the great give-away!

    Beth Martin

  105. Oh I want this book! I used to do murals and faux finishes! Thanks again for the gorgeous pics!

  106. Hey
    Many Thanks, I'm very glad to peer your post
    An interesting dialogue is worth comment
    Thank you!

  107. Another informative and inspiring post. I could use some help with decor. (A LOT of help?) Please enter me for the book.

  108. I'm always looking for additional ideas. Please enter me in your give-away.

  109. I would love to have a signed copy of the book. We live in Houston and a friend had Segreto do the walls in her beautiful home -- so awesome!!!!!!

  110. I love your blog. Always such beautiful pictures.

  111. Good Morning! I would love the book as I'm looking for new ideas for the kitchen cabinets. Love the pictures. Great giveaway...

  112. Thank goodness I just saw your post!! I would love to win a copy of the book!! It is filled with just beautiful ideas! Love your blog and watching you decorate your new home:)).

  113. What a great giveaway? This book would look great on my coffee table sitting along side a book called "The Enchanted Home" - by Tina - Just a thought!

  114. One of Houston's finest! It feels wonderful to have my own hometown represented by such grand talent! I am a "coffee table book" collector, but I am very choosy about the books I display. Segreto is one that I would definitely share with company! (not to mention, I'd been continually referencing it myself)

  115. LOVE all the gorgeous pictures!! Hope I win the book, so many great pictures and ideas.

  116. Beautiful photos! Would love to see all of them in the book.

  117. LOVE all the pictures and finishes! This was perfect timing for me (which seems to happen often with The Enchanted Home blogs!!) because I want to faux some white walls with some sort of plaster finish and need to study all the possibilities out there!! Thank you! Margery

  118. Inspired! I will use these ideas for my kitchen hood.

  119. Just love the images! We are redoing our kitchen and every picture captures the "look" I'm trying to achieve....would love to have this beautiful book to refer to!

  120. I would love to read this book! I'm inspired by the photos you posted. I hope I win!

  121. These photos are nothing short of perfection! I would treasure a book like this!

  122. Looks like a beautiful book, full of inspiration! I would love to win it!

  123. Tina,

    What a beautiful book. The photos are amazing.

  124. I want to get in to this book! I am so new to this world of blogging I'm overwhelmed. But what a beautiful place to be. (I can't even figure out what profile I'm suppose to use. I'll get it eventually!)

  125. Wow! What a wonderful book!!! The images are stunning! I would love to have this to add to my design book collection! I keep all of them in my living room on an antique trunk so I can look at them whenever!!! Thank you for this wonderful chance!
    Kristi Ripley

  126. Hi again!
    I also liked them on facebook! :)
    Kristi Ripley

  127. I want, I want, I want this book!

  128. wow...I would love to win this book! :) thanks for doing this giveaway.

  129. Absolutely gorgeous. Have attended some of the faux finishing workshops in the Atlanta area done by pros but these are beautiful. The subtlety and understatedness is what strikes you. Would love to win the book! Am new to your blog but this totally sold me. I now find myself looking forward to your email post notifications everyday. Thanks Tina. Kelly M.

  130. What a lovely book! I would love to win. I feel like a winner each time I come to one of you lovely posts- so full of inspiration!

    bee blessed

  131. I LOVE the first photo of the white room with the wood floors and lantern chandy! You blog keeps me up Very late at night! Love it! Hope I win this amazing book I have never seen!

  132. I think I just found out what heaven looks like! OMG, so incredible. I am so impressed with all the finishes shown. I want more.

  133. A fan of Segreto for many years . . . will have to order the book if I don't win!


  134. I liked Segreto on facebook, thank you for a wonderful giveaway!

  135. What beautiful photos and what a beautiful book! Perfect inspiration for decorating my first home!

  136. Would love! Thanks for the gorgeous post.

  137. A picture is worth a thousand words, especially with these photos. One could never describe these incredible finishes... just take them in visually. Simply spectacular. So thrilled to find both Enchanted Home & Segreto today.
    Thanks, ~Jen
    Also liked Segreto on FB

  138. I love your blog and the most interesting and fun communication wouldn't it be fun to meet up all over the globe? these homes would leave me speechless but never say die!!!

  139. Leslie is a pleasure to work with and a great talent as you can see from the photos. Thanks for including photos of my design work. Diana Humphrey

  140. Beautiful finishings in this house. Very interesting read.

  141. This is my first time visiting your blog, I love it. Thank you for the inspiration. I would love to have a copy of this book, gorgeous finishes.

  142. Hello
    That is powerfully helpful! Great insights into your inner workings! Great info it is without doubt.


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!