Tuesday, February 21, 2012

One word with Barbara of Hampton Hostess

Good morning and welcome to my "One word" this week with the lovely Barbara of Hampton Hostess. If you know Barbara and are already a fan of Hampton Hostess then you know her for her beautiful taste, refined eye, and always stunning perspective on everything from exotic travel to great art show coverage to elegant menu planning. I always take something away with me when I visit Barbara. Now, if you aren't already familiar with Hampton Hostess, then you are missing out on a lot of fun and some serious eye candy!! You must pop over for a visit. 

I am delighted to have her here today as my guest for my One word series. And Barbara, I read it top to bottom with a smile on my face, stunned (well not really) at how many of your answers would have been my exact replies, it was amazing! Everything from Tory Burch as a great style icon to all shades of blue being your one color choice, love of travel and humor,  to Tuscany and .....well the list goes on. Enough of my babbling....... here's Barbara!

Barbara from Hampton Hostess

One quality I love in people is.....humor-you have to be able to laugh at yourself and what life brings your way.

If my house could only be furnished in one color it would be.... it would definitely have to be blue,so many beautiful shades

One luxury I cannot live without-taxis-I live in NYC!

If I had to have one designer decorate my entire house with zero input from me it would have to be....Steven Gambrel-his work is fresh and timeless
If I had to choose coffee or tea it would be....coffee-french roast please.

One place I have been that I would love to go back to... Turkey.

One place I am longing to visit is... Thailand

One talent I wish I had was... singing in perfect pitch

I think most people would agree I am... very funny.

If I could change one quality about myself it would be....be more organized

One career I could see myself having would be....as a travel writer-passport and pen always ready.

If food is therapy, when stressed I indulge in....chocolate--any kind!

One of my favorite brands for clothing is...Jil Sander

If my life were a book, the title would be- Life Doesn’t Come With A Script

My favorite flower is- peony.

I would love to have coffee and a chat session with this famous person..... Grace Kelly

A favorite TV show...addicted to Modern Family and Mad Men

Hollywood is... vacuous

Tuscany or Provence? definitely Tuscany

The next presidential election will be... a disappointment.

The one best thing about blogging is..... meeting new friends.

A guilty pleasure for me is... bubble baths keep me sane!

A clothing designer I think that has great style-Tory Burch

My strongest quality would have to be....loyalty.

The best restaurant I have ever been to was... Per Se in NY-extraordinary meal and they send you home with a box of lovely macaroons!

Most overrated actor/actress is... Jennifer Aniston

If my life were a documentary, I could see this actress playing me- Cate Blanchette, that would be fabulous!

One thing I like about my appearance is- my eyes
One thing I can honestly say I love about myself is... I’m a really good mother

Town or country? Town, I’m a city girl

One person I admire... my mother

Pick a decade to live in, any decade.... roaring 20”s-flapper dress for me-don’t hold back on the beading or champagne

My favorite room of my house is...my bedroom

If I were an animal I would be a.... my labradoodle Dash-what a life!

A book I would recommend to everyone would be.... Just finished, Steve Jobs-brilliant book

If I were planning a huge family reunion, this is where I would want to have it..... We had a family reunion  last summer in Lake Como Italy it was fantastic

One thing I wish everyone could be more of.... kind to each other
In one word life is.... beautiful

OK, Barbara...here is what I propose, we both become fast friends with Tory Burch, take a trip to Tuscany for a month, eat to our hearts desire, making sure we have chocolates for breakfast every morning, fresh roasted coffee every afternoon, take singing lessons, and keep out passports handy for our eventual trips to Thailand and Turkey. (We can be sure to bring boxed editions of Modern Family along for the trip as I love it too). And the whole while I will serenade you with my singing (because I am such an amazing singer) my family would be gagging right now if they heard this.

 When all that gets old we will figure out a way to go back in time, and the roaring 20's would be my decade of choice too....so glamorous! That's how much we have in common! Sound like fun? Thanks so much for such a wonderful post.....really "took me away" to some of my favorite places and things! Hope you all enjoyed it and hope you will swing by Hampton Hostess and tell her so! Click here to visit. Wishing everyone a fabulous day.


  1. OK - totally agree with you Tina - many answers in common, although chocolate is one addiction not on my list - salt girl here!! Love Barbara - fun to learn more about her!!

  2. I love Barbara's blog and this wass fun learning more about her. Thank you Tina and Barbara!

    Enjoy your day!

  3. What a great interview. I love these Tina because its a great way to be introduced to other bloggers I would not have met and because it really allows us to get to know that person so much better. I loved her replies, Lake Como for a family reunion, what a dream!
    Have a great day, V

  4. I follow Barbara's blog and really enjoy reading her interview.My answers would have been quite similar to hers and almost felt an instant connection!

  5. I'm anxious now to visit her blog....we seem to have much in common....except for that unfortunate choice of Tuscany over Provence....

  6. Tina and Barbara....I loved this! Adored the "vacuous" answer and can totally see Barbara as a travel writer. I comment frequently that she has the kind of glamour life I envy at times!

  7. Dear Tina,
    Thank you for all your kind words-I always have such fun guest posting for you. You are a gem; you hold a vast wealth of great design knowledge and are most definitely one of the kindest persons I've met in blogland! I'm going to hold you to our trip to Tuscany--we could have such fun--eating and singing our way through the countryside! Enjoy your day! xxBarbara

  8. That is a wonderful interview with Barbara. Have a great day!

  9. What a fun interview. Barbara sounds like she knows how to live, someone after my own heart! I also love my bubble baths and we went to Per Se in the fall when we visited NY. It was such a wonderful experience. Will viist her blog, thanks to Tina and Barbara.

  10. I like the way this lady thinks! And so agree about her thoughts on Hollywood. It is not what it used to be!
    Tina, I am so glad you spoke out about this word verification, I visit maybe 6 or7 blogs and of them 3 use it, I no longer will be commenting on them because of the ridiculous wording that no one can read that they make you type just to leave a comment. I fail to understand its purpose. Thank you for addressing it.

  11. Tina and Barbara - you girls are my favs. What a dynamic duo!
    Tina - Would it be possible to stow away in one of your suitcases?
    Barbara - My family gags at most of the things I say (are they born that way?)
    Excellent job ladies, the questions rock and the images are beautiful with those answers.
    Thanks so much for sharing and have a terrific Tuesday.

  12. P.S. Tina, I figured out how to get rid of the nasty 'word verification' option on my comments! YEA me! :)

  13. She is a gem. I loved her answers and Tina, great questions! I laughed at many of the replies and so agree, life would be so boring without being able to see the humor in things! Nice job ladies.

  14. Hello Barbara and Tina

    I loved this post. I am running over to join Barbara's blog. I agree with her on most points and her joyfullness oozes through my laptop.
    Thanks Tina for the introduction and wishing you both a day of joy

  15. I loved this post and I am going t check Barbara's blog.

  16. Great post! Love the one word answer. I think, in some ways, it is much more revealing. Gotta agree with the laughing and chocolate for sure :)
    Perfect singing voice would be wonderful. Totally enjoyed this.

  17. This one rings true on almost every answer, it makes sense why I so enjoy Barbara's blog. Truly, humor is such a vital part of life, and blue is the color we most enjoy, above all others. Chocolate? Yes. Tory? Yes. I could go on and on, but will spare everyone the tedium. :)

    Thanks to you both for sharing such a fun post!

  18. I love these Q&A's, & this one was such fun to read!


  19. Love Barbara and her beautiful blog and her answers - so similar to my own. Give me chocolate and coffee in the morning and life's good!!

  20. Entertaining interview! Her great taste, and humor, is evident in her answers! Love it! Have been a follower of Hampton Hostess for a while! Happy Fat Tuesday!

  21. Love Barbara, and her blog is amazing! The images that she shares are many times her own work and are gorgeous. I agree that Thomas Keller can do no wrong! French Roast for me too please!
    Great interview, Tina! Happy to learn more about Barbara.
    Happy Tuesday.

  22. Barbara is such a special woman. I am so thrilled to learn more about her...through you Tina!!

    Art by Karena

  23. what a fabulous lady with so many layers of lovely. thanks for spotlighting her, tina.



  24. I love this series and meeting new bloggers(to me). Thne one word answer is perfect. I will go over there now. Have a great day. XO, Pinky

  25. Barbara is wonderful and such an inspiration. Yes to laughter, french roast, chocolate (w/salt!), Tory Burch, and lots more! Great interview Tina.


  26. I am loving this series!! Thanks for introducing me to a new blog!!!


  27. Love the series Tina! Great post and love that I get to know a little more about bloggers in the same field and have the same passion I do!


  28. Oh and a follow up to my earlier comment....con incidentally, I posted about Steven Gambrel this morning. Couldn't believe Barbara answered that!

  29. Lake Como, sigh... nice to meet you, Barbara. After reading your answers, I'll be stopping by your blog shortly!

  30. Tina,
    You know how wonderful I think your get to know posts are. You always do a fabulous job. It is always fun to get to know other bloggers. Have a good day.

  31. Good morning, Tina!! Love that I know Barbara in person and reading her "one word" interview....loved getting to know her even better!!!

    She's an absolute delight, with an amazing eye...and I love seeing her here!!

    Have a fantastic day!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  32. Thanks for this lovely interview. It's so interesting and I share so many similar loves!!
    Have a great day!

  33. What a great series! I had a lot of fun reading this. I also adore peonies!

  34. LOVED this interview. I like humor! She seems to have plenty of that- xo Diana

  35. Tina, thank you for this wonderful introduction. I am going to go and check out her blog, she sounds like my kind of gal!! Lovely post, I thoroughly enjoyed it,

  36. What a fabulous PERSON!!!!!! Oh Tina, you are so wonderful to do this for us, and I am honored to have been a part of this. HAVE A GREAT EVENING! Anita

  37. Will have to start reading her blog! I agreed with most of her answers! Love Steve gambrel, lake como, peonies,per se,etcetc!

  38. What a wonderful sounding person. We could easily be friends. I loved her responses and have so much in common with her. My vice of choice against stress is also chocolate, loved Per Se, went when we were in NY for my sisters 40th birthday, it was amazing! And Tuscany is my dream place to retire (still trying to convince my husband).
    This was great!

  39. Fun post! Looking forward to adding Barbara to my "must read" blog list :)

  40. What a fun romp this series of questions and answers was! Thanks for the glimpses into Barbara. -- off to read her blog.

  41. What a fun read!

    Anyone who wouldn't mind hitting the dance floor in a 20”s-flapper dress with lots of beads gets a star in my book.

    Hugs to you both.


  42. You two sound like
    two peas in a pod!
    It's always a fun
    exercise to stop and
    take an assessment
    of one's own life ~
    and to have it make
    you smile!

    xx Suzanne

  43. Great blog. I am from New Zealand and blog on travel amongst other things. You might be interested in this post about my travel bucket list http://caroleschatter.blogspot.co.nz/2012/01/my-travel-bucket-list.html. Will enjoy following your blog.

  44. "laugh" what a great way to start a post.


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