Wednesday, April 27, 2011

100 post celebration and you are invited! And 2 great giveaways!

100 posts! I can't believe it! I made it! Wow since my induction into blog world just 99 posts ago, my life has been rocked by so many wonderful blogs, so many kind and genuine people, many inspiring stories, way too many good recipes, stories that made me both laugh and cry, and finally an abundance of incredible home design and decorating tips. Bottom line, blogging is loads of fun and if I am to be honest, there are days where 'blogworld" is a heck of a lot  easier and more fun (anyone with me here?)  to be in then "real life world" but for now I am happily able to combine these two worlds into making it one happily enhanced life.

Thank you for caring about my daily musings and allowing me to share my inspirations (and ramblings)  with you. Have I told you what your comments mean to me? They really do carry me through my day and put a great big smile on my face every morning!  I am thrilled to have made it to my 100th post! Today I dedicate this post to YOU, all my readers and followers  and am sharing my favorite posts of all time.

Also to celebrate, I am offering two giveaways! First is a Seda France duo, a Seda France candle and liquid soap in the chinoisirie container and the second giveaway is a copy of the book, French Home by Josephine Ryan.  All you need to do to be eligible is take a look through my favorite posts below and leave me a comment below as to which is your favorite post and why. Be sure you include an email address if I cannot contact you through your user name. That's it! I will announce the winners tomorrow!  Thanks so much for following me and my journey and I hope you have an amazing day! Thank you so much for following me along......its been a ball!



And some of my favorite posts are....................









Thank you so very much again for coming along for the ride so far...its been such fun! I cannot tell you how much enjoyment I have gotten through getting to "meet" so many of you and truly do hope to get to really meet you one day in the future. In addition, thank you for taking the time to comment, it  means so very much and I love reading what you have to say! Don't forget- to be eligible to win either prize, just let me know below which is your favorite post after you have gone through them and why! Good luck and hope you have an enchanted day!


  1. Congratulations on 100 posts..I have really enjoyed coming to your blog daily, always something increidble and you never disappoint! I love so many of your posts but have to say the shoutout to white kitchens was the mother of all kitchen posts, and since we are in the middle of redoing a ktichen the timing was spot on. I got many many great ideas from that post so it was priceless to me personally. Great giveaway too....hope I win!

  2. I'm guessing I can't enter the comp... BUT... I wanted to tell you which posts were my favourite anyway :) :) :)

    The bedrooms to call in sick for - sigh... this post made me smile and want to snuggle into bed.


    I love the posts about the progression of your amazing house. Thank you so much for taking us on the journey with you - I love that we get peeks into how it's going.

  3. Congartulations on such a milestone!

  4. Congratulations on your 100th post!! You and your blog have been a gift to me. I am so glad that I have gotten to "meet" you through blogworld. You are such a kind person, and your blog is full of beauty and inspiration. Thanks to you, I will never have to pay for another design magazine again :)

    If I had to pick a favorite post, I suppose I would choose "White Marble," because that is how I first got to know you.

    Have a great day!

  5. Tina,

    I want to thank you for my daily inspirations. I love your blog and I became a big fan of you too! You're always (ALWAYS) so kind, so caring and an amazing blog friend. It's hard to meet people with great taste as yourself.

    You're a fabulous woman, my friend! :-)

    Congratulations and I know I will see many more posts here. This is just the beginning!

    Oh, I loved your "Beach House Chic" post.


    Luciane at

    PS: I'm crossing my finger to win something tomorrow!!! :-)

  6. Tina~ Such a nice giveaway! I just love it. My favorite post of your was the butlers pantries. I adore butlers pantries! To me they are the ultimate in storage and organization.
    Thanks for this FAB giveaway and congrats on your 100th post!!

  7. Tina- I enjoy all your posts, but my favorite was the shout-out to white kitchens! It was timely as we were putting the finishing touches on our white kitchen "facelift" and gave me more confidence that some of our decisions were right-on. Would love to win your give-away....congrats on your 100th!!!

  8. WOW TINA! 100 posts…that's great. I am in love with butler's pantries and I missed this post of yours originally since I was in Mexico. I have always wanted a true butler's pantry with space for my silver, serving pieces and oversized platters etc.
    My favorite is the apple green and lacquered blue ones for color but the simple one with gothic mullions, (I think that was your fav too) is pretty fantastic.
    Such a nice giveaway…you don't have to put me in the drawing…I just wanted you to know how wonderful I think your blog is.
    I can tell how much you love to blog by your enormous amount of energy and thought you put into each post.
    It is so much work and clearly your labor of love.
    Please keep it up Tina, you provide much dreaming and wishes of grand things!

  9. I think my favorite is from TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 2011
    Blue and white...always makes a room just right!
    It was exciting to see the progress of your dream home, and I, too am a huge fan of the blue and white!!
    I must say that it was a hard decision~ Congratulations!
    I hit my 100th post very soon. I was shocked when I realized that.

  10. YAY...congratulations on this big milestone, Tina!! Your blog is a favorite of ours...always a morning treat!! Thanks for all of the gorgeous inspiration ~

  11. Congratulations on 100 posts!!!!
    That's a lot of pictures!

    I need to go look at the butler's pantry post again :O)

    Such an awesome giveaway too! The soap bottle is gorgeous!! I bet the book is swoon-worthy too!

  12. Happy 100!!! Bet you never thought you'd be so happy to see that phrase! Janell

  13. I look at your blog everyday because its gorgeous and it gives me such great ideas, so it was hard to pick a favorite.

    But I think I'm going to go with Beach House Chic because I love that look! I also love all the updates on your house.... seriously can houses get more gorgeous! I can't wait to see the end result!


  14. I have to say that my favorite is the post about white marble. Not only because there are so many inspiring pictures, but because it really made me look at marble in a new way. You once pointed out that it is everywhere in Europe and that is so true (as a matter of fact, the whole staircase at this office is clad in marble) but I never really looked at it before I read your posts. So thank you for opening my eyes to the little beauties around me. ;-)

  15. Congratulations!! That's quite an accomplishment even more so to have all the posts be as informative and beautiful as yours are. Having moved into a spec house with a white kitchen I loved your Shoutout to White Kitchens post. Such inspiring pics for me as I desperately need the help in warming up this white kitchen of mine. Thanks for your dedication.
    Thelma at

  16. Tina,
    I don't think that through my blog you have my e-mail address. It is
    PS Please know that The Coastal Home is a really close second for me!!! ;)

  17. You are a hard working, talented, organized blogger, Tina. Please count me in for the drawing!

  18. Congratulations on 100 posts! Your blog is one of my favorites! It's hard to pic a favorite post. You have the best collection of images!! I hadn't seen the butlers pantry post so I thoroughly enjoyed reading that one! I also loved your ode to white kitchens. I have to have a white kitchen in my next house. It's a non-negotiable. Congratulations again! Here's to 100 more!

  19. My favorite is the White Kitchens post. My beveled subway tile just arrived and i'm going to hone all the shiny granite counters. I can't get enough of these pics! Thanks and congrats on 100 blogs - can't wait for 400 more!

  20. Congrats !! I love your blog! I love the Black Magic post because the images are so inspiring and beautiful ! Black has such a way of transforming a room. It can make the room appear strong and can really pop out against white! I love the combination of black white and gold ! Great photos.


  21. Oh - one of my favoirtes is definitely Nurvana in Napa because I too LOOOVE Wine Country! Those pictures are so cozy... they make me want to get on a flight to Sonoma right now! Congrats on your 100th post! Cheers to that!

  22. Oops - Nirvana in Napa... not Nurvana ;)

  23. Congrats on 100 posts! So hard to choose a favorite-I'll just have to say Nirvana in Napa-I love the location, and you transported me there and made me want to pack up and move to wine country!

  24. Well congrats Tina and I am glad I found your blog. I think you rival Cote de Texas on your well thought out productions (posts) that have so much to look at and think about. My fav was the grey post which totally inspired me. I am waiting for you to do a post on pink and purple!

  25. blog.commentary36@gmail.comApril 27, 2011 at 11:34 AM

    Congratulations! Your blogs have been a wonderful oasis of elegance in my day--thank you for that daily gift! My favorite has to be the Butler's Pantry post. I grew up with one and have fond memories of being taught about silver and china as we put each piece away. Drawers full of Tiffany sterling and gleaming crystal--dinner parties waiting to be born! I hope the new house brings you years of happiness.

  26. Congratulations!! Blog land is a wonderful place to reside!!!! It has been fun following along with your journedy. I loved the Beach House Chic. I loved all the images. They were not the typical beach look. I love the casual elegance of each image. That is my favorite look, Kathysue

  27. Congratulations on your big milestone Tina, that is wonderful! It is even more impressive because of the quality of each and every one, written so well and with such amazing images. Good for you. :)

    If I had to pick just one it would definitely be the beach houses, as a water baby that is where my heart will always be.

    With congratulations,

  28. Congratulations Tina!! It's always a pleasure to visit you. Since I recently won your beautiful Seda giveaway, I'd like to let someone else enjoy your generosity this time!

  29. Oh I remember the post you did on the Butlers Pantry because I've been trying to figure out how or should I say where I could put one. I just love them, because they are useful (I have so many china sets) and what a great way to display and store at the same time. I love the really room size pantry but that won't happen here but one of my favorites in your post and something I could probably pull off it the Habersham black distressed cabinet. Love, love it. Thanks for the great giveaway
    Congratulations on your one hundred posts!

    The French Hutch

  30. Congratulations On Your Milestone! I too get up every morning and can't wait to have the time to read your post. Always all inspring and beautiful. If I had to choose a post it would be "Blue and White" Can't get enough. Always perfect and never dated. So so rich. Thanks again for all the "eye candy"


  31. Congratulations on posting 100 times. :3

    I love all your posts but from your favorites I would have to say the Butlers Pantrys is my favorite. I love all the different pictures you selected for it.

    Congratulations again. :3

  32. I think the link to the White Marble post is broken; I couldn't get to it! :( I love the foyer post. The foyer is one of my favorite areas, and I absolutely fell in love with one particular image from your post. It is the simple one with the dark wood floors, twisting staircase, arched doors, and symmetrical picture gallery. I don't know how the giveway works exactly but I'd love the French House book. That looks fab. Thank you for all of your beautiful work!

  33. Tina, Congratulations! One hundred posts is a big deal for anyone but I would say even more so for someone like you that pours your heart and soul into each and every post. I just can't pick a favorite. I started to go for the wine country, but then I love Beach chic and the inspiration of the white kitchens and butler pantry posts are incredible. Not to mention the fabulous posts keeping us up to date with the progression of your new home...It's just all good. Thanks for sharing with us. Mona

  34. I loved the butlers pantry post, just went back to look again. AS a confirmed "dishaholic" I would LOOOOVE to have a butlers pantry. I could have everythig together rather than spread ALL OVER this house!!!!! Oh what a dream! IF we ever build another home I will for SURE include a butlers pantry! CONGRATS on the 100 posts!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOUR BLOG and have gotten SO much inspiration for it!!!!! XO, Pinky

  35. Congradulations! I am fairly new to your blog and I love it. I have gone through the posts and I have to say I am especially drawn to the white kitchens since I hope to redo mine soon-I would gladly have any of those in my own home-great give away!!

  36. Tina,

    Congrats on 100! It is really a lot of work and your passion shows as you present some amazing spaces, places and thoughts.

    My favorites are:
    White marble in all its wondrous white glory.
    Tina's favorite things & Teddy
    Enchanted Home Updates and progress

    Because the more we learn about each other through our blogs the more we know how much we share in common.

    Happy Day!


  37. Tina,

    Congratualtions on 100 posts!

    My favorite is the post with marble in them!

  38. I just found your blog a few weeks ago but it has become a daily haunt for me. I love your Nirvana in Napa post because we just built our home last year and are working on plans for the pool and pool house and this has given me some great ideas. Keep up the good work!

  39. Hi :)
    Not a very easy choise actually. I read all your posts and study the pictures for a long time. But I'll choose the butlers pantry post because I always wanted one and now I am going to make one. Just because of your post. :)
    I hope you continue to feed us with your lovely pictures, words and updates on your house.
    Congratulations with your 100 posts :))
    Best wishes from Kirvil.

  40. 100! Wow, such a milestone! Exquisite, Classic, Soft, Luxurious yet Livable...all descriptions of your blog...Magnifique! The bonus of watching your fabulous home develop...icing on the cake!
    I loved the post on Napa Valley as it is always a reminder of a bit of Tuscany and Provence right here in California. It is a paradise and so accessible.
    Thank you for including us in your 'enchanting' ride!

  41. Ok, it is a toss up between the foyer and white kitchen post!
    Congratulations on your first 100 post birthday! Your blog is absolutely beautiful and I can't wait to see what you have in store each day!
    Hope all is well with you.

  42. What a wonderful milestone for you, congratulations. Your posts are always so inspiring and beautiful. We are amazed at your ability to crank out a wonderful post every day. It's so hard to choose a favorite...all are so inspiring. We absolutely love white marble so we'll go with that one as our favorite.

  43. Congratulations! 100! Goodness you are a very prolific blogger! The bedroom post was my favourite. Your giveaways are amazing. (I already have Josephine Ryan's book so don't enter me for that one.) Regards Sharon

  44. Congratulations and THANK YOU!!!! I am so hoping that once your incredible home is completed you will still continue on with this blog. There is so much wonderful content and it is truly my favorite!!! As far as favorite post, wow, that is a tough one. I really got a lot out of the white kitchen post but the white marble was really fantastic. Please keep it coming, you bring joy to so many. P.S. getting excited about the progress with your home, can't wait to see more! Thanks for sharing.

  45. Dear Tina,
    Congratulations with your 100 posts!! They were all wonderful and real eye candy!
    I had not to think hard about this question!! I enjoy all of your posts but the one that is,as far as now, is my favorite is Foyer Fabulosity! I have always loved seeing pictures of foyers because it is the first meeting of the habitants of the house, it gives me always that feeling of having a sneek peak into someone's life! I always am curious what is to see in the rooms that are to come!!
    I just love foyers!! They give so much information about the home owners, isn't it?
    Please my friend keep posting marvellous posts as all hundreds before!
    And what a wonderful give away!!

  46. I read your blog just about everyday. I love to see all of the wonderful taste. It is a good escape for me. Love this and would love to have the book! I must say all of your posts are great, but I love the post you did - "A NEW TWIST ON AN OLD CLASSIC.....BUTLERS PANTRYS"
    I still love these things and would not mind having them in my home. It makes me dream of all the small details that speak so loudly to the eyes. Please keep posting!!!
    Alyssa Flowers-

  47. I've enjoyed each of the posts that you included. The one on Butler's Pantries, however, was my favorite. When we moved into our 1920's house, some of our visitors didn't know what to make of the strange little room between the kitchen and the dining room. Too small to be a breakfast room, and what's with the built-in china closet? No doubt they thought it was quaint but old-fashioned. Personally, I'm happy to see that the Butler's Pantry is making a comeback. For me, it is the perfect staging area for serving a large meal and a wonderful spot to display my favorite china.

  48. Congratulations on your 100 post milestone! I am happy to hear that you are enjoying blog land, as I would sorely miss your blog if you were to stop now. As always, so difficult to select a favorite, but if I must, it will be the butler's pantry blog. I have always wanted a spacious, well-appointed, butler's pantry and would settle for a small one, tucked away in a nook.

    Looking forward to your next 100 blogs. Thank you for sharing with us!

  49. I live out of the country so am not eligiible for this kind giveaway but am sure someone will be very happy however did want to say thank you for your gererosity in sharing your gift of appreciating, recognizing and celerating all beautiful things. You have impeccable taste and a gifted mastery of the written word. I love coming to visit you at your blog and know I am in for treat, yours is my favorite and you have some good highly esteemed company so please take it as a high compliment:)
    I loved the Nirvana in Napa post as it truly took me away to Napa Valley and few posts have been able to do this and of course all the posts that show your incredible home are always a huge treat. Congratulations on 100 posts..may you celebrate many 100;s more!~

  50. WOW!! 100 Blogs! Congratulations!! I discovered you only a couple of months ago and have passed your blog onto so many of my friends and family. You do unite those that have the same passions about decorating and you are my DAILY DREAMING!!! Neoclassic, marble, colour, black, decorating books, gardens, dramatic classic windows, antiques and new - you could build and decorate any house for me!!! Cannot wait to see your house!!! Don't stop after you finish your house!!

    jane at

    oh... I loved all the blogs you want us to choose from but I guess I would pick the Shoutout to White Kitchens... so many ideas and I have an old one I am planning on re-doing in our big old house!!! THANK YOU!!

  51. Congratulations Tina on your 100th! I love "Foyer Fabulosity" and watching your home come together but you didn't list that...WHY? And I know what yu mean by sometimes it's easier to be on here...sometimes.

  52. congrats!!! i didn't realize you were rather're so established and have a jillion readers! good for you; well deserved.

    i'm partial to the butler's pantry but i want one!!! warmly, tiffany

  53. Congrats on your 100th post! We enjoy reading you and you do put a smile on our face too.

    Take care!

  54. Beach House Chic is definitely one of my favorites because I grew up in a beach town (Huntington Beach, CA) and now live in the desert. One of the things I miss most is the beach and anything to remind me of my hometown and beloved beach is most appreciated! Also, my dream home would be by the ocean and your pictures give me much inspiration. My email is tobelieve@earthlink dot net.

  55. Loved "Black magic & it's power to transform a room"! Congrats on the first 100! It HAS been fun!!!

  56. Hi Tina, Congrats on your 100th post!! I always enjoy visiting here and seeing all the beautiful homes. I am such a big fan of Blue and White and I loved this post. I am happy to see so much blue and white popping up in design recently.

  57. * FIRST of all, MANY CONGRATS, Tina!!! I know it's been lots of fun, AND learning, too~~~it's a real labor of love you can pass down thru the generations, tho!

    Being born & raised in So Cal, I LOVVVED the BEACH writings... SOOO VERY MUCH! Annnd, as much as I've actually loved EVERY SINGLE BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN and posted with MAGNIFICENT PHOTOS blog that you've given us, I also especially loved NIRVANA in NAPA!!!

    WE all owe YOU a BIIIIG "THANK YOU"!!!

    Warmest blessings,

    Linda in AZ *

  58. My favorite is "White Marble". Great giveaway!

    Karen T.

  59. *** Wellllll, I just started "looking back" after commenting just a few minutes ago, and I remembered, once again, why I love your blog so much... I LOVE E*V*E*R*Y*T*H*I*N*G you share, Tina... I honestly don't think theres's even ONE pic I don't ADORE!!!!

    Just thought you deserved to know!

    Warmest (again!),
    Linda in AZ *

  60. i too love all of your posts, but beach house chic is a favorite. thank you for the chance to win, and, congratulations on 100 posts!

  61. My favorite is "Black Magic". Love the bold drama. Congrats on your 100th post!

  62. I won't and you can't make me. It would be like saying which child I love the most. I have never seen anything like your blog and believe me when I tell you, I save up a few to read late at night while in bed. It is like reading a magazine full of such beautiful images and wonderful insight. Thanks for the 100 post.

  63. I truly enjoy receiving your email every morning with your blog post. You find the most fabulous and inspiring pictures. Congratulations on your 100th post and here's to many more to come!

  64. Congrats on your 100th post! I love, love, love reading your blog and looking at all of the gorgeous home pictures!

    I would have to say my favorite post was the Heavenly Homes post! I love real estate, so I loved that post! I love Ralph Lauren's home!

  65. Tina, yeeei congratulations in your 100th post! I am so glad 99 posts ago you decided to make this blog what it is today: a place for me to come by, smile, read, learn (get a lit jealous of your fab home) and dream of gorgeous and luxurious homes... So congrats to you my friend and thank you for letting me be a part of it! I am looking forward to your next 100 posts and more...

    Oh yes... simply breath taking!

    Hugs & kisses from Rio!

  66. Tina- I love all of your posts because you put so much energy and time into making them really thorough and wonderful! I especially love the butler's pantry one though, because it was entirely original! Have a great day and congrats on your 100th post!

  67. Congratulations on your 100th post. I love most of the posts above but if I have to pick a favorite, it has to be 'Nirvana In Napa.' The views are incredible and the homes are gorgeous. What's not to love?


  68. Isn't blogging the most? Before you know it it will be 200! :) I love the butler pantry post because I have always wanted one and a girl can dream, can't she? Looking forward to the next hundred. :) xoxo

  69. My favorite...which is hard to choose because I LOVE all of your posts...but if I had to pick one it would be the Beach House Chic....I wonder why? hahaha! I also love the Nirvana in Napa! I would love to visit there one day. I hope I win! I hope I win!

  70. Congratulations on 100 posts. I am new to your lovely blog. Full of so many beautiful rooms, I look forward to following your journey.

  71. Congratulations on your 100th post - I'm sorry that I've been "MIA" recently - I'm trying to play catch up right now!

  72. Congratulations on your 100th post. You are truly talented and you give so much enjoyment to all your readers. My favorite post has been the Foyer Fabulosity. The entrance to your home shows what is to come next.

  73. Yeah!!! Congratulations on your 100th post!!! I really could not imagine blog world without Enchantanted Home!! Keep writing dear sweet Tina!! and.......I hope I win one of these fabulous gifts!!


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!