Tuesday, July 9, 2013

My patio, flowers, BBQ's and The Hamptons!

Hello and happy Tuesday night to you......this post is a bit of this and a bit of that, all about my favorite things- flowers, cooking, decorating, the great outdoors and The Hamptons!

Got my patio furniture for the back patio..was so excited! It is beautiful, very comfortable and beautifully made. Now I have to get busy deciding on pillows (again) and various accessories, and will naturally add my trademark blue and white to the mix!

Have been out to the Hamptons and the North Fork quite a bit lately and am sharing some of those highlights too. Had a casual BBQ on Sunday and love nothing more than visiting a local farm stand and picking up fresh vegetables and fruits......I get so inspired. Also visited a sunflower farm and found the most sensational sunflowers. They are enormous  and are well over 2 feet tall....talk about impact! So its a little of this and a bit of that around here. Let's get rolling......

Warning- VERY picture heavy, you might want to see this post sitting!

 Outdoor furniture!! Its a beautiful line from Woodard (the Landgrave division)  and I really love it, we have to now get busy figuring out pillows and accessories to add to the setting

This is just the start but I will be sure to share things as we go along......
The furniture is from Woodard Landgrave, a beautiful elegant beautifully built line of outdoor furniture

 Love taking pictures late in the day, that late day sun is my absolute favorite

 Love the elegant clean lines, now need to figure out pillows and accessories (the fun part).....
 Tried out my loggia pillows, they are a little small but think the blues look beautiful.......

Meanwhile back inside getting ready for a casual BBQ on Sunday......
 The sunflowers looked so perfect with my beautiful melamine outdoor dishes from my online shop

 Love my sunflowers! They are HUGE, towering about 2 and a half feet!
 The spinach Greek salad that is fast becoming  a regular around here

 Hard to tell here but these scallions were almost 2 feet long! The basil was enormous too.....
 My delicious pistachio ice cream sandwiches. So easy and always a HUGE hit. I buy vanilla pizelles and get pistachio ice cream and open it up and then slice it, I add extra pistachios ground up...this is light, delicious, pretty and a perfect summer dessert!

 Tossing in the baked almonds to the salad
 Yummy peaches with fresh mint chilling for my trademark peach sangria, the perfect summer drink!
 Easy peasy, the wine doesn't need to be expensive just a light dry white wine and Peach Schnapps, fresh peaches and mint, and then the ginger ale is added at the end.....so light and refreshing!

 Love a beautiful fruit platter.....found figs which was so exciting, they add a lot to any plate of fruit!

 Yum, let me do a "taste test"

 Am I the only one who gets excited over pretty tomatoes?
 The "sous chef" has decided he has earned a  much needed nap!
All the fixings for my crostini...a regular in this house!

Table getting set up

Veges ready to be thrown on the grill (I added sea salt and pepper and drizzled them with olive oil and they were fantastic)!

Meanwhile our driveway is getting done, its a mess but the end result will be wonderful.....

And to The Hamptons......
Sorry... I know this is cruel, espeically if you are hungry (which I am right now) and suddenly am craving a fresh lobster roll on squishy bread!
All of my favorite flowers at one of my favorite garden centers......

These orchids were AMAZING. Four stems...and HUGE!

And yes, of course one had to come home with me, it was begging to be picked and brought home!
If you are a hydrangea fan...you would have gone mad, they were there in every color!

Though I am not a big hibiscus fan, this pretty purple color got my attention.....

Loved this large boxwood globe (36" round)

More flowers getting stuffed into the car.....
Never met a sunflower I didn't love!
Beautiful Mecox Gardens
And the orchid beauty just continued to wow me!
Loooove farm stands, but I am sure you know that by now:)
And how gorgeous of a picture did these make? It made me want to plan a party around a sunflower theme!

 Love the farm stands.....they almost excite me more than a great clothing boutique (almost)!
 Beautiful vineyards.....
 An abundance of fresh fruit and flowers.........
 Love coming home and "playing"....
 Charm galore!

 Even the storage sheds have blooming hydrangeas!

 And once again my backseat is loaded up with as much as I can squeeze into it
 Duckwalk is a wonderful conveniently located vineyard.....

 Another beautiful nursery.....
 Windmills to me are synonymous with The Hamptons
 As are roadside farm stands....
 And gorgeous sunflowers just waiting for a new home

 White hydrangeas always stop me in my tracks!!
Back at home put together a pretty casual arrangement  in one of my favorite blue and white bud vases

And the huge sunflowers in this large blue and white vase...love the color combination

And finally put my huge orchid in the centerpiece bowl on my island in the kitchen, love the effect

And my hydrangea in its rightful home......love this planter from my online shop

So that is a wrap of what's going on around here. Trying to get into the summer groove and have to say this week it finally feels like I am. Love nothing more than a trip to the beach, a visit to my local farmstand, a car filled with fresh veges and fruits, flowers to come home and arrange, it's all part of what makes summer so amazing and an equally good reminder to stop and smell the roses along the way!

 Some girls need diamonds and other expensive accoutrements (and believe me I won't turn them down) but I realized the older I get the more I appreciate the simple pleasures in life.........how about you? Whats your summer pleasure? Thanks as always for stopping in!


  1. Oh, Tina...love your new patio furniture...it's just perfect...and bigger blue and white pillows will be fabulous...I love over sized squishy pillows. Would love to come to your home for a bar beque...al your recipes look and sound delicious!

  2. Tina this is A MAZ ING! I am drooling and want to share all the beauty with my circle of friends and family who appreciate magnificence like this! I love how you entertain, the food, the table settings,all the gorgeous flowers and of course your patio are really to die for.

    Thank you so very much for sharing all this beauty!!

  3. Oh Lordy, Tina... you have outdone yourself again!!!! LOVE your gorgeous new outdoor furniture... so befitting for your enchanting house. The flowers are gorgeous!!! love the beautiful pics of the nursery and the Hamptons. Love the pic of exhausted Teddy. It's not easy keeping up with you! In my next life I want your energy and taste and Teddy's life.

  4. Oh My Gosh Tina! This made my day. Someday I will make it to the Hampton's. Another wish I have is going to Nantucket. I went to buy geraniums the other day (love the red ones & it's the only plant that can survive my brown thumb) and they had none. Then I remembered, oh it's 225 degrees out, thats why! (I live in AZ) Perhaps we can change places for just a day or til October??? Love your new patio furniture. Keep up the wonderful blogging, such an inspiration. Penny K

  5. Tina,

    Your new furniture looks fabulous! I cannot wait to see the new pillows that you pick out.

    As for the Hamptons, I love the flowers, the farms stands and the lobster roll! Everything looks lush, green and beautiful.

    The barbecue salad looks delicious! I have to make this soon.

    I hope that you have a fabulous week!


  6. your bbq sounds perfect, tina. so glad to hear you have found your summer groove!

    i'm tired and feelin like the summer is getting away from me, but i'm a fighter and will keep moving forward.


  7. We are kindred spirits, Tina! I love farm stand and veggies and beautiful summer flowers! Your home is gorgeous!!!! The driveway will be so grand! LOVE you posts about a day in the life of the Enchanted Home!!!

  8. So pretty!!! All of it ! I am craving that lobster roll now��

  9. Tina- this post is like opening up a favorite design book, a great cookbook, a beautiful interior design magazine and a how to on entertaining all in one. You are just incredible with your talents from decorating to cooking to writing to flower arranging! You really do inspire me in a big big way. Thank you.

  10. Hi Tina and gosh what a fun post to read! Your patio seating is in similar style as what we just got a month ago and using it a lot(: love the French iron look... Thanks for all the great BBQ tips, have to put them to good use and serve them to friends too. That bathroom of yours is splendid and taking a bath in the afternoon in that lovely light... Dreaming here... Glad I am sitting down and can't fall right now.
    Hugs z

  11. What a fun post! Love your BBQ recipes and the trip to the Hamptons! Nothin better than picked up a carload of fresh flowers!

  12. Your new patio furniture is gorgeous. You are going to have such fun accessorizing. You are fast becoming my go-to blog for entertaining. Your recipes are always fresh and delicious but not too complicated - exactly what I'm after. Thank you! X Sharon

  13. Hi Tina this was a beautiful, fun and inspiring blog. But then you always come up with some beauties...never a dull moment and I thank you for that. I love bbqs for summer with family and friends. I find as I'm getting older my priorities have changed. I watch cooking shows, garden shows and home decor which I never used to do I would be in work mode 24/7. Now I stop to smell the roses. Enough about me....your food looks yummy and your flowers heaven. Till next time Regards Esther from Sydney.

  14. Darling Tina,

    I have been away from the computer, visiting family in California and it was SUPER FUN. I missed you all in Blogland, however, as I was unable to get to the computer. To see your home again, your meals and travels to the nursery truly is like coming home. So good to see you...HUGS! Anita

  15. Tina I love a good fresh tomato too and always show the husband a beautiful one...he doesn't get it...lol. I too found fresh figs yesterday and brought tons home to roast. Everything at your home and the Hamptons looks wonderful. I love this time of year when everything fresh and blooming pops up. Your "sous chef" looks a lot like mine but mine prefers the middle of the floor for some reason.


  16. Hi Tina!

    Just want to say thank you for bringing your "enchanted life" to all of your readers. You bless us all by bringing beauty to life on your blog and just love all your gorgeous photos. Keep them coming!
    My summer pleasure is that first sip of coffee on my garden swing while the birds are tweeting a new day.
    Hugs to Teddy...sweet Teddy.
    Your biggest Canadian fan...Marianna

  17. Swoon. Swoon. Swoon. I would have been in total heaven with those flowers. You and I have this love affair with big beautiful orchids. And, hydrangea? More, please. Tina, your beautiful home is getting more beautiful every month. Your touch shows, my friend. And, that driveway? Looks like a fabulous estate in one of the luxury magazines. Big hug from hot Texas...

  18. This perked up my morning wonderfully, thank you for all of the beautiful photos! Things look wonderful at the house, the outdoor furniture is perfect in that space. And holy cow, those sunflowers are amazing! Everything looked so yummy, the pistachio ice cream sandwiches almost had me drooling on the keyboard. :)

    Happy day to you Miss Tina!

  19. Tina a spectacular post if I ever saw one. Your flowers in all the blue and whites vases are amazing, as are the sunflowers, orchids and hydrangeas. I love flowers too but even more since reading your blog, now i always pick up fresh flowers on weekly basis.

    Love your entertaining ideas and the melamine is so pretty especially against the sunflowers. Your patio furniture should be a magazine ad. It is so perfect. We are in the market for new furniture so I will check out the line. Thank you!

    Ellen from Boston

  20. The outdoor furniture is looking great, thank you for the introduction to the furniture line - I wasn't familiar with it, and will be in the market for new outdoor furniture next year (we are still using the 20+ year old Brown Jordan pieces from my in-laws, which are still functioning but are getting tired).

    Looks like your summer is in full swing! Have a great week.

    - Holly

  21. I agree.It used to be shoes with me.Now, I enjoy making the house pretty and making a good meal and a glass of wine.Sunflowers and lilacs are my weakness.Don't get me wrong.I'm still into the shoes! Love to Teddy.


  22. Good morning Tina. What a gorgeous post to wake up to. You make my morning when I see mail from The Enchanted Home. I cannot tell you the pleasure I get from reading your blog, from your beautiful and humorous way of writing to the gorgeous pictures it is a sheer feast.

    I feel like we could be soul sisters in both our taste and how you look at things. Your last line about loving all the simple things in life really struck a chord. For 15 years I worked (make that slaved) as a trial lawyer. But my passion had always been graphic design and finally at my husbands urging, I eventually gave up practicing law and now am a pretty successful freelance graphic design/artist and cannot tell you how much fun I am having. I have a home studio and am home with my kids which is a huge part of this decision. So yes I totally agree about your sentiments about prioritizing and enjoying all the small wonderful things and I have your blog in large part to thank for giving me so many great ideas including the peach sangria which I will be trying this weekend.

    Your patio is a dream, love the furniture and the white cushions, it is so elegant. Congratulations on a job well done.

    A big fan, Elizabeth

  23. Good morning Tina...I always love waking up and seeing one of your posts! It is ALL so pretty. I love your new patio furniture! You made me want to take a trip to the Hamptons ASAP. And, the peach sangria is a MUST try for me.

    Enjoy your day! xoxo

  24. Oh Tina, you had me at the sunflowers, and then the lobster rolls....one of my favorite guilty pleasures. At the garden center I was so surprised to see Crepe Myrtles and it was in bloom. Did not think they would grow so far north! They are a Southern staple and are in bloom now providing some color to our rather gray summer this year. Really like your new outdoor furniture. Hope the BBQ went well....the food looked amazing. Have a great week.

  25. Tina,

    WOW! Love looking at your blog! Everything about it is exciting!


  26. So many of the best summer pleasures here in this gorgeous post, Tina. Love the sunny sunflowers, those flavors of summer you served up at your BBQ and the tour through the Hamptons -especially that lobster roll - YUM! We are heading to Maine soon, and I can't wait to get my hands on one! Happy Wednesday and happy summer! XOXO

  27. Tina...sounds like a wonderful BBQ....everything looked yummy! The Hampton s are on my bucket list......sounds like your having a wonderful summer!

  28. Oh My! I HAVE to go to the Hamptons it is so picturesque. Thank you so much for taking us along for your weekend trip, always fun traveling vicariously with YOU,

  29. Whoa!! Tina, there are so many goodies in this post! First, love all your outdoor furniture. Works perfectly in this setting ~ so elegant and your pillows are gorgeous. Your bathroom is so pretty (love the window treatment) and your kitchen is gorgeous .. all the blue and white and pops of yellow sunflowers.. stunning! The food looks amazing and I'm starving now! I must make your spinach salad. Thanks for sharing a glimpse into your summer days:)

  30. Hi Tina, your patio and new furniture are both bEAUTIFUL, of course. The larger blue and white pillows will be perfect! I would love to tag along with you to the farm stands and nurseries. We have a favorite nursery that just happens to be a few mile from our daughter so we go there alot:) And always stuff the car:):) Your driveway is going to be AMAZING! Sweet Teddy is a doll. Love, LOVE the sunflowers too. XO

  31. Hi Tina,
    Question about your London Shade in your bathroom. (I'm making my first one, hope it turns out as exquisite as yours)., Is it lined with the darker blue fabric, what you see a peak of at the bottom? The pleats look the same fabric. I'm making mine with contrasting pleats, but I've lined mine with white. If yours is lined with the dark, how does that look from the outside?

    your house is just so beautiful. The Hampton's have nothing on you!

    Have a great day, Linda! (I'm the same one who emailed you once about the blue leopard fabric)

  32. Dear Tina,
    A brighten my morning post! I do love going to the flower & farm stands,
    You found the best ones of course. I think if I can get out in this 100+ degree heat at all I will go to Rosehill Gardens!
    Thank you for always showing us how to show all of these gifts of nature at their best!
    Visit soon; have been missing you!

    2013 Artists Series!

  33. Tina-
    You are one busy lady, always have something going on!
    I love the flowers and the food looks amazing. I could eat the entire fruit tray!
    Your patio looks beautiful, and the driveway is going to be perfect.
    As for your torturing us with the lobster roll, shame on you, lol!

  34. Just beautiful! This makes me want to eat a lobster roll, drink peach sangria, go to a farm stand and plant flowers not to mention redo my patio after seeing yours. LOVE the furniture, going to check them out. We bought a set from Walpole years ago that has given us years of enjoyment but its time to get something new. I really love your choice and think the pillows are going to look so good (bigger I agree). The Hamptons pictures are so beautiful...what a place!

    Thank you Tina.

  35. Tina,
    Orchids, hydgrangeas and farm stand fresh produce rank high on my list of summer pleasures!!! Love seeing your new patio furniture and bathroom looking so gorgeous!!! I think your home could be a Relais Chateaux!!!

    Wish I could hop in the car and head out to the Hamptons to Mecox and all my favorites but boys are in camp from 9-3pm so it's just like a school day (but without all the after school craziness!).

    That Sunday night meal looks divine!!! I NEED to make your peach sangria...stat!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  36. Well, at first I just thought this was gonna be about decorating since that was what I was searching for (love the beautiful white lounge furniture in your backyard btw, gorgeous!) and then I got all those killer food and party tips along with it! I couldn't believe how delicious that food looked, and those flowers were just wonderful! I have to try this out sometime! Thanks so much for the inspiration! (Your sous chef pup was so cute too!)

  37. Thanks for the Peach Sangria recipe Tina, I have so much mint in my back garden and want to make use of it in summer drinks. Love your new patio furniture!!

    Emily @ TownAndCountryShuffe

  38. Total gorgeousness!
    I really look forward to your posts!
    If you have time and energy could you give us a paragraph on how you take care of
    your orchids?
    Thank you!

  39. Your home is absolutely beautiful. You've done a great job decorating it!

  40. Tina, I don't know what kind of work you did prior to becoming a wife, mother, and homemaker, but girl you are in your element now:-) Seriously, if you ever stop bloggimg, you will put a lot of people into withdrawal:-) Me especially! I look forward to each post, and you never disappoint! Love all the home updates, fruit, anf flowers:-)
    Carol P.

  41. every image was luscious and gorgeous; that shot of your master bath, the farm stands, windmill, oh yes your new patio set......delish!!

    there is a pillow line i carry in the shop and adore, elaine smith from palm beach and what makes them so regal is they are now only dressed in gorgeous fabric but the innards is down! for outdoors!!!

    have fun tina!

  42. wow! it really looks fantastic and i love all the designs that you've got..it all looks very awesome..the furniture's really looks fabulous..i love decorating that is why i am searching for some helpful tips so that i could gain some fresh and new ideas..

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. St. Barts, Luxe Bohemian Lifestyle launched its first store at Ferry Rd Markets, Gold Coast in the year 2010. The company came with its second store, Brisbane James St. Store within a span of only an year. Aimed at designer homewares and Designer Cushions , the company also offers a wide range of antique furniture. With whitewash furniture being its specialty, Luxe Bohemian Lifestyle store aims at collecting and designing unique pieces.


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!