Monday, July 8, 2013

Hamptons Panache!

Hello! Hope you had a fabulous weekend. Ours was fun, relaxing, dinner with friends, stopped by to a party friends  (wish I had my camera again) had a BBQ last night and plenty of time for downtime around the house which I have to say I really enjoyed. Ahhhh....the beautiful Hamptons, have you been? I am incredibly lucky to live just a few hours away from the gorgeous and infamous Hamptons. Yes, the traffic is a nightmare, housing prices are hard to wrap your brain around,  there really is such a thing as $25.00 lobster rolls and $18.00 drinks but there are also many other incredible even dare I say wonderfully old fashioned things about the Hamptons that makes it well....the one and only.  

The pristine beaches, miles of white sand, charming family owned farms, beautiful parks and preservation areas, world class restaurants, an art scene to rival any other, unparallelled shopping, serious people watching (if that's your thing) and of course houses that would take the gold if there were an Olympic event for beautiful homes! Each town has its own distinct flavor and there truly is something to love about each and every one of them. 

For homes, I think Southampton and East Hampton are pretty hard to beat in my humble non expert opinion. From your gorgeous grand gabled weathered shingle homes to the majestic tall imposing brick Georgians...there are countless homes worth drooling over that dot both the tony estate sections and the glistening Atlantic coastline. And let me tell  you  they come with equally impressive prices tags:) But let's put that little detail aside and talk about the beauty of these Hamptons homes. Today's post is dedicated to the panache of the quintessential Hampton homes. Ready for some serious eye candy? I think you will enjoy, this was a lot of fun to put together as it is such a unique world class enclave that brings together the biggest names in business, entertainment, music, art, a coastal residential setting. Here we go.....

Granted this post represents the tippy top of Hamptons real estate but if we are going to look, then let's go all the way right......

This is what  I call one dreamy patio!! AD
Seriously perfect, do you not agree? Not a blade of grass out of it!
Wow!! Love every single thing about this grand beauty!
Ready to move in?

Not a bad pool house, what do you think?
 Gorgeous master bedroom suite overlooking the sparkling water
 I think I would plant myself on a chaise all day long if this were my view!
 Mighty impressive!  The "girl" on the tube is an actual sculpture,
here's a closer view....only in the Hamptons!

Love the blue and white but of course:)
Gorgeous and sooo regal!
The beautiful covered porch belonging to Tory Burch stunningly farmed by climbing this!

Now this is a those chairs!!

 So tranquil, I bet you can hear the roar of the ocean from this perch...Robert Stern
 Such a beautiful and elegant home, East Hampton (Robert Stern)
I love the classic Hamptons shingled home with white timeless! about first impressions! Robert Stern
 Guess who rented this humble abode for the summer? Jay Z and Beyonce

Gorgeous Gin Lane beauty, Southampton

I swear there is something about the air and sky in the Hamptons, its magical!

 Classic ivy covered estate home in Southampton...lovely!
 Every time you watched Seinfeld you helped Jerry save up his pennies for this humble Hamptons abode :)
Isn't this a beauty?  Surrounded by all the farm land that still exists (very expensive farm land)
 Where the pool houses are equally beautiful in the most idyllic settings.....

How gorgeous is this Southampton pool house! 
 You can be sure that all of these coastal beauties are complete with a beautiful pool, tennis court and in some cases other amazing amenities!
 This is  classic  beauty, love the crisp white against the weathered natural classically Hampton's!
A Hampton classic, love this!

 Farrell Builders is one of the top builders out east...and builds classics like this one that will stand the test of time

With equally beautiful interiors that are open and airy, perfect for the Hamptons lifestyle
 Even the more modern homes are incredibly well done..this one is a striking beauty! AD
Love this.....what a wonderful spot to take in the Atlantic!
 Jenny from the block has come a long is her mega millions Hamptons home! (Jennifer Lopez)
 This impressive Southampton beauty is a picture of elegance
 With a heavenly backyard to boot!
 And one heck of a stunning living this is what I call a beach house!

 Think you could manage to live in this cozy abode? Wow....looks more like a school!
 Another classic found in the estate section of Southampton
 My kids have dubbed this the "perfect house" in East Hampton, where every flower and blade of grass is standing straight with military precision!
Christy Brinkley's beautiful shingle home

See anything you think you could rough it in? I would take any of the above!! Inside and out, these homes are amazingly beautiful and combined with the weather, the ocean air, the proximity to the beaches and the most charming towns makes these almost priceless. Hope you enjoyed little tour of the ultra uber swanky Hamptons homes......its fun to dream and best part is, it's free!! Enjoy your day and thanks for stopping in. Have a wonderful Monday and great start to your week......


  1. Tina these homes are astounding and to think you may have a super star next door! Really though, one of the most coveted areas of real estate in the US! They ARE classic and timeless!

    2013 Artists Series

  2. Tina...the homes of the Hamptons are all so stunning! It's hard to believe I have only been out there a handful of times and that has been quite a while ago. My daughter's boyfriend's parents live in Bridgehampton and she spent the 4th there before coming home for the weekend. She couldn't stop talking about how gorgeous it is and how it is so much more laid back and casual than most people would think. Now I NEED to plan a trip...maybe midweek or September when it isn't so crowded!

    Your weekend sounds wonderful and relaxing...Have a wonderful day and stay cool! xoxo

  3. Tina this is incredible. My eyes didn't know where to look first! I have been to the Hamptons (Southampton) several times because when we were newly married, my husbands grandparents owned a beautiful home there and many family functions were held there. They sold it a few years ago and we have only been back once since then. I have to agree despite the ridiculous prices, it is a true gem of a place, so unique and so incredibly beautiful. This was a fun tour of beauty. Thank you!

  4. The appeal is the colonial style, the dormers, the incredible porches - and of course that the generous rooms look out over a stunning vista. It's a very pretty countryside and vista.

  5. What a great way to start my Monday morning. We are headed that way over Labor Day and are taking a one day side trip to visit Bridgehampton to see friends of ours that have a home there. I cannot wait!

  6. Awesome.

    Thanks for sharing.

  7. Oh My Goodness, some people experience heaven on earth!!!!
    I can't imagine living in a home like these!

  8. Gorgeous!!! My favorite photo is of Tory Burch's roses.

  9. Oh my. I think I would be happy to just take up residence in the pool house or garden shed of one of these beauties! I've never been to the Hamptons - when we visit family in the NE we usually go to Nantucket or Maine. But hopefully someday we can take a detour. So glad you had such a nice holiday weekend, Tina. Have a wonderful week! XO

  10. Even though what I grew up in was a far cry from these, the very nice areas near me were just like this on the Cape, so this reminds me of home. in fact, I'm off to see my mother today, and will pass by some mansions just like these. Love every minute of it!

  11. Good morning Tina...all of these homes are gorgeous! The first patio reminds me of yours...I love the fabric they used on the cushions..

  12. This is my kind of post, Tina... and this is my kind of home! I couldn't love it more!

    Thank you for taking the time to prepare this for us today. STUNNING!

    Have a wonderful week!


    Luciane at

  13. Tina, as beautiful as these are, your home is still my favorite!! Janis Covinhton Stufflebean

  14. Tina,
    I can not stop looking at these photos. The living rooms...gorgeous!


  15. Amazing eye candy for this Monday morning!

  16. WOW< one is more dreamy than the next!! All that blue and white decor... I just am in love!!!
    xo Karolyn

  17. Tina, You know how I love Shingle style homes, and white interiors, so this was a wonderful treat! What's with the castle turret instead of a widows walk on Christie Brinkly's home though? Really enjoyed the tour and wishing I was on the Cape right now, although if someone "dropped" me onto the Hamptons, I wouldn't object. Have a great week.

  18. OMW, amazing and hard to believe someone gets to live in them.

  19. Drooling Over the Beauty! I have only been once but hope to get back soon the Hamptons is so gorgeous everything looks so perfect it's like Disneyland for adults!

    Tina I still will say that your house is by far my favorite but I wouldn't scoff at any of these thank you so much for putting together such a pretty post.

  20. Beautiful! I just pinned several…thanks for the inspiration. I chuckled at your not having your camera at a party…it's really hard not to snap pictures when I really want to…sometimes I think it best to keep some things private. But….we do get to see some fab stuff!
    Hope your week is wonderful Tina

  21. WOW. It's hard to think of anything else to say! What fun to see all this!! Though, what up with that turret? Kind of jarring amongst all the beauty!

  22. Just incredible! I have never been to the's absolutely beautiful and the homes are awe inspiring. I could easily live in any one of them! Thanks for sharing!

  23. Absolutely amazing!! I have never been to the Hamptons, but it is on my bucket list... And thanks to your post, it is inching it's way to the top of the list! What a little slice of heaven on earth!

    The Glam Pad

  24. I haven't been to the Hampton's in so long! These images make me want to jump on a plane just to gawk at the gorgeous homes. Thankfully, your post will keep me satisfied for awhile! I wish my parents had kept our little A frame bohemian cottage in East Hampton. Thirty years later, it has probably been torn down and replaced with one of these!
    Have a great week Tina!

  25. Not too impressed. They are just big eye candy houses. So what. But I get the attraction if someone hasn't either lived in one, or spent their life around classic New England homes. I like this style of architecture too because it's classic and timeless, but their grandiosity is ostentatious. No jealousy either, I grew up an one of those "antique" farm houses in Massachusetts and spent lots of summers at the Cape and on the vineyard so I do get the attraction. But they are just big houses.


  26. There are so many beauties here, but for me I so associate this area with shingled houses and these are amazing. Happy you had a great 4th!!

  27. We used to go out to the Hamptons when we lived in NYC and I always loved strolling about in town. I could be very happy in that giant master bedroom above overlooking the ocean. I don't think I would need any more space either. Gorgeous line up of homes.


  28. i love christy brinkley's house! someday i will visit this special place and try not to be star struck. what a treat that you live so near!

    smiles and happy new week.


  29. So, this is how the "other half" lives:):) Each and every one is stunningly gorgeous, in their own way. Thank you so much for this tour. I have never been there but now I have been "virtually" there!!!!!

  30. Tina,

    Let me catch my breath...each of these house is FABULOUS! My goodness one is more beautiful than the next. What a treat to see all of the beautiful homes in one place. Thank you for sharing.

    I hope that you have a wonderful week,


  31. Just wiping the drool off my laptop! Gobsmacking!

  32. LOVE EVERY SINGLE HOME HERE! I may be heading to the Hamptons for a day next week! Hopefully the weather will be perfect! Thanks for sharing these!

  33. WOw! Just wow!! Jerry Sienfeld's house is massive! They are all gorgeous! Fi xx

  34. Tina-
    These homes are gorgeous. Would be a dream to have a home here.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Happy Tuesday.

  35. Tina, it's so funny that you did this post because I have been gathering "pins" inspired by the Hamptons - so many of these struck a cord with me right now! Gorgeous post. I love the shingled homes with white trim - they get me every time!

  36. all these are heavenly! I'd love to make a trip there this Summer, if it wasn't for that pesky traffic!

  37. Love them all! It was kind of creepy though when Andrew Crispo's Gin Lane house exploded and burst into flames! His neighbors were Anne Ford, and Gloria Vanderbilt! There was a gas leak according to LILCO, under the pool...but it could have bee a Mafia hit...


  38. That's some seriously fine real estate....I used to summer in the Hamptons, but never like this! Thanks for all the lovely images~

  39. All of these are gorgeous!! You were right about the eye candy. I would be happy to call any of them home, except that one with that blue sculpture; what the heck was that??? Okay I would take the home but get rid of that sculpture. I have been reading blogs daily but havent been posting much since the baby is due in only four weeks now! We will be back in full swing when the house starts. Thanks for taking me into another world for a few minutes! Have a great day! -Tonya

  40. I love the first area white n blue and the house..........its amazing ...........

  41. Oh how the Hamptons Style makes my heart pitter,patter. I just did a similar post but on an Australian builder who has achieved Hamptons magic in his latest release and I so hope I can build it.Thanks for the lovely, lovely post. Fiona


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!