Friday, October 5, 2012

Late week musings.......and a monogram giveaway!

This post which started off to be  a normal length soon morphed into an exceptionally loooong post. So, sit back grab another cup of coffee or tea and relax a little on me! I will be back on Monday!

Hi there...boy this week has flown by. This has been an exceptionally hectic week. Monday was such a crappy day. Like "every single thing went wrong kind" of crappy. It ended with me going into the post office right before they were closing and just as I was going inside, I felt sometthing wet drop on my head,......guess what it was? A birds dropping, I kind you not, at that point after a day of everything going wrong, it was either cry or I just silently said to myself "that soooo doesn't surprise me" and went along my merry way, made a beeline for home, slipped into my coziest pj's and called it a day. 
The week thankfully has gotten better but its been really hectic, defeinitely  had more than one "Calgon take me away moment". So hopefully the weekend is going to calm down and allow for some much needed down time.  Here's my usual randomness, the giveaway details at the bottom........lets begin shall we!
Got the rest of the sconces up in the living room..must say I am really really loving them. They add such an elegant ambiance to the room and of course I love the lighting that sconces give. Ralph strikes again!
This mantle is not the permanent (its propped up against the wall for effect and the painting is going in the library)

Close up #1

Close up #2

Remember the hardware dimlemna I had for my ktichen island? Well I took the plunge and did it and boy am I happy I did. I love the look, its a subtle change but was worth it. I am only waiting on two long towel bars going at the end of the island.  I also got to sell the hardware so it was a win/win. Have a look........I apologize for the blurry pics, not sure why they came out like this!

What are you up to this weekend? I am finally getting to see the Intouchables tonight which I have been wanting to see ever since I found out about it. I think foreign  movies often are way more interesting than many of the current American counterparts, I prefer real stories that touch us somehow over a Hollywood spectacle of violence, nudity, and gore. No thank you. This however,  is right up my alley. Here's the trailer.......can't wait!

Some store biz.......many of you have asked about the monogrammed soaps, and the 'flat faced soap'(first picture) and the "beveled soap" (second picture) . My you are an observant bunch and indeed there are two ways to order the soap. So if you want one or the other, please specify in the blank box at checkout as to your choice. They are wonderful beyond words, smell heavenly and are priced right!

The bevel soap

The different styles for fonts.....all pretty!

Speaking of soaps.....I am thinking of carrying these small soap dishes, they are technically candy dishes but are equally gorgeous for soaps or decor in the bathroom....what do you think? I am thinking towards Christmas these could make wonderful gifts....

Dough bowls......I got in a really big one. This bad boy is about 44" long by 15" and if I didn't have two  I would so keep this for me, it  is gorgeous! I don't get these really big ones in as often anymore and I know I get emails from readers about them, so if you are in the market for an oversized dough bowl, I will honor my same everyday great price of $175 (even though this size sells normally for much more) for this beauty. Email me here.


Napkin rings...oh I love thee. They are turning into my most popular item fast! I am just loving them, and so far the reviews are beyond rave reviews. People are so thrilled when they get them and marvel at the workmanship and attention to detail. They are quite heavy and such special pieces. I am sooo happy I found this line! So I got in a bunch of rings the other day, some new styles that will be going up on my site. Here's a always,if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! Oh and one last piece of great news...not only are they handcrafted but they are right here in the good ol USA!
And I had fun playing around with some table settings using them, what do you think..check them out in the last few pics! Click here to see them on my online shop.

Animals on moving see saws

3 ducks 

Little boy with pig

Lab on cart

Scottie (need confirmation from all dog people out there) with cart


Another dog (Scottie?)

1 of 6 horses

Golden retriever with cart (soooo getting these)

Another horse

Squirrel with acorns

Horse 4

Sly fox

Hare on the tortoise

Mama bear and cub

Pig with cart

The sweet whimsical animals

Boy playing with dog

Corgi (need confirmation) with dog house

The horses

Boy and lamb

Sly fox and rooster

And of course the fun part is playing "dress up" with all these beauties!

Think I was having fun? You better believe it! I wish I had more time I could have kept going on and on....its like a very sophisticated game of dress up!

The giveaway lowdown....I am offering  a box of 3 monogrammed soaps (you get to customize)  to a lucky winner. All you need to do is stop by my online shop, come back here and tell me an item that makes you happy and that's are in the running! I will announce a winner on Monday morning. Click here to visit my shop.

Remember anonymous, you must include your name. For all those who just use a first name, please in the comment section include your last name initial. Good luck!

Told you this was going to be long! Thank so much for stopping in to see whats new, do hope you have an awesome long weekend and I will be back on Monday to announce the lucky soap winner. 
Until then........have a fabulous weekend!


  1. Love your detailed description of all that goes on behind your walls. This is an item I liked particularly in your shop because it can be so very versatile.

  2. Tina- the house is looking more spectacular with each added item. The lighting is just beautiful and love the newly enhanced island.

    I have my eye on the floral etched belljar for my new kitchen reno so thats my favorite item right now.

    But those napkin rings- be still my heart! I have to get them, they are the most wonderful rings I have ever seen! So many wonderful styles, great line to add!! What a beautiful addition to your table they are.

    Have a good weekend, Tina.

  3. Lovely! Things are coming along so quickly! What does the chinoiserie look like for the dining room? What a great eye you have for proportion - your living room looks fantastic. Congratulations on all the hard work, Tina!!

  4. I adore these monogrammed soaps Tina... they are fab... Have a wonderful weekend... xv

  5. I love the little white porcelain dish held by the the metal cherubs... what are the dimensions. I really don't like our powder room, but this would make me like it more with some pretty soap in it :) Kristina D

  6. Hi Tina! I love when you show glimpes of your beautiful home. It looks honestly just spectacular! Love how you set the table too with all the gleaming china, silver and crystal and those napkin great, I have to get the horses and labs for my husband (we both love horses and dogs and hes a vet).

    I love ALL your items, would deifnitely buy those soap dishes up there and at this time want some items from your European kitchen line. I love my dog lamps and ginger jars I got from you, they definitely made my home feel "enchanted"!

  7. The napkin rings always make me smile although I am currently coveting a dough bowl. I love the monogrammed soaps and the new soap dishes. I hope you have a relaxing weekend to make up for your crazy week! (legend has it that bird droppings on your head are good luck!)

  8. Tina so funny about your week, I had the same exact week. I am so happy that the weekend is here and hopefully will bring a sense of calm and relaxation for us both! I LOVE those napkin rings, I love anything with squirrels so I must have them. They are such works of art. That is my favorite thing in your shop right now, but do love the soaps too and those soap dishes are so pretty too.

    Your table setting is making me drool, reminds me of my mother who loves nothing more than setting her beautiful table with all her beautiful things. One day I will get the hang of it. That movie looks so great, my husband was reading about it. I hope you will let us know if you like it. Take care.

    Susan L.

  9. The monogrammed soap is fabulous and I also love your dough trenchers! Your sconces look wonderful! Your room is gorgeous! Thanks for hosting this great giveaway!

  10. LOVE the painting that's going in the library and honestly, I cannot get over those napkin rings. They are absolute works of art! Stunning.

    I'm still dying for a pair of Stafforshire dogs and loving the Aubusson pillows :)

  11. I love everything in your shop but the urn slat and pepper shakers made me smile this morning and the squirrel and nut bowl too:) Sorry about your tough week. I too had a BAD one. Here's hoping we can both regroup this weekend:)

  12. My favorite is the cherub soap dish with the wonderful soaps you are giving away. Have a relaxing weekend. Penny K

  13. Love this:

  14. your living room is unbelievable gorgeous--so beautifully appointed and glamorous --you must absolutely love it! Wishing you a beautiful weekend

  15. The monogrammed soaps are the perfect addition to a beautiful powder room! So enjoyed seeing pictures of your dining room. Your table setting looks so inviting. By the way, I'm free for dinner!! Enjoy a relaxing weekend in your beautiful home..the perfect place to welcome fall!

  16. Love how your living room is coming together with the new sconces! I would love a dough the monogram soaps as well. Have a relaxing weekend!

  17. Your home is just too beautiful! The canvas art reminds me of my Grandmothers house, which makes me happy. I really love the picture of the mother holding her baby in the air!
    Rebekah B.

  18. Hi Tina, I do love the new soap dishes! I would also use one to hold my rings in the kitchen or other jewelry on the bathroom counter, like when a quick, safe spot is needed for my pearls after a long night out. Your shop itself makes me happy, but I am especially wanting that gourd syrup pitcher! Wouldn't it be lovely on the breakfast table Thanksgiving morning? Hope your weekend is wonderful. Linda

  19. The urns make my heart sing. I also am in love with the soap dishes and all the soaps.
    Linda R.

  20. Good morning dear one. YOU WORK SO HARD. How you manage a household, manage a successful shop and have the time to carefully select a grand array of products, I DON'T KNOW!!! But you are wonderful and I rejoice with you in this success! THE HOUSE LOOKS FANTASTIC! Anita

  21. Tina, your sconces are fabulous as is the kitchen hardware! Such a great choice! Those soaps are beautiful! I can't wait to show the ones we are about to carry that are made by my son in law's grandmother…along with handmade oyster shell boxes to display them in! You will love them! Have a wonderful weekend and I'm not headed to the give away part!

  22. Ok…if I had to narrow it down it would be between the new dough bowl and the fabulous soap dish with the cherubs! They are still one of my favorites!

  23. I love your shop. the cute online entrance is a fun way to feel like you are shopping in a cute boutique! I think your soap dishes are super cute!

  24. Those candy dishes, oops! I mean soap dishes looks very elegant. It till look good in the bathroom.
    weight loss programs mn

  25. Where do my comments go? The movie Intouchables is really wonderful. I love the dough bowls. Have a wonderful week.
    Patricia B

  26. I think your flat top ginger jars are so pretty. And then there's this vase...AP44....choices....too many choices!

  27. Good morning. Pillows Pillows and more pillows make me happy! Makes a room so warm and inviting. Icing on the cake. You must carry those soap dishes! Too cute. Thank you Vickie

  28. I love the scented hurricane candles! Great giveaway!
    Lynn in Raleigh, NC

  29. I've always heard that when a bird poops on your head it is good luck! Love your new hardware. The soaps are beautiful and a great hostess gift.

  30. Love your new Fall header. :) Great idea putting out an actual tablescape with your new napkins rings. Everything looks lovely. I have my eye on one of those little candy/soap dishes. So pretty!!!

  31. I would have to say I love the candy box lamp!

  32. Your silver pieces are the items I'm always drawn to ... ALL your collections are fabulous!

  33. Tina such a wonderful post AS ALWAYS. I love the energy and love you put into everything you do. And what a joy it would be to sit in that living room or at that dining table and be treated as a guest. I know you are one heck of a hostess. I love how you set the table and those napkin rings I think are my new favorite thing of yours! I will be emailing you about them.

    The movie I have not seen but my parents did and they loved it, and recommended it to me. Looks wonderful, the main character looks so much like Dustin Hoffman! I made your beef bourgininon recipe (sp?) from a long time ago last weekend and my family proclaimed it as one of the best meals I have ever made! Thank you, it was worth the prep and cooktime.

    Finally loving that dough bowl, how I wish I had the room. It is so beautiful, hope it finds a wonderful home;-)

    Kate R.

  34. The table setting is so elegant,the rings are just like table jewelry, I love the way some of the rings are just set around the place settings, without napkins in them! I think the silversmith should definitely sign them. They are my favorite thing right now! My biggest problem will be the nieces and nephews will want to take them from the table and play with them.........;)

  35. Love the trays in the European Kitchen~also, the garden products and the candles.
    I hope to indulge in some of these very soon as I am redoing my kitchen (which is
    taking forever!) and could incorporate some of these. I just have a small cottage
    but each of these would add charm to my home! Wonderful website!!!
    Have a great day!

  36. I am personally very partial to your selection of blue and white lamps!!! They are hard to find and you have a great selection to choose from!

    Thanks - Laura Gabriel

  37. I have to tell you how lovely your lighting is, Tina. Your sconces create just the perfect glow and are beautiful! Have a wonderful, weekend!

  38. The Greek Key Bell Jar is amazing! Claire K

  39. So much to comment on! I am sure I will forget something.

    Love the new sconces, they are so beautiful. The detailing is magnificent. Great choice also on the brass hardware.
    Love your set table, right out of a magazine Tina! The napkin rings are just too sweet, I could see a whole table set up with them and I must have those horse rings!

    Thanks for the movie idea, we are hoping to go this weekend and I am out of the loop with whats new. Looks like a good one! Finally would love to win these beautiful soaps!

  40. WOW! Your table looks absolutely STUNNING!! Great photos Tina! Everything looks gorgeous.. the sconces the napkin rings and I need to order some of the soap!

    Had to laugh about the bird poop.. or should I say laugh with you? These days happen to us all and you just have to have a good sense of humor about it. Thanks for sharing that Tina :)

    Have a wonderful Friday!

  41. Had a hard time choosing but I was in the mood for something monogrammed after your blog about the soaps, so I love the monogrammed pendant, triple initial of course!
    Katie P

  42. Wow, the sconces look just beautiful! I'm glad the week improved, I totally "feel" the pain at the post office, have had a *very* similar incident, it has become a classic, but honestly, at the moment...? Not. Funny.

    Hope your weekend is filled with fun and laughter!

  43. Darling shop.
    I like many of your items especially the very large silver serving tray.

  44. I love your monogrammed guest towels and much so that I put them in my Houzz guest post here...
    have a great weekend, Tina!
    Mary Ann

  45. Although you have so many lovely things in your shop, the ceramics are my favorite. I like the "soap dishes" above; that is something I would purchase for myself ( if it was in my budget). Have a restful weekend and I hope you were wearing a hat to the post office.

  46. Good morning Tina,
    Yes I am with you on a few things today....Monday sucked, I had a bit of a "luckily" small accident in the parking lot .... and I have not managed all I wanted this week either ((: No bird dropped on me yet Italian it means luck or good sign though! Like it was in one of my fav movies, "under the Tuscan Sun".

    As far as the foreign film goes, I am glad you said it(: As a foreigner, I think that Holywood is unique in its right and I thinks gives us some good stuff of course, but European movies, I always loved old French movies with Alain Delon especially (had a crush on him long ago)...and I often miss Czech movies and TV as the humor and seriousness and life reality are so well presented and expressed back to my sentence, European movies are often deeper in meaning and real ...a viewer has to think more and imagine more, our senses are definitely more encouraged.

    I adore your fireplace and chandellier sconces in your living room! Great work...and hardware you chose is fantastic, had to do the same when we moved in our new house...

    have a great weekend, ciao xo Z

  47. OHHHH Yes, Yes, Yes!!! Love all of your "stuff." And a big "Yes" on the "soap" / "candy" dishes. They are gorgeous! Thank you so much for your blog and sharing with us! Oh, by the way, what is the china pattern shown? Love it. Carol

  48. And OHHH yes, almost forgot to say that I would absolutely love the mango wood and pewter squirrel bowl with scoop. I can see my toated almonds served in that bowl! Carol

  49. I love everything in your shop! The above soap dishes are beautiful!

  50. Oh wow, your Monday was rough. I hope you are recovering. Those scones are stunning. So elegant. I love your photos. Everything is so pretty.

    Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights

  51. Tina, I just adore your long posts. It's so nice to see what you're up to in that amazing house and store!! I've never been pooped on by a bird so I can say I've HEARD it's good luck! Not sure I'd feel that way if it happened to me though :)
    Ps your photography skills rival your decorating skills. Seriously, magazine worthy shots!!

  52. I think those mongrammed soaps are really great Tina! Great choice on the hardware too. Have a wonderful weekend!

  53. I still love the tulip etched bell lantern, I just don't have the right place for it in my house! Its fabulous.

    Katie W.

  54. love the nut tray and spoon!
    bryanap@bellsouth. net

  55. I love the triple monogram necklace! SO pretty!

  56. Tina,

    Hi! I'm loving the blue and white lamp with handles. Looks like you ready for the holiday season you are stocked up and ready to play Santa.

    Have a great weekend the movie looks great. I'm waiting for the new Bond Movie...just bought the Adele theme song some things just hit our passion button don't they?


  57. So many things in your shop would make me happy, but I think I would have to say the large rectangle trivet and a dough bowl would be first on my list, if I get a third happniness item it would definitely be one of the bread boards!
    Thank you for such a nice giveaway!

  58. Of course I could pick out a dozen items at least!

    I really love the round wooden footed trivet!

    Art by Karena

  59. Hands down the napkin rings. Thank you so much for showcasing these on your beautiful table. They are so substantial and definitely works of art. They remind me of my son who loves the country.

  60. My favorite thing is your shop is the MM3 Monogram Soaps in Verbana!

  61. Here's hoping you have a restful weekend, Tina! We love the burl wood and pewter cheese plate and may have to add it to our Xmas list.
    CM + CM

  62. You deserve a relaxing weekend after the week you've had. So sorry to hear about the bird mishap. That happened to me once and it's not fun! Yuck. I must say your sconces are so fabulous! They really make the room. I've been eyeing a dough bowl, one of my favorite things in your shop! xo

  63. Thank you so much for the soap giveaway. I love the new dishes. I, of course, always love your silver and I'm going to put in an order for a napkin ring as soon as I get back from my trip.

  64. Tina,
    I'm so happy you got some additional designs for the napkin rings. I love them and will start a collection as soon as the holidays. I hope they will still be in your shop by then.
    Have a great weekend. I hope I win some of your fabulous soap.

  65. Hello Tina, I just recently found your blog and online store and must say that i LOVE it!! The soap/candy dishes are stunning as are the monogrammed soaps! Your online store selection is very nice with the Blue and White selection being my favorite!! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Ginger jars!! So traditional! I also am really wanting some of the napkin rings that you have on your blog, they are exceptional!! Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving to you and your family!!
    Sandy at

  66. I love the measuring spoons of pewter shaped like acorns...a most perfect gift for a dear friend this holiday season. I would love to win some of the monogrammed soap

  67. Tina, I absolutely LOVE the monogrammed guest towels. Would love to win the monogrammed soap! Gina A.

  68. That movie looks really good... wonder who I can convince to see that with me.

    My favorite item in your store are the monogram necklaces. - Heather Q.

  69. ok, what doesn't make me happy in your shop???? seriously! but if i have to pick one thing it's the blue/white lamp 556. Linda R (Phila burbs

  70. Hi Tina,

    I have to say everything you carry in your store is just wonderful and so tasteful. But I must say the silver pieces are my all time favorite... saving up for the 11 1/2 x 11 1/2 etched tray that you have in your bathroom....beautiful!! I purchased one of the smaller trays and I just love it!! Love the new kitchen hardware and the soap dishes are fantastic... I hope next week is better for you and you have a relaxing weekend.

  71. Hi Tina,

    I have to say everything you carry in your store is just wonderful and so tasteful. But I must say the silver pieces are my all time favorite... saving up for the 11 1/2 x 11 1/2 etched tray that you have in your bathroom....beautiful!! I purchased one of the smaller trays and I just love it!! Love the new kitchen hardware and the soap dishes are fantastic... I hope next week is better for you and you have a relaxing weekend.

  72. Love the the bavarian bread boards and all the needlepoint pillows. - Beth C.

  73. Amazing pieces in your store! I like the whole porceline section, especially the decorate box with brass accents
    meredith m

  74. I just have to tell you how much I love your blog. I only found it a few weeks ago and have spent many hours going back on all of your old posts, have many more to go but it is just such an amazing blog filled with so many great ideas, beautiful pictures and inspiration. I love how your personality shines through and your humor and great writing skills just keep me wanting more. So thank you!
    I love your shop too.....too many favorites to name just one but am dying over the napkin rings, defintiely going to get some for my Thanksgiving dinner, all the blue and white pieces and the lanterns are gorgeous too! I hope you will carry the soap dishes above, I would buy them and think they would make a great gift along with the special monogrammed soaps. Would love to win but even if I don't I will be ordering them. Sorry about your lousy Monday, I had a whole week like that so I am happy we are off to visit my daughter in New Hampshire at college tomorrow, hopefully we will get to see some fall foliage. Hope you find time to just relax and enjoy yourself.
    Stephanie T.

  75. Wow everything in your shop is to die for !! I could roll around in there like a happy dog in the grass. The wooden bowls I crave as well as all of the pillows. I collect them both just not ones as sweet as yours.

  76. Well how can anyone just name ONE thing! There are soooo many. The 1st item that makes me happy is the wooden nut bowl with the little squirrel perched on it, then that white porcelain cherub soap dish, and then the huge candle in the gorgeous glass urn, and's hard to stop with just one!

  77. I like everything!! Soo neat!! I really like your glass candles... Nothing like fresh gardenia smelling candles.

  78. Hello Tina,

    You know I was thinking about why I look forward to opening my e-mail everyday, and I realized that the first thing my eyes go for is "The Enchanted home", and if it's in my inbox, then I perk up....Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful home with me, and all you lovely decor, that some day will soon be gracing my home as well... I think that your new "soap dishes/candy dishes" are beautiful, and so me.....

    Thank you Tina,

    Hugs, and Happy Holidays

  79. Tina,
    I love receiving your emails. I always know there is going to be something I can drool over and wish for.
    In your shop , I think my favorite pieces are the lovely urn planters.

  80. I'll keep this short :) I love the cherry wood, pewter and antler carving board!

  81. I love the animal conga line napkin ring...just makes me smile.

  82. I love the new soap/candy dishes. I see using them for holding jewelry in the bathroom or on the nightstand. I also love the new napkin rings--just when I pick a few, you show more that I would love to have!

  83. I have always wanted a dough bowl and love the ones you carry. Thanks for the give-away...those soaps are gorgeous.

  84. LOVE everything you carry in your "store" but your etched bell jar lanterns are to die for! Have been sidelined for a bit with some medical issues but now that I'm feeling better I am newly inspired by all of the wonderful progress you are making in your gorgeous home! Time for me to get moving again! You are a sweetheart and I so enjoy your blog!

  85. Love the soaps!!! I just visited your store and I'm in awe of all the new things you added! Beautiful pieces for each room in the home! Gorgeous!

  86. Oh my, I LOVE the
    monogram pendants!
    Monograms were all
    the rage when I was
    in college {preppy was
    in in in} and maybe I'm
    just hankering back to
    those days, but I think
    they are so lovely.

    And YES to the pretty
    soap dishes....

    Enjoy your weekend!

    xo Suzanne {W}

  87. Hi Tina!
    I am a blue and white freak so I would have to admit that I. Am craving one of your Happiness jars! Actually TWO of your Happiness jars!

  88. From Moy

    I love the Hurricane crystal candle holder with a gardenia scented candle. Can you imagine the Ritz has this in their rooms. It's a favorite, especially with the cooler weather coming down the road. Nothing like a cozy quilt, candles, and loved ones.... Thanks for the memories.....

  89. My favorite item is the VIENNESE BLOOMS PAGODA BOX CANDLE. :)
    Looks so lovely!

  90. The new soaps are beautiful Tina. They would make a wonderful gift.

  91. Hello. My favorite thing in your lovely shop is the adorable squirrel and acorn nut bowl. It reminds me of all the adorable squirrels on the campus of my alma mater. Thanks, Tiffany W. F.

  92. LOVE the soap dishes-- you should def start to offer those. Everything in your shop in amazing, but since I'm currently in the market for a porcelain footbath, that would be making me the happiest right now ;)
    Thanks, Marty Weathers

  93. Can't decide what I love more. The soap dishes or the monogrammed soaps to put in them. Thank you, Tara K.

  94. I have a thing for acorns so the mango wood nut bowl with the acorn scoop makes me very, very happy! Thanks, Venetia M.

  95. Tina,

    There isn't anything in your shop that I don't adore!

    Denise F.

  96. I'm suppose to pick just one thing in your shop that makes me happy? But I do love the tole and metal songbirds serving tray! What beautiful items you have in your shop. And I love the soap dishes- how perfect! Love your blog and how it inspires me.

  97. Hi Tina, Of course I think that the item that makes me the happiest in your shop is the beautiful dough bowl because it reminds me of the one that I just received in the mail from your shop! I love it. In case that doesn't count, I think that the Gardenia candles would make me the happiest. Have a wonderful weekend. Maggie

  98. Your linens and pillows are gorgeous! I love fabrics!
    Barb Noble

  99. Oh my goodness, bird poo on your head-- how horrible. I know, it has happened to me. I had some land on a favorite pair of adorable slingbacks one Sunday waiting for a table to have lunch. That was the end of the shoes. I hope your weekend makes up for everything your week lacked. :)

    The sconces are gorgeous, and I love the way the kitchen hardware looks! The soap/candy dishes are really nice. I have had the yellow oval one with grey design for several years and love it. It has been dropped by my kiddos many times and submerged in bath water for too long with no harm done. I think people would really like the style and quality.

    Happy weekend!

  100. The two scottie dogs are fabulous! You sure have found an amazing source! I love all things monogrammed, but I am still crushing on those olive trays. They aren't so much what I need, which is a couple of the silver planters. Good thing that Christmas is coming;)

  101. Jan N, from washingtonOctober 6, 2012 at 9:13 AM

    I have always loved monograms so I love your soaps & I really want one of the monogram necklaces.
    Jan N. from Washington

  102. My eyes teared up watching the trailer. I have never heard of the Intouchables! I will watch it tonight. Hopefully it is On Demand :) Love those dough bowls. Am saving my pennies and will order one soon. Tina, where are the pewter napkin rings? Are they sold out? I can only see the horse bit and saddle ones....

  103. PS. Bird poo. Been there. I was sitting on the beach and ..... plop! A seagull of course. Luckily I was wearing a hat!

  104. Tina...your set table is exquisite!! You have such wondeful timeless taste, those napkin rings are incredible, as you said like little pieces of jewelry for the table. I love those, the glass lanterns, all the blue and white and the Euro kitchen goodies, sorry choosing one thing is simply out of the question!

    Thanks for sharing all this beauty, your living room and the new sconces are just so incredible looking. Enjoy it all in the best of health. Hope I win!

    Meredith R.

  105. I love the linens - especially those with monograms :)

  106. My opinion is a general one. I love in this blog all topics written by the blog author. Nice blog and nice type of expression. For my part for the blog author: I decorate him with twelve stars. Very nice blog.

  107. The squirrel bowl really makes me smile Thanks for the incredible giveaway. Your home is lovely :)

    fattybumpkins at yahoo dot com

  108. Love the new items, Tina! My heart still lies with the palm-patterend lantern--so elegant.
    Glad the store has been such a success!

  109. Oh my your shop is just lovely, so many beautiful items. However, I am a pushover for statuaries and planters, I love the garland planters and everything else of course :)
    These soaps are fabulous and thanks for the giveaway.

  110. Love your selection in your shop! What makes me so so happy is the Mama bear and cub napkin ring. Having a home in the mountains with bears, it sings to me. Thanks for the giveaway-the soaps are lovely.
    Have a wonderful weekend, Eva

  111. Tina,

    I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

    Thank you for your always kind comments!


  112. Everything in your shop is spectacular and yes.... carry the soap dishes! The napkin rings are extra special and would be an incredible gift. But then again so would everything in the shop!
    Anne M

  113. The dinner setting with all the silver and the napkin rings - it's sublimely elegant. Your dinner guests will be in for a treat!


  114. Love everything in your shop...but I am especially drawn to monogram love the soaps

  115. I love your Ritz candles! I've smelled those before and they're the best!

  116. I can picture the "Beautiful Silver with Elegant Scrollwork" vase in use on my table at Christmas with some holly in it. It makes me happy. Thanks for the chance to win!!



    Dear one, I never got an email from is my address:

    I am so sorry to have missed it! Try again when you have a moment; I would love to hear from you!

    Thank you for your kind words. I so enjoy seeing you come to visit me. I hope you get this comment....Anita

  118. Your home is beautiful, so hard to select a favorite, napkin rings sublime, candy dish for soap , love it. Not one favorite item, to many to select just one. teri

  119. Love the Gorgeous Detailed Filigree Tray. Perfect for displaying perfume bottles on my dresser!
    Donna F.

  120. This jeweled enamel frame makes me happy. It would look beautiful with any decor!
    Adele Fiorino

  121. That soap is just fab! As is your shop, the Chinoiserie pillows are calling me, off to see if I can fit them in....

  122. Oh and the carving board, rats, bet it would be a fortune to ship here.

  123. Every single thing you sell that is Blue and White in your shop is AMAZING! I just adore your blog. The beveled soaps are so lovely.

  124. Wow the home is looking amazing and the shops is gorgeous too! Your taste is impeccable!! Happy week!

  125. Tina, Adore what you have done to your home! Congratulations!I really like the needlepoint pillows of the blue and white jars...great site! I am always peaceful when I read your blog...

    I have a soap dish that was my great grandfather's soap dish during World War I..he was an Army Medical bizarre that the family held on to that...I must put a note on it, so my children will know the significance of it...

    Best wishes for a lovely autumn, Jennifer aka Gigi

  126. Your sconces are soooooo gorgeous!!!! Your home is so beautiful and it is always such a treat to see what you are up to :o) Have a great week!

  127. Lovely's that layering thing...your home just keeps getting better and the napkin rings too. Have a great week. Mona

  128. First of all, when you feel something drop on your head it's never good. Ugh. Those are the days where a bubble bath and pj's are necessary. LOVE the soap dishes, very sweet. The kitchen hardware looks awesome. I am pretty much in love w/ your entire monogram shop! xo

  129. I like the reclaimed wood breadboards. The soap dishes are DIVINE! My initials are aNm

  130. Kristine P.
    I love the napkin rings. They are so unique and look great on the table.

  131. T,

    yes it was a long post but fun the whole way through.
    i must hand it to you,
    the napkin rings are fabulous.
    i have never seen anything so sweet.


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Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!