Monday, September 17, 2012

Which would you choose?

Happy Monday morning! How was your weekend? I hope wonderful....hard to believe it but I actually felt a little fall in the air. I woke up to needing a sweater and I have to say...I like it! We went for a long long walk past the horse farms and through the forest yesterday, it was wonderful. There is nothing like a long walk as the weather starts to turn.  Hope you found some time to enjoy the great outdoors too!

Its no secret how much I am in awe of the glorious season of fall. I started thinking about a fall dinner party...what prettier season with all the rich jewel tones and fabulous decorative motifs, like acorns and pumpkins and artichokes and pine cones to decorate with. So today's let just imagine you are planning a fall's the question, which fall setting would most says "you"? Feast your eyes on these gorgeous tablescapes and let me know.....I cannot wait to hear!

      CHOICE 1
Camille Maurice

Country Living


The perfect palette


Southern Accents


Home Ideas


Nancy;s daily dish


Stone Gable

Pottery Barn

Williams Sonoma

They are all so spectacular!! I could be very happy sitting at any one of these but I do tend to love the ones that have the rich browns, any motif with birds or pheasants and that gorgeous tortoise or sterling flatware does it every time! What about you? Which one speaks to your inner gobble gobble? Can't wait to hear. 

And in case you were wondering about the results from last weeks Which would you choose in which I featured the magnificent creations of Zuhair Murad, here's the top four picks. Did yours make it? What can I, my dear readers have exquisite taste!! 

On this beautiful note...wishing you an enchanted day!



  1. Good morning, Tina!

    I hope you had a great weekend! :-)

    I'm loving the last one #14. It's commemorative but nothing over-the-top. I'm craving calmer palettes lately.:-)

    Have a blessed week!


    Luciane at

  2. My darling Tina,

    YOU ARE SUCH AN ENCOURAGEMENT MY DEAR! Yes, I am intending to publish my blog posts but I have to WITHOUT the photos.....copyright issues, you know. But it will give me a good literary challenge to polish my posts so they can STAND ALONE.

    Bless you sweet friend for your kind words! AND I CHOOSE NUMBER 4! Rustic beauty and white napkins....and those gowns...ANY ONE OF THEM WILL DO!!! Anita

  3. Choice 13 please, love the rich colors and of course the roaring fire in the background just adds to the ambiance. All so beautiful though!

  4. Happy Monday. I think Choice #7 Would be my pick, simple and elegant.

  5. I like one and nine the best. So much good inspiration here! Will be bookmarking this to examine at a later date! ;) M.

  6. 6, 10 or 12 for me. Absolutely stunning choices Tina but these three resonate with my style best!
    Hope you have a wonderful day, too.

  7. Number 12 is my favorite, but I love the pear place cards from #3. So pretty!

  8. I never thought I would say it because I love summer so much, but I also am enjoying the crispness of the fall air - I want to wear sweaters and eat soup! My choice would be #11. Enjoy this gorgeous weather, Tina!!

  9. I have to say #2 - sweet and simple and totally fall!

  10. I love the pear! #3 is so me!

  11. I am so happy that fall is near, Tina! I am very happy to usher summer out with a huge shove!
    i and 6 are my favorites! All of these are gorgeous.
    Happy Monday.

  12. Choice 6, but all are so pretty. Thats very opulent table and more than I could ever pull off but it just says fall harvest in such a beautiful way.

  13. Choice 14 for me; I like a bit of a rustic, natural look.

  14. I'm tied between the one from Pottery Barn and the one from Country Living. I would be honored to be a guest at any one of these tables. Love your blog.

  15. I love 2 because it is outside. I live in Houston and we don't really get Fall here. We went swimming yesterday;) I grew up in Bucks County PA though so I yearn for that fall crispness that you mentioned. So, I'd love to be outside in the crisp weather with al the smells and sounds and natural beauty of Autumn.

    And I love 5 and 7 because they are simple yet beautiful.

    Have a fabulous week, Tina.

  16. Choices 10 or 13 for me. I love those dark, warm colours, reminiscent of a Ralph Lauren shop window!


  17. I pick #7 and #14 as I love the white and green pumpkins. My very favorite dress made the list--the lavender!

  18. Hard to decide between 6, 10 and 12! Loved the lavender dress!

  19. Number 13. Anything with a fireplace nearby gets my vote every time.

  20. All are beautiful, but I have to say #2 - love the idea of an al fresco fall lunch and can almost feel the crisp cool are and smell the crunchy leaves underfoot. Gorgeous. Happy Monday, Tina! XOXO

  21. Gahhhh, you awful person, you throw those Murad gowns and my morning is set back another 5 minutes so I can drool! On the party frocks I go for #3, the black, it is stunning. As they all are.

    ON the table settings, wowzers, this one was tough. I would probably go with the BH&G, #7. :)

  22. Good morning, Tina!!! I feel like I've been gobbled up by "back to school" activities and committee meetings. So, happy to be back in front of my favorite screen! :)

    OK.....LOVE all of these as I am always called to hosting a fall dinner party (it's already on the calendar) so I had to say, #3 (with my name on that pear) and #10, as I have Spode Woodland and that is what will be gracing my table next month for my party.

    I'm all about this fall feel in the air.....what a wonderful season!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  23. No. 5, please. so french and simple.

    wonderful weekend here! my little hand is blackened with bruise from a rockin tambourine, but it's all good. the gig was soooooo fun, and i can't wait to do it all over again. smiles in the crowd, a vibrating stage, and music running through my veins.

    love to you.


  24. Fall is in the air here too and I am loving. I'd join you on a walk in the forest any day. :) I'd pick #4 - it's a classic setting that sums up what Fall is all about for me. :)

  25. Beautiful Tina! I'd have to go with #2 and #10 :)

    Such a beautiful time of year and I am looking forward to all the entertaining ahead. Glad you had a nice weekend! I'm heading out for a walk to enjoy some of this Fall weather :)

  26. I love them all- each for different occasions! Such a great collection of pictures to share. Susan at Romancing the Home

  27. I could not settle for just one so I chose......5,7,14. Just love the elegance and simplicity of those colors!!!!

  28. My vote is for #4. Just really enjoy the colors! Wishing I could motivate myself to do some fall decorating.

    Janis Stufflebean

  29. I'm going with #2. Colorful, casual and doable.
    Not full of itself for a family gathering.
    You should visit my blog post I have up now-I
    have some amazing gowns posted on it. I think you will like it.

  30. Tina,

    Hello! I hope your weekend was relaxing. I felt a little of Fall here too! Just a little...but I loved it.

    I love all of the tablescapes! So many great ideas! I have to go back and look but I love the one with the pine cones and feathers.

    I hope you have a fabulous week!!!


  31. Hi as usual you do not make this easy! I think each one is so pretty but 10 is like a fantasy table to me- so gorgeous. I got a few ideas here like adding pears to a setting. So pretty and festive!

  32. Oh, I am totally loving #1!! I'm with you. I love fall. Love everything about it. The crisp air, pumpkin pie, butternut squash soup, pretty tablescapes and trick or treaters! xo

  33. Number 10! Although I would love to be invited to a fabulous Fall Fete' at anyone of these tables.

  34. What a fun series! Love all of the fall-fete inspiration, but if I had to choose I think I would go with #14 -- though #5 was a very close second. Have a gorgeous week! -Heather

  35. I would go with 10 or 12~I love both of the tables set by those ladies~I do like a bit of purple in the fall mix if I have to add a color...otherwise I prefer tans and creams and gold~the glittery kind!

  36. I loved number 6! I don't think I've every fully adjusted to Southern Accents no longer being in my life! - Judie

  37. I can't pick one! So, I am going with choice 1, 10 and 12! The table settings done by the ladies of #10 and #12 always amaze me and inspire me!

  38. #4 and #13 are beautiful, hard to choose!

  39. I like Choice # 2 because I would love to have a "fall" meal , complete with all my fav people outdoors with all the glorious fall colors surrounding us!! How cool would that be?
    Great post!!

  40. For it's rustic bounty and burnt orange roses, I'll choose table #1. After having an al fresco farewell-to-summer dinner on Saturday night, I'm more than ready for some harvest table, comfort food entertaining.

  41. If I absolutely HAD to pick one…I guess it would be #10! My mom and I bought all of those Spode dinner plates about 3 Thanksgivings ago and we have loved using them not only for Thanksgiving but also for "game" dinners, etc…since my dad and all of the men in my life are huge hunters…it's a lot of fun! All of these ideas were just wonderful! Can't wait to have a party again…any excuse to get all of my best friends together is reason enough to celebrate!

  42. 7 and 14 but they are all divine.

  43. I love #12.... Love, Love, Love.... Did I mention I loved #12?

  44. #4 and #13, although I would have shorter hurricanes. Why do photo shoots style shots that aren't practical? One would NEVER put an arrangement or vase so high on a REAL dinner table!
    Oh and I LOVE all the beautiful dresses...I would have looked fab in any of them in my 30's and 40's but not sure about the mid-50's even though I am in good shape!

  45. Love so many of them. #1 and #12 are my first choice.


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!