Tuesday, September 18, 2012

NEW SERIES- A perfect fall day with Leslie of Trouver le Soleil!

Good morning to you! As I had mentioned when I closed my summer series with my own take on a perfect summer day.......I am starting a new series but with the glorious season of fall as the inspiration. So today I am presenting my newest series,  " A perfect fall day with......".What season is prettier, more refreshing or inspirational than fall? To me its the ultimate season for all your senses to come alive!

I am thrilled to "christen" this series with Leslie, blogger extraordinaire and wonderful taste maker, you know her from Trouver le Soleil   and if you don't then you must! Click here to visit her fabulous blog where she gabs about everything from her trips around the world, to skincare tips, great girlfriend getaways,  fashion, fun "girls stuff"  and interior design. You can be sure you will learn something new and see something super stylish  when visiting Leslie and I so enjoy my weekly visits over there. I was happy to hear her take on a perfect fall day and I must say its total perfection! So here we go, take it away Leslie........


Hi Tina!  Thanks so much for inviting me to participate in this fun series!

One word that comes to mind when I think of fall…… The smell of hot apple cider  

One of the most wonderful things about fall is....... the beginning of a season that celebrates family and friendship!  Having friends and family around is very important to me and having frequent house guest is part of our life style. I prepare meals family style, casual, no fuss.. and always bring out the silver, linens, and china.  That's why we have it, right? To us it! 

My favorite fall color is………….  That's a tough one.. I will have to say the color of the leaves as the seasons change.  It's stunning reflection of the tree leaves along the street or on the trail, a mix of red, brown, gold, and yellow.. stunning! 

On a perfect fall day, I would wake up at ………Around 7:00, I'll have a glass of lemon water, hot mug of coffee with a splash of half and half, check my email, and  head out for a walk with my dogs.  I'm not a morning person so I enjoy some quiet time and not having to head out the door to work.

To the sound of…………Bubbling soup on the stove, school buses (reminds me of when my kids were young), the wind whistling through the trees in my yard.

The view from my window looks something like this....…A beautiful view, the air is crisp and clean, and the leaves on the trees are displaying their vibrant fall colors.
  The ideal fall weather could be described this way......... A little chill in the air, breezy, cool nights 

My ideal morning activity would be……A walk with my two English Springers in the foothills near my home. Our yard is home to local deer, bear, bob cats, and an occasionally a cougar  .. so you never know what you might stumble across!

This is a fall outfit you might see me in……… Fall clothes are my favorite! Because of all the rain, ice, and snow we get in this neck of woods, I wear boots almost daily.  For a work day I'll be wearing a black bootie or knee high along with wool slacks or a pencil skirt.  Cashmere stockings add extra warmth and I will add  a white or camel colored blouse.  If I'm joining girlfriends for lunch, I'll be in my flat riding boots or my furry mou boots, along with leggings and a cashmere sweater.

A favorite product (beauty or otherwise) I like to use as the weather gets nippier…………I believe that beauty starts from the INSIDE, so that's where I start.  I try to eat all things in moderation, do some kind of daily exercise, get enough rest, and manage  stress. My "mature" skin is showing visible signs of aging, so I try to find cosmetics with ingredients that keep my skin clean and hydrated.  A few of my favorites are  Joelle Ciocco, Decleor Spa Balm, Dr. Hauschka Lavender Body Oil, and I really love the body butters for arms and legs.  

For a fall breakfast I would indulge in………. My blueberry pancakes with maple syrup.  The buttermilk and sour cream in the ingredients make these extra special!

My favorite daytime activity in the fall is………….. Who can resist pumpkins and corn fields?!  We live near a farm with a market full of fresh produce, pumpkins, and hay rides. Every year we gather friends and family up to head over to the pumpkin patch. I I choose all different types and sizes of pumpkins to decorate my home.

Here's whats on my plate for lunch... The fall season calls for comfort food.. so I'll say a grilled sandwich of some sort, maybe sliced turkey and havarti with a side salad and .. of course a glass of wine!

Around 3pm you might find me…………………Snuggled up in some thick socks, sweats, and a cozy sweater reading magazines or a good book with a cup of tea.

An afternoon "pick me up" snack might just be........ Chocolate Chip Cookies right out of the oven.. still kinda soft on the inside (love the dough!)

For dinner you might find this cooking on the stove.....A pot of Minestrone or Chicken Noodle Soup served with crusty bread.

The perfect way to end a perfect fall day would be……………Snuggled up on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn and watching a movie!

Wow Leslie, you have every one of my senses on fire! I cannot wait to dress up in cuddly warm knits and go walking in the brisk cold air, all the while enjoying the foliage that is soon to come. And all those comfy foods and drinks...you are so speaking my language!! And I am with you on the school buses rounding the corner as a sure sign that fall has arrived, kind of bittersweet, since I am no longer "putting anyone on" the bus anymore:(  Love your ideas for a perfect fall day, clearly you know full well how to make the most of this spectacular season. Now click on over to pay Leslie a visit at her super fabulous blog and tell her how much you enjoyed this! Click here. As always thanks for stopping in, wishing you a wonderful Tuesday!


  1. Love this post. Even though I am an absolute summer person I must say this post has me a little excited for fall. Love the outfit, her dogs and of course the beatiful changing of the leaves. I will visit her, she sounds like a great girl who knows how to make the most of every day.

    PS Got my soaps on Friday...OMG LOVE THEM! Even better in person.

  2. Looks like a great way to spend a fall day. Good food, good views, and best friends.

  3. wow. what a pic. thanks for shearing it dude.keep it up.
    Bathroom Remodeling Arlington VA

  4. Whoa! She made love Fall even more now! What beautiful post!

    Wishing you both a very good day!


    Luciane at HomeBunch.com

  5. Wonderful! This has me really excited about fall, the coziest season of them all. To me its all about soups, long walks and cozy sweaters. Nice to "meet" Leslie!

  6. Leslie's dogs are so cute and I like her idea of fall. I look forward to wearing my cozy sweaters too. Love fall and Leslie hit everything I love about it.


  7. As it's pouring today, I wish I could be in bed with some of that incredible looking soup!

  8. It is pouring like crazy in NJ today, and this made my day brighten. I love this post and enjoyed reading it and seeing all the images.


  9. This has me so hungry! I adore fall and Leslie got this right, live her ideas and what style!

  10. This was so fun to read by one of the most wonderful bloggers out there! :) Leslie, I think I need that blueberry pancake recipe!!! And I love how she says beauty starts from the inside out - how true and it's something I'm trying to focus on this Fall. Great post Tina and Leslie!

  11. So fun to kick off a new season with a new series. Leslie's perfect day sounds just lovely and looks delicious. I think one of my favorite things about fall has to be big pots of soup!
    Happy Tuesday, Elizabeth! XO

  12. Great post which has certainly got me in the mood for the new season. I'm a great fan of Leslie's lovely blog - always look forward to her varied posts.

  13. I really enjoyed Leslie's lovely fall favorites. Summer seems to be hanging on in NYC for now but I'm totally looking forward to the change of seasons now.

    Rowena @ rolala loves

  14. Fantastic Leslie... your fall is absolutely perfect... xv

  15. ahhhh, yes, leslie.

    the hot cider, the knits, the comfort food. it all sounds like a heavenly autumn to me.



  16. Excellent Fall day Leslie!

    Sadly Fall is being pretty elusive here. Today it is like a monsoon and about 85.

    I love the Fall outfit, the cozy jammies and socks for a nightly read and all of the rest.

    Hope you have a fabulous day Tina! Thanks so much for the reading suggestions! I have not read them yet and have just ordered them from Amazon!

    xx Elizabeth

  17. What a great fall day! I am so excited fall is here, the weather has been brutal this year (Fla) and though we do not get the magnificent of the fall foliage that you do up north, it is still a welcome reprise fomr the oppresive Florida humidity. I love all these great ideas and cannot wait to go visit my brother up in New Hampshire in mid October, where we go apple and pumpkin picking and just enjoy nature at such a beautiful time.

  18. Hi Tina! This has been so much fun.. Thank you so much for introducing me to all of your readers. I am very touched by all the support and sweet comments.


  19. Hey Leslie, enjoyed all of your picks. It does sound like a perfect Fall day. Wouldn't it be grand if we could just HAVE a day like that?
    Have a great day.

  20. Tina, thanks for showcasing Leslie. I have just recently found her blog ( well, she found mine first) and I have been a big fan. And course we are both fans of yours. :)

  21. What a fun fantasy post to welcome my favorite season of all! Thanks to you both for adding some fun fall spirit to my day!

  22. I just have to ask...can we have her pancake recipe? LOL.

  23. These pictures are so beautiful. Even though I have been a little upset summer is over, I am starting to get excited over falls arrival, now that I am seeing all the pumpkins and mums and then seeing all these comfort foods reminds me of what a great season fall is afterall:-) Thanks, this was such a beautiful little fall getaway.

  24. This is perfect! I love fall and think of fall and comfort foods and beautiful clothes. Its also a time to spend with family and friends and to reflect on whats important in life. Leslie sure has the right idea.


  25. I love Leslie! This is such a great post because I love learning more about my blogger friends!

  26. I love your seasonal series, Tina. Makes me want to put pumpkins on my front porch. :)

  27. Love this series. LOVE Leslie. She is beautiful inside and out. She is the type of girl that every girl should have as a BFF. She's humble, down to earth, insightful and caring. Autumn is beyond far my favorite season. Can't wait to make a pot of bubbling soup!! xo

  28. Yummmm! I love all of the food she picked! I'm really in the mood to eat buttermilk pancakes for dinner now!!!! delicious! I will definitely pop on over to check out her blog!

  29. Isn't Leslie just the best? I want some new boots! And soup and chocolate cookies warm from the oven!

  30. Great post! Really ready for Fall after the Summer we have had ! So inspired !


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