Friday, September 28, 2012

Late week random musings.....

Hi there and Happy Friday. Another week gone they are going fast! Even though I think some of these random posts might be short, they inevitably end up being rather chock full as I keep on adding to them and by weeks end...I have one heck of a long post, but its normally up through the weekend, so its a few days worth:)
 I am still recuperating from my party last weekend, did very much enjoy the leftovers and had a few friends stop over to help me polish them off (cannot stand seeing waste)! I love how the "after effects" of a great party linger well into the week after.............
See exhibit A.
A plate full left of the fabulous French pastries......yum!

And exhibit B.

All the pretty flowers I received still going strong and condensing  some arrangements to maximize their staying power.

Other than that, trying to get going on more projects in my house, doing two E-design jobs, and that along with all my other non blogging commitments has me really in wishing there were more than 24 hours in the day kind of busy!
So let's begin shall we with all the randomness that has come to make up these random musing posts.....
For those who have not seen, may I present my completed formal powder room........
And the back powder room is pretty much done as well..............

I went to for a lovely breakfast/brunch the other day to a friends house, who had some pretty fall decor out on display, here's a peek....

Love these mugs! I have to find them......

Love seeing autumn branches as she displayed them here......

How cute is this picture? My friend sent it to me of her pooch celebrating his birthday, too adorable to not share!

We have some new lighting going up around here...FINALLY! My bathroom the sconces I was waiting on for about 8 months finally showed up and are being put up in the next few days. You might have seen my new dining room chandelier which I am loving as well as the absolutely gorgeous crystal sconces for the living room.....super happy with the lighting so far!!

Stunning new sconces for the living room

Close up!

The gorgeous new chandelier for the dining room finally came and got hung!

Dough know I love them and I have a really great new resource, so kept one for myself and filled it with lemons and artichokes.....

Any good  new books or movies lately? I am soo excited over the release of Les Miserables in December!! Anyone else with me on that? I know its going to be fabulous......
Click on arrow to watch the trailer....looks amazing and the music always gives me goosebumps!

Very off the interior design topic, but I caught tale end of something which captivated my attention and that is the focus in some schools and amongst educators on "CPA va GPA". I was intrigued about what CPA means, it stands for "character point average", its a movement towards taking a closer look at character education vs. traditional education......there was a very interesting article put out by the New York Times that you may or may not have seen, in any case click here for link if you are interested......(particularly interesting for those who have school aged children)

A little store biz...the big buzz is my very special napkin rings, click here if you missed my post on them, worth seeing they are amazing!

Also getting in 5 of these oversized tole trays......antiqued and painted with gorgeous florals! Email me if interested, don't think they will go on the online shop so just email me if you have any questions!

So that's my randomness for this week! Lots of rain around here this weekend.....good weekend for a movie and to catch up on all kinds of things that have fallen to the wayside.  What are you up to this weekend? Hope whatever you are doing is enjoyable and relaxing!



  1. As always so much to marvel at. Yes agree leftovers are the best and those looks so good.
    Your bathrooms are both amazingly perfect.
    I also cannot wait for Le Mis, its by far the best Broadway show I have ever seen, hope the movie doesn't disappoint.

    Gorgeous napkin rings, I must get me some!

  2. Never have I seem prettier leftovers! The bathrooms are so beautiful!!!

    I saw a special on CPA and I am all for incorporating it into mainstream education.

    Love your random posts, you also have very stylish friends!

    Have a good weekend!

  3. Mugs from Horchow I believe.. they have a whole line of dinnerware to go with them. House looks great. Love the chandelier and the sconces.. xo marlis

  4. Tina,
    Your house continues to evolve and become more beautiful (as if that is even possible!!). The powder rooms are beyond!!!

    How precious are your friend's dog's cupcakes. Looks just like him. LOVE!!!

    Yes, to Les Mis. I still remember seeing it in my 20s in London and being blown away. This movie might already be my favorite of all time and that's just guessing from the clips.

    I, too, caught the piece on CPA last night. I think it's time to stop rewarding everyone for showing up....and encourage character choices that will enable them to be resilient and strong throughout their lives. I applaud these educators!!!

    Happy weekend. Dashing out into the rain to meet a friend for coffee!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  5. Good morning sweet friend!

    Those puppy cupcakes are so adorable! And I have my eye on that napkin ring with the rabbits!!!!!!

    You must be loving your new powder rooms; the wall paper on the first one, with the birds on the branches? THAT IS MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE. The gold tones just glow perfectly with all of your hardware and accessories my dear. LOVELY JOB!

    Have a fun fall weekend!! Anita

  6. My daughter and I are counting the days on Les Mis! We've seen it so many times, in fact seeing it this weekend. And we LOVE Hugh Jackman!

  7. Love your powder rooms, dough bowl (on my Christmas list) and your new lighting...all such perfect choices!

    Yes Le Miserables is going to be fabulous, I can tell, and I cannot wait. Play the soundtrack all the time.

    Your friends home is beautiful, love the fall branches with leaves in the foyer? Gorgeous.

    Thanks for sharing all the beauty in your life, you in turn bring a lot into mine. Your home is such an inspiration, Tina.

  8. Tina, those puppy cupcakes are adorable. I Love your powder room, everything looks gorgeous!

  9. I'm with you on the release of Le Mis!! Cannot wait. One of my girlfriends and I just went to a recent theatre production here locally and it was still wonderful. She had never seen it performed. I have seen another great production several years ago and even though this was a smaller intimate theatre it was great. Now we can't wait for the movie. All the clips I've seen so far, look very promising.
    I wish I could buy EVERYTHING in your online shop. Do you have GIFT certificates? After all Christmas is approaching fast and maybe I can drop a hint to the Hubbs.

  10. I love all the random musings from your gorgeous powder rooms to the CPA (going opt read that article ASAP) and the beautiful things around your home. Hope you have a relaxing weekend!!!

  11. Now this is one large post, Tina! I love all of your new lighting! he chandelier is stunning,and the sconces are just gorgeous. I really like what you have done with the powder rooms. Just gorgeous.
    I am DYING to see Les Miserables! We are having a party.
    Happy Friday.

  12. So excited Le Mis is coming out...I know every song by heart! I never ever tire of seeing your amazing home, I know one day we will all be seeing it in many of the major home magazines if you want it to be published that is. It is so incredible and trust me your attention to all the details does not go unnoticed!

    Your dough bowl is so pretty, great size! Do you have any more? I would love one for my kitchen. The napkin rings are just gorgeous, cannot wait to get the ones I ordered yesterday. I have a feeling I will be placing reorders on those!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend Tina, oh and your friends home is so pretty and that pooch with his cupcakes is just way too cute.

  13. Why do I always feel like such a slacker when I see what you are doing. Are leftovers the best? No party stress....just relaxation. Your back bathroom is gorgeous!!! Can't get enough of your pretty interiors.

    How cute are those cupcakes?

  14. Good morning Tina,

    Looks like you are up to many great projects. I love all of the lighting! Everything looks beautiful.

    The party desserts look yummy, I am sure they were as good as they look.

    I love the napkin rings. Oh my gosh they are cute, I have to check them out.

    Cannot wait for some new movies...have you seen The Way? It is from 2010 but it is a great movie with Martin Sheen and Emilio Estevez. I watched it last night and loved it.

    I hope you have a great weekend, enjoy your rainy weekend.


  15. I'd like to dive right in to those french pastries :) they look delicious! You received some very pretty floral arrangements - keep changing the water!! Everything looks amazing in the house Tina. So much inspiration.. for my own home as we proceed with a few upgrades! I'm trying to get the sanderson wallpaper in my powder room (just getting estimates). The pattern and color is gorgeous! Your friends home is lovely and I like her fall touches.. very pretty.

  16. One of our pooches celebrates her birthday next month and we will have to do some baking! As long as the pastries don't hang around the house all week like yours did. Have a great weekend, Tina.
    C + C

  17. Love your friends hall way centerpiece! So pretty! Those doggie cupcakes are the cutes thing I've ever seen! Will definitely have to remember that one! LOVED your dough bowl! Was that real or artificial fruit and artichokes? Very pretty! Hope you have a fun, wonderful weekend!

  18. Your leftovers look pretty amazing. The flowers you got are so beautiful! How nice that they are lasting all week long. I love both bathrooms, the main powder room is fit for a queen, seriously.

    I cannot wait until Le Mis hits....its going to be fantastic. The music is so beautiful and iconic. The cute dog guarding his cupcakes is so precious...and your friends home is really pretty, love all her fall touches.

    I am in love with the napkin rings, I have to get some. I love things like that, so unique and different. Thanks for sharing and hope you have a really nice and relaxing weekend.

  19. I love your bread bowl! but... uhm... they look a lot like pears...

  20. great progress, tina!

    did my rigorous 10 mile hike in the mountains today! resting now and will fly home tomorrow. then it's all about preparing for guests and then paris!


  21. The mugs are from the GG collection. They are sold at Neiman Marcus, Horchow and Iron Accents along with many gift stores. They were formerly known as Gracious Goods but changed their name when acquired by another company. Their entire line is stunning.

  22. Tina, your house is getting more & more gorgeous every time I pop in - especially with all the gorgeous flowers everywhere.

    p.s. those French pastries are making me hungry!

  23. Your two bathrooms are simply divine - love every detail.

  24. Fun recap post...Love that you're like me and don't like to waste food and saving the flowers to the very end! Your bathrooms are incredibly beautiful! So elegant and bright! and....the lighting that just went in the living room and dining room are perfect! I've always loved sconces. Gorgeous as always!

  25. I absolutely love how you present things! That bathroom --- swoon!!!
    Have a pretty day!

  26. Scroll mugs can be found here

  27. Your home is absolutely stunning!! Your formal bath took my breath away!! Gorgeous everything is just gorgeous. I have just been in awe looking at every photo you have posted this time. And the little pooch and cupcakes brought a smile to my face. Thankyou for sharing all these beautiful and delightful things!!! N.

  28. Soooo gorgeous Tina. I am not able to get here often but when I do its a serious swooning session. The bathrooms splendid my dear, not sure if this is your doing or a fancy decorator but WHOEVER did them deserves serious praise! Bravo for such gorgeous rooms.

    Your strore items are fabulous as well and I am still enjoying my beautiful ginger jars, olive trays and linens. I have a whole list for Christmas buying and now will add the darling napkin rings to that list!

    Thank you for sharing all that you generously do, its always a pleasure to stop by and see whats new and enchanting in your world.

  29. Tina,

    Bathrooms turned out wonderful! Love how the wallpaper has made itself at home. Waiting for Les Miserables in December also perfect for the holiday and the spirit of things. Glad you're enjoying the after party glow as the holidays are on the calendar and fast approaching. Love all the goodies that go great with some fresh coffee. Love the idea of rounding all the flowers up for their last hurrah it really is nice that they are still around.

    Puppy cakes are adorable and I bet pet tasty too...ha ha Love the napkin holders and the great coffee cup holders as well.
    Rain already? We have been in humid conditions for at least this whole month of September and I wish we'd get some rain. I've been working in Santa Barbara and also Montecito still have a couple of days as a Design House Docent on my calendar as well. Time to plan for the three months of fun as we wind down the year of 2012...oh my word!


  30. I loved hearing about your week! I also agree that there is not enough time in the day for everything! I can't believe October is next week. EEK! I also love dough bowls, and I loved how you accessorized yours. And the wallpaper in your bathrooms is stunning. Have a great, relaxing weekend!

  31. Weekend eye candy. I love your bathrooms and those cupcakes are the cutest ever. A rainy day stuck inside with French pastries? Now, I am envious! ;)

  32. I'm pretty sure the coffee mug is by Gracious Goods.

  33. Oh girl...those pupcakes are awesome...and both of your bathrooms need to be published. They are both off the charts! Loving the new light fixtures especially that DR one. It is so elegant and will be a classic forever.

  34. Tina haven't been around in a long time. Thats what a move does to you!
    Your home and specifically the bathrooms look incredible. Oh my gosh sheer heaven!
    I love all the new addtiions to your store too and have to have those napkin rings, cutest thing ever.
    I miss being here and hopefully will visit more regularly now that things are finally calming down, I have a lot of catching up to do.
    Your friends home is beautiful and those cupcakes and pooch are just too cute for words!

    PS The mugs were on Horchow, not sure if they still are. My sister in law got them for me for a housewarming gift, they are wonderful.

  35. Tina, Your formal powder room is quite simply a work of art!!!! That wallpaper is my all time favourite, and the colours are just gorgeous. It's such a glam space and the scones adds such a romantic glow... If I visited, we would have to have the party in there please...LOL!... and perhaps move to your butler's pantry for a midnight snack!!!



Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!