Saturday, April 14, 2012

Random Saturday musings, a few updates and pretty posts to ponder

 Good morning, First off...lets announce the winner of my silver tray contest! Congratulations goes to........

Prize IDWinner IDPublic InfoPrivate InfoRandom Sorting IDWeight
1: tray1608501laura017BE532-F975-44A9-83C2-BBE899734C731

Laura, please email me with your information so the silver tray can be sent to its new home!

It's quite nice that life is finally getting back to normal....relatively speaking. I am still Teddy's nurse aka personal assistant, but more than happy to be taking care of him, dressing his wounds, being his medicine giver, massager, dog walker, is my pleasure! Yesterday afternoon around 6pm I took him for a walk around outside on a leash and then sat by the pool....he seemed so relaxed and the fresh air was really good for him. Below a few pics I took of my iPhone, from certain angles where you wouldn't know of whats going on on his body, so this was a picture he was comfortable posing for:) It was such a picture perfect early evening sky, crisp cool weather, a setting sun, clear was the most relaxed I have been in days!

Here's the cutie pie going home from one of his checkups, they put the t shirt on to protect against stitches that they had to remove to allow for more draining....

Our beautiful cherry blossom tree in full bloom

This small pool house was part of the original property, one day we would love to redo it but its quite far down on the list as there are so many other things to take care of! But the setting is really pretty and its very calm and private, like a little oasis.

Teddy meditating!

Relaxing........that sweet little face From this angle he looks quite good!
How cute are these get well gifts dropped off for Teddy? Filled with treat, a football and other cute toys....he loved it!
This is such a cute idea.....its kind of like memory for dogs, about the size of a placemat, you put a treat under one of these cubes and you can make it more challenging by placing it under the brown squares where they have to slide the brown down to get to it...very clever! Teddy loves it....

Moving on.....a number of people have asked about more house updates but honestly the reason I haven't shown much of the house is because there isn't much to show! I do finally have some window treatments under way, my bathroom/dressing area, kitchen and window seat. So that's phase 1, other things are in the works and I promise to share with you as I have something to show you......I did decide to keep this chest to use as a vanity in our main powder room. Admittedly its as much to do with that its a beautiful chest and fits perfectly as it would be one less thing to have to brainstorm about! So now I can finally get that wallpaper and work on the windows and be done with it..woo hoo!

We are going to put the honey onyx on it as a counter top...I think its going to be beautiful when done.

The library is basically done, now they are coming to start staining next week, the floors are done too. Love the way it has come out, originally we were going to hold off doing it but decided to bite the bullet now so we don't have a horrible mess and dust all throughout the house later......a few pictures.

I love early morning sun, cannot wait till we put up the art on top of my beautiful black French console....

Remember this fabric? Well I sealed the deal and my ktichen window treatments are being made as we speak!

How gorgeous is this tureen? I have 2 left! Best thing is its a nice big one, so practical too!

LOVE it!

 I promise as soon as there are other things to better believe I will post them. Hopefully window treatments will be ready in a few weeks!

I also wanted to announce that after Thursday's post, I got an extremely positive reaction to the magnificent pewter and wood pieces so have as of this morning added them to my store. More to come....this line is exceptional in every way with the finest attention to detail and best best quality materials used. It is an expensive line but truly heirloom quality and best part is...... I am discounting 12-30% off retail. If you know the prices you will recognize the value.  As always if you have any questions, feel free to ask! Click here to visit store.

Some of the items anything equestrian!

Love these pewter acorn measuring spoons!

This is too cute......

This I would have to say is the ultimate carving board.....with its antler handles!
How incredible is this cheese board!

How cute are these hunting dog salt and peppers?
Love these gorgeous pewter Pheasant statues

And for those wanting to know this small crest tray is now online...

Moving right along........what are you up to this weekend? Anything off the charts or is it more of a mellow chill kind of weekend? We have dinner plans with friends and a few games to attend for my son. Tomorrow I look forward to a really calm day, and its supposed to get near 80! A little freaky if you ask me but I guess it's better than snow....or is it? Hum...for such a "summer girl" that's a surprising statement! Finally I get great joy in sharing posts that I have really enjoyed...... if you have some spare time this weekend,  here are a few posts that I thought were worth keeping and sharing........definitely all very much worth the read!!

            Gorgeous post on outdoor entertaining courtesy of Classically Chic Design

Wonderful post on ivy for the home, Ivy Clad

_______________________Beautiful cabin fever from Decor de Provence

Magnificent inspiration over at Home Bunch

               Need a French day out? Check out the post at French Country Home!
Great stationary and organizational post at Classic Chic Home

This post really moved me, worth the read over at Privet and Holly

Need a few new design books? Check this out over at Maison Decor 

Are you a soup lover like me? If so try this, (soo good)  from Style for Living


This is as dreamy as it is inspirational....Castles Crowns and Cottages

Wishing you a fabulous day and weekend!!


  1. So glad Teddy is home and I love all of the treats he got! I hope he can enjoy them soon!Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. teddy is precious in his t-shirt. I know you are so thankful that he is mending. I can't imagine what he's been through...donna

  3. I loved seeing Teddy home. It made me smile. I am so happy for you. I am glad he is on the mend.


  4. Love seeing Teddy, he is so adorable and has the sweetest face, you can just see his kindness in his eyes. Love that he is getting outside and getting fresh air and exercise (best thing) the pool setting is just incredible, what a wonderful theraputic place for him to retreat to!
    Adore that pewter line am going to skip right on over to do a litlte shopping! And Tina anytime I see a picture of your home, my heart melts. The library, your hallway, that fabric and tureen for your kitchen, it is all just perfect. Love your taste.
    Thanks for the posts to look through, will give me something to do tomorrow when my husband and sons are gone all day to a baseball tournament!
    Have a great weekend.

  5. Fantastic to see cute Teddy home and getting stronger every day. He looks so adorable in that t shirt.
    Love the new finds for your store, I bet you will do really really well wtih them. Got my bread board and dough bowl and cannot stop staring- LOVE THEM!
    Love your home, always enjoy seeing pictures of its beauty.

  6. Ahhhh, I am so glad that your Teddy is home!! I know he is happy to be home and not a the furhospital!! We put a tight t-shirt on our yellow lab because she is so scared of storms - heard it applies pressure like a hug and makes them feel more secure.

  7. Being back home was no doubt a good test for Teddy. I was concerned that he would remember and not want to be outside. He appears to be happy and glad to be back home where he can recover much faster and enjoy the extra care and attention he is getting from his family.

  8. What a great way to start my day seeing Teddy home. He looks happy and well rested, glad hes getting lots of extra TLC!
    Going check out your store, in love with the new line. House looks amazing Tina.

  9. I'm so happy that Teddy is home! He looks like he is smiling sitting by the pool. I'm sure he will continue to get better since he has the best nurse in the world!

    And may I just say that I love the black french console. So pretty!

    I hope you have a a great weekend!

  10. Good Morning Tina (and Teddy!)
    I have been out of state styling a store for its opening and just got home. No time for nothing but work and I am getting caught up with blogs this morning. So so happy to see that sweet little Teddy. Bless his heart (and yours) Little prayers are powerful and the more, the more powerful! Have a great weekend. Also loved all your favorite blog posts listed! Love all that you do!
    Mary Anne ox

  11. Hi Tina,

    First of all, so glad Teddy is home - he is adorable in that T-shirt! And I especially love the cheese board with pewter accents...right up my alley. I just read that ivy post from Ivy Clad yesterday and found it SOO helpful. I really want to add some to our new house after it is painted but wasn't sure what to pick so I thought it was great! Have a good weekend...Barbara

  12. Tina, Teddy looks so cute in his t-shirt and I know he loves being home. Beautiful fabric for the kitchen and the bath vanity will be fabulous.
    Hugs, Sherry

  13. Oh I am every SO glad to see Teddy back home. The acorn measuring spoons are just fantastic!

  14. I am so glad to see Teddy settling back into life with his loving family! Golden Retrievers make such special pets and Teddy looks like one of the best of them. Does he ever give in to temptation and actually swim?

  15. What a sweetheart your Teddy bear seems to be! So mellow looking!

  16. Wow, things are looking up, Tina. Teddy looks great! So happy that he is home and getting better.
    I love the fabric for your kitchen. Beautiful with all of your blue and white pieces!
    I love the pool house and the pool. So serene, and Teddy appears to like it.
    I love the wood and pewter pieces.
    Happy Saturday.

  17. Teddy looks precious in his little t shirt. I am happy to see him enjoying the great outdoors again since it seems thats what he enjoys so much. So cute seeing him relax by the pool, he deserves all the attention, love and massages he can get!
    The pewter things are beautiful, I must have that acorn bowl and cheese board!
    Your home never ceases to amaze me with how beautiful it all is. Enjoy it Tina and thank you for sharing it with us.

  18. Tina, I DO hope that I am the correct Laura! That silver tray needs to live at my home! She soooo wants to be a Southern Girl! Just in case it's me, my email is :-) Hopefully, Laura Roe

  19. Tina,
    Oh Teddy is so cute with his T-shirt! Love that picture! I am so glad I could see him now!
    Your library is exquisite! Oh my!! What a wonderful taste you have! I see you sitting there, reading a good book with Teddy next to you!!
    The black commode in the hall way looks so beautiful against the white painted walls! Is it a Moissonnier furniture?

    Tina, I hope you received my email 2 days ago with my order!

  20. Tina there is so much to comment on here!
    1. SO excited Teddy is home sweet home. He is really adorable and has the sweetest face. Please give him a gentl hug from a fellow golden retriever owner and fan in Atlanta.

    2. Your soup tureen is so beautiful. I think I have to treat myself to one.

    3. The pewter pieces are exquistie, is it vagabond house? I own a cheeseboard quite similiar, and if so your prices are really really good. A local store carries them but they are really expensive so its normally a special occasion purchase~!

    4.The fabric for your kitchen, a big resounding YES! I just love it, would you mind sharing who makes it.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend with your buddy home.

  21. Tina, The best start to my weekend, pictures of Teddy. What a Handsome Gentleman. He looks amazing, relaxed and happy. I'm sure alot of that is thanks to his "personal assistant". Tina, you are such a good Mom to Teddy. Have a Wonderful Weekend. Susan & Emma

  22. Seeing Teddy look so
    well just melted my
    heart! So glad he is
    recovering nicely with
    his sweet mama tending
    to him. What a nice
    surprise to see that
    you'd linked one of
    my posts to your random
    thoughts....and so happy
    that it touched you.
    Hoping your whole
    family is enjoying a
    lovely, sunny day!

    xx Suzanne

    PS: My mom gave
    me the cute squirrel
    nut bowl and acorn
    scoop for Christmas!

  23. Tina,

    I'm so glad Teddy Is feeling better. What a relief that the worst part of this ordeal is coming to a close.

    I love all your new store additions and the kitchen fabric is gorgeous.

    Thanks for posting a few of your favorite blog links. Enjoy your weekend.


  24. Tina I am thinking of your family and Teddy, I hope he is better very soon!

    The new items in your shop are so exquisite!! Love them all!! Oh and the French Console, gorgeous!!

    Tina, I am having a $100 Gift Card Giveaway from Soft Surroundings If you would like to enter.

    Art by Karen

  25. teddy looks great--love him sitting by the pool. hope you enjoy this gorgeous weekend! xo Barbara

  26. look at him in his t-shirt. i love that even if it was strictly for function.

    omg your fabric for the kitchen. so timeless and chic, and the colors make me so happy. it's going to look phenomenal.

    have a wonderful weekend. i am actually going to get my butt outside and do some weeding and pruning. not because i enjoy it but because my husband will love discovering it when he gets home from his trip and will feel deeply indebted. shhhhhh.

    smiles, tina.


  27. How cute is Teddy! I am so happy to hear he is getting lots of attention, massages and all kinds of goodies, he has surely earned it!
    Tina= your things are beautiful in the store, those pewter things have my name all over it. DItto the blue tureen and your fabric in the kitchen is a home run. Cannot wait to see it up.
    Your pool setting is just so peaceful and tranquil, perfect place for Teddy to do his healing.
    Loved all the wonderful pictures, and your library is just gorgeous.

  28. Hi Tina,

    Teddy in the sun with his paws dipped in the pool. That is all I needed today. I am smiling with my whole body!

    The black console looks amazing! Every room needs a little bit of black for drama.

    And I have already voted YES to the new pewter goods. Go, Tina go!



  29. Hi Tina. So happy to see Teddy home where he belongs. I hope he recovers fully soon. Your library is going to look splendid. I just had a lovely tour of all those blog posts you recommended. Was delovely! Thanks for that.

    Hugs to Teddy and a medal to the nurse!!


  30. I am so, so happy Teddy is home and recovering so well. Makes me smile! I think the little pewter polo items go perfectly with my post yesterday on RLH and Nacho, of course! Let's not leave Nacho out :) And, you are so nice to mention my tortilla soup. Now I'm craving it and think I'm going to have to whip up another batch. Enjoy your weekend, Tina!

  31. Hello Tina and welcome back Teddy.
    Thank you for the lovely read ...your posts are I missed... and all the references to other posts...very nice but my heart goes to all the young children, it is so emotional.

    Looking forward to seeing your window dressing in your husbands bath and yours...and what you chose for your closet counter top (:

    hugs Z

  32. ... could have missed this but what's to prevent those dogs from going at Teddy again ... have the other dog owners been advised? I may have missed a post, and your fans are so numerous it's hard to find the answer in their comments. I am captivated by the sweet Teddy.

  33. Soooooooooooo, good to see Teddy!!! He is such a love and so easy to project the love we have for our own dog angels onto him. He looks so mellow and glad to be home. NOW, back to the store, let the shopping begin!!!!

  34. Thanks for the pics of darling Teddy :) Just placed an order and can't wait to get it!

  35. So glad Teddy is home hope he recovers fully soon, love the blue fabric I bet you carn't wait to see it finished.

  36. to see teddy lounging by the pool...wish I were there too!!

    Not much going on in our house this weekend. Have fun with your friends. We are enjoying beautiful weather too!

  37. Hi, sweetie!

    It's Saturday night (almost 11) and I'm preparing a post. I was thinking about you and decided to come here to see if there were any news about Teddy and you have no idea how happy I felt to see him back at your place! He's just so adorable, and we all love him.

    I had no idea you linked to me. How sweet of you, Tina. Thank you so much!!!

    Enjoy your "baby"!!! :-) I'm so happy he's back!!!

    Lots of love to you,

    Luciane at

  38. Your Teddy looks so sweet. So glad he is doing well. I stopped in my tracks when I saw the pewter S&P shakers. They look just like my Boykin spaniel! So cute!

  39. Admiro tu blog, me encanta ver tantas preciosidades, paso un buen rato admirando tus entradas.Besos y feliz semana

  40. Oh,OH!!! You dear heart, YOU! I was just wondering about you as well my sweet, for I did not see you on Easter and also this time.....I know you are busy tending to dear Teddy, and I hope you are THRIVING in all the glory of this magnificent season! I did not KNOW YOU HAD A POOL HOUSE and POOL ON YOUR NEW PROPERTY! You are going to have a BLAST!

    Thank you Tina for adding me to the list of your pretty posts! You really are a gem. My sincerest wishes to TEDDY for a speedy recovery and to YOU, most wonderful lady, for a memorable time of setting up shop and home.....LOVE!!! Anita

  41. Hi there! Mr. Teddy looks so great-- sweet as ever! Thank you for posting pictures of him.

    And thank you for the kind link to my "Ivy" post! You're so sweet.

    OK. I LOVE the pewter stuff. I think I'm going to make one of the salt & pepper shakers mine, but my husband has just reminded me not to make us late for church by sitting here chatting away. So, I'll have to visit afterward.

    Enjoy your Sunday. Give an extra little kiss to Teddy from me!


  42. kisses to teddy-

    your new merchandise looks divine.
    and the links to friends post....
    thank you for that


  43. Teddy looks so cute in his t-shirt. I can see some areas they had to shave, poor boy but the hair will grow back. I'm so glad to read he's doing so much better. Dylan dog waves Hi to him!

    Your home will come together the important thing is now you're in and you can slowly make it your home. Personally I think that black console looks terrible in your hallway so maybe it should come to my home....;) Love it!

    I need to go have another browse through your shop today since I'm avoiding heat and bugs.

    Enjoy your Sunday!

  44. Tina...everything is so happy and good in this post! It made me happy to read about Teddy, to see your gorgeous console, the fabric for the kitchen, the new products,...everything!

  45. You absolutely made my day today by showing these wonderful pictures of Teddy getting better. Merci!!!

  46. The photos of your dear Teddy looking better brightened my afternoon! He is such a love, we're all so relieved to know he's recovering well.

    The pool is one peaceful setting, you are right, very relaxing! It's fab to see the progress in the library, it is going to be such a fantastic room. That console is beautiful, and I do love that fabric for the kitchen windows, perfect in that room! Your new goodies in the store are gorgeous!

    Sending you a smile,

  47. Tina, so glad Teddy is home and doing well. I have to say I love him in his t-shirt. So sweet. I know what you have been going through as the same thing happen to one our puppies. Your family has been in my prayers and so glad to see the power of prayer in full force. Also, thank you for the link to my blog... I had been contemplating if I should continue because there are just so many fabulous blogs out there and did not know if I could even compare in a small way. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.


  48. Tina, I was wondering how Teddy was doing. So glad to hear the good news. So where do I start. You are one talented lady, you know I love that fabric and it will look amazing as drapes. The new blue and white china you got.....Love! And... Love how gracious you are to other bloggers. Some I have never visited and so I will right now.

  49. Tina!! Thank you for the link you sweet heart!! I'm seriously in awe over your amazing home... it makes me happy! I love how you share your inspiration for each room - and that pool setting!! It is an oasis... far from everything surrounded by those incredible trees!!
    Isn't it crazy how long it takes to pull in all the details once you move in? I will be doing the same thing here in a few months! Thanks for all the inspiration!


  50. That Teddy is so stinkin cute but I think he needs a blue and white tshirt

  51. Hello Tina and of course the adorable Teddy,

    I do not know where my comments keep blogger. In any case, I am happy to hear that Teddy is doing better. He looks good, a little tired but maybe the sun was in his eyes while he was sitting at the pool.

    I think that all of the house updates, the bathroom and the kitchen fabric ( love that blue and white) look great. I am looking forward to seeing the finished bathroom.

    I also LOVE the new line of wood and pewter, and I so happy that the response was so great. I have to go to the store and check out the little acorn.

    Have a fabulous week! Elizabeth

  52. Tina I'm so happy to see Teddy home where he can get all the love he needs!

  53. I am so glad that Teddy is on the mend. Thanks for the links to these posts - I have been taking a break from blogging during the school holidays and it's useful to have a summary of blogs to visit to catch up on what I've missed! x Sharon

  54. So HAPPY to see Teddy doing so well! Can not even begin to imagine how much that must have hurt him, phsically & mentally. You never mentioned a pool or poolhouse, it is so pretty! what a wonderful piece of property. Also, love the vanity for the powder room.

  55. I love how you put the T shirt on Teddy.....Mom is always looking out for him:). Thanks for giving me some blogs to catch up on!!!

  56. So glad to see Teddy again really...what a lovely sight. God bless all of you and your patience through this whole ordeal. Time heals wounds and continues to bless.


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!