Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Guest posting at Style for Living!

Good morning lovelies......I hope I am not the only one feeling like a gerbil on the wheel furiously pedaling but never feeling like I am doing it quite fast enough! I did brave the manic drivers in the parking lots yesterday, and had to avoid seemingly possessed shoppers that used their shopping carts as virtual weapons, it is cut throat out there!! I was nearly run down by a woman with a shopping cart and forget some of the people in their cars, they should not have been on the road!!  Seriously this holiday sometimes brings out the worst in people when its supposed to be all about, love peace, joy  and tolerance! The good news is I did get a lot done and today I am finishing things up in preparation for our family Christmas party tomorrow night!
I wish I could carry a great big sign like this with me every where I go!

Today, I am delighted to announce that  I am guest posting  over at Marianne's blog, Style for Living. I was so happy she asked me to be her guest for her popular and creative A to Z post. Its basically an interview of sorts but in the most creative way! I love Style for Living, because it reflects Marianne's elegant, understated very appealing, effortless and beautiful taste. If you aren't already familiar with her blog, I sure hope you will head over, a visit to blogland for me,  is not complete  without stopping by to visit Marianne! Please come and visit and say hello........click here to visit! See you over there and thank you Marianne!

Just in case you missed my "Country Christmas" post yesterday, click here...its worth seeing!



  1. I much prefer to shop online! However, i still end up braving it to the stores and just pray that I make it out in one piece!:-). Off to check out your guest post. xx

  2. I love her ABC's series and loved learning more about you! She said you were one of the sweetest bloggers out there. I agree!

  3. I can relate to your chaotic shopping experience, I have had a few doozies myself, one lady screaming at everyone in the line at Costco because they weren't stepping up fast enough. Yikes!
    Will head over to read your interview.

  4. Hello Sweetie,

    How are you doing today?

    I'm not being able to visit my favorite friends and blogs lately, but I'll drop by to read your post. I simply adore Marianne. Isn't she great?

    Have a wonderful day and a very blessed Christmas with your family, Tina!


    Luciane at HomeBunch.com

  5. Hey Tina, this sounds like a great idea. I will be sure to pop over a little later, heading to work in 2 minutes but wanted to say hi and you gave me a laugh with your shopping experience, I have had some like that also and cannot believe how stressed people are, seriously they just need to stay home if they can't keep it together!
    Good luck.

  6. Heading over to read all about your ABC's! :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Glad you survived your Christmas shopping adventure and that the end is in sight! Popping over now to read your A to Z post! XO

  9. I try not to do any shopping over this period unless it's something quite necessary. Most people are pressed for time and want to enjoy their holidays to the most, so they spree through their shopping to get it over and done with as fast as possible. It takes all the joy out of the experience for them and for the rest of us.

  10. Loved having you as my guest today! Thank you again! On another note, I have also been feeling your pain out there this week. Some woman yelled at me in a parking lot and said I took her spot. There wasn't another car in sight while I was waiting with my blinker on, but she had the pedal to the metal from one row over, squeeled around the corner and then floored it again down the row. Can you believe it? Crazy!!! I am not the person to mess with over B.S. and very calmly told her I guess she was out of luck. Clearly her day was not going well. Oh, and if people could drive the speed limit on the highway, that would be greatly appreciated, too! 60mph does not mean 40mph, especially in the far left lane. There, now I feel better!

  11. Hello! I feel as if I am running so fast and still going backwards. It is crazy. I love your guest post...and the dishwasher comment had me falling over. I am the same way, I HATE to empty the silverware from the dishwasher and I am ashamed to admit this but I will actually leave it in there and just keep adding to it until we have nothing left in the drawer. We definitely have the cleanest flatware on the planet.

    Love your Teddy running in the snow. There is nothing better than a faithful companion.

    I hope you have a great week, thank you for you always kind comments. I know you are busy so it means a lot.

    Take care, enjoy the season it is almost over.


  12. It is wild out there! On Saturday I tried to run errands and get some presents and it took me triple the amount of time due to the crowds! Off to check out your guest post...

  13. oh you gotta love that "keep calm at christmas" I think they should put these all over parking lots during the holiday season! ha people get so crazy finding parking spaces during this time of year! eek! :-)

    OH and I thought youd be interested in my "cashmere-soft" throw giveaway!!!




  14. Oh my goodness, that "Keep Calm" poster had me at the 1st glance. It's wonderful, Tina! Sending love, my precious friend.

  15. Tina so enjoyed your wonderful interview. I realized we have a lot in common from your feeling on beets and Peet's, your favorite flowers and movies, and I too cannot stand the dishwasher, especially silverware yuck! Certainly with all our technology they can do better!
    Hope you stay calm and relax a little bit, its a very nutty time of year but also a wonderful time. I really laughed when you spoke of your day yesterday. It IS nuts out there, isn't it. Seems to bring out the most aggressive side to people. We need to wear a big sign like the one above around our necks to have people keep things in perspective!

  16. PS And that Ghandi quote? One of my all time favorites, what an inspirational person!

  17. Off to read your post and I totally agree about the crazy people out there - my yoga class last night calmed me down quite a bit and am feeling quite zen today.

  18. People are irritable out there so I'm staying in with a nice hot cup of tea reading the blogs. Great ABC interview. As for being 46, it's not old, just a number as long as you feel good about yourself.

  19. I definitely feel like a gerbil, running fast - going nowhere! But, I did manage to get to my yoga class, which centered my day...and I'm finely getting to visit my fav blogs before my in-laws arrive in a couple of hours for the week!

    Off to check out your guest post!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  20. Headed over! I agree- some people should be banned from shopping ANY day of the year but especially at Christmas~ xo Diana

  21. I loved your ABC's over at Marianne's blog. It's so much getting to know a little bit about other bloggers. I can relate to your love for your morning coffee - I am also a big fan of my coffee :) And your thoughts about the hustle and bustle are spot on. I've really come across some crazy people out there recently and it's a shame really. It seems as though they were forced out there to get whatever it is they need to do done and not enjoy the true spirit of the holiday. I did more online shopping this year than in past years so I wouldn't have to go out and deal with the crazy drivers. I enjoy my few stops here and there, and would love to have one of those signs in my car window - I think that's great!

  22. Enjoyed the interview a lot, so many things I agreed with you on especially the pet peeves! And would love the gumbo recipe!

  23. I love her blog and will hop right on over to see what you have for us! xo

  24. On my way over now:). And I have been really trying NOT to use my horn this week when I get impatient with these crazy holiday drivers.....


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!