Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Which Ralph Lauren world would you choose?

Good morning! Oh my I have been one busy girl...the response to my best ever steals and deals was overwhelming to say the least, proves my point that the demand for gorgeous, traditional old world accessories is in fact alive and well! I have updated the post to reflect what is available (very very little). As I made the post I got in some other items, so will probably do another round 2 (much smaller) by the weekend.  Moving along......

I stumbled across the work of uber talented Peter Banks who does a lot of merchandising for that popular guy we all know and love, known as Ralph. Yes, as in Ralph Lauren. I think he nailed each of these "looks" and thought it would make a fun Which would you choose....so imagine you get to choose one to jump into and live in....which would it be? Feast your eyes on this, so  many wonderful scrumptious details to enjoy!
CHOICE 1 City Slicker 

CHOICE 2 Country abode

 CHOICE 3 Rhapsody in blue and white

 CHOICE 4 Equestrian luxe

CHOICE 5 Bohemian beauty 

CHOICE 6 A chic cottage

All soooo gorgeous as only Ralph can do..what a  master! I love his unwavering desire for the best and the most beautiful, nothing in his design vision ever gets compromised. Every one of his stores is like one out of a storybook from the antique rugs to the fabulous fresh floral arrangements...he is truly an icon in my book! I bet you know which I would choose! Yep...the blue and white though I see something in each to love. 
Thanks as always for stopping in......stay tuned announcing an amazing giveaway tomorrow! Wishing you a wonderful day.


  1. Going with choice 3 though I truly love something about each of these, if I could have a country cottage, 6 and a slick penthouse 1, a gorgeous mountain retreat, 2 ....one can dream! Your turn.

  2. Tina all are so beautiful and I agree Ralph is like no other. But I have to go with #1, my dream is to move back to my native Chicago when we retire and when we do I would love to have an apt. that looks just like that, a penthouse to be more specific:-)


  3. I'm caught among numbers 2, 3, and 4. But I think I'll go with #3. Love the seating in front of the fireplace. Although you couldn't have a fire unless you moved the rug!

  4. Oh my! I would pick #5 in a heartbeat then gradually add some elements of #6 in.

  5. Good morning Tina...I am with you on #3, with the cottage coming in a close second. Love them all, though!

    Have a lovely day! xoxo

  6. What a decision! I think for the long term and really living there, it would be # 6. All are stunning.

  7. Hi Tina I would love all of the above but for our climate I have to go with # 6 this guy does the cottage look to perfection.....thank you for sharing. Regards Esther from Sydney. Our weather at the moment you have the aircon on by lunchtime and the heater at night....crazy.

  8. I love Ralph's take on equestrian luxe!

    So happy for your success with your store. You are always an inspiration.

  9. I'd choose the Chic Cottage, mixed with the elegance of number 3. He really is amazing.

  10. I suppose I am a city girl at heart! I would make some changes to the wall color palettes. Not quite so dark. Love the design !

    2013 Art by Karena

  11. All or gorgeous, but I would choose the first one. I would change a few things, but love the dark walls.
    Happy Tuesday, Tina.

  12. I would love a little escape cottage and the Ralph one would do just fine!! Great post!

  13. Oh, tough choice. I think number 6 is my favorite, although Rhapsody in blue and white is close behind, of course. Hope you get a moment or two to stop and take a deep breath today, Tina! XOXO

  14. I could move right into all of them immediately...but my favorite is #5 Bohemian Beauty

  15. For once I didn't have to spend 15 minutes scrolling up, scrolling down....scrolling up, scrolling down because I can't make up mind. This one came easily, the Chic Cottage is first, with Rhapsody in Blue coming in second. Love all of them though, and now I shall go scroll up and scroll down to look at them again, they're just beautiful!

  16. Country abode hands down. How cozy! I could imagine being there with a snow storm brewing and soup cooking..a fire going, how gorgeous and I agree am a big fan of his work as well.


  17. #1 sleek, sophisticated and magnificent!

  18. All choices are amazing spaces, but the Chic Cottage is first, and Rhapsody in Blue comes in a close second. They both seem very comfortable to me. Seems as I age, comfort is more important than "chic" . Thanks for sharing these lovely homes.
    Lori in Atlanta

  19. ...my favorite...bohemian beauty...but loved the chic cottage too...however...i will never ever ever like books turned backwards...blessings laney

  20. Chic cottage, but I would have to remove the ruffles, but the overall feel felt like Me. Fresh, crisp and airy. Love that. I think Ralph Lauren does an amazing job and I love to study his designs even though they are too busy and dark for my own personal taste. I still appreciate good design and he is the master at layering and mixing patterns.
    Fun post Tina!

  21. #6 - Chic Cottage - Love the striped upholstery on the french settee! The others seem overdone for my lifestyle!
    Thanks for sharing, I've taken away some wonderful ideas to incorporate in the home that I have until I can move on to something even more exciting...

  22. Love Ralph Lauren! I have to say that Chic Cottage is most my style, with a little of that Bohemian Beauty thrown in! I don't like fussy or formal, and it must be comfortable and interesting!

  23. I will take the blue and white. So beautiful, I want to jump in that bed!

  24. I am in love with the Bohemian look! Love, love, LOVE!


  25. love Ralph, his clothing, home anything + must go with #3 with a little tweeting here + there. xxpeggybraswelldesign.com

  26. CHIC COTTAGE FOR ME! But then there's the Blue and White...OH! The choices! LOVE, Anita

  27. Oh how I love Ralph Lauren! But number one is so my style. It's super chic and sexy! I hope you're having a great week!

  28. #2 for me.....though any would be wonderful.

  29. Wonderful blog & good post.Its really helpful for me, awaiting for more new post. Keep Blogging!

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  30. Wao , It was so loving to see your blog. I love all pictures you displayed. I truly like something from each of this choice. HOWEVER, my favorite is choice3 Rhapsody in white and blue, what a lovely bedroom.

  31. no. 6
    oh tina
    you know i need
    my light! my light!
    without it i would
    grow into the most
    melancholy of
    writers and explore
    only the darkest
    of subjects,
    forgetting the
    wild world of
    wonder in

    hugs from the desert.


  32. All beautiful but much too intense & busy for me. Out of all of them there are way more things I like about the cottage, so #6 it is. Actually really like the bedroom with the books, as well as the striped awning visible from indoors.


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!