Tuesday, October 2, 2012

By Invitation only- Thoughts on October

Good October morning to you....its time for an another installment of By Invitation Only where a group of bloggers get together and each serves up their own interpretation of that months said theme. This months is titled "Thoughts on October".....and what does this month mean to us? 
This was a fun one for me because A. I love fall  B. I do have a few fun things on my agenda,  C. Its my sons birthday month and D. the sleeveless shirt season is officially over..woo hoo!.......so we have some nice things that happen to fall in October.   I am sure it has a slightly different meaning for each of us but here is my own personal thoughts on the month.........
My oldest sons birthday is in October....hard to believe he is turning 25 this year! 

It means soccer games. Lots of them. Love it when I have a reason to throw on a toasty sweater or wrap. And love it when they win!

It means having an opportunity to wear and buy more beautiful soft cashmere scarves and sweaters...just love the "cozy season"

October is a license for lots of cooking  of delicious comfort foods. Nothing is off limits:) Including a decadent chicken pot pie.....

It is the perfect month for  carving out time for a one or two day road trip to admire and ogle over falls parade of colors, nothing beats fall foliage in the Northeast!

For some reason I get very into antique stores in the fall...so October is a time to explore and discover some new ones!
This particular October means road trip with one of my dearest friends in the whole world...we are heading to beautiful Newport, Rhode Island!

October is a month ripe for apple picking

October means adding a little fall decor throughout the house to welcome in the new season

It means Halloween and getting to see all the cute little kids in their adorable costumes!

October is all about gorgeous clothes and an excuse for a little retail therapy (hellooooo Ralph Lauren)

A surplus of apples...hopefully enough to be inspired to bake that homemade apple pie!

October is a time for quiet walks with Teddy taking in the magic of the season of fall

A great excuse to get a brand new fabulous handbag....like clockwork every fall, I indulge and splurge on a really great new bag.

And lastly October is a month like every other to be thankful for good health, the blessing of family and company of great friends....you included!

So that sums up October and what it means to me....a lot of goodness, and hopefully happy times ahead. How about you....what does October mean to you?  Anything happening this month that has you excited? Thanks for stopping in and hope you have a fabulous October day! Be sure to stop on over at the brainchild of By Invititation Only, Marsha over at Splenderosa to see other talented bloggers' takes on October. Click here to visit. 


  1. Yes the comfort foods....sooo ready for the comfort foods. The cool fall walks I can for for too! - Tonya

  2. Tina such a pretty post. You love all the things I do and I love how you closed it for just being thankful for the priceless things like family and friendship. Beautifully done.....and I can relate to those cold days on the soccer fields, thats what we do all weekend long!

  3. Beautiful post, Tina! Isn't amazing what Fall brings out in us! I just love it! And yes, I've been craving comfort foods already! Especially an old fashioned apple pie! That Chicken Pot Pie looks pretty darn good too! Love, love, love fall clothes! I will say this post has made me a little teary just thinking about the fact that there are no more sporting events to watch for my son! I will cherish those memories for sure! Wish I had known last year just how much I should've treasure them! I guess I can always go see Layton in her first soccer game or ballet recital! Anyway, I loved this and loved all of your wonderful pictures! What a fun road trip that will be with your dear friend! Have a wonderful week!

  4. Despite that everything here was so inviting and inspiring, it looks like I am not the only one fixated on that chicken pot pie!! And since I am in France, I can't just stroll in to some country diner and order one up, so Hello? I am just going to make it!! Trust me, that will be done before the week is out. :)

    I am looking forward to a big bloggers luncheon full of other expat ladies like myself that is going to be taking place in Montpellier this month. Nothing like moving from the virtual to the real!
    Bisous to beautiful Teddy,

  5. The perfect autumn post....such gorgeous images :)

  6. Yes Tina...love this season. I think its a great time to visit MY antique shop in NJ...hahaha. Love the post,

  7. Ready for the comfort foods. I make chichen pot pie and bake more and love the smells of fall. I am getting more and more excited.


  8. I am envious of you fall colours - such beauty. I have never tasted chicken pot pie, but after seeing your mouth-watering image I am going to seek out its recipe. Warm regards

  9. Ahhhh, Tina, such a totally American point of view. I absolutely love it. Happy Birthday to your son, and hug that Teddy for me, he looks beautiful. The way you describe even the simple things is wonderful, and boy do I get the RL outfits for this time of the year. Beautiful post, darling friend. I am so happy to know you....

  10. Happy October to you. I agree with all your choices, the coziness and comforts of Fall. MMMM, chicken pot pie, apple pie.....I'm in trouble. :)

  11. Tina, Happy Birthday to your son...It sounds like a wonderful October.

  12. I love your thoughts on October! The Halloween photo struck me, because mine are getting a little big (sniff) , but my daughter will still get dressed up this year, thank goodness. Happy birthday to your big boy!!

  13. Great post and a food reminder of all the great things about fall, it's my birthday month too. The chicken pot pie, road trips and cozy clothes are all wonderful!

  14. I'll pop over Tina! I'm with you on your last comment.. good health and family.. that's what matters most. The comfort food and new bag, and the cozy long sleeved sweaters and pretty blouses (things are loosening up in the back and behind the arms!!) I love it all!

    So many fun pictures Tina. Enjoy your day!


  15. I love the deas for October! Especially all the beautiful. Clothes and. Comfort foods that go along with the season. I do live summer but this post has me a little excited for fall!

    Good to see sweet Tecfdy looking great!

  16. Tina,

    Good afternoon,

    Oh my dear I wish we were neighbors, we could have such fun lunching on all of the delectable treats we both concoct, going for long leisurely walks, sitting by a roaring fire sipping cocoa and reading books, taking a break for shopping and then starting over after a long ride to take in the Fall foliage.

    Newport is one of my favorite place, I love to visit the "Summer Cottages" like Marble House. So many great shops and things to see. Enjoy your girl time.

    As for your boys, how wonderful to celebrate such talented and wonderful young men!

    Have a great day, Elizabeth

  17. Oh one more thing...try the Pumpkin Blue Cheese MAcaroni and the Pumpkin Bars. You will love them!!

  18. I love your October Tina... and I would adore to visit Rhode Island... xv

  19. Well I didn't think I could get more excited about fall being here, but you reminded me of other fun things to partake in October!
    Beautiful post, Tina. Thank you for sharing.
    Happy Tuesday.

  20. I just love that braided bag!
    Could you tell who the designer is?
    Thanks for sharing.

  21. Tina absolutely everything I love about autumn! Please ask Ralph Lauren to send me those 5 ensembles!

    I am having an amazing Giveaway of Plush Pumpkins from Love Feast!
    Art by Karena

  22. I would say dearest that you summed it up quite well for me. The weather is warm enough to be out, and that means hearing the rustling of leaves and the perfume of someone baking, a hearth warming up, or just the almost molding of the leaves. GLORIOUS MY DEAR TINA! Anita

  23. Dearest Tina

    First, thank you for the virtual hug and your kind offer of support and encouragement! I am so very humbled and deeply touched by all the support and love. Feels like I am a bit of a hamster on the London eye but things are looking much better and I am in His good Hands.

    Fall is most certainly my fav season over here... I am absolutely green with envy when I see all the fabulously intense colours that fall produces in the Northwest. We dont get that insensity over here, sadly. all the more to appreciate the stunning images you have put in your post! Also, I adore the carpet of leaves and Ralph Lauren, don't mind if I do....better skip the Chick pot pie then....

    Sending hugs and love
    Kisses for Teddy xxx

  24. Lovely post Tina, just adore the picture of Teddy enjoying the great outdoors!

  25. Thanks for reminding me to not be sad about summer ending and all the good things there are to be enjoyed this time of year. I do love any excuse to go out and buy a beautiful cozy sweater or pocketbook, and who wouldn't love a homemade chicken pot pie or apple pie? Thanks for such a pretty post, you have me thinking about a short road trip now!

  26. PS Mr. Teddy is looking quite dapper please give him a big hug and enjoy those fall walks with him!

  27. I agree with everything on all levels .... such a lovely month and a wonderful post for our By Invitation subject this month.
    ..... and, many thanks for your lovely comment today. It's so kind of you and lovely to 'meet' new people. XXXX

  28. Wonderful post Tina. Its my birthday month too, your ideas and things going on are all wondeful. I miss soccer games and bundling up in warm coats to keep warm on the sidelines. And I am all for comfort foods, long walks with our four legged friends and short road trips to take it all in. I agree there is simply nothing like fall in the northeast, it is just splendid!

  29. you've captured all kindsa lovely here, tina. october has not been my favorite month, but paris just may change that. i appreciate that the weather is not tooooo severe. it means lots of trips to the apple orchard, and baking galore. omg that pot pie image just killed me.

    and it means BOOTS. o i love boots.


  30. Hi Tina, Loved the post today esp. the trip to Newport. Miss going as much since daughter graduated 2 years ago. Food is great at the Red Parrot, Perro Saldo, and Empire Tea on Broadway is great for a twist of coffee/tea different from Starbucks. Teddy looks great. My youngest son will be 14 on Oct 14th.Love the cool crispness of October, the smell of wood smoke in the air, the crunch of fallen leaves underfoot, the colors, and esp the fall desserts. Happy Birthday to your son. Judy

  31. Lovely images just what I needed to see right now.
    Thanks for sharing,
    The Relished Roost

  32. So much to love about October and you've showcased some great items. Dying to know what your handbag splurge will be...

  33. Hello Tina

    A magical post and I wish you joy as you travel with your good friend


  34. October is my favorite month. Love the leaves, crisp air, excuse to eat comfort foods!! Happy early bday to your son!! xo

  35. I love October, too, Tina! And now I HAVE to have some chicken pot pie!!

  36. I love your interpretation of October but my favorites are those Ralph Lauren clothes!! Enjoy this month!

  37. Your lovely post made me want to walk in the woods! Beautiful images... as always, dear friend!

  38. Such a beautiful post Tina and you pretty much summed up what October means to me. Teddy looks so handsome standing there. Dylan and I just got back from hiking in the woods and kicking up a few of those leaves. A lot of the leaves look like they were splashed with painted as they slowly turned from green to red.


  39. A very very happy birthday to your boy. And a very very happy handbag to you:).

  40. I love October comfort food and of course the excuse to hunt for a new handbag!
    ♡ Lexi @ Glitter, Inc.

  41. Teddy looks nice and healthy, and I LOVE your new header :)

  42. so lovely! The trip to Newport sounds amazing, and Im up for all of your suggestions for fall. Lovely times to soak up the outdoors. Love your dog, too.

  43. Love this post! I just love October--I'm so excited that it's finally here!

  44. Great post! Love the fall too. Didn´t use to but in recent years it has sort of become a favorite season. And adoooore Newport Rhode Island, I spent a couple of weeks there a few years ago and always long to go back! Enjoy the weekend!

  45. Autumn is my favorite season, also to buy some new clothes. I love your scarves in cashmere Tina, are they from Ralph Lauren?
    Wish you lovely autumn adventures!

  46. Tina,
    I love the change you gave your blog header for the month!!!

    Oh, I do love fall too, for all the reasons you gave above. Also, soup making, sitting by an outdoor fire pit, football games (my oldest is trying out tackle and my little one is playing flag), the changing of the leaves and the smell of a crackling fire!!!

    Enjoy Newport - I've never been, but would so love to go. It's so close...I need to carve out time for that!!!

    You've got me ready to throw on a sweater and go make a pie!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Tina, I just received the beautiful dough bowl that I purchased from your online store. Thank you for making these wonderful pieces available to us. This bowl will forever hold a place of honor in my home! Maggie

  49. You just made October seem so special...I am really enjoying every minute of it so far. Happy Birthday to your son! He's a young man and how I loved being in my mid 20's! God bless him! Will you be having a big party for him? I'm also so happy to see that Teddy has recovered from that terrible ordeal earlier this year. Give him a big hug for me will ya! That pot pie is certainly calling my name!!


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!