Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sunday showhouse.......and you're invited!

How wonderful are Sundays? For me, they are a highly anticipated day as its a "free pass" to do as we please, no pressure except to get my son to a 9am practice and going to a friends Stella and Dot party...and checking out the new Calypso line at Target (OK not as relaxing as I was thinking- but fun!) Today as you know is my showhouse Sunday and today I have some real showstoppers. First we go to one of my favorite parts of the country, Virginia's horse country, then onto the beautiful countryside of Litchfield, CT  and finally end up in exotic Mykonos, Greece!! So, sit back....don't be too quick to get up, pour yourself another cup of coffee and enjoy!

VIRGINA. If you have never had the chance to visit horse country deep in the heart of Virginia you are truly missing is just breathtaking! Miles and miles of rolling green hills with perfect freshly painted fencing that seems to go on forever signaling you have entered the famous "hunt country" famed for the many thoroughbred horse farms and breeding farms that dot the landscape. "Salamander farm" is amongst one of the many jewels that graces this heavenly area and it's like no other. From the topography of the land to the interiors this is pure fantasy......Thomas Pheasant is responsible for the sumptuous interiors. The outside spaces are an entertainers delight...I swear I would have a hard time leaving home if I lived here...the added bonus? Hundred of acres and did I mention the gorgeous horses!!!!!!! How magnificent is this.............

This almost looks to beautiful to be real!
I like the calm neutral colors chosen for the interiors

Love the cozy wine cellar!

I would literally want to have a dinner party every night!
You would catch me here every sunny day poolside with a book!

LITCHFIELD COUNTY, CONNECTICUT. The owners here spent much time in Tuscany and wanted to recreate their own vision of Tuscany for their new home on a property they had  owned in CT. They wanted a modern twist for the home itself. They chose architect Steven Haas to realize their dream. Set on 14 acres, they purposely designed the landscape to mimic that in Tuscany and kept the colors and feel of the interiors very "Tuscan inspired". It is an open, happy and cohesive feeling home with the modern twist they desired. What do you think?

This has a real Napa Valley vibe to it
Vistas are breathtaking
This is their guest house

GREEK ISLAND OF MYKONOS. Moving onto to something a bit more exotic and the far away and gorgeous island of Mykonos. This incredible oceanfront home designed by architect, Javier Barba takes full advantage of the magnificent sea that beckons and the blue skies that filter through the large open spaces. A understated but elegant decor that is monochromatic doesn't take away from the natural beauty that is just outside the door...this is a house to entertain in given the large patios that spill out to the sea. Do come on inside! 

Does a setting get any better than this? I don't think so!

I can see having large gatherings at this exotic setting (love how the candles are inset into the neat)

You just sit here and watch the boats  yachts go by.
Figures there would be a huge yacht outside yonder

With a view like that I would stay planted on that chaise all day long!

So there you have it! Another three gorgeous homes.....each so different but each so beautifully done. Do you have a favorite? Would love to know which? Hope whatever you are doing is wonderful and relaxing! Enjoy your Sunday!



  1. Oh boy..this is a tough one. I would want the first one to go away to relax and ride my horses on, the second one for weekends to enetertain friends and family and the third one to park my mega yacht and relax by the sea after I tire from all that riding and entertaining, all three quite beautiful. Well done as always! Enjoy your action packed day.

  2. The first one is my absolute favorite. First cause I love horses and second cause I adore the interior and the location and the beautiful style of the house and the everything :D So glad I found your blog! xxx -your newest follower!

  3. That first home is AMAZING!! Love it. Have fun at the Stella & Dot party... I love their jewelry. xo

  4. All are gorgeous but I am a sucker for anything in Greece, an that one in Mykonos is pretty amazing, love the spin on the Tuscan house as well. Enjoy your day....cheers!

  5. Dear Tina, they are all gorgeous!!! But I think no 1 is my favourite. I love the dining room and the wine cellar. How romantic to sit down and have a glass of wine at night :) Hope you're having a wonderful weekend :)

    x Kristin

  6. give me napa valley!
    unbelievable images/

  7. So, so beautiful. While the first home is my favorite, I love all of it.
    I hope that your Sunday great, Tina

  8. I'll have to go with the Virginia house. I love how it looks so much smaller than it is from the front. I agree with you on the second house, I would have guessed it was in Napa! Love the house in Greece...can you imagine having that view every day? I dont think I would get a thing done!

  9. Amazing Virgina and Beautiful shots of Greece.
    Loved both homes. Stunning photos of Greece.

  10. Oh my! Such amazing spaces. My favorite is absolutely the first one. I'd move in tomorrow :)

  11. My favorite is the first one! It's absolutely gorgeous and it has my dream courtyard!

    Have a beautiful Sunday!


  12. I'm in love with the 2nd home, however, all 3 are fabulous. Just sitting here trying to find the words...but there are none, and none are needed. Thank you for this visual feast! Happy May!

  13. I can't decide which one, they are all delicious!
    And thanks for the Calypso reminder... need stuff anyway, so I'll run over to Tarjay today to check it out.
    Thanks again for stopping by our blog. And I promise that sticky is really holding up- no straightening yet. :) keep your fingers crossed.

  14. It's wondenful!! It's Beautiful Place! Adriana/Brazil/São Paulo

  15. The first one is my absolute favorite. So many details. Love the outdoor space, the living room is gorgeous and that Master bedroom is fabulous!

  16. Love the Virginia horse country pictures! I live in Virginia and just went to the horse races yesterday. Always such a fun experience!

  17. My mom grew up on a horse farm in Goochland, Va. They had over 50 horses, a pool, and even a camp for girls in the summer!

  18. I live in the Midwest and for several years traveled from the New England states to the southern states, and always said if I had to chose another area to live, it would have been in Virginia. The countrysides of green fields and the mountains in the horizon are so serene, also there are some of the most gorgeous old homes around the Virginia and Maryland area... The Salamander farm is simply exquisite, from the gardens and poolhouse to the interiors!!
    Thank you for your home update! I never thought I liked marble tiling until seeing your posts, love your husband's bath floor! It's such a treat to be able to see the steps in building such a luxurious home as yours, so very inspiring. Thanks for sharing!

  19. Much as I love the Virginia horse country (having been fortunate enough to spend a little time there many years ago), I have to go for the Steven Haas. The sense of openness and all of the light make it a no-brainer, it just looks like something fresh and clean and inviting.

    But if someone insisted on giving one of them to me, I wouldn't say no. :)

  20. Thank you for the message ^^ And I know! Tea parties for one are genius! They let you read in peace ;p I found out I've gotten accepted to an interior design course today and I'm totally ecstatic! Hope your having a wonderful evening :)

  21. That house in Litchfield is amazing! I love how they mixed in some antique with the modern and I’ll take that kitchen any day. Talk about atmosphere cooking with all that open space and the windows. If I had a master bedroom like the one in that home I would never leave my bed! All these homes are so beautiful I would gladly take any one of them. Have a wonderful Sunday Tina and enjoy your party.

  22. That first one is definitely my fav...but who wouldn't want to have that Greek number :)

  23. Absolutely stunning!!! Nos. 1 or 3 for me, I can't choose! :)

  24. All three houses are magnificent, yet the Virginia house is my favorite, what a gorgeous property!
    Thank you for the post!

  25. Hi Tina, I'm new to blogland and have found your blog to be one of the best. I've been visiting your blog for a couple of months now and am commenting for the very first time. I especially enjoy the progress updates on your dream home. We too built a French style home several years ago with intricate ceilings, a dome in the stairwell, marble and parquetry floors throughout etc. We've since sold our home and are working on a new one. I was wondering if you could advise where you found the sconces in your previous blog. The store name and contact details would be great as I'm finalising finishes and lighting. Also, I love the first house in this blog, it would be the perfect weekender!

  26. I love Virginia, born & bred here. However Conn.& Greece homes slayed me! BOTH,l cant chose.
    Calypso at Target (never been in one) end of my love affair with Calypso. Was about over anyhow:)
    That goes for Dosa(never thought Id say that) Trina Turk, great stand by. Fav for moment Krista Larson, easy! Guess Trina will be hitting Target next.
    Hope some little boutique shops make it, think key is to stay diff., true & rare yet classic(that is MO for my shop). very hard very loved:) Like those 2 houses I will never live it, darn it!

  27. The Virginia property has been one of my favorites ever since it was published in Architectural Digest. It truly is beautiful!

    Have a great week!

  28. Well, my Sunday wasn't quite relaxing, so I'm enjoying this post on Monday :) Yesterday afternoon we had a birthday party with 16 boys (ages 8 and 9), so today I'd take a chair by the pool in Mykonos in a heartbeat!

  29. I love those exotic settings! I mean they are gorgeous! I love to take pictures and these homes would make me look good! haha!

  30. These are gorgeous - my favorite was the Mykonos house. I especially loved the living room with the neutral furniture, tons of ethnic accents and those amazing of my favorite looks!!!


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!