Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday showhouse......and you're invited!

Hope you all have a wonderful and joyous day. I have my parents and nephew in so we are planning on having a nice brunch, going for a long walk with Teddy (weather permitting) and then enjoying an intimate family dinner. Today's open house is a little celebration of Easter..we are starting off in Lake Michigan for brunch, off to Los Angeles for lunch and finally to the Dominican Republic for an Easter dinner! These homes are not only beautiful homes for Easter entertaining but for year round living. Would love to know what you think!! Hope you have a wonderful day!

First we start off on Lake Michigan, an idyllic peaceful gorgeous setting for our Easter day brunch. Your family and close friends await you in this fabulous shingled home overlooking the lake from every single room. Love the living room for sitting around after brunch and the actual dining room where brunch is to be served with those dreamy views!! Sunlit rooms, elegant understated, traditional furnishings complete this elegant family compound. Come on in........

Moving onto high in the hills right outside Los Angeles... we stop in for Easter day lunch at this beautiful authentic style Mediterranean home. Gorgeous distant city views are had from every window outside this charming home decorated by MAC II. Love the warm and cohesive interiors and how about that wall of glass in the master that opens onto the patio and those lush gardens...pretty fabulous! And that pool setting, it might be hard to leave to head to  our next destination!  The views are sensational too. Step inside.....

Have I got a treat for you for Easter dinner....hop on over to the Dominican Republic and this fabulous island home designed by Jacquelin Robertson and decorated by  MAC II once again. Fabulous, incredible, dreamy and perfect are just a few adjectives that come to mind when looking at the sumptuous interiors amidst the lush surroundings in this tropical end all be all estate. I would be happy just being a plant on one of the many loggias. The grandness of the rooms is spellbinding! Easter dinner never looked so good! Please do come in....

After all those meals..this fabulous pool setting awaits you and the extra 5 pounds you have just added to relax and take it easy to end a perfect Easter holiday! Hope whatever you really did was wonderful, delicious, happy and joyous and mostly spent with those you loved!!
Enjoy your special day!



  1. Happy Easter to you as well. These are fabulous and I could happily spend my Easter in all three places, what a spectacular way to spend Easter Sunday, a different showplace for each meal, love it! My favorite though has to be that jaw dropping house in DR, the grounds and views alone are just out of this world and with the dreary weather outside my door, it looks mighty nice right about now. Enjoy your day.

  2. Happy Easter to you and yours! Have a great day and I hope you get that walk with Teddy!

  3. Thank you for the lovely Easter Tour. Of course being from Michigan I adore the first house...just my style. We have so many gorgeous homes around our great lakes. Friends of ours have one very similar to the on you are featuring on Little Travers Bay, in Harbor Springs, Mi. If you are looking for a place to visit in MI I would highly recommend Harbor Springs.

  4. Happy Easter! Have a wonderful day with your family.

  5. Tina,

    Happy Easter hugs to you, your parents, extended family and Teddy. We may travel near with them or far without them simply stated holidays are the best place when at home with family among us.



  6. Tina a most wonderful Easter tour! I love all of the homes, especially the unique and exotic in the Dominican Republic.

    Happy Easter my Friend!

    Art by Karena

  7. love love love the Michigan house! O to be by a lake right now! Happy Easter to you and your family!

  8. the details! the details....lovely! each one! I could visit again and again -- and probably still see something "new." Especially in the first one.
    Have a nice Sunday, -s

  9. Happy Easter Tina. Hope you've had a great day with your family today. Brunch and a walk sounds like fun. Everyone has headed out of town and I just got everything cleaned up. We had a great day. Have had a very busy weekend with out of town guests. Here's to a new week! Mona

  10. Happy Easter! Love all three house tours. Gorgeous. Glad we ended up poolside too :-)


  11. I have always loved MAC II and they quietly do the most wonderful interiors without a lot of "noise". They have been around for years and they are certainly not a "one trick pony". Fab post.

  12. Happy Easter to you too Tina. While all these homes are gorgeous for today I just want to be in my home with my men for the holiday. Snow from yesterday melted so I started to unwraap shrubs....spring is here! Happy Easter!

  13. We had such a relaxing day! I just unplugged completely!

    I have complete house envy over that first house. Ready to chuck it all and head over!

    Happy Monday!

  14. Gorgeous! I love it all and especially the first one with all of the natural sunlight! Windows and more windows! Everyone absolutely beautiful!


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!