Thursday, January 13, 2011

Three of my favorite designers....part 1

Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint you can on it

-Danny Kaye
So here I sit another  snowbound day, feeling like the endless winter is  here to stay, it is almost impossible to imagine when flowers will bud and the trees will bear their leaves and there will be fields of glorious green grass....oh how I miss summer and spring right now! Not to mention that my diet of linguine with clam sauce, pasta fagiole soup, pot roast and brownies yesterday was  not exactly conducive to keeping up with my resolution of losing a few pounds!  One good thing  this weather has made me do is spend a lot more time than I typically do at home, and has given me an opportunity to get a little more organized with many house things that are going on simultaneously and catch up on some shows that I love (especially food network, love Ina Garten and watching her now) so in this respect its been kind of nice being home and doing the things I often don't get to do. 

I don't know if any of you are like me, because 
my mind runs a mile a minute and I have so many ideas (too many for my own good) about what I want to talk about, what I want to do, where I want to go, who I want to become, what I want for my kids, the list goes on and on and on. So I am going to try to pace myself first and foremost and then try to express myself on one thing everyday to hopefully get some of this "overthinking" out of my very busy mind! So my ONE thing today, is I think it would be so much fun to have my own cooking show. When I move, I hope to be able to have friends over for "cooking nights" which will hopefully sometimes involve them coming over in their pj's and sharing a few bottles of wine, great music and cooking together. I think that sounds like so much fun, don't you? OK so there, got one of my ideas out, now on to homes, my other real passion! 

I am here to salute some of my favorite decorators whose work I love and greatly admire. They have really perfect the art of great design. It seems their work is the one that always jumps off the pages of a home magazine and just really stands above the rest. I will profile three today and three more tomorrow. I love hearing back from you and would love to know if you have a personal favorite. So today we look at the work of Cindy Rinfret, David Easton and Charlotte Moss. Hope you enjoy.........would love to hear from you.




Want to wish you a wonderful day. Below are a few pics of my resident "ham", Teddy!

Am glad SOMEONE around here is enjoying the snow!


  1. Oh my, what gorgeous pictures. I happen to be a big Charlotte Moss fan and have never heard of Cindy Rinfret but she does have a great style, agreed. Terrific job.

  2. David Easton and Charlotte Moss are both masters of the realm in the world of high-end design. Easton's training as an architect always brings a grounded veritas to all of his work - elegant and timeless. And Charlotte Moss has an intelligence and knowledge of history and worldliness in her work. Just read her tete a tete. I wouldn't necessarily put Cindy Renfret in the same category.

  3. I don't think anyone is COMPARING designers, thats not what this is about its about showcasing designers she likes. I am a Greenwich resident and happen to love the work of Rinfret design and I can assure you many of her clients can more than afford the fees of "the masters" as they were referred to. I think this was a lovely post representing a different perspective on design and isn't that what its all about afterall?
    Great blog, btw. good luck with it. I enjoyed going through several of the posts.

  4. I don't think anyone is COMPARING designers, thats not what this is about its about showcasing designers she likes. I am a Greenwich resident and happen to love the work of Rinfret design and I can assure you many of her clients can more than afford the fees of "the masters" as they were referred to. I think this was a lovely post representing a different perspective on design and isn't that what its all about afterall?
    Great blog, btw. good luck with it. I enjoyed going through several of the posts.

  5. All 3 are very talented, each with a different style. I personally like the first one- Rinfret its the warmest and least stuffy. The other two are beautiful but more like museums than homes.

  6. These images are all so beautiful -timeless and lovely! I have to admit that I have a special love for Charlotte Moss!

  7. Thank you for stopping by my blog, beautiful home you are building, congratulations on building your dream home!! All three of the designers are very talented and I love all three! The pictures are just beautiful!

  8. I, too, am a fan of the work of David Anthony Easton. The first photo of the stairs is a lovely house he designed next door to a project of mine in the Volk Estates section of Dallas. And the last six photos before his book cover are of a wonderful apartment on Central Park South, NYC, that I have also visited a number of times. His projects often take five years or longer from start to finish, but no detail goes without consideration.

  9. You are very talented
    you really have good European taste
    I m French and I can tell..

    Galerie ISL Paris Westport


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!