Monday, November 25, 2013

Which would you choose?

Hello there, can you believe  Thanksgiving is this week....just a few more days! I am feeling a little better but not 100%, thanks to all who asked. I pushed myself to go to the party Sat. and it was quite spectacular (took some pics which I will share down on a random musings post) but still not quite right, it's been some week. Hoping this week will be much better!  Maybe a nice big Thanksgiving dinner is just what I need:)

My how 2013 has flown...its been a good year but I am one for even numbers so bring on 2014! I must admit I am starting to get anxious just thinking about all that lies ahead to do for December. I really tried to make November a productive month and it actually was, but I feel like the real test is to get uber organized and on task and come up with a finely detailed holiday prep game  plan to be sure I can keep December as stress free as possible. Any tips....please pass them on!

Here is the exercise today....imagine you have gathered all those you love and hold near to your heart to celebrate Thanksgiving...... so now you get to choose a Thanksgiving table. Imagine the Thanksgiving fairies are going to descend upon your home and dazzle up your dining room in your choice from those below. Wouldn't that be amazing if such a think really existed? And if they include clean up soup to nuts.........I would be first in line to sign up!

So feast your eyes (pun intended) on these delectable settings...which most speaks to you?
I set it up poll style (you can vote for two) but of course if you still want to leave me a comment you know how much I love hearing from you! Gobble gobble......

















This almost makes me wish I was hosting Thanksgiving. Actually.........on second thought I am going to enjoy being a guest and reaping all the benefits of an amazing meal and leftovers the next day! Believe me I will pay my dues... I am hosting a family Christmas party for 50 and Christmas day dinner!! Hope you enjoyed...can't wait to see which comes out on top. Enjoy your day and thanks for stopping in!

Two important things before I go--

1. Be sure to enter the contest for the two fabulous Seda France chinoiserie pillow giveaway! I will be choosing a winner next here to enter!

2. Don't forget as you prep and celebrate Thanksgiving to not miss any photo ops! Details below.....

The new theme is "Hooray for the Holidays". I am accepting pictures for anything having to do with the holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas) up until Dec. 4th. I will run the contest through Dec. 8th and announce a winner on Monday, Dec.9th. I have already gotten some beauties so send yours in!

No rules...however you interpret "Hooray for the Holidays". Could be a favorite meal, your home all decked out, your Thanksgiving table, a pretty table setting from a holiday past, a pet or child showing their spirit, etc.....I know I am in for a treat, your talents and inspirations always blow me away. Same rules, two pictures per entrant, you must put Hooray for the Holidays in the subject line of your email (I get a ton of email and don't  want it lost in the shuffle).

A reminder that these must be your pictures (not necessarily of your home but pictures that belong to you, not taken off internet)


  1. Good morning Tina. A beautiful selection of holiday tables with wonderful tabletop accessories. I love the very first one the most.

    The Arts by Karena

  2. I put in my vote!!

    Good morning lovely one! I cannot believe the swiftness with which our holidays are coming! Enjoy every moment of your planning and please get well NOW!

    Have a splendid day, Tina!


  3. Just love this! I've voted nr. 4.
    Greetings from Holland!
    with love,

  4. First the poll voting you've set up is totally fabulous! Not sure how you did that, but very fun! Also, that Eddie Ross table (no. 15) has got to be my all time favorite table. And I'm predicting navy (or some form of it) will be the color of the year this year, so love all the navy in that table setting! Happy Thanksgiving, Tina! M.

  5. 1, 13 and 16 really appeal to me for different reasons! I love that one is rustic, one super elegant and one looks like its in a cozy mountain house. I am hosting Thanksgiving for 18 at a sit down dinner and got so many good ideas through your blog Tina. Thank you for that and wishing you many blessings.

  6. I voted for my favorite. So beautiful all of them. I enjoy putting together a pretty table but this year we will be guests at my sister in laws so am going to enjoy the break. Happy Thanksgiving Tina and feel better.

  7. Such gorgeous tables this morning...the perfect inspiration for creating a beautiful table myself (nothing like waiting until the last minute).
    I am glad you are feeling better and were able to make to your party. I am off to the grocery store to get ready for our are SO lucky you don't have to cook this year!

    Have a lovely day and stay warm!! xoxo

  8. I'm loving #3. We always have such a formal Thanksgiving that dining al fresco seems like such a treat. We are suppose to have frigid weather and snow storms - dreaming of a warm outdoor affair!! Hope yours is wonderful!

  9. 5 and 8 for me. I'm loving the green on #8 and the small dinner party theme! But 5 is first....

  10. I love them all but 16 looks so cozy, and such a departure from how we usually do things, it would be fun to change it up. All beautiful choices.


  11. How wonderful to be able to celebrate Thanksgiving outdoors at the lovely table in #3. That would never happen in Seattle, but I love the idea. I also love the blue and white touches in #2 - that's a little closer to reality for me.

    Glad you ware feeling better! Take care. XOXO

  12. I am overwhelmed with the blessings of the past year! To dine at a Thanksgiving table with our nation's troops or to be blessed to serve those less fortunate would be my dream table(s)! Hope that does not make me too much of a boor?
    All the tables are lovely. I would never be able to decide.



  13. I made two very different choices, one is more casual than the other. Many of them were so appealing but I think some of the elevations would obstruct one's view and therefore make for difficulty to have a conversation
    Feel better and enjoy Thanksgiving!

  14. I loved 4, 9 and 12! All are so gorgeous and warm. Sadly, after 37 years, I'm passing the torch and no longer hosting Thanksgiving for my husband's large family! Mixed emotions there! But looking forward to a lovely feast just the same. Hope you are feeling 100% very soon. Sending good thoughts and blessings your way.

  15. Hi Tina! 3 and 4 are so pretty.. they are several more I like too and a couple that my computer is not showing so I'll have to pop back over later. I'm so glad you are feeling better. We need to be 100% for the holidays so rest up and take care. Happy Monday to you!

  16. I like #4, but #7 is closer to what things will actually look like at my house! My problem with all of them, though, is that there's no space to put the food! Happy Thanksgiving!


  17. Hi, Tina -
    Christmas family party for 50 and Christmas dinner??!! I would be so overwhelmed! I can't wait to see how you decorate your beautiful home. I voted for #9 as I adore its simplicity and homespun charm. Plus, I collect white ironstone china.
    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  18. Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better. And also glad that you don't have to host Thanksgiving! Even at your tip-top, it is tough to host both Thanksgiving and Christmas. (Although plenty of us have done so.) I am not hosting Thanksgiving this year and only have to bring a couple of side dishes along to the gathering. Yay! Christmas will be another story, however. ;)
    I voted for #3 and #5. They looked so inviting and I could really imagine the tables filled with family and friends enjoying the day. I liked that they were alfresco. With beautiful weather as well. All of the tables were lovely. Thanks for the fun post.

  19. I absolutely love the intimate feeling projected by picture number 8. Reminds me of a small family gathering.. lovely. I hope you're feeling better, Tina.


  20. Love #8 in front of the fire. So cozy and intimate. Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving, Tina. BTW, I use my tote every day and haven't changed it out yet! Love it.

  21. Oh wow! I would be happy to have Thanksgiving dinner at any one of these tables!

  22. I would choose #2, but am thinking that #13 would work in my dining room (been struggling making the black and white work for thanksgiving). I hope you are all better and have a great holiday!

  23. How lovely the tables are Tina, full of abundance and good things. It is such fun to share in choosing a favourite..number 11 for me. We do not have Thanksgiving here in the UK, so I shall think of you across the pond and I hope that it will be very happy for you all. Do hope you are feeling better, Sally

  24. Feel better - not a great time to be under the weather! Some of the photos of the great tables did not download, but I voted on what I saw - there was still a lot to choose from!

  25. Hi Tina hope you are feeling much better. I had never had any allergic reaction until a month ago I took my medications too close (within the hour) that was a mistake I won't repeat. The great table settings...all so beautiful how do you choose. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Look after yourself. Regards Esther from Sydney.

  26. This was fun! Why can't such a fairy service really exist? I would love it. I am preparing to host almost 30 so am a little nervous but looking forward. My theme is pinecones, pheasants and acorns, the table really looks quite beautiful.I think I am going to try to snap a good picture and send it in for your contest. I voted for my favorites, wonderful choices. Feel better Tina and warm Thanksgiving greetings.


  27. As always, your blog is a feast for the eyes. My favorite part of the holidays is creating a beautiful tablescape. It's not a holiday until I've created a beautiful setting for my guests as they enjoy all the food I've been preparing. As for the contest, it's the blue pillows all the way! No contest! Thank you, Deena

  28. ahhh, if only........
    no. 15 is eddie ross' table, i have sat in this beautiful setting, a photo does not do it justice.
    happy t-day miss tina! feel better

  29. the last one! the last one! oh my senses are filled up!

    sending warm sunshine and desert sunsets from arizona, my friend.


  30. I love the intimacy of #8 and the rustic feel of #16, Happy Thanksgiving Tina!

  31. Tina... there all beautiful and filled with warmth....I'm getting hungry just thinking about turkey dinner! Glad your feeling better...have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!