Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A winner and some Pinterest pretties part I...

Hello! Before I begin with all the good stuff I have to say like everyone else no doubt,  I am so saddened over the weather catastrophe in the Phillipines. The devastation is hard to wrap my brain around. I hope you will join me in keeping those affected in our thoughts and prayers, truly unimaginable.

Happy  to announce the very lucky winner of the mega jackpot of skincare products courtesy of Avery Graham. Lucky lady to be getting all these goodies! Congratulations goes to.....


Pink Opulance, opulence eye cream as well as the eye make-up remover that would be a good start to get me on track!
Thanks for the giveaway and insightful information.

 Please email me here to provide your shipping information. Another great giveaway next week so stay tuned and thank you so much once again Elizabeth of Avery Graham!

Moving along.....Yes I definitely have Pinterest fever, however its under control though I have been pretty good about limiting my time there and as with everything good in life...moderation is key:) I have to say I really enjoy going over my boards which have grown by leaps and bounds, and of course when the thought strikes I add a new board, recently it's "Wrap it up" which will be devoted to gorgeous gift wrapping ideas, just in the nick of time for Christmas.

Thought it would be fun to share some of my favorites once a week. So today's is "Fall fabulosity" becasue well we are in the thick of fall and what better time to celebrate the majestic beauty of my most favorite season then today!

So here are some of my favorites from that board, if you want to see more or all of my Pinterest boards, click here.

Fall fabulosity

Now if these pictures don't make a fall lover out of you, don't know what will! The majesty and sheer natural beauty that is at every turn is something to behold. So so beautiful......to me fall always feels like a clean slate, a chance to begin anew with that first inhale of fresh crisp fall air, comes a new life into a new season. Click here to see all my boards on Pinterest.

I will be posting another batch of truly amazing steals and deals hopefully tomorrow (if I can get them all photographed in time otherwise Thursday). Do come back to take a look...so many good things and great buys. Thanks for stopping in as always and happy fall to you!



  1. Your fantastic blog just proves that classic design will never be out of fashion, there is something very timeless and elegant to it. Classic design not only applies for luxury homes but also for all kinds of fashion and interior design, so thanks to your posts keep the classic design spirit is being kept alive, thank you so much!

  2. Hi Tina bummer I didn't win but still interested to try her products, seems like a great line. I love all these fall pictures. I am definitely a summer girl but this post makes me realize how beautiful fall really is.

  3. LUCKY DEBRA! OOOOOOH she is going to love these products, I know it!

    TINA! Do you know TUMBLR? OK, if you are addicted/in love with Pinterest, well then let me tell YOU! I have a Tumblr account and you can get one too. Only then can you go there and actually enter in. My personal Tumblr page may not interest you, but if you go to my sidebar, you will see a link to my page. I believe that if you go to my page, you may get access to JOINING. Please do if you aren't part of it yet. You will swoon.

    Lovely images, and the one of your home is fabulous. ENJOY YOUR DAY! Anita

  4. It is snowing here!!! Not fair...I want more fall before we get winter weather! These photos are all stunning...I love following your Pinterest boards.

    Stay warm and have a lovely day!! xoxo

  5. Beautiful fall photos. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Beautiful fall images, Tina!! My favorite time of year. I understand you may be having snow?
    Congratulations to the winner!

  7. Gorgeous images here, makes me excited for Thanksgiving!!!

  8. That Debra is one lucky lady! I love all these pictures, fall is my favorite season too and we don't quite get the foliage that you do in the northeast so seeing these pictures is just wonderful! Thanks for sharing them Tina.

  9. Thanks for this beautiful eye candy this morning. I am sitting here in an ice cold house knee deep in moving boxes!!!

  10. Tina, the pictures you chose are beautiful. I definitely use to be a summer person, but you may convince me that fall is the best season. There are many aspens where I live and the wind was just strong enough the other day to cause a shower of golden leaves to fall all around me. It felt magical.

  11. Congratulations to Debra! I know she will be thrilled with these products!
    Tina you have again brought the beauty of Autumn to us so vividly! Thank you ....

    The Arts by Karena

  12. This comment would have been posted 15 minutes ago had I not been grazing your pins, especially the gift wrap board! Beautiful images in this one Tina, the post made my morning.

  13. Mel@georgicapond.com.auNovember 12, 2013 at 4:11 PM

    What a beautiful selection. Even though it's spring here and we have had the most crazy weather from freezing to heatwave, it's always lovely to see some pretty autumnal images.

  14. How could you not love fall after seeing those images? They're beautiful. I really love the child and dog in the wheelbarrow!

  15. Wow! You have some nifty boards that I would love to spend some time looking at. I am not on Pinterest yet but this makes me want to start my own page :)

  16. I enjoyed visiting your site it's so beautiful to see the environment and the color is stunning so refreshing i want to leave into a similar place like that you did wonderful keep on posting thank you for sharing..

  17. This post is really valuable that designed for the new visitors. Pleasing work, keep on writing. Diamanda

  18. Love your Pinterest boards, and this autumn selection is just so beautiful. Thank you for sharing, and have a great rest of the week!

  19. The third pic in your post is the front door of Mary Carol Garrity in Atchison, KS. If you are ever in the area you must visit her stores, Nell Hill's in Atchison and Kansas City. She also opens her home several times a year and it is an event I try not to miss. Love your blog!

  20. Some gorgeous fall inspiration Tina…got to get over to your Pinterest board to see all of your loves:)


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!