Monday, July 1, 2013

Which would you choose?

Hi dear readers...hope you had an enjoyable weekend!  Ours was fun, a perfect blend of some much needed down time, dinner and drinks with friends, a fun party last night and a beautiful dinner out. Hard to believe we are gearing up for July 4th! It suddenly feels like summer is flying by awfully fast....I always feel that way when July 4th rolls around. Any special plans?

When I think of summer, I cannot help but think of summer travel. We have taken a few road trips and have a few other trips in the works. Whether by car, air or boat...summer is a wonderful (and popular) time to travel. I know several friends and family who are away now and it got me thinking about some of the travel destinations on my own bucket list.

 Lets just pretend the travel fairy has paid you a visit, she tells you to pack your bags because you are leaving tomorrow on an all expenses paid vacation for 10 glorious days! And to make it extra enticing...I am even throwing in a dream wardrobe that would be perfect for wherever you are headed, adding perfect weather the entire time and plenty of spending money! Sound good? I thought you might agree. So tell me....where oh where would you go? Here we go with the choices, its going to be one tough decision......

CHOICE 1  Beachin it in Hawaii

CHOICE 2 Ranch vacation in Rock Creek

CHOICE 3 Lobster fest in Maine....

CHOICE 4  Beautiful Napa....

CHOICE 5  Paris with panache......

CHOICE 6 The beautiful Greek Islands....

CHOICE 7 Exotic China......

CHOICE 8 Rolling hills of Tuscany...

CHOICE 9  Fabulous Fiji....

CHOICE 10 Alaska style...

CHOICE 11 Decadent Dubai......

CHOICE 12 Marvelous  Martha 's Vineyard...

CHOICE 12 Down under in Australia......

CHOICE 13 Escape to England......

CHOICE 14 Bask in Bermuda......

CHOICE 15  Reveling in Rio....

CHOICE 16 Sunning it up in St. Barths....

OK admittedly this is a very very hard decision. Many of these I have not been to but am longing to visit. I will as I always do leave the first comment but not without careful consideration! I cannot wait to hear what you choose and if by chance any of these (or any other trip for that matter) is on your tell! Until tomorrow.......


  1. Here I go with my own comment, I would want to choose a place I haven't' been so Fiji, if it wasn't so darn far would have been first on my list but that plane ride would do me in, so I am going with Tuscany..I visualize biking through the rolling hills on a perfect summer day, eating and drinking to my hearts content and with absolutely no agenda. Sounds good to me! Your turn....

  2. I have been to several of these places....I had a choice of Fiji but took Tahiti so I think I would choose Fiji too. Looks like a nice place to enjoy nature and relax.

  3. For me it's Tuscany or better yet, Umbria, Italy. Have been there many times but never seem to get my fill. Have a great week. ox, Gina

  4. So, so difficult but being the Caribbean obsessed person that I am, I choose St. Barth's. That's one island I have never been to!

  5. Hmmm living in Oz I'd love to visit Maine or Martha's Vineyard probably towards autumn. I've been to "Bula" Fiji & it was truly like paradise especially on the Mamanuca Islands & visiting Monuriki where "Cast Away" was filmed (one of my favorite films!). So to go some other place sunny & warm I'd have to say Hawaii or Bermuda or like CCD suggested Tahiti!

  6. Tina, so, so difficult. Paris with Panache is at the top of my list!

    2013 Designer Series

  7. Paris would be first choice, Hawaii a close second and Maine (never been but love lobster so this seems like a must visit). All great choices. We are going to Spain for a family wedding in August and might take a "side trip" to Italy.

  8. Being that I have been to a few of these places, I also have to agree that these days, a long flight is not on my wish list. I would love to pack a perfect suitcase and head to Martha's Vineyard. I would love for my family on the east coast to meet me there and do a lobster dinner on the beach at dusk. I would love to wake up to a the smell of pancakes and sausage and the ocean from a bed and breakfast and the bustling streets with bikes and people. Ride my bike over to the beach and walk and read and nap all day looking at the horizon. Im feeling relaxed just thinking about it.... pam

  9. Oh are totally killing me with THIS one!! I would second your vote on Tuscany...or anywhere in the Italian countryside. My second choice would be Napa right now since I have never been, although all of them sound amazing to me. I am going to the Greek Isles in September (would have ben #1 if I wasn't already going) followed by a trip to Paris (which also would have topped any list - my favorite city in the world). As much as I love decorating and fashion, this was my fave "what will choose" that you have done!

    Have a lovely day!! xoxo

  10. In the words of Audrey Hepburn, "Paris is always a good idea!". Second choice: England!

    To Amy: We´re currently spending the Summer in Spain, and I strongly recommend it to everyone! We chose the north of Spain because the south is just too hot. We´ve rented apartments in Asturias and Galicia. In both these regions you will find spectacular green nature, wonderful beaches and towering mountains, friendly people, mouth-watering food and very good prices. Best of all, try to get into the Spanish way of life: Long lingering lunches that begin no earlier than 2:00 pm and dinners at 10:00 pm. Promenades in the parks and shopping at small shops and farmenrs´markets. Be sure to visit the Picos de Europa for the most amazing mountains!

  11. Oh- What a choice. I think I would have to go with Martha's Vineyard or the Maine coast. I love the ocean so that would certainly figure into my decision. Paris is a close tie, though. xo Diana

  12. We did Maine last fall and I LOVED it. But since the travel fairy is gifting me all the money and clothes I need, I have to go with Paris, followed by Tuscany, followed by Martha's Vineyard.

  13. Tuscany! Umbria! Liguria! I can never get enough of Italy!

  14. i've always dreamed of visiting fiji, so that's definitely what i would pick! second choice would be the greek isles :)

  15. This is a good one, in part because it was an easy one! Lobster Fest in Maine, hands down. After that it would have to be England, it's such a lovely time of year there.

    Sending you a smile,

  16. Well I just came back from Bermuda yesterday and would go back again! So 14 and then Paris for sure!!

  17. Yikes this one is near impossible. I'd say Tuscany, Greek Islands, or the Alaskan cruise (always wanted to do that!) We are headed to England for New Years, we go every year at least once. Stay just outside London and take advantage of the great public trans to visit a lot of different people and places.

  18. I would make one big trip out of it. First stop would be Italy, then Paris, England, Greece,and Fiji. If I wasn't too tired after all that, Rock Creek. :)

  19. This is tough Tina .. I will go to any of these vacation destinations! I'd have to say Maine. I've never been to this part of the country and I think this would be the perfect time of year to go. I'm also looking forward to going back to Paris (the south of France) and also Italy;) The tropical spots are always great too but I've had many.. we were in Hawaii in April. I like it but there are so many other spots that I'm anxious to go to.

    Enjoy your day!

  20. Tuscany would have to be my choice! They're all perfect destinations but I would love to sip some wine and dip bread in oil right now! Beautiful fun!

  21. 5, 6, 9 for me. Paris and a beach is up my travel alley!

  22. Ooh. So tough to choose! How about this - we fly to Maine for some lobster and to visit my husband's family and celebrate the birthday of his brother who lives in Maine -this is a trip we're really taking this summer - from there the fantasy kicks in: WE fly to London for a few days, then hop over to Paris. As much as I want to stay there for the rest of the summer, the countryside calls so we hop another flight to Florence, and then drive to the perfect Tuscan villa. After a week or so drinking wine and cooking up a storm, we pop over to Greece to gaze at the perfect blue sea. How's that for a summer itinerary?
    Happy Monday, Tina. And happy July! XOXO

  23. Tina- you make this hard. Like you though I would want to go somewhere I have never been, so it would be a toss up between Fiji and China, somewhere exotic and new to me. But of course after all that traveling I would need to rest so going to the beach in Hawaii would be the second leg of my trip. I wouldn't mind polishing it off with a lobster feast in Maine though (we got married there at the waters edge) so its very near to my heart. Fun post.


  25. Tuscany would be my first choice. I have been there twice, but I would love to go again...or anywhere else in Italy for that matter.

  26. Since I have been to Paris I must say I would go back there in a heartbeat and with an appropriate wardrobe, oh my!! My second choice is Martha's Vineyard, would love to visit there and it is definitely on my bucket list. Fun to dream,
    Happy Monday,

  27. Hello my friend,

    Not much blogging from me this summer, while I am snoring in the hammock dreaming about places to go with my family! I am very lucky to have been to many of the places/countries you are listing. But did you know that I spent a year in Maine as a Swedish AuPair (a zillion years ago!)? I would love to take my family there and hang out with my first American family (a wonderful one too!) - and show them what a real lobster bake is all about!

    Stockholm is on the agenda in August. Can't wait!

    Hope all is well with lovely you and that you also find time to chill in the hammock!

    Love to you.


  28. #9 FIJI would be my choice! If it was a Spring vacation then PARIS would have been my choice!!!!

  29. WE love's so close.
    We were in Napa two weeks ago, Paris last fall, Greece in 2007, China in the 90's, Tuscany over and over again, Dubai in 2007, Australia 2010, London over and over, Rio 2010, the Caribbean in 2009. We go to Fiji for Christmas this would still probably choose Hawaii, as it's absolutely beautiful...


  30. Hi Tina, as usual you do not make this easy. But given my hectic summer Hawaii, Maine or Marthas Vineyard all sound heavenly right now.

    But I cannot deny the allure of Paris or Tuscany. We were in Greece and Turkey last summer and are headed to Colorado for my nieces engagement party this weekend.

  31. Easy peasy; Maine or Martha's.

  32. Tina, all of these sound fabulous. Although I have visited many of them more than once and loved them I think I would like to stay closer to home. I would have to say Maine or Martha's Vineyard. Laid back, relaxing and beautiful.

    I hope that you have a fabulous and hopefully relaxing week ahead.


  33. Dubai please :) I'd love to rediscover some of the places, but the list made me realize I have travelled quite a bit and been to most of the places on offer! Not that I wouldn't like to do it all again and do with a bucket load of cash and a super wardrobe... not exactly how I traveled the other times... even as an adult.

  34. Since I've never been to Paris, I have to say #5!!! Lots of lovely choices though!

  35. Well, there are just too many choices here, Tina! I would love to go to Tuscany, England, and Australia! Guess Tuscany would be the first.

  36. In this order here is where i would want the travel fairy to send me-

    Maine or Marthas Vineyard
    Napa (just went in May and am ready to go back)

    I have been lucky to have visited most of these places, including Fiji and China, but with the distance and my trepidation in flying in recent years, I prefer closer to home locales. All listed though are places everyone must try to visit!

  37. I would love to go to Napa or Martha's Vineyard because I've never been. I wouldn't go to St. Barth's during the summer because Ramona says that "no one goes to the Carribean in the summer time" and I wouldn't want to disappoint Ramoner. Hope you enjoy a wonderful 4th, dear Tina!!!

  38. Lobster fest in Maine. Yum!

  39. I would love to do Fiji but fear the plane ride would do me in as well. Maine would probably be my first choice as it's one of the few states I have never been to, but Tuscany is a close second.

  40. Ohhh....tough....I'd go to St. Barth or else to Maine for some serious antiquing.....

  41. Tina...all of these sound good to me....we wont be able to take a vacation this year do to aging parents and everything that goes along with that....But, a girl can dream!

  42. tina! you're kind of a genius when it comes to engaging your readers, ya know? i am always compelled to respond to these dreamy scenarios of yours as if my life depends on it.

    oooooooooh i think it's tuscany today, baby. my mouth is just watering imagining the fare and the scenery and the spirit of that place though i've never been. i have enough true italian friends to know i am going to appreciate its glory.

    love to you and happy 4th, gorgeous.


  43. I could use a trip to Hawaii right about now. We are going to Greece in August which I am really excited about, its a 20 year wedding anniversary trip with my extended family, all 16 of us! Love ALL these choices.

  44. It would have to be Greece. My sister, an artist has lived on the island of Poros,Greece for almost 30 years now...(things in life happen)and I have never been.
    Hope that you and yours have a wonderful 4th Celebration!


  45. Well, since you asked...I will always pick Hawaii. But, I've always wanted to see Alaska too! Then of course, I'm substituting Scotland for England...course I suppose I could do both! Nice to dream! ;)

  46. I"d be happy to go to my bedroom for a holiday if it meant a few hours peace! But St Barths otherwise looks perfect to me.

  47. Fiji…better yet, Tahiti, the little island of Huanine

  48. Tina- as usual you dont make it easy but this time its a no brainer for me, Tuscany. One place I have not been which is a shock to me. I have been to 12 of these and have to say China was amazing, they are leap years ahead of us as scary as it is but its way too crowded! And we loved Fiji went for my 45th birthday, it is as beautiful as the pictures but very far. We go to Greece once a year as my husband is Greek and has family there, so its a great excuse. And we travel a lot within the U.S. and love Maine and Marthas Vineyard for a great casual family getaway, all the outdoor activities we like to do like boating and going to the beach and eating lobster to our hearts content haha. Hope you are having a marvelous summer, Tina.

  49. I think Napa and Greece... don't ask me why... but they look mighty tempting... :) xv

  50. Wow - this is a hard choice. As I was scrolling down through the beautiful pictures one looked better than the last! A personal goal that I have is to go to England, France and Ireland. Sometimes I wondered if I will ever get to go with the current world affairs - travel to foreign lands is not the same as it was and there are plenty of beautiful locations to visit in the States. You know that ranch looks pretty good...just saying I pretty sure I could do that without to much sacrifice. Any vacation would be wonderful.

  51. I choose Paris--and then hop the TGV after a few days for Provence or Brittany depending on the weather. Fun blog!

  52. London, Paris or Australia. Tropical is interesting for me for only a few hours. I'm a city girl all the way!

  53. I've already been to several places on the list, so I'd visit somewhere new- Greece or Rio!

  54. Rio, Tuscany or Dubai. Somewhere I have not been and craving somewhere exotic. I love the culture of South America and Italy and am fascinated by Dubai and how its all new and shiny. I have heard some amazing things. Like you though Tina wish they weren't so far, I do not like to fly either!

    I love the Northeast coast for a quick getaway. Fun post!

  55. So hard to choose - Rock Creek, Napa, Paris, Tuscany, Fiji, or St. Barth's would all be fine by me.

  56. WOWW SO AMAZING pics:) your blog Is great.

    Check out my new post and have a great weekend dear:)

    LOVE Maria from

  57. Good post. We've posted a similar Bermuda profile here:


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!