Wednesday, September 26, 2012

I have fall fever and its contagious......

Good morning......So do I have any fellow fall lovers out there? I know, I know there are soooo many  fall posts out there..but I simply could not resist sharing some favorite fall images.  I must say I get a little pep in my step when fall rolls around, when my sleeveless shirt dilemmas say goodbye until next season, when I feel inspired to start making big pots of my favorite comfort foods (and there are many trust me on that), when apple picking and fall foliage season come about. Yes, this all excites me like you can't believe!
My own fall decor this season........

I love waking up that cool air, and opening a window and just breathing fall in. I  love adding little touches around my home to signify falls arrival. Nothing over the top, but little subtle touches here and there. So,  today's a tribute to fall and the glorious inspiration it inevitably brings like a beautifully wrapped present every time this time of year. How about you? Do you like to add touches of fall into your home?  Do you enjoy the season like I do? Do tell!

How spectacular is this rustic outdoor setting in a barn....absolutely idyllic!
Are you seriously ever too old for a candy apple? I think not...don't you know if you eat one in the fall, its half the calories:)
Something about an outdoor setting under the rustling leaves with a slight fall breeze.....doesn't get better!
A fun time to go a litlte crazy with fall the colors! Pottery Barn
I feel you are never too old to hit a pumpkin farm!

Hello crusty bread and hearty homemade soup! 
Fall is a visit to Central Park and watching the model sailboats take sail in the cool fall breeze....
Fall is meant for apple picking (and apple pie ala mode of course)!
Its the perfect season to burn fall scented candles...and how about these darling gourd ones? PB
The spectrum of colors is nothing short of a miracle
Where apples in abundance can be found.....Country Living
And creating beautiful fall-ish vignettes! (Pottery Barn)
I cannot help but think of lazy late afternoons...true I NEVER get to catnap in a beautiful hammock in a sun lit lakeside cozy cabin but I can dream about it! (Pinterest)
How about all those precious little trick or treaters that come around every fall? 
Apple pie and fall are practically synonymous!
And doesn't fall make the most inspiring table setting with the rich colors and wonderful textures! CL
Fall is meant for settings like this, a charming quiet cabin on a it!
And wearing gorgeous cashmere sweaters and scarves and fabulous racing gloves..ooh la la!

And creating simple arrangements of beautiful fall leaves and gourds in pretty old urns.....
Give me any excuse to have to stay home and put on a pair of cozy socks...ahh, that's fall for you!
And finally, fall and wonderful comfort foods go together like oreos and milk, don't you think?

Well that's what fall means to me.........So what about you? There's so much to celebrate during this wonderful season! Do you love fall and get excited over it being here too? Whats your absolute favorite thing about this magical season? Do tell! 



  1. Love your fall decor at your front door...and those cozy socks too!

  2. I usually dont go overboard for fall decorating. The changing of some flower pots to mums, the addition of pumpkins and a few table runners. In the kitchen I start cooking some of those comfort foods you mentioned, and add the use of some pumpkin bowls. I love seeing dried wheat (maybe because we are in Indiana). Your entry looks so good with the fall additions! Have a great day. - Tonya

  3. Tina-
    You always find the most beautiful images. If I wasn't in the fall mood, I would be after visiting here.
    Your decorations are gorgeous!
    Happy Wednesday.

  4. Fall is my favorite season. I love everything about it! Got married in the Fall bc I love it so much. The cool air, the leaves, the smell of fires in the air, the yummy food. And the clothes, I like fall/winter clothes so much more than spring summer.

  5. Tina~ you are the first person to make me miss the Northeast since my move to Florida!!! WHHHAAAAAA!!
    What beautiful pics you posted that depict fall and all I loved about it!
    I adore your entry way...
    Ahhh.... to smell fall leaves right now would be heaven!
    Cat @ Gypsea Nurse

  6. ... sono rimasta incantata da queste bellissime immagini!Adoro l'autunno!
    Ciao Luci@

  7. I can always count on you to start my day with some great eye candy!

  8. What beautiful images. I love all the color and the warmth. The one with the kids dressed was priceless.


  9. Fall is my favorite time of year! I love the cool nights and sunny days.

  10. It seems the older I get the more I love Fall. Why is that? I love to bundle up and EAT. :) Beautiful post Tina!

  11. Dearest Tina,
    Me too I have fall fever! Oh I love this time of the year and yet in the evenings we gather around the fireplace! It is so cosy isn't it?!
    Love your pictures here!! Beautiful colors, all of them.
    Tina, I hadn't much time to blog the past days, but I saw all of your previous post and I really have to say that I am in love with your gorgeous house! You have such a great taste!!!
    Talk to you soon my friend!

  12. What a lovely post......thank you!

    Autumn is my season... the smell of homemade soups wafts the air... cozy blankets on the bed... breezes blowing through the windows... love it all!


  13. I'm loving every minute of it. It's funny to see how many people say that Fall is their favorite season. I agree 100%.

  14. Tina - What gorgeous photos! Fall fever IS contagious - I am headed down south to North Carolina today where it's supposed to be in the high 80's tomorrow and then to Mexico next week. As much as I am looking forward to Mexico, what seemed like heaven in August isn't quite as enticing right now (I just packed up all my summer clothes and now I need to drag them out again!) Enjoy the lovely northeast fall as much as possible!

  15. You've summed it up perfectly, Tina! There's a spot, here in northern California, called Apple Hill. You won't find better apple pie and ice cream anywhere! Love your festive entry!

  16. Yep I love fall! I love opening the windows and smelling the fresh pine scent of the trees and feel a cool gentle breeze wafting inside. I like seeing the trees turn colors just before they drop their leaves and watching Dylan run and try to catch a leaf as it's falling to the ground. Most of all I love seeing fall arrive because it means I'll get a rest soon from outside chores....;)

    Enjoy the season!

  17. Good morning Tina! Did you take that photo of central park? It should be in a photography contest!!

  18. Love that cashmere and buttery leather Tina.. and how can anyone resist those cute little trick or treaters?! I'm with you.. feeling energized with the change of season. Your fall decor looks so pretty.. love the containers! Enjoy your day!

  19. Apple picking...wish we had that! I am really for making soups, too!

  20. Hi Tina, wow you really inspired me to like Fall! Growing up in Rio de Janeiro and now in South Florida I actually do not experience the transition between the seasons... but you surely made me crave it!

    xoxo and happy fall!!

  21. I'm the Grinch of Fall/Winter!

    I'm a summer girl through and through. Fall is summer's end to me, so I am not a fan.

    Thanksgiving is fun, however, since I like to cook and visit with family :)

    My daughter just adores the fall. I will never understand that, LOL.

  22. Even if someones not a fan of fall, you could make them a beleiver with this magnificent post! Each and every picture had me oohing and ahhing! Its so beautiful and certainly has me craving some hot soup, cozy socks and to go apple picking!

  23. Good morning - as usual pictures are gorgeous and yes I do love Fall. There is one picture that fascinates meand that is the one with all the pumpkins and the sign Downeys on the farm. Very close to where I live in Ontario Canada is a place that looks so similar that it left me thinking that it must be the same place. Is it - or do you know. I am Enchanted with your home and start my day off with it every morning. Hope your party went well and hope that fall lasts till two weeks before Christmas!!!Betty Baker, Wasaga Beach. Ontario.

  24. You actually have made me a believer with this post! I am a Spring lover by nature. The pinks, greens, blues, etc... just make me happy. Your post however has made me eager to get out and enjoy rich fall hues as well! Also I'm a sucker for anything cozy so the socks, the soup, and oh that hammock are sooo inviting!

  25. I am a summer person but have to say this post has me actually pretty excited for falls arrival! These pictures are so stunning, I found myself going up and down to have a second and third look!
    I especially love the Central park shot, the apples, the sweater and socks and the darling trick or treaters but my most favorite is your front door for fall!

  26. Thank you- I loved every fall image-such beautiful colors! we haven't hit cool east coast fall weather yet (still in high 90's in central Calif.) but we will be harvesting our grapes soon. After that great event we begin our Fall- can't wait. you've put me in the mood so I'm off down the road to the pumpkin farm to load up!
    one of your fans- Terry

  27. Fall is truly fabulous!! For all of the reasons you've mentioned! And can you believe I've actually been CRAVING a caramel apple! I love them! And yes, fall is comfort foods for sure!! Extra treadmill time is in my future! Your front porch looks great! I'm working on ours this afternoon when I leave the shop and can't wait! Have a great week, Tina!

  28. One could not image a more beautiful fall! your images are so vibrant and beautiful. I am resisting though. still wearing summer, still swimming and refusing to close the pool...not quite yet... and getting depressed of the dark days ahead. I love winters (being an avid skier) but in the Alps, Colorado or Whistler...not in Connecticut where I live or New York where i have my business.However, your post almost put me in the mood for the season to come...

  29. Beautiful pictures!What a treat.

  30. I adore Fall; cozy sweaters, how apple cider (AND pie ala mode), cozy socks YES, the COLORS, even football. Making soups and chili. I do decorate for Fall too but right now everything I own is packed for our move. SOON.....

  31. i want those knit socks, tina!! omg they are so me. if you have a source, please share.

    your images would make even the most diehard summah gurl crush on fall...

    i promise to jump on the fall bandwagon when i get back into town. meanwhile back at the ranch, i am working on the tan and tryin to bleach out this awful color a new stylist tried on my hair. i am so not lovin it.

    but even here i am baking apple crisp and helping my mom with her fancy fall decor.



    1. Did you ever receive a reply about the socks to knit. They are so beautiful. Can't find pattern anywhere near so cozy-looking.

  32. And I'm one who also posted something Fall themed, but I don't care because the more the merrier to me. I love Fall, it's my favorite time of the year. Love the images you shared here, especially that patch of pumpkins. Wow!

    Hugs and smiles,


  33. Happy Fall! Love the pictures.

  34. I love Fall and you images make me even more excited about crisp, cool air and the rustle of leaves. Your front looks so warm and wish I was close enough to walk up those steps!! Happy Fall ~

  35. Fall is my favorite season too . Love the coziness of it ll. please share your recipes for omfort foods, pot on stove nd those great socks!

  36. Fall is the MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR!!! I love it for the crisp morning air, the smell of a wood fire, a cup of cocoa by a roaring fire a stack of books!

    I love all of these photos! So beautiful and comforting.

    I cannot wait to hear all of your fabulous comfort food recipes, and treats, do know I love sugar.

    Thank you for coming by to visit.


  37. Hi Debby! These Fall photos are gorgeous. I really don't love candied apples but those look scrumptious and everything here is so cozy!! I'm loving this new season too! Enjoy!

  38. I think the thing about autumn, for me, is the air... it's that waking up and knowing that the air is crisp and chilly. We don't have the leaves changing colour to the same dramatic extent... and one day I would love to see that... Gorgeous choice of images Tina... xv

  39. Good morning precious Tina!

    OH DEAR, these photos are making me excited for every minute of fall splendor! And I bet out your way, it is just gorgeous. Enjoy the end of the week in your cozy manor! Anita

  40. Beautiful. I have fall fever too. Autumn is my favorite time of the year. I'm going to go buy some pumpkins today. Love what you did with the urns and the gourds! Thanks for the bday wishes!! xo

  41. I love remembering our honeymoon in New England in October. It was the first time both my hubby and I experienced a beautiful crisp autumn with bright foliage. I've longed for this ever since, every year. Maybe next year for number thirty! :)

  42. Fall is my favorite season, here in the Tx hill country things start to cool off in october. We don't get color until November and not much really. I put out my wreaths,flags, and pumpkins; decorate my porch and house for the fall on labor day weekend (although it is usually 100 degrees or more). I keep them up until Thanksgiving holiday. On black friday my girls and I pack up the fall and bring on christmas, which stays up until the first weekend after the holiday when I have time to take it down and pack it away. I love decorating my house for the seasons and schedule time to pack and unpack everything so it doesn't hang around in the garage until next time ( like it used to). Thanks for the inspiring photos and great ideas.

  43. Well if anyone can inspire me to do a little fall decor it is you! Love your pretty, so I must run get some of those pretty pumpkins tomorrow! Fall is definitely my favorite.

  44. what a beautiful blog you have! and this post is truly amazing. please please please - is there a link or a pattern for the socks? i have someone asking me to make them for her but i need the pattern! thank you!! kristinalhill at hotmail dot com


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!