Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Guest posting at Hello Lovely Inc.

Hi there. Oh boy I am sooo excited to be over at my super cool friend, Michele's blog. Yes you know the one and only, the fabulous Michele of Hello Lovely Inc. One we all know and love. I think we can all agree Michle, the super fly, extra hip, overly talented, rocker/singer/designer mama who always pens a witty prose like nobody's business is a blogland darling.
 I so enjoy reading what she has to say every morning as much as I enjoy drooling over whatever she might be posting about. It could be her amazing girls weekend at The Ritz in Chicago (to which I invited myself to the next one) or her featuring a fabulous new artist, sharing a decadent chocoholic lovers recipe for a sinfully good chocolate cake or gabbing about  a magnificent meal shes made (talented cook/baker that she is) to featuring a few of her super cool vintage-y pieces of jewelry or showing us her incredible talent as a painter, the list goes on and on and sure you get that by now:)
And as if this weren't enough, this "too cool for words" supermama (who is also a writer) also get this....... is the lead singer in a new garage band! How AMAZING is that? I for one, am in awe as there's nothing it seems like she can't do. Maybe you can sing at my next "big" birthday. That would be my big 3-0....hehehe. Add a 20 to that in a few years, yikes! So,  needless to say I am honored and very happy to be over at Michele's place today. Hope you will swing by for a peek, I know one thing, its going to be good. 
REAL good.
Click here to visit Michele and I. Wishing you a fabulous day.
A few pictures to entice you..........
These gorgeous paintings are Michele's latest works, I rest my case...there is NOTHING she can't do!
She did a post on her wedding recently and I had to share, are they a beautiful couple or what! She said they were referred to in college as the "Norwegian bookends"...I can see why.
And this droolworthy setting...her home. Did I mention she can decorate in a big way? Yep add that to her list of magical powers:)
And if this isn't all enough to blow your socks off, just look at her...... so pretty and knows how to whip up a fabby meal too!

Yep this is my bud, Michele. When she said if she had a freaky Friday experience and could trade places with anyone for a day,  she would want to be a surfer on the north shore of Oahu, I knew we were meant to be friends........yours truly had her share of surfing days looking cute in her bikini on the beach watching her boyfriend riding the pipeline. So come on over and visit, click here! Have a fabulous day!


  1. Love the sofness, the hues of her work.

  2. Love, love Michele! Headed over.
    Happy Wednesday.

  3. I lover her blog & her gorgeous home - I'm off to visit you there!

  4. Going to check out her blog and your guest post!

  5. hahha! Loved this ~will head over to that cool chick's blog...she is really something else isn't she??

  6. I don't know of her but would like to after this fab intro! Off to visit your guest post! xo

  7. girrrrrrrrrrl...blushing like nobody's business.

    thank you for so many lovely words. i am blessed to have met you in blogland, and i am so honored you agreed to be in the bloglight today over at my place.

    thank you thank you for sharing those special pics that have never aired!!! you already know that made me feel like rockstar editor of my own fancy magazine!

    thank you for your generosity of spirit and your energy that inspires all of us.

    come visit and we can frolic in chicago!

    love to you, friend.


  8. I agree! An artist, rock star, chef, and on and on :) Headed over to check out the post!

  9. She sounds amazing beyond words, I will check her blog right now!!


  10. Hopping over to see you at Michele's place. I agree she is one amazing lady! XOXO

  11. I just started visiting her blog. Its wonderful! See ya over there......

  12. This is a wonderful intro- I must go meet her! She is a talented painter, I love her paintings above, going over now.

  13. Hi Tina- love the new pictures at the top of your blog header, its beautiful! I will go read your post, this woman sounds like a special lady! Always enjoy these kinds of posts.

    Got my dogs yesterday they are even better in person..thank you! I will send a picture.

  14. I know how good she is. Very talented person.

  15. A nice interview, Tina. I always follow you at your Enchanted Home and thanks for introducing me to another lovely blog to peruse.

  16. She is SUCH a sweetheart - I totally agree with your raving review of her here. :) Off to check out your post now!

  17. OK, I've had a chance to drop into Michele's place a few times, but had no idea of the depths of her talents. Thanks for bringing me up to speed. Heading over. Hope you had a great weekend! xo ebb

  18. Your post was so great! I really enjoyed your answers to really good questions. I was happy to find another good blog too. I love your blog and you are really a true inspiration on many levels. The house pictures featured were just incredible!

  19. annnnnnnnnnnd

    young lady.

    yes, i will.


  20. These are such pretty, beachy looks. I have to go check out her blog now!

  21. Tina you always say the sweetest things about your "peeps"........and I love me some Michele too! She painted me some of those snazzy pictures of hers and I felt so dang special!


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!