Monday, June 18, 2012

Which would you choose?

Good morning! How was your weekend? Hope all the dads in your life were treated well. We had nice weekend, a tournament for my son, friends over for drinks and then dinner, went on a friends boat, husband got to relax and do as he pleases plus it was the perfect weather this weekend so no complaints here. Here's the deal for this weeks Which would you choose. You have redone a room for your son. (if you don't have one, just use your imagination and you can even make him a  cute, super well behaved, athletic, brilliant,never argues or talks back son while you are at it) and its a room that you want to reflect your home and personal style, one that will flow effortlessly with the decor in all the other rooms throughout your beautiful home.  And of course, you want your little guy to love it too! SO today you need to choose your sons room, a little bit of everything....your choice. Cannot wait to hear which you choose. For me there was a clear cut favorite right off the bat! 


Elizabeth Dinkel


Resotration Hardware

Steven Gambrell


Kristin Panitch

Pottery Barn

Jim Weinberg




Jeffers Design Group


CHOICE 14 (how could I not include this)
Steven Kuhl

House to home


Leta Austin Foster

So...which will it be? Do you favor a tradtional simple room or somthing a little funky or something totally reflective of what your son might be into? I look foward to hearing which is your choice!! Have a great day!



  1. Hi Tina, our weekend was good too. Speaking of boats, we went on our boat for Fathers day, my husband got to fish all day to his hearts content:) These are fun choices and actually at a great time since we are soon to redo my own sons room. I love 6 but I know he would want 5 or 14, both are such fun rooms for boys. Got some good ideas here!

  2. HANDS DOWN IT IS 2 and 14. Just having fabulous boys as students and living in the Land of 10,000 Lakes, our little men would have a great time in these BOATS! If they would ever SLEEP in such a creativity-inducing environment, I don't know, but these rooms are fabulous!!

    HEY TINA! Have a fun week my dear. Anita

  3. Oh my, oh my!!! Firstly, I must hide this post away from my 11 year old son, before he starts to get ideas! Secondly, my head is telling me to choose choice 3 - because it suits my home perfectly, and is rather like my son's room at the moment. However, my heart is saying choice number 14, as it brings out the wide-eyed kid in me - what boy (OR girl!) wouldn't want a room like that - absolutely magnificent!
    Great inspiration as always.
    Paula x

  4. Love the retro chic of #15 but I think my sons would chose the sportiness of #12! Since I'm redoing both their rooms this year, I'll be bookmarking this post! Have a wonderful week, Tina.

  5. I choose 1. My son chooses 4 :)

  6. Oops, I mean I choose 1 my son chooses 5 (super into basketball these days)

  7. Love 16, how cool the map wallpaper is! But I know my son would say 14....strange cool and unique all in one. All of these are great looking though because they are classic and could grow with the boy....great ideas here!

  8. Only choice 1 or choice 17. The other ones are WAY too "theme-y" for me. Not really a room that a kid could grow with. And I think whenever they left the nest or if you had company, the theme-y ones are impossible to make company-friendly. The first and last ones are definitely more on the masculine side, but the design is classic and stylish I think you could use it as a guest room with very few changes.

  9. well my "son" is a corgi and he would love to jump on any of these beds! but i love no. 16, very classic
    great fun once again tina!

  10. I love them all, but when I think of my 6 year old nephew Nate and his love for all things Pirate, I'd have to go with #14.

  11. Oh, this is always so tough. I can never choose just one... I like 2, 3, or 6. All so very cool. Glad to hear that your weekend was lovely. Loved your description of the imaginary son!! xo

  12. Tina,
    I guess since my two sons are grown and no longer living with us my choice is slightly different than if they were still young. I love #16...classic, simple and yet could still suit a guy.

  13. Good morning, Tina, I don't have any children, but if I had a "son" I would choose numbers 9 and 16.
    Have a great day,

  14. I have a five year old son and we're about to move into a new house so I've been thinking about the design of his room. I was scrolling through your pictures and while a lot of them were great (esp. Kristin Panitch), I wasn't seeing anything I absolutely loved. And, then I scrolled to the last picture, no. 17, and it was like 'A-HA'! Beautiful! I have never seen this picture before....I'm off to check out the designer's work. Thank you for sharing!

  15. I think 14 is fabulous. Any boy would love it. It would be very difficult for Mom to change the sheets, but what fun for any boy. I also like 2 and 6, but they do not have the fabulosity of 14.

  16. Great rooms and with Will being 8 months now, we have to think ahead. Love 16, because it could certainly carry a son for many the wallpaper!!

  17. Love almost all of these for a boys room however the one with the boat loft is too cool....over the top but every little boys dream!!!

  18. Tina,
    All the rooms you posted are gorgeous! In every room I discover something very inspirational to me! Thank you for this gorgeous post! My favorite is n°6.

  19. I think any kind would like choice 4, although a ship in the sky is hard to pass up.

  20. Number 6 or 16...

  21. Numbers 6 and 12 for me

  22. Love 3. Works perfect for my two boys.

  23. While I'm not a fan of everything they do, I do like Restoration Hardware's boys bedrooms,so my choice is no 3. I love the industrial edge which is hard wearing and practical for boys. As I have 4 of them, this is one subject that I am qualified to talk about with any authority :) x Sharon

  24. I just finished my son's room and it was inspired by the vintage looks from Restoration Hardware (although the stuff in his room really IS vintage. :)) so I'm going to go with that one. I do really like that skateboard photo blown up large over the beds in that room too though! I'd like to do something like that for him at some point - cool action shots would make any boy happy in his room, I'd think...Happy Monday Tina!

  25. I'm going with #6 and #16. They are both great rooms.

  26. I like 16 for the design most compatible to my taste...but it doesn't look like what most boys I know would choose. So I might have to settle for 10. I abhor bunk beds! Yes, kids always go for them b/c they look adventurous, but unless you have a housekeeper to climb up there and battle with the bedding every day, WHO NEEDS THAT HASSLE!!!

  27. Tina so many great picks! I would have to say 13, only because it reminds me of my son. He was always into skateboarding and now is a professional skateboarder. He has been all over the world competing. He has been very blessed to be able to do something he loves and make a living at it.

  28. Oh, I think 16 - love the maps on the wall to encourage curiosity about the world. Hope your week is off to a beautiful start! XO

  29. Many of the rooms seem themed and I can't' see that lasting past puberty. Themed rooms seem too kitschy and predictable. My choices are 8 and 13.


  30. Tina,

    Happy to hear you and your husband had a relaxing Father's DAy! Sounds like you had a great time.

    I love 3, 4, 6! Even though I do not have any kids I think they are great rooms.

    Have a great week, Elizabeth

  31. These are all wonderful, but 6 and 9 seem so cozy and comfy! I also like that they could easily accomdate 4 boys, doing double duty. When my little guy is older I hope to give him bunk beds, think they are great especially for boys. Lots of wonderful ideas here as usual!

  32. Great rooms!I think 16 is great looking but doesn't look boyish enough it could almost be a girls room so that would never work for my real "boyish boys"! 4 and 5 really appeal to me but have to say 12 and 13 really reflect a certain boys personality which I think is even more important, you dont' want it looking like a perfect boys furniture display but a cool space that reflects his interests, its a toss between those 4. Glad your weekend was wonderful.

  33. 16, it is. Attractive and Practical. No very 'little boy' but very 'mom likes it'!
    Theme-y seems to rule the day, but this is more generic. I like it!
    xoxo, Chris

  34. Oops, Sherri meant to say #4, not # 14.

  35. #16 is definitely my favorite (love the maps wallpaper!), although for a younger kid I'd go with #9 - so light and airy, and the reading loft up top is adorable!
    ~Liz B.

  36. I love #3 and #10 - depends on your child's interest.

  37. I have to go with choice #2 even though it is pretty simple. I fell IN LOVE with that bed, but my son was 7 when I first saw it, and he was already a little past the point of liking it. I SO wish I saw it when he was two!!

  38. Oh my goodness! No one can choose just one! My eye first went to #4, but upon further reflection realized the logistical nightmare of making those upper bunks! I love the built ins though. So, I managed to narrow it down to #s 9, 11, &15, although the cowboy motif may be a bit much. As the granddaughter of a horse trader, I love it though, and would have loved it for MY childhood room! My son, who started skateboarding at 8 and still skates at 32, would have loved 13. Heck, I'm sure he still would!

  39. My son is now thirty-four BUT, when younger, I think he would have enjoyed my selection of number 5! So many selections were very tempting, though.

  40. I love #3 it's so cute. After I stopped thinking like a grown design loving woman and started thinking like a rambunctious boy this one was it.


  41. I went up and down so many times..I am dizzy! I personally love 2 and 6 the most, but know my son would flip for choice 5, as he is a basketball nut and to me that could be great for a 5 year old or a 15 year old. I love so many of these rooms. I am going to forward this post to my sister in law who just moved to a new house and needs ideas for her two boys rooms. Great post!

  42. Well... Steven Gambrel always gets my vote! Classic and timeless, just the way I like it!

  43. I'm going to go with Steven Gambrel's room! But, really amuses me is guess what I did this weekend after son #1 went to sleep away camp? I moved furniture, rearranged things, hung new art and made my husband drag a dresser down from the 3rd floor to switch out the one in son #2's room!!!! I have been tweaking on his room for years and could never get it where I wanted it. Frustrating. it. And, basically used what I had. So....this is exactly what I did this weekend. Plus a little bit of Father's Day celebrations!

    xoxo Elizabeth

  44. Hmmm number 4 or 9!
    Those are all great options for my imaginary kid lol

    Kisses from South Florida,

  45. Gotta go with 16. I had four boys and KNOW how much it takes to get them to make their bed. I do NOT want to be involved in making bunk beds...those can be fierce. Like the style and the look of 16...easy room to offer to guests as well!

  46. Son #2 (age 16) says room 9. He wants the bed up the ladder. Son #1 says they are all too decorated.

  47. This is one of my favorites series you do!! I have to say I like #6 and #17. I'm not a huge fan of a themed room. M.

  48. i love 16. it is spare, evokes thoughts of vacation and beach, and has all that light flooding in.

    mmmmmmmm. these are all winners though.

    smiles to you, lovely. we had a nice day at our club's pool, but i got burned in areas that had not seen the sun in some time...


  49. Choice 16- Any room with three sets of french doors would be perfect for me, I mean my son. (Although I'm sure not one of my boys would have chosen that room). Besides the doors, it's just clean and classic and that matches my house, well, the classic part anyway.

  50. 17, without a question..clean, neat, has style, and will still look wonderful in 10 years.

  51. I know without asking my 10 year old would die to have a room like 5 (what boy would't) but 6 does it for me, what a great, warm and inviting room. Heck, I would like to call that MY room!

  52. I love all of the built-in beds but I think I have to go with choice number 17 - so classic :)

  53. If it were up to me I'd choose #1 but if my son got to choose I'm sure he'd pick something more fun and adventurous like 2, 6, 7 or 14.

  54. my choice is #5 ...what fun lots to do on a rainy day in the room (wish I had thought of this with my three boys). # 16 and #17 great Twin bedroom to grow with or keep as is forever. You find the best pictures..thank you for sharing. -Monica

  55. since my son is sixteen, I would pick the more grown up one- choice 8
    Still sports and cool Abbey Road sign with music print!! My son's "castle room" when he was growing up, was too cool for school. In fact people used to say that sending him "to his room", was not much of a punishment. Neither would it be if he had any of these rooms. If I started over-- that boat in the sky is awesome!

  56. This is hard as I only have a daughter! I have to say #9. It looks so spacious and clean. So fun!

  57. I am torn between number 2 and number 6 and I guess my choice would depend on the child. Older child.....number 6, younger child, number 2.

  58. Hello Tina,
    For some reason I like number 11... I am not sure why... but I love it!

  59. I love 9; 6; 3, in that order.

  60. I like choice 2 and choice 17... I think a little boy would love having boat shaped bed, yet the design is classic enough to flow with the home and please mom. Number 17 is masculine and classic which I love and would definitely flow with the rest of the home. And the shelf decor can change with the boy's interests.

    Can't wait to see what you choose.

    Sharon @ mrs. hines class

  61. I have always liked choice 6 although I might paint the wood a different color. I think it is such an efficient and attractive use of space. I also like 16 a lot too.

  62. none of these rooms show what a boys room really looks like once he has moved in! Where are the toys, school books, piles of clothes, models in progress, smelly trainers? These rooms look lovely and us mothers would love them to stay like this but really which is really going to accommodate a growing boy and his friends? I think 13 would be a favourite with a teenager and 7 a great room for most boys. Some of the others are truly lovely rooms but for tidy guests who only stay a couple of nights. nice to dream though!

  63. I love 3 and 11. I actually attempted to make my son's room look like #3 but he had too many opinions...

  64. Also those collections are very wonderful also we can have wardrobes for the dressing room which will suit to these bedrooms which will be even more attractive. And our kinds will definitely love it. I could not make any choice out of it because all were too good.


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!