Monday, April 23, 2012

Which would you choose?

Hi there, feel like a new person this morning, woke up migraine free! This weekends headache was worse than usual and very stubborn but finally, last night it decided to go away and I hope for a long long time. For this weeks Which would you choose, its all about style preference. 16 gloriously beautiful homes....not a bad one in the bunch.
 Imagine you had to relocate tomorrow, and to make it enticing I will say to anywhere your little heart desires. Then you get to choose your home. Something for everyone. Is a move on your horizon? Are you going up or scaling down? I have a friend who is scaling down (by choice) now that the last of her three kids has headed to college and she is so excited. They lived in a large beautiful Georgian and just closed on a darling Hamptons shingle style home half the size of their former home. Change is imagine you have to make a change yourself! Cannot wait to see which you choose.......and here we go!

                                                           CHOICE 1



My own picture







Standout cabin



Daily Home Tips

Joan O'Mear

Veranda Magazine

I have my eye on a the charm of some, the grandeur of others and the classic laid back vibe of yet a few more. If I were to move (though I always say I will be buried here) it would be to a smaller home, with lots of charm of course. So...its your turn, which would you choose? Do tell and have yourself a fabulous Monday!



  1. Good morning Tina! Well since we just moved I know we won't be moving for a long time but its fun to dream through these posts! My favorite is #1, just a stunning and very elegant home. Fun!

  2. Choice 4 for me, but 10 is a close second.

  3. Oh- #4 reminds me of our old house in the historic district that I thought I would NEVER leave (I was wrong-we have had 4 moves since then). So...I LOVE that one. I also love #8 and #11. Of course, the kicker to me would be having it on the Big Water. Lovely post-glad your headache is gone, Tina. I can't imagine how miserable that must be. xo Diana

  4. #11 for me please!! I am sorry to hear you suffered w/ a migraine. I get them too, they are awful. Once they get settled they can be impossible to get rid of. Here's to a headache free week! xo

  5. Good morning, Tina!

    I'm happy to hear you woke up w/out migraines. They're horrible. I was thinking about asking about it another day, to see if you're better about this.

    Oh, #4 is a dream!!! It's right from a movie set!

    Love this, Tina.

    Have a blessed week and thank you so much for your comment. I really appreciate your concern about my daughter. I hope your son is better too!


    Luciane at

  6. By far, number 11!

    HI TINA!

    It is my birthday today and I am home enjoying PEACE AND QUIET...all I really wanted for my 54th. ENJOY! Anita

  7. For me it's a tie between number 7 and 11,

    Have a wonderful day!

  8. Jane in Stratford, OntarioApril 23, 2012 at 8:07 AM

    Tina, oh to dream!!... glad to hear you are better! #8 for me followed by #2 then #1 - it is not only the house and the finish look but the windows - think the windows make the house and light in the house is so important!! Have a great week!

  9. Jane in Stratford, OntarioApril 23, 2012 at 8:10 AM

    Tina, that should have been #7 (not #8), followed by #16, then #1

  10. Either 7 1 or 11. All three would have my doing backflips to move into!
    So glad no more migraine. Have you ever tried yoga? I do it 4-5 mornings a week and I swear they have drastically diminished!

  11. Glad you are feeling better!

    As for myself I would choose 16 because it is the smallest! I have just sold my Mcmansion and I am buying a much smaller, low maintenance home...and hopefully a very small place at the beach!!!..All this and complete financial freedom, too.


  12. If I could have any house and as long as I am dreaming, it would be YOURS! Thats my dream house!

    But of these I think its either 1 or 7, love a well done French home. Glad you are migraine free, they are so painful. Feel better.

  13. I love them all but would have to say #10 is my fav! Glad your feeling better, migraines are the worst!

  14. They are all just gorgeous but I picture myself living in #10! Glad you are feeling better!

  15. Tina I adore #11 the facade of the home, the landscaping, gorgeous!!

    I am featuring Designer and Paper Artist Anita Rivera on my site!

    Art by Karena

  16. Fantastic! Cannot choose.
    Greetings from Holland,
    with love,

  17. 11 or 13 please. Lovely post. Glad you are better....sending a smile.

  18. Boy I lost track around # 10. I think I like 10, 11, 12. All so beautiful.

  19. Number 1 is my favorite. Love the elegant, classic style. However, hubby and I downsized 5 years ago, and would not go back to size again for anything. So glad you are feeling better.

  20. I like the elevations of 4 and 16 the best but I LOVE LOVE LOVE a big front porch and our last 3 houses had to have a porch. So, that would be a requirement for me. I am all about warm and cozy and architectural interest and history and porches have all that for me. Plus I think it feels welcoming.

    Glad your migraine is gone. I get them too and they are awful.


  21. Qué preciosas casas pero la que más me gusta es la 5. Besos

  22. ooooo hmmmmmm Number 4 I love colonial white houses !!!!!

  23. For me, choice 1 or 13. All are gorgeous though.

  24. For me it's #4 or 10. The both give me a sense that inside there is a cozy feel! I like that!!!

  25. No doubtt Number #1!!! Love the front door, windows...I think everything.
    Migraines? NO THANKS! Every month before those woman difficult days (you know what I mean?)I used to ever have. But since two years ago I done an acupuncture treatment, the migraines go away ...
    Have a great week!
    Regards, Ana Maria

  26. Number 4!!!! Hope to have a house like that in the next several dream house.

    Glad you are feeling better.

  27. 7 & 11....a tie.

  28. NUMBER 11............THATS FOR ME!

  29. being a small, cozy house girl definitely #11. also adore the landscape, my crew would be very busy!
    feel well dear tina!

  30. It would be 3 or 16. I guess 3!
    Glad to learn your migraine is gone!
    Happy Monday.

  31. I want a small charming house with lots of windows, so I
    would choose #2 first and #16 second.

  32. #2 for me!! I love this style, it is simple and not too over the top for my taste. Of course it has a view of the water!!! happy Monday, Kathysue

  33. Wow: even #16 is too big for me! Maybe 2 or 9.... but I'm wanting something with a smaller footprint!!

  34. What a fun post today

    11 for me .. and if it were my 2nd home and locatied in Europe even better!
    One can dream :)

  35. Ok I was worried for a second but this one is an easy puzzle (: Thanks Tina, These little excercised help me grow more certain of what I like every time... love when you do this!
    Number 7 WINS;
    Number 11 second;
    and possibly number 1 comes as a third choice for me(:

    hugs Z

  36. For once it was easy, Number Four, your photo! That looks beyond perfect, and "very us," for lack of a better term. So glad the headache is gone, as a fellow sufferer, they can take the joy out of a day in a hurry.

    Sending you a smile,

  37. Hands down #11 for me! I have seen some beautiful house designs along this French cottage genre under 1200 feet lately which is our downscaling retirement dream home size. Mind you, if I had perpetual staff for both home and garden, I could be persuaded to live in stately # 7...though I am surprised that choice 3 has not had more votes...

  38. it's a tough choice, but i think #11!

    i am excited about downsizing when our baby graduates next year. it's a fabulous property but my husband and i are already dreaming about the next and doing something different since it will just be the two of us.

    have you determined what the triggers are for the migraine? the culprit for mine was (you already guessed) hormones. call anytime if you wanna brainstorm.

    love to you and happy new week to you, gorgeous.


  39. What fun! I choose #9....I think I'm the only one. I think the view and light would be great for painting. Thanks for sharing this is great!!

  40. I'd go with 16. Our house is an old Colonial Revival under 4000 square feet. I love the charm of our house and the neighborhood. If anything, it might even be too big for us. We actually only use about half of it which kind of bothers me sometimes! So, house #16 is closest to what I have which is what I love!

  41. I love #11!!! Do you know where you found it?

    Tina Ramer

  42. I love numbers 3 and 7. Would be a very difficult choice. but I don't have to worry about that. We are downsizing ( because of our ages 70 and 72) and have our home for sale, and will be moving into a new 16 x 80 mobile home. Only time will tell, how different that is going to be. Hope I have room for all of my treasures, and some of my furniture that I refuse to part with..I was able to design the floor plan of the mobile home, so hopefully when I see the "real" thing, it is what I expect..and things will "fit"

  43. Oh so sorry to hear about your headaches. I get them too and mostly on weekends! I love #1,3,7, and 12 but if I really had to choose, it would be 12 only because it looks so quiet, peaceful and I love to wander through the woods and be by water.

  44. Are you kidding?! I can't choose between 1, 11, or 16!!!
    PS. YIKES about your migraine, I had one last week that lasted two days..horrid!

  45. Oh man was this a hard decision to make. I just couldn't choose between 4 and 16. 16 had the elegant windows and I can just imagine the sun coming thru in the early a.m.

  46. #1, without a doubt. Gorgeous!

  47. 3 for the European Old World grandness, and 4 for it's classic American appeal!

  48. Too hard but I'll narrow it down to 4, 9 and 13!

  49. Hi Tina! If you remember how we've "met", you'll know why #4 is the winner hands-down for me! (I purposefully drive by every time I visit home!) Glad you are feeling better!

  50. These are all amazing and I would be lucky to have any of them, but house #4 makes me smile just a little bit wider. I would be so happy to live in a house like that!

  51. Very sorry about the migraine....I personally know that they are awful. With age, mine have become fewer and fewer. So very thankful. Think mine were 'a hormonal thang'.

    This is a fun game to play and think I would select choice 1 and 4.

    Sweet blessings to you,

  52. Hello! Where did the photos from Choice 7 and 16 come from? I believe those are homes in my neighborhood in Raleigh NC - right? :) All are gorgeous.

  53. #12! How fun! I'd move into that home on that lot in a second! And entertain continuously!

  54. Put me down for Choice #9 which is the spitting image of our home in Easthampton when I was a child! But it was a hard choice to make as all are so lovely. Glad you're feeling better!

  55. Choice four, no question. Love, love, love! It reminds me of the home we hope to "relocate" to someday when my friend's mother decides to downsize--in the adjacent neighborhood to where we currently live!

    Tina, I hope your headaches stay away. So sorry to hear you were down for the count this weekend. Here's to feeling better this week! XO

  56. Love #10 but have always loved #16

  57. I love choice 11. It is so charming and the scale is so relatable. We downsized in 2008 after our youngest left for college. We moved into a charming craftsmen and had so much fun restoring the house and yard just for our interests and needs. We looked for years for something with character near shopping, restaurants, and transportation with a pool and outdoor entertaining space. We discovered that we already owned it, and it was our first home that we bought in 1979. We loved it then, but we outgrew it and couldn't sell it at the time so we used it as a rental for many years. The area has since become very fashionable and we had so much fun making it into our dream retirement home without regard for resale or someone else's needs or taste.

  58. Considering the fact that YOUR HOUSE was not an option, I would choose #3 and in a close second, I would choose #11. This is so much fun! We ALL love your blog and yet we are so diverse in our choices.

  59. I love #5. It is obviously in the south and that is where I plan on staying. No winter for me ever again. The entry courtyard with its combo of stone and plantings is classic. I also love the architecture with its stone balconies. If I had a choice of a summer and winter home, I would also pick #4 because it looks like the classic New England homes in Litchfield, CT, where my sister lives.
    I am happy you are headache free.

  60. #11, and maybe because it is somewhat smaller in appearance than the rest, but that can be deceiving, too. There is a level of charm there that the others don't have. I love the water running on the rocks for choice #12, but having lived near the ocean, I know that the sound of the water can be annoying at times, too. Serenity rules!

  61. # 1, so beautiful!

  62. Hi! Thanks for stopping by today. So glad to now know about your blog too! I love this little post. I'd choose house 16 - love it.

  63. I like both 11 and 16 because they are appear to be the smallest. The sheer size of the other houses turned me away from them, though they are beautiful.

  64. choice 7 - its stunning!! with 4 and 16 not too far behind!!

  65. #16 please. I like smaller better and it was fresh and unimposing with its quiet elegance.

  66. 1, 3 or 7 please. As long as I get to dream, I will dream big. The smaller ones seem to ordinary and thats kinda boring, I want to go all the way, haha!
    So happy for you that you are feeling better. I know first hand how horrible those pesty migraines are. I ended up meeting with an endocrinologist who helped me to detech certain trigger foods that were having an impace on how often I got them. Since I now watch what I eat/drink they have greatly diminished. Best doctors visit I ever made!

    Love your blog!

  67. So glad you're feeling better.
    I would gladly move right into #11 if a gardener was included!

  68. Number 7 for me! I kept trying to leave you a comment yesterday but I guess blogger didn't want me to becaausee it kept eating my comment. I'm glad you're feeling better!


  69. Tina,
    #11, it looks a little smaller and more manageable to me and I'm of an age I'm downsizing as well.


  70. Today I choose the storybook cottage #11. It's not too big, it's not too small, but just in Goldilocks & the Three Bear's :)

  71. I pick 11. I'm not a fan of large houses. That one looks just right! Actually that's even larger than what I really love but I guess I'd have to suffer.

  72. Hi Tina, My very first comment ever on a blog! First I love reading your posts your's is the first one I check each day. My choice would be 11 only because you didn't put YOUR house on the list!


  73. I like 5 and 14 because I want to live in tropical place!!!! But I also love 1 and 7 because they remind me of castles and I'll never be too old to dream I'm a princess in a fairy tale!

  74. Number 1, i live in a house very similar to #5 and #14 in southern cali, but i was born and raised in new england and can't wait to go back.

  75. I love #16 out of the bunch! I love the timeless simplicity! Happy to hear your headache is gone... nothing is WORSE than a migraine - they're debilitating!!!


  76. #12.... with a fire burning year-round, oil paintings,oriental rugs, piles of books and probably bug spray! Love your blog! Rho

  77. I never can pick just one.... so.... #1, #7 and #11. It is so fun to dream!

  78. Going back and forth on 4 and 11, so think I'll take both and use one as a getaway...

  79. #11. It's that English cottage, historical look to it. The established garden. I could seriously relax and unwind....there better be a huge soaking tub in that home! :D

  80. If I can't have your house Tina I will take either 1 or 7, though any of these beautiful homes would have me happy as a clam!

  81. Someone actually said the sound of water can be "annoying"! Wow, this is the last thing I can imagine...any house by the water for me.

  82. So hard to choose but I am loving how charming #11 is with the beautiful gardens!

  83. I thought it was #1 until I saw #4. White house with window boxes.....maybe too similar to what I have, but oh, how I love it!!

    As we near the finish line with our project, I keep thinking how I'm taking care of this house for the next family. I can see downsizing and moving South once my boys are through high school. But, who knows what I'll think 10 years from now.

    I guess I just have to "love the house I"m with!"
    xoxo Elizabeth

  84. Ooh, this is so
    much fun! I am
    attracted to #11,
    as I, too, am dreaming
    of a downsize when
    our youngest heads
    off to college in five
    short years. We want
    cozy but QUALITY, and
    my dream would be to
    live on some body of
    water....ocean, lake,
    even a river view would
    be lovely!

    Hope your week is off
    to an outstanding start,
    sweet Tina!

    xo Suzanne

  85. Number eleven please. Charm central!
    Love that website.. great find Tina! I could look at those little storybook cottages all day long!
    And move into one in a heartbeat!

  86. Tina, I can see myself living in #4..charming!
    xo, Sherry

  87. THey are all fab but I'd probably go with 9 or 10. Sorry I've been off the charts for a while, but just got Dad back home finally and trying to catch up on my life. Mx

  88. Aaaahhhhh....who could choose?!?! 3,4,8,9 or 10! There ....that's as far as I can widdle it down to.

  89. Hi Tina! They're all lovely but too big for me. I'd love something MUCH smaller!!

  90. Hello Tina,

    I am so happy to hear that you are feeling better, my sister suffers from migraines also. I hope as you say hat is the last for a long while. How is Teddy?

    I love house number 11, although the others are fabulous 11 just spoke to me.

    Take care of yourself and have a fabulous week, Elizabeth

  91. #16 looks homey to me. Great selection.

  92. Hello Tina,

    They are all great, but my favorite is no. 7

    I love your blog and am sorry you suffer from migraines.

  93. LOVE # 4, 12, and 16! Any news about Teddy?

  94. 16. Love it. Feels like a great family home full of warmth and charm.

  95. #1 for European charm and #14 for my Spanish villa! :)

  96. they are all beautiful, but #4! so classic!


  97. Choice eleven is for me. The garden like entrance had me at hello. But wait, I already have my dream house. Shiree'

  98. #7 for me, please!!!!

  99. I love No 7. It has a French feel that is so appealing. I love the colour of the facade, the pencil cypresses down the side, the gravel driveway. All just beautiful. x Sharon (PS How do you find the time to read 1000 comments??)

  100. Number 11 without a doubt. It's so pretty and the others are just humongous but maybe that's American super sizing!

  101. For me #1 and a close second would be #7. All are lovely but those two are my most favorite style. Choice 11 is very charming too but doesn't look like a family house and with 4 kids, 3 dogs and a cat we need all the room we can get, haha!

  102. choice 10 but on a smaller scale.

  103. Bonjour Tina,
    #1 & #11 are my favs - all French style of course! Just came from The Enchanted Home boutique, and all your new items are marvelous.

    Happy to hear you woke up migraine free. They are no fun at all - I place a very, very hot water bottle on the back of my head and lie down.It helps just a bit... though the scalding I usually get from the hot bottle takes my mind off the migraine pain!! Stress is a big trigger too, so try and stay calm. Easier said then done I know.

    Thank you for your visit - I fellin love with that Wisteria too! Did you receive my email last week? Let me know if you have any questions at all!

    Talk soon,

  104. Sorry, but none of the above. There is no reason for the two of us (hubby and I) to have that much space, we're quite happy in our 1200 sq ft.

    I can't even imagine the amount of resources it takes to maintain a home like your examples.

  105. Wow! They are all gorgeous! But if I had my choice I would narrow it to 1 and 7 , and then 1 would be mine!!!


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!