Monday, April 9, 2012

An update on Teddy and a recap on Easter......

Hi there, hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful Easter and Passover weekend with their loved ones. I had my parents in town which was wonderful and though Teddy's presence was certainly missed we counted the blessing that he's alive and relatively well, recovering and under excellent care. The GREAT news is that he is likely coming home TOMORROW! We are very excited. He has made great progress over the last two days, and though he's a bit banged up, he has his energy and spirit back again.... a beautiful thing to see. He will still need to be seen/observed by the doctor every 3-4 days over the next 2 weeks to be watchful for infection but fingers crossed  he is officially in the healing/recovering stage and I know being back home is going to be a giant step for him in that direction. We cannot wait to lavish him with a wonderful meal and some new toys, plenty of attention and love. His sweet sunny disposition has won over the hearts of all those working with him and they have taken amazingly good care of him, but its time for him to be where he belongs.......home.
 I have said it already but I am compelled to say it again......I was telling my parents how completely overwhelmed by emotion I was at the outpouring of support and kindness from all my readers. I cannot tell you enough how reading through them was so uplifting and gave me  much needed positive energy, so thank you from the bottom of my heart. Though it wasn't exactly the weekend I had hoped for I did do my best to make things feel Easter like and springy and after getting such a good report, I think it put a little pep in our step for every member in my household so things started feeling a little more back to normal. Just a few flowery touches around the house.........

Also need to add how wonderful it felt to finally after 6 days,  sit down and write a normal post. I soooo missed being a part of blogland and look forward to catching up on all that's been happening with everyone over the next few days............

Love tulips in all their many colors........
Added some blue and white boxes

Love green apples in blue and white

Late day sun is my favorite.......

Teddy's "corner" waiting for him to back.............

White tulips........

I could live on this........give me antipasta and a fresh baguette.....I am good to go!

More white tulips

Added another vase with tulips to balance it out.......

And Easter morning.......

LOVE that fresh fruit is starting to get in season the abundance of wonderful fresh fruit

Setting up for Easter breakfast, we were blessed with the most beautiful day!

White tulips add so much to a table.......

So that's a little recap on my weekend, it was low key, uplifting to get great news, wonderful to be with my family and above all a time to reflect on the blessings we have been given. One of which is my thanks for your many prayers and well wishes which I am confident helped Teddy to turn a corner and begin a full recovery. Thank you so very much! Wishing you a wonderful day.
There's "the man"!



  1. Tina as soon as I got up I clicked into my email on an old post of yours and was able to get this post before it was emailed to me. OH OUR PRAYERS HAVE BEEN HEARD!!! So happy for you, your family but most especially Teddy. Will continue to keep prayers and good thoughts going. Glad your Easter was as festive as could be. Mine is next week, we are Russian Orthodox. As I have said before, love, love, love the breakfast area especially with the tulips and the sun streaming in. Can't wait to see Teddy back in his spot.

  2. Dear Tina,

    I was awol for a few days between driving back and forth to RI to Jordan's college and the Easter holiday. My stomach sank when I read something happened to Teddy. I had to go back to read the story. Oh, how very awful for all of you. He is like a child... I have dogs, I get it. Growing up we had a yorkie who was attacked my a big dog in the neighborhood. They didn't think he'd make it, he had a broken rib and a punctured lung but he pulled through. Dogs are resilient. Teddy has it way too good to be leaving you anytime soon.

    So glad he is recovering nicely!!

    Much love,
    Deb xo

  3. GM Tina- SO happy to hear of this fantastic news about Teddy. Size I bet was very much on his side, I can imagine how happy you must all be to know he is coming home tomorrow. I hope you will follow up about whats being done about those dogs that attacked him, though. Something MUST be done. They are a treat to anyone around them.
    Happy you were able to enjoy Easter, your home looks just exquisite. Your table, all the blue and white, the flowers, your linens, it is all a picture of elegance.
    I used my Enchanted Home linens also for Easter brunch and they looked just beautiful.
    Big hugs to Teddy!

  4. I meant THREAT not treat, cannot believe that typo, anything but a treat!

  5. I love that your life is getting back to normal. I hope that your "baby" can come home today. Poor Teddy. I hope he does not shy away from being back in his old outside haunt after his traumatic experience.

    Your home is gorgeous. You set a beautiful Easter breakfast table. I am sure your parents enjoyed every moment of their time with you. Blessings to you this week-I hope it is a good one for you- xo Diana

  6. Tina I've been thinking endlessly about Teddy and so glad to hear he's recovering some and coming home. I was looking at your yard pictures thinking the only thing missing was Teddy.

    Glad to hear you had a nice Easter and I could use a place at your breakfast table right now I'm hungry! Keep us posted about Teddy please!

    PS. I used my olive tray from you yesterday and LOVE IT!

    Happy Monday!

  7. Can't wait for the next picture to be Teddy arrives back home.
    Please put my mind at ease and tell me how the dogs will not be able to get at him again.
    Also, if you see the neighbors who lost their dog, please tell them I am so sorry for them, I can't imagine the horror and pain.

  8. Your easter breakfast table looks soooo pretty Tina, with the lovely view and setting! So happy to hear TEddy comes home soon. I am sure he will bounce back more quickly with his mommy watching after him.

  9. Mornin' Tina! So happy to wake up to a post from you. I was worried things may have gone in an unpleasant direction.
    Welcome back.

  10. Easter blessings, indeed! Sometimes I think cats aren't the only animals with nine lives : ). Can't wait to see pictures of the homecoming!

  11. you set a beautiful table Tina-love the spring flowers especially the tulips which looks so lovely paired with your blue and white vases. Glad to hear Teddy is on the mend-happy Monday!

  12. Beautiful on every level! So happy for all of you that Teddy will be coming home! ~Tammy

  13. I'm so happy for you and for Teddy! What an Easter blessing to hear that he is recovering and will be home soon!
    Have a lovely day, Tina,
    ~ Wendi ~

  14. SO happy to hear this great news about Teddy. As we walked our own dogs this weekend I thought about him many times. So happy that smiling face will soon be home, I know he was sorely missed. Really happy for you.
    Your home looks so beautiful, the way the light hits each room is magical. All your flowers and porcelains are dreamy as is your magnificent table for Easter. I am sure it was a real treat to be seated at such an elegant table.
    Thanks for the update, really happy to hear it.

  15. Good morning,

    Happy to hear Teddy is doing fine! Have a wonderful day...


  16. Your tables snd flowers are beautiful, and your photos captured the light so well! But more importantly, I am so glad and so happy for you that your beautiful Teddy is coming home!!!!!

  17. I am so relieved to hear the good news about Teddy. I am sure being back home will speed his recovery. Your home looks so festive for the holiday and for Spring. The blue and white vases with brass ribbon and reed bases on the breakfast table look great. You should consider putting that line in your shop. I think they would be big sellers. Here's to "back to normal."

  18. Dear Tina, Been looking for news about Teddy and was getting worried when you didn't post the last few days. It is wonderful to hear that he is well enough to come home tomorrow.
    Tina, you know how to serve a proper antipasti plate. it looks delicious and yes, I could live on it, as well.

  19. Tina so glad that Teddy will be okay, I know he will get lots of TLC.

    Your Easter sounds wonderful Adore the scads of tulips!

    I agree a platter of antipasto is perfect!

    Art by Karena

  20. I am so happy to hear that Teddy is on the mend! It beyond warms my heart! Cannot wait to see him back in action!

  21. i hope you don't mind i sampled some antipasto. i have never met an italian ham i didn't like.

    so happy to hear the teddy news. love (even for animals) does this to us. it stretches us to the limit and make us feel out of control. your love and devotion for him comes through the screen, and i'm sending the best healing vibes i've got!

    happy new week to you, tina.


  22. So many things to say! I have been taking a little blog break ... mother has been sick, Murphy (dog) has a tick disease, kids spring sports have rocketed off ... so ... i am just catching up! your home is turning out so beautifully lived in and warm. Just like I knew it would! I am so sorry to hear about Teddy, I understand the pain and worry, they are our children as well! I have three dogs and constantly worry about the "pack" thing. I hope you can get this all resolved, but mostly that Teddy gets home and well soon! Love your online store too! You have been busy and it is all good!!

  23. What wonderful news about Teddy! And that antipasto platter looks AMAZING. I'm with you...add some delicious French cheese and I'm a happy girl :)

  24. Tina,
    I am so happy to hear Teddy is coming home tomorrow!!! Poor little man will progress quickly in the presence of all the love in your home!

    Your Easter spreads are GORGEOUS! All those tulips! The delicious food! The blue and white. I know your parents were thrilled to spend the weekend with you and enjoy your amazing hospitality.

    I see a package is on it's way to me with my very own "tulip". So excited!!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  25. I'm sure your lovely home and devotion to Teddy reflects the kind of person you are.I think we would be fast friends.I checked every day to see if there were any updates.He has captured our hearts! So happy he is doing better.

  26. Thank God for answered prayers and we continue to pray for him for a speedy recovery! Beautiful spread for your Easter gathering!!! Love those white tulips in blue and white!!!

  27. Tina, I am so happy to hear about Teddy!! He will be home tomorrow and recover and be outside loving to wonder in the yard. I am so very happy for you and the family.

    Your Easter looks like it was gorgeous which is no shock. I am glad you enjoyed yourself.

  28. so glad to hear that Teddy is doing well! Love the tulips with the blue and white! Looks gorgeous.

  29. we all know that the 'teddy's' of the world are our family members.
    i am so happy he is home.

    and for me this is very exciting to see you and your home - BRAND NEW
    in SPRINGTIME!!!!


  30. So happy for you that Teddy continually improves--and may come home soon! Your antipasto and your fresh fruit look extremely appetizing! I could live off of both everyday! The sunlight streaming through your breakfast area is such a welcoming feature! Your yard is really taking shape--love the flowers (I can't remember the name of them, but absolutely love the touch).Happy belated Easter season.

  31. I want Teddy home, too. I miss reading about your walks together.

  32. I am so happy to hear Teddy is coming home and doing well!! Glad you were able to have a nice Easter! Love those gorgeous shots with the sun streaming though your windows!

  33. Faith - Interiors UniqueApril 9, 2012 at 9:46 AM

    So happy that Teddy is coming home. Cannot wait to see him again!

  34. Yay! That is great news! I am so glad Teddy will be home soon. He has a great "corner" by the way. ;-)

    Your home looks fab and so did the food. I think you will have to kick out any future company because they are never going to want to leave. Have a great week!

  35. So happy to hear that Teddy is on the mend, my husband and I were pulling for him all weekend!

  36. Tina,
    This is very good news!! I am so excited that Teddy is going to be at home!! That is the best news I heard in days!! I am so happy! I was really with my thoughts and prayers with you these last days!

    Tina, your table looked just wonderful!! It must be a great feeling to celebrate Easter at your precious new home!

    Hugs to you and Teddy!

  37. How wonderful Teddy is mending and coming home! Your home looks so beautiful with all the spring flowers. I especially love the yellow tulips and your blue and white is so charming. I can't believe you still have daffodils blooming. Can't wait to see Teddy curled up on his bed at home!

    The French Hutch

  38. Teddy's getting ready
    To come home to his own beddy
    Where he'll recover, sure and steady!

    So happy for you! :)

  39. I am so glad that teddy will be home soon. i know he will be enjoying that corner as he recuperates. I was telling my husband about the attack yesterday. It makes me so sad/mad that it happened! I would be devastated if something like that happened to our dog, Scout. She is so part of our family!!!

    Your home looks so BEAUTIFUl decked out with all the Spring florals. LOVE it. So glad you could enjoy some time with your family even if Mr. Teddy was missing.


  40. Hurray! Teddy's coming home and I am so happy for him and for all of you that this horrible nightmare is coming to a close. I'm sure with all the love you will shower on him, that he will be running and playing before you know it. Great news!!!

  41. I wanted you to know that my heart goes out to you and your family. Your sweet dog has been in my thoughts and prayers. I am thrilled he may be coming home tomorrow! :))))

  42. SO happy to learn that Teddy will be coming home!! I know that you are thrilled, Tina!
    You house looks amazing, and all of the arrangements in the blue and white are stunning. The antipasto and fruit have me drooling.
    Happy Monday.

  43. Tina, I am so happy to hear the news that Teddy will be home soon, It was the perfect way to start my Monday. It looks like you had a lovely time with your family for Easter. Will check everyday to see Teddy home again. Susan and Emma.

  44. I'm so happy to hear Teddy is coming home....that is great news!!! He will heal so much quicker when he is home with his people :o) Your home looked so beautiful for Easter too!

  45. Thank you for keeping us updated on Teddy's recovery from such a horrible attack. Easter and Passover are gifts to us and certainly you and your family give so much back into the world. As someone who has lost both parents, I smiled when I read that your parents were visiting with you. Your home is a reflection of your beautiful decorating, design and exquisite taste and I look forward to each blog entry. I agree with one of the previous readers who spoke about the beautiful blue and white planter with the brass frame/feet and handles. I actually have the same piece, which I bought in London on Walton Street some years ago. I bought the porcelain that was a fruit design and have always wished I'd bought the blue and white one too. Perhaps they'll turn up in your shop? Blessings to you, your family and to Teddy!

  46. Oh my Goodness! I am so behind on reading and now I am wondering what happened to Teddy! I will read on! xoxo

  47. Wonderful news about our Teddy!!! I am thrilled he is expected home soon. I'm sure he will be spoiled rotten ( and deservedly so.)
    Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful Easter pics. I love all your flowers in your blue and white.
    And the breakfast table setting looks so inviting. Great job, Tina.

  48. I am gushing over your beautiful blue and all of the flowers! xx

  49. Love the update on Teddy, hope you will post pictures of him when he is home and safe. You will not believe this, Saturday, a loyal customer of mine came into my store and we started talking about Pinterest, Decorating Blogs, etc. She brought up your blog and Teddy's story. Here in the little towns of the Blue Ridge Mountains we are reading your blog and saying prayers for Teddy.
    On another note, loved your beautiful Easter pictures. The pug fabric on your sun room chairs made me smile, very cute and fun!

  50. Thank you for the Teddy update! Continued get well wishes for him. Your home is so lovely. Hope that this week opens up to be very special.

  51. Great news about Teddy. I can't wait to see him back in his spot once again!

  52. Welcome home, Teddy !!!
    Thank you, Lord, for taking such good care of him.
    Tina, you home is just beautiful filled with spring & Easter flowers.

  53. So happy about Teddy! Our prayers never go unheard.


  54. Tina,
    So excited to read that Teddy is doing well and will continue to mend at home...tears of joy and praise God for this Easter gift.

    Your home reflects the love you've continued to pour into it and the Easter table is lovely. I'm so glad you had family to celebrate with and can turn the corner for more good in your lives...that include Teddy.

    Prayers continue and looking forward to reading more about the adventures of brave Teddy on The Enchanted Home Blog.

    Smiles, tears of joy, prayers and praise during this week in Spring of new beginnings.



  55. So glad you were able to enjoy Easter knowing that Teddy was going to be ok! The tulips look lovely and I'm with you Tina - baguette and antipasti is all I need! Yum. I'm hungry...

  56. Go Teddy, go!!!!!! And your house is so unbelievably gorgeous! xoxo Elizabeth

  57. I'm so relieved to hear Teddy is coming home soon. Such a brave doggie.
    Your Easter table and displays look lovely.

  58. Oh good, thank you for letting us know the good news *and* for sharing the picture of Teddy's Corner. I kind of look at it this way: there's Amen Corner at Augusta, and then Teddy's Corner. After those two all others pale!

    Love the Easter photos, everything looked just beautiful. The tulips are so pretty, everything did, but I was really struck by the red watermelon and strawberries on the blue and white, so pretty!

    Sending you a smile and a hug, with extra love for dear Teddy,

  59. Oh, it was wonderful to see your lovely home in sunlight, with fresh fruit and flowers -- seeing Teddy's corner brought tears to my eyes, but I'm so happy for you that he's coming home soon. Godspeed to Teddy!

  60. I could sit here at my pc, and look at the photos of your beautiful home, table, outside area...forever. I got tears in my eyes when I saw Teddy's bed and his cute toy, lying there so alone, but then so happy to hear the great news that Teddy will soon be homeward bound. What a wonderful and blessed Easter for you and your sweet family..tears of joy for sure....

  61. Oh goodness me, God is good sweetie! I am so happy that your Teddy is coming home finally and the little rabbit is waiting for him in the lovely window! You had a very Blessed EASTER I can see, nothing better than this type of good news. Your house is stunning, you got great taste my dear and I so love antipasto and I'd love to have it with you at your gorgeous home!
    I'm sure you will have a fabulous week with your dear Teddy with you. Hugs,

  62. So glad to hear that Teddy is on the upswing. Not surprised that he has won over the hearts of all at the Animal Hospital, after all look at what he has done with all of us and we are only seeing pictures of him. =)

  63. We are not dog owners (retired and too much on the go) but we do have two of the most precious granddogs. We were privileged to dog sit the Welsh Corgi this past week and now that she is returned to her family, my house seems empty. I miss her company so much. So glad your Teddy is on the road to recovery. Loved the beautiful breakfast room windows and natural light. And ohh those tulips - Spring, Spring, Spring everywhere. Love it!

  64. Hi there! Just came over to your blog from Leslie at She mentioned you and Teddy in her most recent post. I must say that as a dog owner (I have 3 furbabies) that my heart does go out to you and your neighbor whose dog didn't make it. I'm so happy to hear that Teddy is on the mend and will get to come home soon. A home is not a home without our four-legged babies.
    Also, your home is gorgeous!! Can't wait to start going back through some older posts to see more.
    We'd love for you to visit our blog sometime (we blog more about fashion/beauty etc.)

    Jayme @ Her Late Night Cravings

  65. Poor Teddy!! So glad he is on the mend and you enjoyed your Easter...the sun filtering through the windows to your table looks fantastic!

  66. God, your story is breaking my heart. Hope Teddy will come home tomorrow so the family will be together again. Take Care!!
    VinFly from Sweden

  67. Your pictures of your house are beautiful - but I can't help it - I can't wait to see Teddy in them! Sorry, but they look empty without Teddy. I will continue to pray for him.

  68. Lovely post!

    I'm so happy you have good news about Teddy, and I'm grateful to God that he's able to come home to you.


  69. I want to tell you that I just found your blog about a week ago, ordered from your site store, just love and looking forward to following the progress of decorating such a fabulous beautiful home you have been blessed with...Well I have missed a day or two and when I found out your sweet Teddy had been attacked my heart sank and I said a quick prayer for your beloved family member. I'm a Mom of eight hairy children and three can only go outdoors in a patio or escorted because we have a problem of coyotes attacking. And we have had the same issue with drains in wounds, trust me they work...when one of our babies was almost killed by a coyotes his wounds had 3 drains and it helped so much, he healed great only to pass by another attack about a year later, but we aren't going to think neg. and Teddy is going to return home happy and healthy!!

  70. Wow...that sunlight is absolutely gorgeous!

  71. Tina, I am so glad Teddy is doing well and that you had a nice Easter. The pictures of your home are beautiful. Take care,
    hugs, Sherry

  72. such good news tina! your sweet little boy will flourish at home, in such beauty
    much love

  73. Hi Tina,
    I am so happy to hear that Teddy is close to coming home. Our pets are part of the family and it is very difficult to see them suffer. We have had to put down both of our 18 year old Siamese cats over the last year. Sadly we also have a 12 1/2 year old Boxer who is really showing her age. She has done very well as most Boxers don't live this long. A house does not feel like a home without a pet. Your home looks more beautiful every time I see it.

  74. SO very happy to hear that Teddy is doing so well and will be home soon! I've thought of him (and you;) so often over the weekend. Your photos of Easter are lovely. Miss seeing Teddy outside sunning himself in all your outside pictures! But, soon- very soon!


  75. HURRAY sweet Teddy!!! We're all praying and sending lots of love for you and your family! Home and healing soon! Enjoy being SPOILED!! :D

  76. Tina, that is absolutely wonderful news! I'm so glad to read it!! I didn't realize how deeply I loved my dog, how intertwined were my habits around her existence until I had lost her, and even a year on the pain of losing her is so keenly real. So, I know with what depth of emotion you have been missing Teddy, & also the elation his recovery is giving you! I couldn't be happier for him and your family!

    Your Easter fleurs are splendid! Your house looks so beautiful bathed in all that wonderful sunlight. I hope you have a fantastic week.

    Spoil that sweet dog of yours when he gets home!

  77. Yay!!!! Was thinking about you all weekend. SO glad to hear the good news!!!

  78. I am so glad that your beloved
    Teddy will be coming home and able
    to heal more quickly at home where
    he is loved.
    Carole R.

  79. Tina so glad to hear that Teddy is getting back to his normal self again, poor puppy, that still make me cringe when I think about what he went through, but on a happier note he is going to be okay and back home soon. Love all of your white tulips with the blue and white. I used white tulips this year also. I had a total of 70 white tulips in my house and 50 yellow daffodils, it looked like we are about to have a wedding here!! The more the better when it comes to flowers and I can tell you are from the same school on that subject. xo Kathysue

  80. So happy Teddy is doing well! I love all of your blue and white porcelain, and the tulips are so pretty on the table. Where did you purchase the bowl with the apples? Your home is absolutely beautiful and so lovingly done. The only thing missing is sweet Teddy. I know he will be so glad to be back in his little spot. Gayle

  81. I'm glad to hear that Teddy is doing better. It's so awful when something happens to our "children".

  82. As always a beautiful post, but the most important remarks are that Teddy is on the mend and headed home!

  83. Tina, your photography looks great. I love all the blue and white. Just lovely! I am so glad Teddy is doing better. Boy, I would put a big old fence up so those dogs cant get in.

  84. Good to hear about poor Teddy I hope he is well and healed real soon. Your table is superb looking. Hugs, Pearl

  85. Tina,
    I've been thinking of you and am so HAPPY to hear about Mr. T!!!! Your home will be normal again!
    PS I am excited to see my "package" from your store...

  86. Hello Tina,

    I am so happy to hear that Teddy is doing so well and is coming home! The power of pray and love.

    I love all of your flowers and blue and white from Easter. I am sure it was wonderful to have your parents there.

    Take care, Elizabeth

  87. So so glad to hear that Teddy is on the mend...that is just great news. All of your flowers are just gorgeous. Glad you had god time with family this weekend. That's the best. XO, Mona

  88. Ok I am commenter no. 93...! Sorry to be the last of the day but it will also be the only comment I am leaving in blog land today.

    Just checking in for an update on Teddy and I could not be any happier! Wihoo, Tina! I am off tomorrow to buy some doggie treats.

    You Easter holiday decor is wonderful and so is all that natural light.

    I also spy a beautiful cognac colored wingback chair (to the left). I want to see more of that one!

    oxox, Mon

  89. Yay for Teddy! Sweet boy.
    Glad Easter was a special
    day for you and those you
    hold dearest. Your home
    looked warm, inviting and

    xx Suzanne

  90. So happy to know that Teddy is doing well and will be coming home. I am so pleased and relieved. Funny how I feel I know Teddy (and you!) Your home looked set for the season and the tulips so beautiful. Thanks for keeping us all in touch with his progress. I couldn't be happier for all of you. . .and I know it made your Easter extra special! God Bless all of you!
    Mary Anne ox

  91. I have been waiting for the news...and I am so relieved my dear. He looks so darling on that last photo, with his little wandering eye!

    BEST OF HEALTH TO YOU ALL and the manor looks stunning. I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE WHAT SUMMER WILL BRING TO US in your gardens! Anita

  92. What amazing news about Teddy! I am so so happy for your and your family because i can imagine the house doesn't feel the same without him there. Give him a giant hug from all of us that have been rooting for him.
    Tina, your home looks so increidble. You have the most beautiful light. Do you have a gardening background? You seem to have a very green thumb, all your flowers are just gorgeous. Love the white tulips in the blue and white, so crisp and elegant. Your table for Easter is just picture perfect and I am sure your family so enjoyed sitting in such a beautiful room for a special occasion. Thank you for sharing.

  93. Tina, so glad to hear Teddy is on the mend.....what a gift and reason to celebrate! Beautiful Easter table....sounds like the perfect weekend!

  94. Tina, I'm so happy for you and your family that Teddy is coming home and will be well! I've been thinking about you all and hoping for a positive outcome. You're house looks absolutely lovely for Easter!

  95. Beautiful Easter photos, dear Tina...
    I am so glad for darling Teddy, and I cannot wait until he can be loved at home again. He will be so happy!
    Blessings to all of you,
    - Irina

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. What wonderful news! I have been praying for Teddy's speedy recovery and am so happy that he's on the mend and will be home soon.

  98. So glad to hear he is recovering nicely! Your Easter weekend pictures are beautiful!

  99. so happy to hear your dog is going to be ok! i read your blog every week and it broke my heart to hear what happened. we love our dogs so much, as i know you do! thinking many good thoughts for a speedy recovery!

  100. Hi ! Amazing house and great details and I'm glad for your the dog. But is there some story behind chair pattern? Is that MOPS pattern? It seems funny but at the same time it confuses me cause everything I've seen at this blog was so stylish and perfectly chosen but those chairs... I don't get it. I love dogs but that pattern, omg! How? Why? Jay, Croatia

  101. I am so happy to hear Teddy is coming home!!! You must be so excited.

  102. I can't wait to see your post on Teddy's homecoming. I have a love lamb doggie too, looks a lot like Teddy only black and tan, I have nearly petted his fur off since reading about Teddy's horrendous ordeal.

    I just smile thinking of Teddy's delight in being HOME!!!!

  103. Tina, you must be busy welcoming your dog back home and getting him settled. Your home is the best place for him to recover from something so brutal and traumatic. A beautiful setting for Easter breakfast and the antipasti platter looks perfect.

  104. Already left one comment regarding Teddy, but had to giggle a bit at Jay's comment above - I adore the pug fabric! I like to see the unexpected in a home - it adds interest and a bit of whimsy :)

  105. Tina, Love hearing about Teddy's recovery but am worried for you with news of the Long Island fires. May you be out of the path of devastation.
    Prayers, Chris

  106. Ooh I am so sorry about Teddy I have been away for Easter just got back & caught up with your post what a shame that is shocking I hope Teddy will be back home soon the poor thing, I hope the police can get the dogs put down what if they attached a small child!!!! Its irresponsible, Oh & the poor neighbours dog Its such a shame I think these owners need training.

  107. Lise Corsini@hotmail.comApril 11, 2012 at 3:15 PM

    Welcome Home Teddy!! That smile and wagging tail never left us in the hope that you would be well again! Our prayers were answered and you're back with your loving family! I send you great bear hugs to you from my family!! Can't wait to see you in your garden sporting that great smile again!!!

  108. Tina.....I AM SO HAPPY!!! I know Teddy is such a part of your family.....and all of your prayers have been answered. Thankfully.....and your blue and white with all of those wonderful flowers is breathtaking!!

  109. I love the pictures of the forest and the sun, it's amazing.


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!