Friday, January 13, 2012

Enchanted guest #9 say hi to Desiree from Chic Coastal Living!

Good morning everyone! If you have the winter blues, you are in for a major treat from my dear friend, Desiree of the chic blog, Chic Coastal Living. Desiree is the preeminent expert in my book on stylish coastal living (can I just tell you, she is getting ready to run a 20 mile marathon this month) and lucky her..she lives in Florida and has a front row seat to living under the sun year round!

 I love this post and its like a breath of fresh air, since we are in throes of the dark and gloomy month of January and its raging winter blues. I make no secret of my love for blue and white and this post delivers big time. I love Desiree's effortless style and her first hand reporting on chic coastal living, dressing and entertaining. Be sure to stop by and say hello over at her blog by clicking here ..I promise you too will want to make it a regular stop as I do every morning. Desiree, thank you for this wonderful post, and thanks everyone for stopping in!

Modern dining room with a valuted ceiling

Thank you Tina for inviting me over to The Enchanted Home to share what I'm loving now with your chic readers!  It's always a pleasure to be in good company and who better in blogland than to be at your place!

I've always loved blue and white and with spring just around the corner, one tiny little aspect of my life, is being inspired to add a little blue and white during this time of year.  It reminds me of the beach and that's where I want to be most of the time...

2011 Ultimate Beach House Living Room 

This living room is from the Coastal Living Ultimate Beach House 2011. I love the ceiling and the use of weathered wood.  Of course the pops of blue and white make it one incredible beach home!

Can you recognize this ultimate beach living room?  Yes, you're right it's from Something's Gotta Give! Tina and I are addicted to this movie and have watched it probably hundreds of times! Okay... maybe I'm exxagerating a little or maybe not....If I could, I would re-create this exact room in my home and never tire of it!

Pinned Image

Coastal Living's Ultimate Beach House 2011 dining, love this room! The white, the table, the photo collage on the wall. All perfect!

Love this spacious beach living room!  It's perfect for my whole clan and the linen sofa and chairs are gorgeous!

2009 Southern Living Texas Idea House Upstairs Master Bedroom

This white room with bits of yellow here and there are perfect for a super casual beach house.

I love this well organized super-chic kitchen and the lighting is gorgeous!

Percale Border Bedding

I want this bedding, oh and the bed and the rug and the bedside lamp....

If I had a guest room, this would be my and white patterned bedding.

Blue Details

I think every beach house needs to have these dishes...don't you agree?

Restoration Hardware always has great choices for outdoor seating and perfect nautical blue striped pillows.

Chambers® Heritage Solid Hand Towel, Sky Blue

Blue towels and bathrugs are easy ways to add a little blue in your life.  These from, Williams Sonoma Home, are always on my shopping list in January.

Chambers® Heritage Solid Bath Rug, Sky Blue

This living room designed by Victoria Hagan is one of my all time favorite Hamptons living rooms.  I love the fact that you can sit and chat with your family and friends in a stylish cozy area. 

Here's my wish list of things blue and beachy!

What a surprise! I also love to wear blue!
Here are a few chic looks that I'm loving now!

Perfect-fit ballet button tee

End-on-end perfect shirt with french cuffs
No. 2 pencil Skirt in Double-Serge Cotton
Chiffon stripe tunic
Featherweight cashmere cardigan
Featherweight Cashmere Cardigan
Drea patent peep-toe pumps
Drea Peep-Toe Patent Pumps
Ankle stretch toothpick jean in classic rinse

Thank you Tina for the invite! This was so much fun for me to put a few things together that are blue, white and beachy!
Happy New Year!

Pretty great, don't you think? I feel more relaxed just having looked at this scrumptious post that makes me want to exhale and head to the beach! The vibe is so clean, fresh and elegant. Love it Desiree..thank you again! Click here to visit Desiree at Chic Coastal Living. Wishing everyone a fabulous day.



  1. How refreshing! ! Especially on this snowy, windy day ..thanks

  2. Hi Tina, I am really behind in my blog reading and am going to go catch up with you and your gorgeous home, wondering if you have moved yet.
    What a beautiful post, thank you for the introduction to Chic Coastal Home. I love her style and coastal living is so appealing to me as I get older especially...that warm weather and being able to open your windows year round is a big bonus.
    Beautiful interiors and love her clothing style, I am also a big blue fan. Thanks and good luck with everything.

  3. I feel like I just took a trip to Florida! How beautiful and fresh. These rooms do a great job of not competing with some of the beautiful views shown, and the other rooms (even without a view) just ooze that wonderful laid back beach vibe, but in a stylish way. Nicely done Desiree and best of luck with the marathon!

  4. The house from "Something's Gotta Give" is absolutely gorgeous. Blue and white for a beach house is so beautiful. Love the outfits...Good luck with the Marathon

  5. This girl has great style. I love her clothing choices and all the interiors are just beautiful. My parents live in Palm Beach and my mothers entire house is blue and white so I grew up on it, but never ever get tired of it. Its very fresh and always beautiful.
    Good luck with that marathon, that is really impressive.

  6. I have to admit I kind of admire her sunny lifestyle + the fact that she can run a 20 mile marathon, (I'm the girl who drives to the mailbox... hangs head in shame)! I loved the set for Something's Gotta Give, (and the movie). That blue and white bedding w/ the monogram is calling my name!! xo

  7. I'm decorating many times have we "decorated" our imaginary beach house. In fact, so many, that our Monday post is just that!! The colors here are a neutral palette with touches of blue in our "beach house"!! Happy Friday ~

  8. Very refreshing and lots of great ideas. This will help us get through our winter months planning ahead. Fun colors and great accessories too. Happy Friday!

  9. I loved this post and all the great ideas. Blue and white will always be a timeless combination - classic and beautiful!

  10. Tina, Best of luck with your move.

    I loved this post by Desiree and she sang to the choir "I love blue and white"

    Helen xx

  11. I'm with y'all, Tina and Desiree. Something's Gotta Give ... LOVE. The house is design perfection in my book.

  12. Noting quite like the soothing feel of blue and white. I love that "guest room" idea above and see you are love Williams Sonoma like I do, I actually worked there one Christmas for the discount and think they lost money after the damage I did! Great store and great values.
    I bet after running 20 miles you can easily slip into those very cool pencil jeans. Kudos to you, I used to run until I got injured now its biking, as long as its something!
    Neat post. Thanks and have a great weekend to both of you.

  13. Desiree! You never fail us! (and of course, Tina knows she is my favorite)
    I just had THREE cups of coffee in the land of blue... I can't leave and I can't get enough! Thank you... Thank you... Thank you.
    Have a great weekend, girls!

  14. What a breath of fresh air, indeed. There's nothing like a little blue and white. Add some sunshine and it couldn't be more perfect. Thanks Desiree and Tina for a lovely start to my day! XO

  15. Desiree is my kind of gal, Love love blue and white and if I could live anywhere I wanted it would be by the beach, hands down, it is my little piece of heaven and where i go to regroup and relax. Loved all of the above images. Great post! Thank you Tina and Desiree.
    Happy Friday,

  16. Oh goodness, this brightened up the day. As someone who grew up on or near the water this is right up my alley. Clearly I am going to be spending a lot of time visiting Desiree! The blue and white is just fabulous, thank you for such a perfect Friday morning read. :)

    And more good thoughts to you Tina, may it be going as well as these things do!

  17. The blue and white with the dark hardwood floors - so fresh and clean looking. Nice to see a list of favorites and love W&S and Restoration Hardware!

  18. Tina thank you so much for having Desiree as guest hostess!! I adore her and her style. So light and refreshing!!

    Each image gave me an idea to bring some springtime into my home!


    Art by Karena

  19. Great guest post, Tina! I love Desiree's sophisticated coastal style!

  20. Beautiful post! Headed over to visit now!

  21. Yep, dark and gloomy up here in New England and we're getting hit with all kinds of weather. This post filled with lightness and brightness is perfect for me today and very beautiful.

  22. I also love Desiree's blog! She is definitely the go- to girl for coastal living! I love these images, especially the first with the number pillows. I have always loved that space! Now I want to head to the beach too! :) Happy weekend to you both! :) And we all have something in common- 'Something's Gotta Give' is one of my all time favorite movies! I adore that home and always will- it's timeless!

  23. you really are SOMETHING!!

    love it all. i am heading over to check out these new sources.


  24. Great post. This is a nice and welcome treat after our misrerably cold and wintry weather here! I long for blue skies and sunny warm days and beautiful blues and whites. Somehow though it seems to only work near the coast. Nice to meet a new blogger too, like her style.

  25. How refreshing! What I would give to live in a coastal home! :)

  26. On this chilly, sometimes snow flurry day...this was like a vacation on a screen! Love these interiors that make you just exhale! (And, those dishes are divine!)

    Happy Weekend to you both!!!!
    xoxo Elizabeth

  27. Tina- that first room is unreal, I would love to have a room like that WOW! And who didn't fall in love with that amazing house in "Somethings gotta give", such a great movie. Beautiful post, and your she seems to have this beach coastal thing down pat. Lucky her to live in Florida. She has really nice style and I will definitely go and visit her blog.
    Hope the move is going well, and hope you can update us soon? Would love to hear how its going. Best of luck and dont' work too hard.

  28. Certainly does make me feel refreshed! I love the beach, but since they just suspended ferry service to Marthas Vineyard with the high winter winds, I think I will be waiting til Memorial Day~

  29. the victoria hagan living room IS enchanting, isn't it? love all the coastal chic and the mix of images!


  30. I want to go straight to the coast...and wear that striped tunic!!

  31. What a nice distraction from winter!
    Just had our very first snowfall here in
    Illinois. Love seeing warm beachy themed
    pictures.... take me away, Tina!


  32. I completely share the want list! And, as anyone would know, I love classic clothing! I completely love the chic looks!!!!!

  33. Desiree, I really enjoyed this post and am really excited to get to know your blog better!
    Stacy @

  34. Thank you Tina and Enchanted Home readers for your sweet comments! It was so nice to be part of this great series Tina! I hope your move is going smoothly! All my love! Desiree


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!