Saturday, December 17, 2011

Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Well.....I finally did it! I have caught some of the Christmas spirit and at last, better late than never, I got my tree up, decorated, lit that baby up,  even wrapped the first few honorary presents! It feels good to finally be in the swing of things. I must say it can be incredibly intimidating to come to blogland and see those  who have their garlands hung in November, and have gotten fully bedecked trees up before the Thanksgiving leftovers have gone cold. But as I say its not how you start, its how you finish!

My tree is actually nearly 10 feet but doesn't look it, possibly due to its generous "girth"! Hum....something we have in common this year.
It is nice however to see it starting to look like Christmas at last. I have finally gotten over my initial sadness about not being in the new house for Christmas and though we are in a rental, it is a lovely home and I decided to make the most of it and try to not only get myself in the Christmas spirit but spread it around the house a little too. Still much to do but its a start!  Got my candles burning and my music's whats happening around here!

       (Now bear in mind we are in a rental, making the most of what I have got)

Drove by a neighbors house, its amazing how pretty a simple wreath on an old fence can look
And to be sure the new house doesn't feel left out, added wreaths to either side of the entrance!
Christmas tree all done! Looks short but its actually a 10 footer.
A close up of the gold themed ornaments, tons of angels and cherubs

If you are noticing some price tags you are quite observant. Yes one year I will get around to removing all of (thought I gotten them all, apparently not)!

Love cherubs and angels
And am a sucker for gilded musical instrument ornaments

How about this very bearded Santa!
Love the mercury glass votives and my greenery in urns

Pinecones....never can have enough!
Isn't that cherub bowl beautiful? It was given by a very dear friend long ago
Got a pair of these beautiful ivy and berry wreaths in urns, one for atop the piano and another in the dining room
My first official gifts of the season!
Got my glue gun ready to do battle!

On a small chest in the small dining room.....

Big bowls of pinecones and apples....

Well look at that, even Teddy is getting in the spirit!

Hard to believe its the last full weekend before Christmas! I am going to be busy tying up  loose ends, planning our family party next week and of course wrapping up last minute gifts during this  final week leading up to the "big day"!! Lots to do, but I know it will all get done. Hoping you have a great and restful weekend (if that is possible). We are going to two parties, which I look forward to and Sunday will be back on the errand train all day long. Wishing you joy and peace! Jingle jingle:)



  1. Good morning sweet one,

    Teddy is absolutely sweet. I could just squeeze him! And your rental looks marvelous dearest. I know that the new year is going to be spectacular, and you are going to have us all over for a virtual party when you are finally settled. I imagine an early spring PARTY, when you are already settled in and fully prepared, will be the perfect time for you to invite us over! HEY, just one year ago now, my husband and I were cramped up in our living room with FURNITURE stacked, boxes and such all around our festivities, for our two rooms were in the process of being built. But now, we are settled in, and our two new rooms are making us cozy. So by next Christmas, you will already have seasoned up the castle. Oh how I am praying for you Christmas to be a SPECIAL ONE!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU FOR ALL THE LOVELY COMMENTS DEAREST! Anita

  2. Tina,
    I'm so happy you are in the spirit! Some years it takes time to get the ball rolling and this was your year (and lets just say with all that you have on your plate I'm impressed that you did as much as you did to your rental.) Your tree is beautiful! All of the little touches have transformed your home into a festive place for Christmas. Enjoy every moment of togetherness with your family this holiday season. XOXO.

  3. Your Christmas decor looks beautiful, Tina! Your tree is gorgeous, and I love all your nutcrackers. Have a fabulous weekend :)

  4. Tina home is where you heart is and it looks like you created a perfect Christmas in your temporary home. Your tree is magnificent. Love all your decorations, just beautiful.
    And all the other beautiful decorations you have like the gorgeous bowls filled wtih pinecones, and your gifts (look like you got some great tips from your own post hehe)
    Wonderful job and happy to see Teddy is enjoying the season too.

  5. Very pretty! Merry Christmas!l love the entrance to your new home, was it already there?

  6. Your tree looks wonderful Tina as does Teddy in his red bow, how cute. We're off to cut down our trees today and decorate and can't wait finally a place to set the gifts!

  7. When you have superb and refined taste it will show up no matter where you are. This is not an exception. Truly spectacular in every way.
    Teddy is precious too.

  8. Also loved that you left some of the price tags on as I have done this myself in a hurry to get the tree decorated ..very funny! & HBD fellow birthday is Monday.

  9. first, happy belated birthday. sounds like it was wonderful!! seeing pictures of your new home under contruction always takes my breath away, but getting a peek of your current home at christmas time was a real treat too. it looks so cozy and welcoming. have a wonderful weekend! xo, tessa

  10. I LOVE your tree, love that you covered it completely with beautiful ornaments, angels & cherubs. And Teddy? Well, Teddy is the absolute best part. I made Christmas necklaces for all the big dogs in our lives...big red glitter balls (real necklace materials) with a big filigree silver heart dangling. So much fun. Merry Christmas, lovie. See you in Paris !!!

  11. You're home is looking very festive, Tina.

    Teddy is adorable!

  12. Tina the house looks incredible. And that tree is just beautiful...looks like you have been collecting your ornaments for a long time, you have so many!
    Love all the beautiful containers with holidays best. All just stunning. Great job and so happy you found the spirit.
    (adorable Teddy too)!
    Merry Christmas.

  13. You're a woman after my own heart. I too have a tree decorated with gold, crystal, angels and instruments. Merry Christmas.

  14. It was well worth the wait. Your tree is GORGEOUS in all it's gold glory and the wreaths and wrapping so lovely. I know I've asked this before, but where in the world do you get all of your amaze me!! Now enjoy your weekend and try to put your feet up for just a second ~

  15. Tina, everything looks beautiful!! I know your family will have a very Merry Christmas in the beautiful, warm surroundings that you've created. Your energy is amazing as always.

    Have a great day...Cindy

  16. hi Tina, Yes indeed, your house is looking a lot like Christmas! In a very beautiful way. I love the tree and beautiful ornaments. I love the Nutcrackers and the piano looks so lovely with the packages. Teddy is so sweet in his big red bow and what a good sport! I love the pic you made of the greens and bow on the fence. I have just enough left to make one for my old fence gate at the end of the driveway. I'm going to copycat you, hope you don't mind! You are always a wealth of inspiration.
    Merry Christmas sweet friend.

    The French Hutch

  17. Teddy is a most handsome fella!
    Tina, I went through the same "delayed start" this year and sympathize. We are in a transitional space this Christmas as well, with more of my Christmas in the storage unit than in the house. But how many blessings we all have, so blossom where you are planted. Next year in our respective new houses! Merry Christmas to all!

  18. Oh my gosh have you ever caught up!! I have not put up our tree yet~I hope it is half as nice as yours!! Stunning~and all the urns with christmas touches, it looks wonderful in your home, rental or not! I have to think this way you will be able to have your first christmas in the new home nest year, just the way it should be, with plenty of time to get it all ready and looking like the dream you have imagined for so long. We are going to watch my step son perform today in the Charlestown Working Kids theatre production of Twelfth Night, then take him home with us to decorate the tree and drink lots of eggnog!! Merry Christmas!

  19. I loved the "it's not how you start, it's how you finish" - I'm going to have to remember that one. :) I also have many angels on my tree - my Mom got each of us a special ornament each year and I guess since I was the baby I was always her angel (whether or not it was actually true!) so I have a lot of angels...they are the perfect ornament I think. Your tree looks gorgeous! We always put a bow on our lab too so she can get in the spirit with all of us! And of course doggie treats are wrapped under the tree and Santa is bringing more!

  20. Hello Tina

    I can say in all sincerity that you know how to make a house a home. The tree is spectacular and I agree the angels and Teddy stole my heart away.

    Wishing you a joyful Christmas and I love your attitude and how you are handling the delay in moving to your new home. Like dear Anita said, we shall all be ready to party with you in the New Year

    Helen xx

  21. Oh looks lovely. Although our house has been decorated for a while...I have not had time to post photos yet (too busy with the kids) but plan to this weekend. I am sorry you will not be in your new home but I know you will have a lovely time in this one. Home is where the heart is. Wish i could come to your Christmas party as I am sure it will be FABULOUS!!!!

    Merry Christmas!!


  22. Isn't it wonderful what a lit Christmas tree does to the mood of the home? So happy you are able to finally be surrounded by your Christmas decor and indulge in the last full week of the hustle-n-bustle of the festivities and shopping! Love your angels and nutcrackers! Two of my favorites! And, I enjoyed your sign off for this post--"Wishing you joy and peace! Jingle jingle:)"!

  23. Everything is so beautiful. I'm very inspired to get mine all finished this weekend. I've never been so late getting Christmas up! I love your tree with all the gold and the angels. Lovely!

  24. Tina-
    Your tree and all of the other Christmas decor is stunning. You have done a beautiful job. I know that it is disappointing to not be having Christmas in your new home (castle), but you have definitely made the BEST OF IT! Gorgeous.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  25. Your Christmas decor is gorgeous! I can understand being sad with not getting into the house, but on the other hand, if you were in, you may be overwhelmed with wanting to unpack everything and get set up. This way, you have a fresh start to do it in the New Year and can have a more relaxing Christmas in the rental =)

  26. Tina, everything looks beautiful. Sorry you could not get into the house, but sometimes you have to trust the timing. You will look back and understand why later. Hope you will have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy your family and your beautiful dog.

  27. Tina, Glad you are feeling the spirit of the season! Love the tree - it IS large! Ours is about 9 feet and FULL too. It is tough to get my ornaments in there! Your decor is beautiful and I love the pup!

  28. Gorgeous Tina... don't forget to email me your postal address so I can send your decoration... not that you need another one ... but there are never too many to be had! Happy weekend... xv

  29. It's all gorgeous...I love your collection of ornaments. Just love a loaded tree. teddy seems very happy with the results too. Happy weekend. Mona

  30. Tina So glad you are falalaing along!! Your tree is gorgeous, love a packed tree, that is how my tree is too. Too many ornaments for one tree, but I love it that way!!! I can tell you are in full Christmas mode now!!! Enjoy it all sweet lady, Merry Christmas,Kathysue

  31. Tina,

    Merry Christmas! You know how to make the most out of a good thing. Your tree is lovely and it looks like well Christmas at your house rental or not. It's all good. Teddy looks festive and once you get party plans under wraps and family starts arriving you'll feel really good that it is what it is. Perfect!



  32. Well you definitely know how to make a house a home or I guess I should say Christmas home...years when we lived temporary, I can't say I went all out like you did and I look back and think why didn't I? Every Christmas is important! I love how your tree is full of gorgeous ornaments and it's're right! Everything looks very festive...even Teddy! Merry Merry Christmas!

  33. so great to hear you are savoring the season, tina! you have done a fabulous job blooming where you are planted this christmas, and i can just imagine the memories you will make this year in anticipation of the big move--i wish you peace as you celebrate and attend to all the details left on the list!

    much love.


  34. Teddy and the new tree and all your Christmas decorations look beautiful. I am sure your Christmas this year will be filled with love and gratitude. If we all had those wishes granted, it would be a wonderful world indeed. I send best wishes for a Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you and all of our blogging family and friends.

  35. Tina,
    It looks all gorgeous!! I want to celebrate Christmas with you!!!! It looks so cozy!!!
    And what is Teddy cute in his Christmas outfit!
    Happy weekend my friend!

  36. Tina, your elegant style is seen throughout your temporary home. It looks just beautiful and so rich. You should give yourself a lot of credit for getting all that done on top of all you have going on with your new house. That is quite a feat!
    I love the colors, so soft and warm, everything looks illuminated. And Teddy is the true icing on the cake, what an adorable dog!

  37. You definitely made the rental look and feel like home! Great job! I love the tree all decked out. I also love anything gilded and sparkley for the holidays! Have a wonderful weekend. :)

  38. How the heck do you do all that you do, Tina. You even put Martha to shame. My dog needs a little Christmas decor too. Lovely tree!

  39. I am impressed....there are no decorations in our temporary digs. We have such little space I am worried about the baby pulling the tree down...and we are going to be out of town for the holidays. Your place looks wonderful. I must say I do miss the tree docrating and remembering each ornament and where we got it or who made it as we decorate.....but there is always next year when we are back in our house. Have a great time at your parties.

  40. Looking lovely! The White House will be calling for Holiday Decoration advice!(:

    Teddy is adorable! Big animal lovers over here too.

    Warm hugs,


  41. Tina the tree is spectacular!!!! You made me laugh out loud with the price tags, too :)

  42. Well that tree is amazing I thought mine looked good now I am not so sure!!! tee hee.
    Hope you do enjoy christmas in the rental, I know how you must be feeling I have just finished 3 year's of renting (I got so down) while we got our land organised & house built this will be my first christmas in our new home so my spirits are lifted I hope yours will be to.
    What a new year to look forward to though getting all the furniture & accessories organised for your gorgeous home its amazing.
    Teddy looks cute with his bow . :)

  43. Wow - it looks magical. Your tree is incredible - how many decorations are on it and how many metres of lights? Just so beautiful. It's absolutely bursting with Christmas cheer. Love all your little decorative touches around the house as well, makes it look so welcoming and festive and lovely.

  44. Love your tree! Oh, I forgot to tell you I'm coming to your house for Christmas. It looks so beautiful and cheerful! I can't believe Christmas is only a week away!!

  45. Hello Tina,

    I love all of the decorations! And the price tags too...I do that to. I am so excited to get the ornaments on the tree I cannot even wait to take the tags off.

    It looks beautiful! And your Teddy looks cute to! Its all about family,and friends.

    Looking forward to all of the new updates at the house and you setteling in this year. I am sure that the New Year is going to be wonderful, new house, new business venture and and more freetime now that the house is done!

    Take care, enjoy all of your holiday parties! Be safe, Elizabeth

  46. Your tree is beautiful! Somehow even though I knew December was here it flew by, can't believe it's the last weekend before Xmas!

  47. Wow! So festive! Everything looks fabulous!!
    I love doing things last minute...that means less stress in advance!
    PS I don't know if I told you but thank you sooo much for adding me to your blog roll. I am truly honored!

  48. Tina- I love it all. I know you are disappointed to not be in your home by Christmas but just think of the fun you will have next year and you won't be so pushed for time!

    Love that little angel bowl. So precious. And, I love the price tags on the you REAL! xo Diana

  49. Just beautiful my friend as I new it would be, just love your tree. Yes it is getting closer and I'm so excited can't wait it is such a special time of year. Sending you lovely wishes for a very Merry Christmas Day.

    Always Wendy

  50. You have decorated the home you're renting quite beautifully! I'm glad you're in the Christmas spirit. That 10 ft. tree looks great in the space. Have a very Merry Christmas! You'll be in your new home real soon.

  51. Wow...I am BLOWN away by your Christmas tree!! It is decked out! So so something out of a magazine! Aww and love that Teddy got into the spirit too!!

  52. I just love a house with lots and lots of Christmas decors. :)I particularly love your Christmas tree. :)

  53. If this is the rental, I cannot wait to see your new house next year all done up for Christmas! Thank you for sharing the building process, it is just spectacular. I have absolutely loved every finish and fixture you have chosen.
    Looking forward to more!

  54. I've been away from blogging all week and just now catching up. Thanks for sharing your beautiful holiday decor. Merry Christmas!

  55. Oh how lovely is your rental home? I am CRACKING up at the PRICETAGS!!!! That is what I love about you! You rock, sister! xoxo

  56. Your Christmas tree is quite beautiful!! I love it. I love all of the other details, too. I hope you had a great weekend!

  57. Love all of your decorations my dear! You are so busy and still found the time to make your rental gorgeous for chirstmas! kudos to you! Much love! Desiree xoxo thank you for sharing oyur home with us!

  58. You just might be my hero. Getting ready to move and decorating your home.....and a party? The tree is beautiful and I had to laugh about the price tags. That is SO me :)


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!