Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sunday showhouse.......and you're invited

Happy Sunday! Hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend. Mine has been quite busy so I am looking forward to a day of semi relaxation (son is in a lacrosse tournament all day long, who am I kidding). As I do every Sunday, it is a day to showcase and  enjoy three spectacular homes.But before I begin, on a sidenote......I have to say I recently more than once experienced "peony envy" particularly after eyeing Elizabeth's gorgeous freshly cut peonies from Pretty Pink Tulips blog. Peonies and hydrangeas are my absolute favorite flowers (and orchids). Well- yesterday I was at the new house, taking a walk and lo and behold..what do I see? Is that a wild peony bush I spy? was. I was so excited!! I quickly got a pair of scissors and started clipping away.....ran home to make up two small arrangements. They also happened to be my favorite color peony, the palest blush pink.... peony envy problem solved!

The unsuspecting peonies "hiding"
And there they are just waiting for me to find them!

Beautiful color....

Perfect bloom

It only took a few minutes to make those babies mine!
I found a pair of small blue and white Chinese vases
Voila! Simple and elegant...
Love the color and lushness
My peony wishes come true!

Moving onto to our three beautiful homes......

BARBADOS. You could probably give me a pretty little tent on a beach and I wouldn't complain as long as its in Barbados! But then you get this fabulous formal vacation home, and its really over the top! Rene Margie's built this home from scratch and is responsible for all the decadent interiors. The grounds are a lush tropical oasis and the opulence continues inside, it looks like something from another era. Here is his formal take on a Caribbean colonial plantation home..quite the getaway, don't you think?

I would be spending A LOT of time on this hammock

This back has almost a theatrical feel to it, its so lush

GREENWICH, CT. This beautiful home situated in fabulous back country Greenwich was done by arhictect Ike Kleigerman Barkley. This beautiful coastal home situated right on the Long Island Sound was born out of the owners desire to build a smaller home than they previously owned, which would be a modern take on a Gothic and Romanesque style home. The result is the wonderful stone, glass and wood structure. The interiors features a lot of warm rich woods and a slightly more traditional feeling decor. An indoor pool pavilion completes this fabulous home. (and what a view)!

Check out that view from the indoor pool......stunning!

With a view like this, I would never again complain about having to sit and pay bills!

FAIRFIELD COUNTY, CONNECTICUT. We stay in Connecticut and move onto this black singled home decorated by Alexa Hampton. At first I thought black odd! But I actually really like the look of this rambling English inspired country home. On one side of the facade is the black wood and on the other stucco. The interiors reflect an ongoing eclectic mix of new and old, the decor is fresh, alive and young.Interesting to see the mix of the traditional style home outside and the surprising more modern interiors. Come on in and see what you think!

This is a great and cozy room

So what do you think? Do you have a clear cut favorite? I think they are all interesting and very clearly defined by their own personal style. Its always fun to see otters interpretation of their "dream house" isn't it? Hope you have a wonderful and relaxing Sunday!



  1. Good Morning my friend...
    How can it be that I am on the East coast....
    you are on the "other"...
    and I wake to find your lovely post??
    Do you not sleep at all?
    With everything going on, are you THAT organized???
    If so, I may not be able to continue to wake up with you! ;)
    For now, I will have to continue to feel inept, and adore your blog.

    Peonies, Hydrangeas, Orchids, and I must add Tulips to that list.
    Most fresh flowers make me happy...
    Gerbera daisy happy
    but the above mentioned flowers have been known to make me swoon.
    Not really, I don't have time for that, but if I did, I might swoon!
    I love the homes you choose for us to drool, I mean look at.
    If I were to pick one, it would have to be the one decorated by Alexa Hamilton. Her color palate is wonderful. Walking in to that home must be like a breath of fresh air.
    Enjoy the tournament. Not to sound like an old lady, but a lost a bit of my heart when my youngest no longer had us to drag (kidding) to his. Soccer and sailing... but the craziness of the days were wonderful.
    PS I covet your beautiful blue vases.... truly! ;)

  2. Those peonies are luscious. I can't believe they are growing wild. I had three peonies planted in my front flower bed. One never's in too much shade. The other two have bloomed the past two years but only one blossom each. This year both plants did not come up. Only the one that never blooms appeared and it never bloomed. I adore these flowers too but obviously I'm doing something very wrong.

    Love the houses today...especially the third.

  3. The Pionies in your china vases are exquisite! Their perfune and big moppy pink heads makes them one of my favorites too. It is such a pity that their bloom time is so short!
    The three homes you presented today are all perfectly detailed. I love the way art is used in all of them.
    I agree with you, that hammock is calling my name!

  4. My favorite house of the three is definitely the third one.

    And now I have peony envy....

  5. What a fun unexpected find - I also love peonies so lucky you to have them there every year to cut and bring inside! I love the third house - lots of interest in every room!

  6. What a lovely surprise to find those gorgeous peonies! I planted some last year and was so excited when they started blooming again this year. I think I need to put a few more in... I love them outside in the garden and in vases around the house.

    Another roundup of gorgeous homes. I'd take the 3rd house, but put it on the property in Barbados. I my dream world, that's entirely possible :) Enjoy a great day with your family!

  7. Stumbling upon wild peonies is like finding a pot of gold! Lucky you! I love the arrangement in the blue and white vases of course :) Great post!

  8. I pinned your peonies in the vase! Perfection!

  9. Beautiful peonies! Oh how I wish we had those kind of blooms in Florida! Beautiful homes today too! Love them all! God bless and have a wonderful Sunday!

  10. *** WILD PEONIES? Had never heard of them, but just the THOUGHT of a surprise like that is SO EXCITING!!! It's all so lovely, especially on your table in those chinese vases, that I find I now have "PEONY ENVY"!!!

    I dunno about that BARBADOS house~~~ (I felt rather suffocated!)...

    NOW the GREENWICH home was N*I*C*E, IMHO !!!~~~ Warm, welcoming, elegantly casual, beautifully edited, etc and that DR ceiling was divine, as was the pic of the pool view... breathtaking!!!
    Uh huh~~~ "works for me!"~~~

    The Fairfield Cty. home is sooo fresh & clean & approachable... it's sooo delightfully HAPPY!!! Love that, too!!!

    You really spoiled us this beautiful Sunday morning, and I THANK YOU FOR THAT!!! (We're having our breakfast out by the pool, w/ Sunday paper and all, and the dogs relaxing at our feet, but HAD to see your always-inspiring homes to "start my day in the perfect way"!!! Back to "family time" here in the beautiful desert!!! (But it's going to be a SCORCHER today!)...


    Linda in AZ *

  11. Beautiful peonies just growing wild, your one lucky lady! Your two arrangements look so sweet in the blue vases. I'm sure this made your day.
    Oooooh those houses today. I have to say I love the exterior of the Fairfield home, its like a fairy cottage, and I love the interior of the Greenwich home...........Hope your son has a great day for his tournament, win or loose don't we just enjoy every minute of our children't activities.......

    The French Hutch

  12. the architecture of every home is amazing! I especially love the Barbados plantation though. It's so dramatic and over the top but truly seems like an amazing and luxurious getaway!

  13. I think your peonies are the most beautiful of all- soooo lovely in those blue vases. Also adore that Connecticut house- the facade is stunning!!!

  14. I must have the last home! The black is so handsome.
    I love white houses, but they are so safe and common.
    How ever, Black takes some risk and confidence!
    Thank you for sharing these Fabulous pictures this morning.
    Enjoy your sunday.

  15. 1. Your peonies are GORGEOUS--what a good find!

    2. I love the brown rattan chairs in the Barbados home!

    3. I also love the mix of traditional and modern in the CT home!

  16. Tina, your peonies are gorgeous! Love the vases too!
    I can't choose on these homes because I find so much from each one. The desk overlooking the water, wow.
    Have a great Sunday.

  17. I adore the room with the white quatrefoil chairs and the huge orange painting! Great post!

  18. The homes are lovely but I'm crazy for your peonies. I absolutely love them. One of my favorite flowers. I planted some this year for the first time. Will probably take a few years to get a really good show out of them. Yours are gorgeous in the beautiful blue Chinese vases. Have a great day. Mona

  19. Probably not wild, but very old peonies from a former garden (and house) somewhere on your property. Which is just a good a history! Peonies are *very* long lived plants (sturdy too) and the older varieties are very fragrant. Enjoy your lovely flowers!


  20. Oops, meant to write, "just AS good a history". Not enough coffee yet today, and too much Sunday relaxing!


  21. I am so happy for you and your peonies! What wonderful luck. I cut roses from our garden and they are much more fragrant that the store bought kind. They do not last as long but oh well. The last house is my favorite.

  22. Love this post

    Your poenies are beautifully arranged.

    I will be like Carolyn@Sweet Chaos, I like house number 3 and please move it to Barbados.

    Enjoy your day

  23. How lucky you found those peonies! They look great in the blue and white vases. My favorite is hands down the last one. Stunning. I heard Alexa speak this spring and she is a hoot. If the design gig does not work out for her she can do some standup comedy!!!

  24. What a lucky find your peonies are and they’re so pretty. I’m still waiting for mine to open but lots of buds. I’m picking house number two in Greenwich that view of the water is breathtaking!!!! Enjoy your Sunday!

  25. the salon by Rene Margie is to die for .
    i have a shooting pain down my left arm!
    i want those white umbrellas for on the sidewalk in front of my showroom.
    the finishing touch would be a 30" table with a white table cloth to the floor/sidewalk and 2 bistro chairs.


  26. I learn so much from your blog and your readers. You got me at Barbados-chandelier, animal print and rattan-all my favorites and the water. You've got me convinced I have to try and grow peonies since their are so long lived and sturdy and yours are beautiful.

  27. Love the Fairfield house, but I love your peonies even more!

  28. What stunning flowers Tina, my word! I *love* peonies, they always look so fresh and lush, yours are simply beautiful.

    The houses are all lovely to look at, I think the Fairfield County is my favorite, the colors Alexa used are really up my alley. It was close though, the Greenwich house is also inviting, but Ms. Hampton's way with color holds a lot of appeal.

    I hope your son's LAX tourney went well, happy new week to you!

  29. Oh my god, each of these is amazing!!!
    I love the black shingles!

    Peonies are one of my favourites, my bff is having them at her wedding they are so fluffy and romantic - the perfect wedding flower!

  30. those peonies are gorgeous! Definitely my favorite flower!

  31. Tina!
    I adore peonies. They are my all time favorite flower. Once my husband and I spent a long weekend at the Cloister and when we arrived in our room there were peonies waiting for us. My husband explained that they called and ask what my favorite flower was and he told them peonies. The home you pictured are beautiful but I too have total peony envy right now!!! M.

  32. I can almost smell the peonies- aren't they intoxicating! What a beautiful vase you chose to display them in.

    The third house is my hands down favorite- Alexa Hampton is a fabulous designer!

  33. I suppose number three is my favorite but only if your peonies can grace it's rooms (especally the kitchen)...they're so pretty!
    xo J~

  34. Beautiful homes, all three! I think the Greenwich one is my favourite. I love,love,love the stone walls and that view is just amazing! Have a lovely week. x Sharon

  35. The English inspired house is so interesting, it has a lot of beautiful rooms. Nicolex

  36. I adore peonies, and I too made a find of a secret peony bush on our proptery (in white- my favorite, no less) right after we moved in! I think it is a sign of good luck!! So happy you found yours!!
    happy week!

  37. I love that you found a surprise peony bush!!! They just keep producing beautiful you'll probably have fresh blooms this weekend! Thank you for your sweet mention of PPT!

    On to the homes....I have to admit I'm really liking the Fairfield house...and friends from here know the owners. Small world!!

    Hope your week is off to a great start!!
    xo Elizabeth

  38. I am in love with the Fairfield house! What a riveting impact the black shingles against the white trim make! It's just stunning! Definitely on my favorites list!


Would love to hear what you have to say......happy thoughts only please!!